Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ Health Class and Anzu ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Hey everyone I am Sry that I haven't updated in a while but I have been up at a lake cottage for a week. We go up there every year and I spend the night. It was fun, but I missed typing.

Yami: We go to go swimming^^

Yugi: Yeah it was awesome, not to mention Yami was in his swimsuit and it didn't look to bad*giggles*

Yami: *blushes* u-uh…thanks…

Yugi: your welcome^^

Authoress: Well as you know I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh…*sniffs* I will never get over that…

Yugi: And the warnings are the same as last chapter…

Authoress: Let's get to it!


Yugi and his new friend casually made their way into the cafeteria. People turned to eye the new boy standing there. However Yugi was overlooked, but it wasn't as if he really cared…it happened everyday anyway. Yugi sighed though, he didn't like being ignored but if that's the way it was there was nothing he could do about it. All of a sudden Joey waved the two over.

Yugi smiled and went over to his lunch table Yami quickly following. Yami wasn't sure why these people were looking at him, but it was making him uncomfortable. Yugi walked up, "Hi guys." A smile was plastered on his angelic face. "Hey Yug, who is this." Joey asked directing his eyes in Yami's direction. "This is Yami my new friend." Yugi smiled at him, "Yami this is Joey, Anzu, Honda, and Ryou." Yami waved at them, "Hello."

Yugi looked at Yami, "Yami I am gonna go get lunch now, want to eat some too?" Yami nodded with a smile, "Yes please." "Ok take a seat and I will be right back," Yugi replied before running over to the lunch line. Yami sat down and looked around the cafeteria. He was drawn back though when a voice spoke out, "So um Yami, where you just mover here?" Anzu asked.

"Uh yeah," Yami said hesitantly. Anzu raised and eyebrow, "From where?" Yami paused for a moment, "Egypt." That was the first place that popped into his head, and it was kind of true. Everyone's mouth opened some, "Really?" Joey asked. "Yes." Yami replied. "Cool." Honda said. Yugi came back with two trays in hand. He sat down and scooted one too Yami. "Here you go Yami." Yugi said smiling some. "Thank you Aibou." Yami said.

The white-haired boy across the table looked up, "What did you say?" The boy looked at Yami and Yami raised an eyebrow. "I said, `Thank you Aibou.'" Ryou's eyes widened some. Yugi looked at the boy, "Ryou? What's wrong?" "Oh…um nothing I'm fine Yugi, thank you though, "Ryou replied smiling weakly. Yugi looked a little worried.

Ryou lowered his eyes once more and ate slowly, but didn't eat much. //He's lying Aibou. // Yami told Yugi through their link. /I know Yami, but I really shouldn't but into his business. / Yami raised an eyebrow. //But it seems like you care so you wouldn't really be getting in his business. // Yami said. //And I can sense that you are worried about him, why? //

Yugi looked at Yami. / Because he's my friend, he has been my friend since the 4th grade. We always talk about or problems with one another. But lately Ryou has been avoiding everyone and even me, Yami. / Yami looked at the albino. //I see, maybe you can talk to him later…but right now we should eat. // Yugi smiled. /You're right. / //And…// Yami added. //You are being spoken too. // /Huh? /Yugi asked finally coming out his trace. "Yugi?! Are you in there?!" Anzu practically yelled moving a hand up in down in front of Yugi's eyes. "Yeah, sorry Anzu. I was…thinking." Yugi replied.

"Well I wanted to ask you something." Anzu said. "Ok go ahead." Yugi said waiting for the question. "Are you and Yami related in anyway?" Yugi shook his head, `no'. "Nope we aren't, funny how we look so alike huh?" Yugi asked smiling. "I wouldn't say you look that alike." She said.

Yugi raised an eyebrow, "Well aren't exactly the same but we do look very similar." "I don't think so." She argued. Yugi frowned, `What the hell is she talking about we look almost exactly the same. Only Yami has red eyes, more blonde bangs, and is taller than me.' Yugi just ignored her; he wasn't going to argue over her not making any sense. Instead he ate his lunch.

Yami ate too but was occasionally questioned by Yugi's other friends. When lunch was finally over they all made their way to their lockers, "So Yami what class do you have next?" Honda asked. Yami called out to Yugi for an answer. "Oh he is just here visiting, he isn't going to go to school here." Yugi answered for him with a smile. Anzu frowned at the statement.

"Actually guys we have to get going, I will see you after school ok?" Yugi said. The group all nodded and went there own ways in the crowed of students passing by. "Thank You Yugi." Yami said. "No problem Yami. Let's go back to the restroom and then you can go back in your soul room." Yami nodded and followed Yugi to the restroom. Once inside the place Yugi and Yami had to wait for a few people to leave.

"Ok Yami, will you come back after school?" Yugi asked almost pleading. Yami smiled, "Of coarse Aibou." Yami slowly faded out of sight. "Bye." Yami whispered before he was gone completely. Yugi sighed almost upset, but quickly left and then went to his next class…Gym.

