Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Abuse Is Many ❯ The Nightmare Returns ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome-yasha: hello again everyone,see I told you I wasn't going to be long for the next update.

Anzu:..>>..yeah right,I had to wake you up and throw you out the bed to get you to update.

Kagome-yasha:(><#)but I still updated didn't I?!

Anzu: well anyway,thank you for all you that have reviewed the story.

Malik: yeah she says she feels special when you all review.

Kagome-yasha: I do feel special.

Bakura:yeah special ed.




Ryou:(OO)I bet he seeing stars right now.


Anzu:(striking a victory pose)don't mess with me.

Malik: thats my girl.

Kagome-yasha: okay,Anzu do the disclaimer please.

Anzu: Kagome-yasha does not own Yu-Gi-Oh

Malik: start the fic!!!
Anzu was still in Malik's room,while he was downstairs with the boys.Anzu was having a restless night
because she was having a nightmare of her past when her mother died.The same scene kept playing
in mind,along with when her father was beating her.She kept tossing and turning,whimpering and
crying for help,for somebody to save her,but they never came.She was covered in sweat along with
her tears,her hair was plastered all over her face,and if she opened her eyes,you will dull blue eyes
instead of her other bright and full of life ones.every time she cried for help and no one came,her eyes
would keep losing the sparkles in it.(A/N:imagine the look her eyes had when Malik would take over
her mind)Finally she woke up with a loud earth shaking scream that would wake the whole
neighborhood up if she were home.After her scream the others a woken up and now running to where
the scream had been heard,they ended up seeing Anzu with her knees up to her chest,hugging herself,
while panting heavily.Isis walked over to her and gave her a look of sorrow.Anzu then threw her arms
around the surprised Isis,but she soon got over it knowing she would have to be strong for the tragic
girl.Malik then went over and put a tan hand on her shoulder,asking what happened.and she repleyed.

Anzu: I-I-I had a nightmare,wherer I-I could hear and feel what happened to her,as if I there next to
her and couldn't do anything about it,I-I-I felt useless.

Isis: shhhh..it's okay,you didn't that was going to happen,you couldn't do anything then,you can't do
anything now.

Bakura: Woman,you can't do anything about it,if she's gone she's gone,you have to accept it.

Anzu: how do you expect me to except the fact that I killed my mother!

Marik: for the last time,you didn't kill her.

Anzu: you don't know how it feels to be reminded day and night that you caused your own my
mother to breathe her her last breath,to say her last words,for her heart to beat for the last time,it
bloody hell hurts,I can feel my mother looking down on me,telling me how I screwed up big time,and
I will continue to live in guilt if I don't end it now.

Malik: you will not end your life,just because you feel sorry for yourself!

Anzu: well what do you expect me to do,because I'm tired of lliving in this guilt,I'm tired of my life and
how it has to end!!

Isis: you don't have to do that,there has to be another way to handle a situation like this.

Anzu: no their isn't,if none of you like the decision I made,then deal with it when and if you visit my
dead body my grave site!!

Then Anzu broke out of Isis's embrace,and ran downstairs straight to the kitchen.She grab a knife,and
before anyone cab stop her,she slit her wrist fives times,but before she past out,she saw Malik with
tears in his eyes while he called her name,but what she found surprising was that she saw fear in his
eyes,she smiled and thought it was funny to see The Malik,the one that wanted to take over the world
and become pharoah,was scared of her death,and after that thought she passed out.
Kagome-yasha: thats it for this chapter,this one had alot of tragedy in it.

Malik: why Anzu why?!

Anzu: um..Malik,I'm right here.

Malik: Anzu!! (glomps Anzu)


other boys: ggggrrrr....

Kagome-yasha: okay,well please review and send presents,cause I love all the review you send me.