Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Murked Light ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thanx reviewers!
Crisskitty-Thanks for helping me with a title. Oh don’t worry you’ll see Yami/Anzu action. I couldn’t resist putting a tiny bit of Yuugi/Anzu, sooo this fic is kinda a Yami/Anzu/Yuugi fic! But who will get her? Nobody knows! (Not even me. It’s hard to choose which one! *taps chin with finger*) You’ll see!
Trust,Faith,Pixidust-^^ I love vampire fics too! Especially Yami/Anzu ones! That’s a cool title. I think I’ll use it! Thanx a bunch! The guy was the master of vampires by the way.
libra071988-You’ll see what happens!
Thanks other reviewers too!
What do you think I should do on the seasons? Like make them seperate chapters? Or make one season into four chapters?
I don’t own Yugioh, sadly. T_T And probably never will either, unless Takahashi hands it down to me. Never going to happen though... *sulk*
Murked Light (thanx reviewers!)
Chapter 2
“So, my child, what you’re telling me is my spell failed and Teana was reincarnated? And she lives in the Imperfect realm in a place called Domino, Japan?” A voice boomed in the depths of the Black Abyss. Black smog clouds scattered across the crimson blood sky in mounds making it hard for light to shine through. Every few seconds blood curdling screams would be heard.
“AGHHHHHH!!” The master of vampires stopped to listen to the tortured screams. To him they were like choirs singing melodies. Ah, how he loved that song. He took a long sip of the red thick iron tasting substance in his goblet and leaned over in his tarnished black throne to talk to the captive from the Perfect Realm.
“Yes-sir,” Eugenia stammered avoiding the vampire’s blood red eyes. Only this morning she had been picking flowers in a breezy flower covered field, that is until a group of strangers came up to her. They looked like normal people until they opened their mouths to show jagged canines and captured her. Her raven hair was pulled up into two tight ponytails on either side of her head. Her bright yellow dress was foreign to this dark place. Her four wings drooped from the weight of the air. Eugenia wasn’t supposed to tell anything, but if she didn’t she would be converted...
“Is there anything else?”
“No sir.”
“You’re lying.”
“N-no sir, I told you the truth.”
“FIne then. This is your payment my dear. You, over there! Come here!” the Master of vampires called to a vampire walking aimlessly like a zombie near by. The vampire sluggishly trudged in front of the steps of the throne.
“Yess...Ssssir?” the vampire drawled. The Master of Vampires motioned him to Eugenia. Her eyes widened in fright. “Ittt’ll beee my pleassure,” he slugged towards her. She tried to step back but her hands were hancuffed behind her back and one of her feet was chained to the ground by a heavy thick chain and bolt.
“G-get away from me-ughhh...” Eugenia collasped to the cold ground, on her knees, her jade eyes blank and mysted framed by a pale face. Two new neatly punctured holes laid on by her throat.
“Hmm...if Teana is reincarnated...that means that the Sennen Puzzle of Ra has been solved...”the Master calculated rubbing his chin with a jagged sharp coal black nail as he watched the little show going on in front of him.
Crimson trickled from the vampire’s half-closed mouth, “Thank you, oh great masssster. It t’wasss deliciousss...” He licked the dripping blood around his mouth with his black writhing coiled tounge.
“Your welcome my son, young Eugenia?” Blacknite waved at the blank-eyed pale girl, who responded unblinkingly staring at him. “You will go to this Domino and play undercover as Stacy Daggrin. Seduce the Sennen Puzzle holder and convert him. During this try to be close to Teana’s recairnation, and at the moment she’s alone,” he smashed his pale hands together in a quick motion, “ eliminate her.”
At the Mazaki household...
“I’m going!”Anzu declared running up the stairs into her room, careful not to step on any of the shattered glass that may have fell on the floor during the little alarm accident of that morning, to her closet and selected a light blue tee, blue jean skirt and a pair of clean tennis shoes. A couple moments later she came out the front door with a jean purse. She looked at her watch and freaked out, “What if they get home early?! I gotta hurry!” She broke into a run.
“Guys! Stop fighting! People are staring!” Yuugi pleaded trying to calm down Jounouchi, struggling to hold his hands behind his back before he strangled the life out of Honda.
“Well if you’re scared of mummies, ya shoulda told me! How was I supposed to know?!” Honda taunted sarcastically angering Jounouchi even more and giving Yuugi a harder time holding him.
“Well duuhhh, moron! Remember when we went here a coupa weeks ago? You shoulda known!!” Jounouchi cursed a few profanities paying him the eyes of everyone in the Egyptian exhibet hallway. Honda had hid behind a tomb on display and when Jounouchi had stopped in front of it, Honda had jumped up scaring the daylights out of Jounouchi. The blonde had quite a short fuse.
The lady at the information desk screeched in her nasally voice, “Get out, NOW!!” Two museum police grabbed the trio and tossed them outside.
“Fine! I didn’t want to come to your crappy museum anyway!!” Jounouchi shouted at them dusting himself off as he stomped down the steps, Honda and Yuugi followed.
