Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ A Dream or Not? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Ok here is the next chapter for everyone^^ I just can't contain my ideas!

Yami: They better be good one…

Authoress: Are you threatening me Yami?

Yami: ...Yes…

Authoress: Ok fine then you can do the disclaimer.

Yami: *sighs* Fine…The authoress know as DragonRider00 does not own Yu-gi-oh…

Authoress: You know what? Go ahead and do the warnings too please…

Yami: -__- And this story contains Yaoi, Bad language, And a slutty Anzu…don't like don't read.

Yugi: Yeah I didn't have to do it!

Authoress: You can next time Yugi.

Yugi: -_-….

Authoress: now on with the main event!


Beep! Beep! Beep! Crash! Yugi hated that stupid alarm clock; it was so annoying especially when it was there to wake him up for school. (A/N: I absolutely hate alarm clocks and there beeping noise>.<I share your pain Yugi!) Yugi sat up with a groan, rubbing his eyes. Suddenly Yugi looked over at his desk; his puzzle was…complete. `Was that real?' Yugi thought looking around to see that he was back in his older room. `Was it just another dream?' Yugi sighed and looked down. `I guess so.' Yugi felt tears in his eyes but he held them back as he proceeded to get ready for school.

Yugi finally made his way downstairs after taking a shower and changing his clothes. "Morning Yugi, were you up late?" His grandpa asked from in the kitchen. "No," Yugi lied while sitting down at the kitchen table. His grandpa sat across from him reading the paper. Yugi quickly ate his breakfast that his grandpa would always lay out for him.

"Something bother you?" his grandpa asked looking over at Yugi. "No I just had a...uh nightmare last night that's all." "Or is it perhaps that you didn't get your homework done and now you are worried about getting in trouble?" His grandpa asked suspiciously. Yugi looked up. `Oh crap, that wasn't bothering me until now. Why did he have to remind me?' Yugi shook his head `no'. "No grandpa I did my homework."

His grandpa continued reading the paper. Yugi sighed and looked at the clock. `Crap. Can't be late either.' Yugi thought quickly getting up and going to the door. "By Grandpa, see you after school!" Yugi called picking up his backpack and walking out. He quickly walked to school, his hair blowing in the nice breeze. `Its quiet warm out.' Yugi thought admiring the blue sky.

Yugi soon made it to his school, meeting up with the group outside. "Hey Yugi!" Joey called waving him over. Yugi ran over, "Hi." "Hey, look…that kid is getting his but kicked." Joey said pointing to a kid over in the distance. He was pushed up against the school wall getting punched and kicked. Yugi looked over and felt horribly sorry for the other boy. `I wish I could help him.' Yugi thought before looking away, `But I can't.' Joey noticed Yugi's actions.

"Aren't you gonna watch?" Joey asked. Yugi shook his head `no', "Sorry Joey, I have better things to do than watch some kid get beat up. I don't find it amusing." Joey shrugged, "Soot yourself."

Yugi then left and went into the school Anzu running up behind him, "Hi Yugi. What's wrong? You look sort of down today." Yugi shrugged, `If she really gave a damn she would have noticed I look `sort of down' every day.' "Nothing Anzu I'm just…tired that's all." "Oh, I see. Well we better get to class then." Yugi nodded and they went to class the rest of the gang following.

*~~~~~~In Math Class~~~~~~*

Yugi sat there carefully trying to understand the concept of equations. His head hurt from trying to think so much, these things were so dumb. When will they ever have to sit down solved one of these things in their lives? Yugi sighed and put his head down for a second. // You ok Aibou? //

Yugi sat up, and looked around to see if some one was talking to him. But everyone was paying attention to the teacher. Yugi raised an eyebrow, but then just put his head back down. // Aibou? // Yugi sat up quickly looking around again. `Ok I'm losing it now.' Yugi thought to himself. Yugi tapped the shoulder of the girl in front of him. She turned around, "Yes?" "Um did happen to say something just a second ago?" Yugi asked softly. The girl roller her eyes, "No." she then turned back around.

`Ok then who is talking to me?' Yugi thought. `Am I losing my mind finally?' //Aibou answer me. // Yugi sat there, `That voice sounds so familiar.' /Hello? / Yugi asked out as if expecting an answer from his own self. (A/N: Yugi is talking to himself in his mind, well so he thought. But he gets an answer back.) //Aibou are you ok? // A voice asked. /Aibou? Who is this? / Yugi asked a little shocked that he was actually receiving an answer from his own mind.

