Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Music and Love ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Music and Love

A/N: Hello! This is a new fanfic I just sat down and started writing. @.@ I wonder what's up with me lately? I haven't been able to finish a fanfiction in a while. Huh, weird. Please review. ^_^

Dedications: I'd like to dedicate this fanfic to Ocean!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! but I do own this fanfic and this plot. =)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Yugi sat behind the sales counter at the Kame Game Shop. His grandfather had asked him to run the shop today while he went to the grocery store. The boy had eagerly agreed. Now, the violet-eyed youth found it extremely dull. He sighed and laid his head down on the counter, awaiting the return of Solomon Mutou. The teen closed his eyes and drummed his fingers lightly, not hearing the familiar chime of the door.

"Slacking off now, are we?" a deep voice asked, full of amusement.

Yugi's head snapped up, eyes locking onto the person. He frowned when none other than Seto Kaiba met his gaze. The cold-hearted brunette smirked and wagged his finger.

"Honestly, you shouldn't be glaring at customers! What would the Pharaoh think of it?!"

The violet-eyed hikari caught the sarcasm in his voice. Seto still refused to believe his destiny as the reincarnation of Seth, the High Priest of Upper and Lower Egypt.

"Go away, Kaiba…you're not a customer…"

The CEO chuckled. "Really now? Hmph!"

Yugi scowled, something tremendously odd for his cherubic features and gentle nature. He hated it though, he hated it when Seto teased him! Why was he here anyway?

"Why are you here, Kaiba!?"

The cobalt-eyed teenager smirked. "Well…I heard your grandfather is running a little low on money. You know, having to provide for himself, you, and now Yami. I decided to hire you at Kaiba Mansion as a `servant' if you will, that is, if you want to pay your grandfather back?"

Yugi looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "How did you find out?"
Seto shrugged and sighed, no longer enjoying the torture he was giving the younger Mutou.

"Yugi…look…I didn't mean to upset you; I was just pulling your leg! I came here to offer you some money and ask for permission to remodel this place. And…" he trailed off, blue eyes avoiding Yugi's violet ones.

The tri-hair-colored male blinked, his violet eyes full of curiosity . "And what else…?"

Seto swallowed. "I wanted to ask you if…well…I heard you singing for a teacher once and…I wanted to know if you would like to start a band with me?"

Yugi nearly fell off his stool. "Nani?! Us?! Start…a…band…?"

Seto nodded and looked slightly humiliated. He didn't know why, but now he felt kind of stupid. After all, it was Mokuba and Jou who came up with this idea in the first place! How did those two convince him to do this anyway? Oh yeah, he remembered now.


"Seto! Can't we just do this one thing for fun?"

The CEO gazed at his blonde boyfriend's pleading eyes and found himself caving in. He tore his eyes away and blinked rapidly, wincing as his little brother approved of the idea as well, giving his elder sibling the "puppy dog eyes".

"Fine! You two win; THIS TIME, but I am NOT going to do anything else."

The two grinned at Seto and decided to help Yugi out too.

~*~*End Flashback*~*~

Seto mentally rolled his eyes, he remembered how they told him he'd just have to make Yugi's grandfather happy; by building onto the Kame Game Shop and the house area upstairs. He looked at Yugi inquisitively, and raised an eyebrow.

"Well? Should we start a band?"

Yugi smiled gently. "Sure…Seto Kaiba. I bet I'm a better singer than you anyways…"

"Yeah right! I'm better; Yugi Mutou!"

The two playfully hit `beat each other up' for a few minutes. Then, they headed up to Yugi's room to draw up some plans.

~*~*Three Hours Later*~*~

Solomon shook his head. His grandson and that Kaiba had to be up to something. The pair had locked themselves in his grandson's room for over two hours. He could tell easily that Yugi had something planned; but he wasn't so sure he was going to like this…He turned his eyes to Yugi's `evil' look-alike. Yami was scowling at the freezer, cursing at it in numerous languages. He couldn't find the Popsicles. Again. The elderly man chuckled and made his way to the Ancient Pharaoh.

"Yami? How about you go see what Yugi and Seto are up to while I find you some Popsicles?"

The Egyptians mysterious crimson eyes blinked, dancing with some unknown joy at hearing his light's name. He smiled, which was something Solomon had never seen, and bounded up the stairs before anybody could say "Atemu!".

Yami knocked on the door, and upon hearing a muffled "Come in!", entered. He smirked and sat down gracefully on his aibou's bed. His red orbs shifted between Kaiba, Yugi, and the many papers scattered on the floor beside them. He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"Hikari, may I ask what you two are doing?"

The violet-eyed teen glanced at his `partner-in-crime'. "Can I tell him?"

Seto tapped his chin and nodded. "Go ahead, tell him. We can use some help. Maybe he can sing?"

The Pharaoh stared at the two. "Sing? Why would I…sing?"

The two boys cracked up, laughing so hard that crystalline tears streamed down their faces. They couldn't believe Yami couldn't figure out what they were talking about.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

A/N: WEE! Chapter one is done!!! I hope you all enjoyed it! ^__^ Please review!!! (And I hope Ocean likes this!)