“Look, Yug, sorry I couldn’t behave long enough to let you learn anything about dat necklace thingy of yours,” Jounouchi apologized looking at his feet kicking a pop can in front of him.
“It’s okay Jou, we can bring Anzu with us next time we go,” Yuugi assured his blonde friend.
Anzu panted as she jogged up the steps of the imposing museum of Domino. She walked through the automatic doors, she didn’t need to read the museum floor map because last time she was here with the guys being chased by a zombie professor. She remembered there being a brief moment when she blacked out and wound up finding herself on a board that was being held up by a snapping rope and Jounouchi. Jou couldn’t hold any longer and the rope snapped almost sending her into a plunge to her death-that is until Yuugi saved her. It felt strange-he was like a total different person...
She scanned the hallway for her friends, but they weren’t there, “Looks like they already left,” she spoke silently to herself as she walked to the new exhibet. Surprisingly, no one was around, ‘Well maybe that’s because it’s almost closing time, baka!’ she chastised herself, ‘Now, you’re probably going to be late home and won’t be able to see daylight for the rest of the year!’ ‘Shut up!’ she told herself wondering why she was arguing with herself, kind of weird.
The exhibet was set up with the hieroglyphic slab behind the glass sarcophagus-’Why the heck is it glass?’she wondered walking up to the murked up glass. It was a greenish gray color, a light dust blanketing the top. Anzu dusted it off with a hand and gasped taking a step backwards. What she had seen was her face. She stepped forward to examine it. The mummy looked like her...surprisingly it looked like it had died the day before...One of the eyes fluttered.
“Oh my God!!! There’s a live person in here!!” She screamed.
The curator came around the corner and pressed a long bony finger to her lipstick smudged lips, she mouthed a, “Shush! I don’t want to kick you out like our last clowns.” With that she patrolled for another troublemaker.
“What’s her problem? Huh?!” Anzu found her hand still on the smooth glass surface. The mummy and her hand were glowing a silver light. She blinked. What the heck happened?
“I was having a nice sleep too! And you so happen to prance in here! Unless you are she to awaken me!” Anzu blinked again. What was in front of her-fluttering its wings-it looked like a chibi her, clothed in a white gown, “Well? What are ya staring at? Huh?
“Shoo! Get away from me horsefly!” Anzu swatted at the flying thing, ‘From hell,’ she thought.
“Don’t be stupid! I ain’t no horsefly! So stop hitting me already!” the fairy like thing growled.
“Then what the hell are you?!” Anzu sweatdropped as the curator came back giving her the eye, ‘and why am I talking to it?’ she wondered thinking she was going senile.
“Let me explain all this after you get us outta this mess,” the sprite replied flying in Anzu’s purse. Anzu glared at her purse’s opening, ‘This is just a dream, you got to be kidding me.’
“Well?!” the old lady prompted in her nasaly voice, “Are you going to tell me *why* you were taking loud after I specifically told you not to ?!”
“I was talking to my little brother, he just ran off to the bathroom and I scolded him,” Anzu lied actually keeping a straight face this time.
This old woman glared at her, “I didn’t see you walk in here with anyone!”
“Well I came here earlier and my brother got lost around here someplace so I came back to find him,” ‘Is that good enough for you?’
“Hm...fine then, just find that brother of yours,” the old woman stalked off to find someone else. ‘She’s just like that bitchy spanish teacher,’ Anzu thought grimacing.
‘She’s not bad,’ the sprite thought watching the girl being able to fib her way out.
To avoid the curator’s suspisions, Anzu lowered her voice, “So what are you? Why are you here and what the hell do you want with me?!” ‘This isn’t real so why do I keep asking?!’
The fairy like thing popped its head out of the purse’s zipper, “Aghh, how stupid can you be? I’m like your concious thingy guide! Plus I look like you. Hopefully my looks and that explains what I am and why I’m here.”
“Thank you, but you haven’t answered one thing, what do you want with me?” Anzu demanded throwing her purse back over her shoulder and walking.
“Wait! Wait just a moment!” Anzu halted, her “concious” flitted back to the sarcophagus to a sword in a case that Anzu had missed before. Anzu looked down at her purse as it ghosted through the glass and simply touched the sword and completely missed what happened. The sword shrunk to the fairy thing’s size except with a loop hole in the silver hilt. The “concious” then floated back to Anzu’s purse and Anzu walked off. ‘Did that thing just steal something?’ Anzu wondered aggitatedly as she walked through the dimming hallway.
‘Geeze I come to the museum after being like obsessed with coming here! And you know what?! I learned nothing!! All I got was a pesky “concious” with an attitude, whatever it has to say to me, it better be good!’ Anzu thought angrily taking every chance to swing the purse in a circle, hoping to get the fairy thing dizzy. As she walked past the curator, she looked at the girl suspiously, she ignored the old woman and continued to shake the purse by bouncing down the steps.
The fairy’s brown shoulder length hair was frizzed up in a ball and its eyes swirly, finally it shouted, “WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY?!”