//It's me Aibou, Yami. // Yugi gasped out loud causing the girl in front of him to look back. Yugi smiled weakly at her. She rolled her eyes again and turned back around. Yugi sighed. / Yami, your real? / Yugi asked with hope in his voice. // Of coarse I am hikari. // Yami answered back. /I thought I was dreaming. / Yugi said. // Nope. // Yugi looked very happy right at that moment, his face all alit with glee and his eyes shimmering. /This is great! But why can't I see you Yami? / Yugi asked a little disappointed.

// Oh I am in the puzzle right now hikari, but I could come out. However wouldn't I disrupt your class? //(A/N: If Yami comes out he is visible to the whole class, he has his own body. He isn't in a spirit form ok?) Yugi frowned. /Oh…yeah. / Yami sensed Yugi's disappointment through their link. //But don't worry hikari I can come out during lunch if you want me too. // Yugi smiled. /Oh would you? That would be great Yami. /

//Sure, why not. // Yami gave him a smile through their link. Yugi sent one back. `Now I just gotta make it till lunch.' Yugi thought to himself as he looked up at the clock. Yugi suddenly frowned and sank back down in his seat with a groan. `Great it's only 10:05am. Lunch isn't until 1pm.' Yugi sighed. //Something wrong, my hikari? //

Yugi raised an eyebrow, `How can he always tell when I am upset?' / Yami, how do you know I am upset? / //Because my hikari, when your mind link is open it lets your feelings go to me as well, and I know what you are feeling that way. Her let me show you. // Yami said before a wave of warmth and happiness flooded Yugi's mind, causing him to loose focus somewhat and a shiver to run up his spine.

`Whoa what was that?' Yugi thought, whatever it was that Yami had just done he liked it. //See and if you were scared or worried I could easily tell as well hikari, so that is how I knew. // Yami explained. Yugi smiled. /So you are happy right now Yami? / //Yes hikari I am. // Yugi sighed happily, he was happy that Yami was happy. Let alone that Yami was even being his friend and talking to him right now. /Yami? / Yugi asked. // Yes Aibou? // / Um…why are you calling me those names? /

Yugi asked a little nervous. // Because Yugi, you are my hikari. You freed me from the dark and I am darkness it's self. So to me you are light, innocent and sweet. And you are also my partner, because I share a special bond with you. // Yami said in a calm manner. Yugi however fidgeted some, and his cheeks turned a little pink. `Innocent, Sweet…did he say that?'

Yugi smiled and then sat up in his seat. At least he could talk to yami until lunch. Him and yami then talk occasionally through Yugi's classes, however Yami insisted that they stop every little bit so Yugi could pay attention to some of his work. Yugi was displeased when Yami insisted he should but he did anyway knowing that Yami was right.

*~~~~~After Class, Going To Lunch~~~~*

Yugi stopped at his locker and put his books away. /So Yami wanna come out to eat now? / Yugi asked with a smile. //Sure Aibou. // Yami said happily but then added something else. //But is there some where we can go where it isn't so crowded? I am sure some one will notice if I just appear here. // Yugi nodded and quickly left his locker. /Yeah yami we can maybe go into the bathroom. / Yugi said making his way there. Yami agreed to Yugi's suggestion and Yugi soon stood in the boys' bathroom.

Yugi had to wait for a few people to leave first but then the bathroom was empty. / Ok Yami um you can…uh appear now. / Yugi said waiting for his friend to show up. //Ok thank you Aibou. Close your eyes for a second ok? // Yugi was confused but did what he was told. There was a quick flash of light, Yugi could tell even with his eyes closed, and then he heard that deeper voice speaking to him once more. "You can open your eyes now hikari."

With that Yugi slowly opened his eyes to see the slightly taller him standing there. Yugi smiled, "Hello Yami." "Hello hikari." Yami said and smiled back. "Shall we go now? The gang will be wondering where I am." Yami nodded, "Yes let's." And with that Yugi slowly lead the way out of the bathroom and to the cafeteria.


Authoress: Another chapter complete! Sry it wasn't as long as the last one though…

Yugi: I can't wait for the next one, I love spending time with my new Yami! ^^

Yami: *smiles* and I You hikari.

Authoress: I am not sure if you will like the next chapter Yugi, I am already scheming. MWHAHAHA!

Yugi: *raises an eyebrow* What do you mean?

Authoress: Oh you will see little Yugi. *Laughs evilly while scary music plays* Please R+R if you want more. ^^