“First tell me *what* just happened! You stole something didn’t you?” Anzu demanded hotly, she usually didn’t get angry like this unless the person was annoying, in this case it was fairy who stole something. She plopped on a nearby bench in the park she’d cut through on her way home. It was dark out now and the street lamps illuminated the quiet streets surrounding the park.
The fairy didn’t answer, ‘Serves her right to question me of high rank.’
“Hand me my celphone if you know what that is,” Anzu commanded, it was her turn, she didn’t need a bossy little fairy to come and tell her what to do. No answer. ‘I’m beginning to think this was all a big dream, yes that’s right, I’m not being ordered around by a dragonfly...’ She moved her hand around her purse until she felt the soft plastic cover of her cell. It was turned off. Great, just great. Her parents probably tried to call her. She turned it on.
#You have three new messages-press yes to listen to messages.# the mechanic voice directed. Anzu did so.
#First message on April 17, 5:12pm: “Anzu, where the fuck are you?! Come home right now!”# the drunken voice slurred. Anzu recognized it as her father’s voice. He’d obviously been drinking-again! Her father had been an acholic with violent tempers before going to the stop drinking and anger management classes last year when she’d just turn fourteen. Anzu wondered how he got his hands on another acholic beverage. Oh great. She was going to get it when she got home.
The phone went on, “Second message on April 17, 6:02pm: “Mazaki Anzu, you have been accepted into the Academy of Modern Japanese Dancing, here in Domino.”# Anzu brightened up, eyes wide with excitement mixed with disbelief. Well she had been working for a long time for this and had performed at a try-out at the dancing studio at school, no surprise as her dance instructer had said. Anzu listened to what else it had to say, #”Practice starts on May 1st. Tuesday, Thursdays, and Fridays at 5pm. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-DANCE. (not a real number ~_~;) Thank you and have a nice day.”-click-# The fairy sat up on a branch of a tree behind the bench Anzu was sitting on, listening intently to the calls.
# Third message on April 17, 6:54pm: “Anzu, GET YOUR FRIGGIN’ LAZY ASS HERE NOW!!!”# It was her dad again, except he was more cantankerous, she heard her mother’s voice in the backround, #”Honey, you’re going to break the phone if you don’t relax!”# The phone began to make scratchy noises, probably the home phone cracking from her father’s choking vice.
Anzu held onto the celphone tightly not using her thumb since it felt limp from the drunken yelling. Her father sounded ready to kill somebody-probably her. His drunkeness had gotten far worse since the year before he went to the management classes. He’d become more violent. He never sounded like he’d kill someone before. Not even her mother could calm him in this state. Now he was an easy victim to stroke. She wondered where she should go. Heck, she couldn’t go to any of the guys’ houses since they’d never known of her dad’s problem. ‘Either go back home to him or act like bum and sleep on this bench and risk being taken advantage of,’ she thought trying to think of good and bad points for each of the choices.
“Darn I’m going to have to face them sooner or later. So, mays well go there now...” she suddenly blurted out without realizing it causing the fairy to stare at her from its perch on the branch. Anzu stuffed the phone in her bag and looked to her right because she heard a noise, but regretted it. There was a couple making out on a bench in that direction, she made a choking noise and cried out, “Get a room horny people!” as she passed by, leaving a bewildered couple behind. The fairy decided this moment to follow Anzu. Those were some pretty interesting calls she got.
Her father’s tone of voice and words still fresh in her mind made Anzu panicky and wanting to get into the safety of her room more than anything else. She decided to take a shortcut through an alley. A dark one.
“Hey wait up for me?!”
“Huh?!” Anzu looked around. No one was around. She was just imagining things.
“Up here!” Anzu looked up. Her “concious” was posed on one of the metal ladder
stairs next to her.
“You’re not real,” Anzu stated, “This is just a big dream.”
“I’m no dream and I’ll-”
“Well, well, look what we got here! Don’t you little girls know not to wander around dark alleys at night?” Anzu and the fairy turned around. Three drunks slogged towards Anzu. Anzu’s eyes widened, this was not her day. No! It’s all just a dream, wasn’t it? Those knifes in their belts certainly looked real.
“Hm? This’ll do,”the fairy’s hands began to glow along with the thugs. Poof! What stood in their places were shadows with jagged outlines. As they neared, Anzu saw that their mouths had two jagged canines that clasped over where the lips would be. It was one of their human-like traits besides their shape.
Anzu glared at the fairy, “What did you do?!” ‘Why am I talking to a fairy if this is a dream?’
The fairy simply said, “As I said before, I’m no dream, but these vampires aren’t real, I just changed what the thugs looked like, and you will attack them.”
Anzu asked stubbornly, “Why should I listen to you?”
The fairy nonchanlently leaned its head against the cold metal supporter of the stairs and calmly said, “Because if you don’t, you’ll be raped or killed. Plus this is a test to see if you are She.”
“What?!” This fairy was confusing her now, “What do y-AHHH!!” Anzu screamed freaking out on how close the ‘fake’ shadows got to her. They were only a few feet away from her. The first one’s hand formed into a butcher’s knife shape. It swung it at Anzu, while she recoiled jumping backwards. The other two shadows tried to punch and kick at her. She sidestepped in a dancing movement. Dancing was simillar to the martial arts, but would her talent help her here? Anzu gasped as she realized her mistake, by sidesteping she had been trapped in a corner. She looked to the fairy for help, but the fairy shook its head. Anzu closed her eyes, awaiting the blow, but at the same time she whirled her leg up and felt impact on the sole of her shoe. She slowly opened her eyes. The nearest shadow laid motionless on the ground. Her eyes widened, she had done that? The two other shadows stood there dumb-founded at what just happened. Their sharp yellow eyes glared at her. The fairy snapped its fingers and they grew a couple sizes taller, the height of a medium sized moving truck.
The fairy watched with interest. Maybe this girl is the reincairnation of the great slayer. She was doing pretty well so far. It lifted its hand, and poof! The toothpick-sized sword appeared floating above its hand. ‘The girl might need help, with this.’
Anzu inched back into the corner. She was stuck-again! Did this pixie intend to kill her? She could feel the pain she would soon have inflicted upon her, she covered her head with her arms in an ‘X’ shape.
“You know, if you needed help you should have told me,”Anzu looked up at the fairy, “Use this.” It tossed whatever it had in its hand down. It expanded into a silver winged hilted sword with a gold blade. Anzu caught it and as she held it she felt a flood of unknown memories pour upon her. She watched a woman that looked exactly like her except with the godly glow around her head, the cascading brown hair that flowed onto the floor, and the six wings. The woman had her hands in chains. She was talking to a person sitting in a throne in a language she didn’t understand. He said something and a guard took her away.
Anzu blinked and found herself in a foggy place with a beautiful clean lake surrounded by drooping willows at night. The water began to gurgle and the swans on the lake flew past the woman, sprinkling water on her. Her six wings disappeared as a glass coffin rose from the lake’s center. The woman walked to the coffin, suprisingly on the surface as if it was solid ground. She laid in the coffin.
‘Where the heck am I?’ she asked herself.
Anzu blinked again. A door appeared out of nowhere and opened. A man with long black hair and blood red eyes entered the room. He had the sword Anzu now held in her hands. He walked to the coffin, the woman got out and said something. He said something that proabably provoked her and she grabbed a foating rose candle without the wick. She jumped at him and started to fight with the sharp candle stabber. Anzu watched in amazement, she then realized she hadn’t blinked in a while and her eyes had begun to water. She tried to keep her eyes open to watch the woman fight the man, but she blinked. The next time she opened her eyes, she watched in horror as the man stabbed the woman and licked the blood on his fingers. He then tossed the presumably dead woman in the coffin, closed the top and sat on it, chanting a spell. After he finished, soldiers bursted in, followed by three celestial beings. The soldiers held down the man and chained him to a stone slab. The middle being grabbed the sword the man had fought with before and placed it in the middle of him, and the others, standing in a triangular form. The sword lit up and the blinding light shot at the man who struggled to get free. Anzu winced at the brightness and shut her eyes tightly, covering her eyes with her hands.
The light vanished and Anzu opened her eyes. The shadows were about to strike her from behind when she spun around with the sword like a buzz-saw horizontally.
‘Interesting,’ the fairy thought laying on its stomach with its hands holding either side of its head.
It slashed the two remaining shadows in half. The halfs dropped to the ground making a swishing noise and the three men laid in shivering huddled balls in their places. They whimpered looking up at the girl fearfully and turned tail down the other way of the alley. Anzu raised a soft thin eyebrow, why would three macho weirdos run away from a small young school girl? Weren’t they ‘tough’ enough? But how did she know how do all that stuf without getting dizzy? She looked up at the fairy who floated down.
“You stole this from the museum, didn’t you, pixie?” Anzu asked the fairy suspiously putting the sword into the lacey chain-draped sheath that had appeared on her shoulder.
“First of all, I’m not a pixie, fairy, or anything else like that. Remember I told you I’m kind of like your concious, you can call me Tea. Except, I’m here to train you as the next slayer,” Anzu stared at Tea skeptically.
“Right, I’m going to save the world from vampires, oh look and this sword will be their bane!” Anzu said sarcastically, ‘That was kinda dorky.’
_I have to agree with you, on that. And yes you are a vampire slayer._
“You can hear my thoughts too?” Anzu asked Tea, “Have you been listening to my thoughts this entire time?!”
_Uh...well actually..._ Anzu gave the floating “concious” a cold glare.
“You mean you’ve been peeping on my thoughts?!”
“Uh well you can kind of tap in when we can talk to each other through our minds,” Tea said thoughtfully tapping her chin, “But you know? We’ve got to go home since your dad might kill you for making him wait this long.”
Anzu exploded in a run towards home, only a few blocks away. ‘Mental note: Fight with the fairy late and ask about all this crazy stuff. Who knows what Dad’ll do since he’s this drunk... Probably ground me for the rest of my life if I’m unlucky.’
I couldn’t think of a better name for the concious. Before you flood me with questions about if the concious is a yami, it isn’t. The later chapters will explain this to you. If the concious’s name is confusing you with Anzu, tell me a better name. Review please!
Crisskitty-Thanks for helping me with a title. Oh don’t worry you’ll see Yami/Anzu action. I couldn’t resist putting a tiny bit of Yuugi/Anzu, sooo this fic is kinda a Yami/Anzu/Yuugi fic! But who will get her? Nobody knows! (Not even me. It’s hard to choose which one! *taps chin with finger*) You’ll see!
Trust,Faith,Pixidust-^^ I love vampire fics too! Especially Yami/Anzu ones! That’s a cool title. I think I’ll use it! Thanx a bunch! The guy was the master of vampires by the way.
libra071988-You’ll see what happens!
Thanks other reviewers too!
What do you think I should do on the seasons? Like make them seperate chapters? Or make one season into four chapters?
I don’t own Yugioh, sadly. T_T And probably never will either, unless Takahashi hands it down to me. Never going to happen though... *sulk*
Murked Light (thanx reviewers!)
Chapter 2
“So, my child, what you’re telling me is my spell failed and Teana was reincarnated? And she lives in the Imperfect realm in a place called Domino, Japan?” A voice boomed in the depths of the Black Abyss. Black smog clouds scattered across the crimson blood sky in mounds making it hard for light to shine through. Every few seconds blood curdling screams would be heard.
“AGHHHHHH!!” The master of vampires stopped to listen to the tortured screams. To him they were like choirs singing melodies. Ah, how he loved that song. He took a long sip of the red thick iron tasting substance in his goblet and leaned over in his tarnished black throne to talk to the captive from the Perfect Realm.
“Yes-sir,” Eugenia stammered avoiding the vampire’s blood red eyes. Only this morning she had been picking flowers in a breezy flower covered field, that is until a group of strangers came up to her. They looked like normal people until they opened their mouths to show jagged canines and captured her. Her raven hair was pulled up into two tight ponytails on either side of her head. Her bright yellow dress was foreign to this dark place. Her four wings drooped from the weight of the air. Eugenia wasn’t supposed to tell anything, but if she didn’t she would be converted...
“Is there anything else?”
“No sir.”
“You’re lying.”
“N-no sir, I told you the truth.”
“FIne then. This is your payment my dear. You, over there! Come here!” the Master of vampires called to a vampire walking aimlessly like a zombie near by. The vampire sluggishly trudged in front of the steps of the throne.
“Yess...Ssssir?” the vampire drawled. The Master of Vampires motioned him to Eugenia. Her eyes widened in fright. “Ittt’ll beee my pleassure,” he slugged towards her. She tried to step back but her hands were hancuffed behind her back and one of her feet was chained to the ground by a heavy thick chain and bolt.
“G-get away from me-ughhh...” Eugenia collasped to the cold ground, on her knees, her jade eyes blank and mysted framed by a pale face. Two new neatly punctured holes laid on by her throat.
“Hmm...if Teana is reincarnated...that means that the Sennen Puzzle of Ra has been solved...”the Master calculated rubbing his chin with a jagged sharp coal black nail as he watched the little show going on in front of him.
Crimson trickled from the vampire’s half-closed mouth, “Thank you, oh great masssster. It t’wasss deliciousss...” He licked the dripping blood around his mouth with his black writhing coiled tounge.
“Your welcome my son, young Eugenia?” Blacknite waved at the blank-eyed pale girl, who responded unblinkingly staring at him. “You will go to this Domino and play undercover as Stacy Daggrin. Seduce the Sennen Puzzle holder and convert him. During this try to be close to Teana’s recairnation, and at the moment she’s alone,” he smashed his pale hands together in a quick motion, “ eliminate her.”
At the Mazaki household...
“I’m going!”Anzu declared running up the stairs into her room, careful not to step on any of the shattered glass that may have fell on the floor during the little alarm accident of that morning, to her closet and selected a light blue tee, blue jean skirt and a pair of clean tennis shoes. A couple moments later she came out the front door with a jean purse. She looked at her watch and freaked out, “What if they get home early?! I gotta hurry!” She broke into a run.
“Guys! Stop fighting! People are staring!” Yuugi pleaded trying to calm down Jounouchi, struggling to hold his hands behind his back before he strangled the life out of Honda.
“Well if you’re scared of mummies, ya shoulda told me! How was I supposed to know?!” Honda taunted sarcastically angering Jounouchi even more and giving Yuugi a harder time holding him.
“Well duuhhh, moron! Remember when we went here a coupa weeks ago? You shoulda known!!” Jounouchi cursed a few profanities paying him the eyes of everyone in the Egyptian exhibet hallway. Honda had hid behind a tomb on display and when Jounouchi had stopped in front of it, Honda had jumped up scaring the daylights out of Jounouchi. The blonde had quite a short fuse.
The lady at the information desk screeched in her nasally voice, “Get out, NOW!!” Two museum police grabbed the trio and tossed them outside.
“Fine! I didn’t want to come to your crappy museum anyway!!” Jounouchi shouted at them dusting himself off as he stomped down the steps, Honda and Yuugi followed.
“Look, Yug, sorry I couldn’t behave long enough to let you learn anything about dat necklace thingy of yours,” Jounouchi apologized looking at his feet kicking a pop can in front of him.
“It’s okay Jou, we can bring Anzu with us next time we go,” Yuugi assured his blonde friend.
Anzu panted as she jogged up the steps of the imposing museum of Domino. She walked through the automatic doors, she didn’t need to read the museum floor map because last time she was here with the guys being chased by a zombie professor. She remembered there being a brief moment when she blacked out and wound up finding herself on a board that was being held up by a snapping rope and Jounouchi. Jou couldn’t hold any longer and the rope snapped almost sending her into a plunge to her death-that is until Yuugi saved her. It felt strange-he was like a total different person...
She scanned the hallway for her friends, but they weren’t there, “Looks like they already left,” she spoke silently to herself as she walked to the new exhibet. Surprisingly, no one was around, ‘Well maybe that’s because it’s almost closing time, baka!’ she chastised herself, ‘Now, you’re probably going to be late home and won’t be able to see daylight for the rest of the year!’ ‘Shut up!’ she told herself wondering why she was arguing with herself, kind of weird.
The exhibet was set up with the hieroglyphic slab behind the glass sarcophagus-’Why the heck is it glass?’she wondered walking up to the murked up glass. It was a greenish gray color, a light dust blanketing the top. Anzu dusted it off with a hand and gasped taking a step backwards. What she had seen was her face. She stepped forward to examine it. The mummy looked like her...surprisingly it looked like it had died the day before...One of the eyes fluttered.
“Oh my God!!! There’s a live person in here!!” She screamed.
The curator came around the corner and pressed a long bony finger to her lipstick smudged lips, she mouthed a, “Shush! I don’t want to kick you out like our last clowns.” With that she patrolled for another troublemaker.
“What’s her problem? Huh?!” Anzu found her hand still on the smooth glass surface. The mummy and her hand were glowing a silver light. She blinked. What the heck happened?
“I was having a nice sleep too! And you so happen to prance in here! Unless you are she to awaken me!” Anzu blinked again. What was in front of her-fluttering its wings-it looked like a chibi her, clothed in a white gown, “Well? What are ya staring at? Huh?
“Shoo! Get away from me horsefly!” Anzu swatted at the flying thing, ‘From hell,’ she thought.
“Don’t be stupid! I ain’t no horsefly! So stop hitting me already!” the fairy like thing growled.
“Then what the hell are you?!” Anzu sweatdropped as the curator came back giving her the eye, ‘and why am I talking to it?’ she wondered thinking she was going senile.
“Let me explain all this after you get us outta this mess,” the sprite replied flying in Anzu’s purse. Anzu glared at her purse’s opening, ‘This is just a dream, you got to be kidding me.’
“Well?!” the old lady prompted in her nasaly voice, “Are you going to tell me *why* you were taking loud after I specifically told you not to ?!”
“I was talking to my little brother, he just ran off to the bathroom and I scolded him,” Anzu lied actually keeping a straight face this time.
This old woman glared at her, “I didn’t see you walk in here with anyone!”
“Well I came here earlier and my brother got lost around here someplace so I came back to find him,” ‘Is that good enough for you?’
“Hm...fine then, just find that brother of yours,” the old woman stalked off to find someone else. ‘She’s just like that bitchy spanish teacher,’ Anzu thought grimacing.
‘She’s not bad,’ the sprite thought watching the girl being able to fib her way out.
To avoid the curator’s suspisions, Anzu lowered her voice, “So what are you? Why are you here and what the hell do you want with me?!” ‘This isn’t real so why do I keep asking?!’
The fairy like thing popped its head out of the purse’s zipper, “Aghh, how stupid can you be? I’m like your concious thingy guide! Plus I look like you. Hopefully my looks and that explains what I am and why I’m here.”
“Thank you, but you haven’t answered one thing, what do you want with me?” Anzu demanded throwing her purse back over her shoulder and walking.
“Wait! Wait just a moment!” Anzu halted, her “concious” flitted back to the sarcophagus to a sword in a case that Anzu had missed before. Anzu looked down at her purse as it ghosted through the glass and simply touched the sword and completely missed what happened. The sword shrunk to the fairy thing’s size except with a loop hole in the silver hilt. The “concious” then floated back to Anzu’s purse and Anzu walked off. ‘Did that thing just steal something?’ Anzu wondered aggitatedly as she walked through the dimming hallway.
‘Geeze I come to the museum after being like obsessed with coming here! And you know what?! I learned nothing!! All I got was a pesky “concious” with an attitude, whatever it has to say to me, it better be good!’ Anzu thought angrily taking every chance to swing the purse in a circle, hoping to get the fairy thing dizzy. As she walked past the curator, she looked at the girl suspiously, she ignored the old woman and continued to shake the purse by bouncing down the steps.
The fairy’s brown shoulder length hair was frizzed up in a ball and its eyes swirly, finally it shouted, “WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY?!”
“First tell me *what* just happened! You stole something didn’t you?” Anzu demanded hotly, she usually didn’t get angry like this unless the person was annoying, in this case it was fairy who stole something. She plopped on a nearby bench in the park she’d cut through on her way home. It was dark out now and the street lamps illuminated the quiet streets surrounding the park.
The fairy didn’t answer, ‘Serves her right to question me of high rank.’
“Hand me my celphone if you know what that is,” Anzu commanded, it was her turn, she didn’t need a bossy little fairy to come and tell her what to do. No answer. ‘I’m beginning to think this was all a big dream, yes that’s right, I’m not being ordered around by a dragonfly...’ She moved her hand around her purse until she felt the soft plastic cover of her cell. It was turned off. Great, just great. Her parents probably tried to call her. She turned it on.
#You have three new messages-press yes to listen to messages.# the mechanic voice directed. Anzu did so.
#First message on April 17, 5:12pm: “Anzu, where the fuck are you?! Come home right now!”# the drunken voice slurred. Anzu recognized it as her father’s voice. He’d obviously been drinking-again! Her father had been an acholic with violent tempers before going to the stop drinking and anger management classes last year when she’d just turn fourteen. Anzu wondered how he got his hands on another acholic beverage. Oh great. She was going to get it when she got home.
The phone went on, “Second message on April 17, 6:02pm: “Mazaki Anzu, you have been accepted into the Academy of Modern Japanese Dancing, here in Domino.”# Anzu brightened up, eyes wide with excitement mixed with disbelief. Well she had been working for a long time for this and had performed at a try-out at the dancing studio at school, no surprise as her dance instructer had said. Anzu listened to what else it had to say, #”Practice starts on May 1st. Tuesday, Thursdays, and Fridays at 5pm. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-DANCE. (not a real number ~_~;) Thank you and have a nice day.”-click-# The fairy sat up on a branch of a tree behind the bench Anzu was sitting on, listening intently to the calls.
# Third message on April 17, 6:54pm: “Anzu, GET YOUR FRIGGIN’ LAZY ASS HERE NOW!!!”# It was her dad again, except he was more cantankerous, she heard her mother’s voice in the backround, #”Honey, you’re going to break the phone if you don’t relax!”# The phone began to make scratchy noises, probably the home phone cracking from her father’s choking vice.
Anzu held onto the celphone tightly not using her thumb since it felt limp from the drunken yelling. Her father sounded ready to kill somebody-probably her. His drunkeness had gotten far worse since the year before he went to the management classes. He’d become more violent. He never sounded like he’d kill someone before. Not even her mother could calm him in this state. Now he was an easy victim to stroke. She wondered where she should go. Heck, she couldn’t go to any of the guys’ houses since they’d never known of her dad’s problem. ‘Either go back home to him or act like bum and sleep on this bench and risk being taken advantage of,’ she thought trying to think of good and bad points for each of the choices.
“Darn I’m going to have to face them sooner or later. So, mays well go there now...” she suddenly blurted out without realizing it causing the fairy to stare at her from its perch on the branch. Anzu stuffed the phone in her bag and looked to her right because she heard a noise, but regretted it. There was a couple making out on a bench in that direction, she made a choking noise and cried out, “Get a room horny people!” as she passed by, leaving a bewildered couple behind. The fairy decided this moment to follow Anzu. Those were some pretty interesting calls she got.
Her father’s tone of voice and words still fresh in her mind made Anzu panicky and wanting to get into the safety of her room more than anything else. She decided to take a shortcut through an alley. A dark one.
“Hey wait up for me?!”
“Huh?!” Anzu looked around. No one was around. She was just imagining things.
“Up here!” Anzu looked up. Her “concious” was posed on one of the metal ladder
stairs next to her.
“You’re not real,” Anzu stated, “This is just a big dream.”
“I’m no dream and I’ll-”
“Well, well, look what we got here! Don’t you little girls know not to wander around dark alleys at night?” Anzu and the fairy turned around. Three drunks slogged towards Anzu. Anzu’s eyes widened, this was not her day. No! It’s all just a dream, wasn’t it? Those knifes in their belts certainly looked real.
“Hm? This’ll do,”the fairy’s hands began to glow along with the thugs. Poof! What stood in their places were shadows with jagged outlines. As they neared, Anzu saw that their mouths had two jagged canines that clasped over where the lips would be. It was one of their human-like traits besides their shape.
Anzu glared at the fairy, “What did you do?!” ‘Why am I talking to a fairy if this is a dream?’
The fairy simply said, “As I said before, I’m no dream, but these vampires aren’t real, I just changed what the thugs looked like, and you will attack them.”
Anzu asked stubbornly, “Why should I listen to you?”
The fairy nonchanlently leaned its head against the cold metal supporter of the stairs and calmly said, “Because if you don’t, you’ll be raped or killed. Plus this is a test to see if you are She.”
“What?!” This fairy was confusing her now, “What do y-AHHH!!” Anzu screamed freaking out on how close the ‘fake’ shadows got to her. They were only a few feet away from her. The first one’s hand formed into a butcher’s knife shape. It swung it at Anzu, while she recoiled jumping backwards. The other two shadows tried to punch and kick at her. She sidestepped in a dancing movement. Dancing was simillar to the martial arts, but would her talent help her here? Anzu gasped as she realized her mistake, by sidesteping she had been trapped in a corner. She looked to the fairy for help, but the fairy shook its head. Anzu closed her eyes, awaiting the blow, but at the same time she whirled her leg up and felt impact on the sole of her shoe. She slowly opened her eyes. The nearest shadow laid motionless on the ground. Her eyes widened, she had done that? The two other shadows stood there dumb-founded at what just happened. Their sharp yellow eyes glared at her. The fairy snapped its fingers and they grew a couple sizes taller, the height of a medium sized moving truck.
The fairy watched with interest. Maybe this girl is the reincairnation of the great slayer. She was doing pretty well so far. It lifted its hand, and poof! The toothpick-sized sword appeared floating above its hand. ‘The girl might need help, with this.’
Anzu inched back into the corner. She was stuck-again! Did this pixie intend to kill her? She could feel the pain she would soon have inflicted upon her, she covered her head with her arms in an ‘X’ shape.
“You know, if you needed help you should have told me,”Anzu looked up at the fairy, “Use this.” It tossed whatever it had in its hand down. It expanded into a silver winged hilted sword with a gold blade. Anzu caught it and as she held it she felt a flood of unknown memories pour upon her. She watched a woman that looked exactly like her except with the godly glow around her head, the cascading brown hair that flowed onto the floor, and the six wings. The woman had her hands in chains. She was talking to a person sitting in a throne in a language she didn’t understand. He said something and a guard took her away.
Anzu blinked and found herself in a foggy place with a beautiful clean lake surrounded by drooping willows at night. The water began to gurgle and the swans on the lake flew past the woman, sprinkling water on her. Her six wings disappeared as a glass coffin rose from the lake’s center. The woman walked to the coffin, suprisingly on the surface as if it was solid ground. She laid in the coffin.
‘Where the heck am I?’ she asked herself.
Anzu blinked again. A door appeared out of nowhere and opened. A man with long black hair and blood red eyes entered the room. He had the sword Anzu now held in her hands. He walked to the coffin, the woman got out and said something. He said something that proabably provoked her and she grabbed a foating rose candle without the wick. She jumped at him and started to fight with the sharp candle stabber. Anzu watched in amazement, she then realized she hadn’t blinked in a while and her eyes had begun to water. She tried to keep her eyes open to watch the woman fight the man, but she blinked. The next time she opened her eyes, she watched in horror as the man stabbed the woman and licked the blood on his fingers. He then tossed the presumably dead woman in the coffin, closed the top and sat on it, chanting a spell. After he finished, soldiers bursted in, followed by three celestial beings. The soldiers held down the man and chained him to a stone slab. The middle being grabbed the sword the man had fought with before and placed it in the middle of him, and the others, standing in a triangular form. The sword lit up and the blinding light shot at the man who struggled to get free. Anzu winced at the brightness and shut her eyes tightly, covering her eyes with her hands.
The light vanished and Anzu opened her eyes. The shadows were about to strike her from behind when she spun around with the sword like a buzz-saw horizontally.
‘Interesting,’ the fairy thought laying on its stomach with its hands holding either side of its head.
It slashed the two remaining shadows in half. The halfs dropped to the ground making a swishing noise and the three men laid in shivering huddled balls in their places. They whimpered looking up at the girl fearfully and turned tail down the other way of the alley. Anzu raised a soft thin eyebrow, why would three macho weirdos run away from a small young school girl? Weren’t they ‘tough’ enough? But how did she know how do all that stuf without getting dizzy? She looked up at the fairy who floated down.
“You stole this from the museum, didn’t you, pixie?” Anzu asked the fairy suspiously putting the sword into the lacey chain-draped sheath that had appeared on her shoulder.
“First of all, I’m not a pixie, fairy, or anything else like that. Remember I told you I’m kind of like your concious, you can call me Tea. Except, I’m here to train you as the next slayer,” Anzu stared at Tea skeptically.
“Right, I’m going to save the world from vampires, oh look and this sword will be their bane!” Anzu said sarcastically, ‘That was kinda dorky.’
_I have to agree with you, on that. And yes you are a vampire slayer._
“You can hear my thoughts too?” Anzu asked Tea, “Have you been listening to my thoughts this entire time?!”
_Uh...well actually..._ Anzu gave the floating “concious” a cold glare.
“You mean you’ve been peeping on my thoughts?!”
“Uh well you can kind of tap in when we can talk to each other through our minds,” Tea said thoughtfully tapping her chin, “But you know? We’ve got to go home since your dad might kill you for making him wait this long.”
Anzu exploded in a run towards home, only a few blocks away. ‘Mental note: Fight with the fairy late and ask about all this crazy stuff. Who knows what Dad’ll do since he’s this drunk... Probably ground me for the rest of my life if I’m unlucky.’
I couldn’t think of a better name for the concious. Before you flood me with questions about if the concious is a yami, it isn’t. The later chapters will explain this to you. If the concious’s name is confusing you with Anzu, tell me a better name. Review please!