*~~~~In Gym~~~*

"Today, we are going to go back to health class, gym is now over." The female teacher announced. Everyone almost screamed with joy. Yugi sighed. He was glad Gym was finally over too. He hated it and at least in health class the worst he could get hurt was with a paper cut. The teacher then told them to get all their belongings and take them to their locker, and Yugi did grabbing his health book as well.

Once in health class, Yugi took his usually seat in the back of the room. "I know you guys are happy about leaving Gym but we need to get started right away." The teacher said. Yugi sat up some ready to listen, for some reason. "This time class we are going to be studying Sex-Ed." Yugi's eyes widened some he wasn't expecting that. `Sex-Ed?! Why didn't she tell us earlier?" The class giggled at the statement.

"And I want you guys to act your age through this lesson, ok?" the teacher asked. The class all replied yes. "Good," She said, "Now let's begin." She started out explaining the parts of the male and female body. Yugi slid down in his chair some, trying to ignore here. He really didn't want to study this. He knew about it already anyway.

"And then when a guy gets an erection-," She was still talking however Yugi tried his best to drowned her out, slightly breathing harder. One student raised her hand. "Yes Kiko?" the teacher said calling on her. "I was wondering, is it good for both people? Which would you say gets a better high out of it?" She asked, not even blinking once.

"Well Kiko yes both people participating like what their bodies are doing, but the guy is probably the one who would experience greater pleasure." The teacher said. Yugi felt his face flush some, he was probably the only virgin left in the whole school, yet these people were asking theses stupid questions. Were they trying to get to him? Another guy raised his hand. "Yes Jason?" "Well I was wondering, how do gay guys do it?"

Yugi's eyes widened, "Well Jason-." The teacher began, but Yugi didn't even want to know so Yugi raised his hand quickly, face still flushed, "Yes Yugi?" The teacher asked. "Can I please go to the restroom?" He asked shakily. The class almost burst into laughter; the teacher however silenced it. "Yes Yugi but hurry back, you don't want to miss the next part about sexually transmitted diseases." Yugi nodded and hurried out of the room. Once in the restroom he sat down against the wall with a heavy sigh.

//Yugi? // Yugi jumped. /Oh Y-Yami you scared me…/ //Why did you leave your class Aibou? Are you ok? // Yugi gasped some hoping to god that Yami didn't actually know why he left the room. /Oh u-um I …I didn't feel to well. / Yami paused for a moment. Yugi bit his lip slightly fidgeting. //You are lying Aibou, but if you don't want me to know then I won't ask. // Yugi sighed in relief.

/Thank you Yami. /Yugi said standing up. //It's quite all right Aibou. // /Well I guess I will see you after school, ok? / Yugi said. Yami said yes then left Yugi's mind. Yugi made his way back to Health class making sure to walk extra slow.

*~~~~After school~~~~*

Yugi sighed as he made his way to his locker, trying to make his way through the swarm of people in the hall. When he finally reached his locker he grabbed his book and shoved them into his backpack. Then he closed his locker, picking up his backpack, and snuck into the restroom. This time the restroom was empty and Yami appeared almost instantly. "Hello Aibou." Yami said with a smile, which Yugi returned. "Hi, let's go."

They then left the restroom and stepped outside. "There they are!" Anzu called out and ran over to the two. "Nice to see you again." Anzu said to Yami with a smile, Yugi lowered his eyes. `I am here too ya know?' He said in his mind. "Same for you." Yami said back to her. Joey and the others came over, "Are we gonna stand here all day or go home?"

"Sorry Honda, yeah lets go." Yugi said leading the way. `Wait what day is it?' Yugi asked himself walking ahead some. `Isn't it Friday? I can't believe I didn't comprehend that until now.' Yugi thought. Yami and Yugi were the first to reach their house, for once Yugi wasn't beat up on his way home either. Usually it was only when he was alone, but for some reason his friend wanted to walk him home.

Was it because of Yami? Yugi shrugged off the thought though and went up to the door walking in with Yami and then closing the door once again. "Grandpa I'm home!" Yugi called. Yami looked around the game shop that was also Yugi's house. "Ok be right there Yugi." His grandpa said coming out of the kitchen. "Oh…who is this Yugi?" His grandpa said eyeing the taller man. "You guys look so alike!" Yugi smiled, "I know, he is my new friend."

Yugi watched his grandpa's expression change from shock to one of happiness. "That's great Yugi, it's not everyday you come home with a new friend. And he looks pretty sting at that. Maybe he can help you with your bully problem." His grandpa said. Yugi smiled and nodded, "But grandpa…he doesn't really have anywhere to go. He doesn't have a family." Yugi gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Do you think that…maybe he could stay with us? Please?" Yugi was practically begging, of coarse Yami would always be with him but this way he could stay out in the house. "Oh Yugi I don't know." His grandpa said. "Please, he can share my room and I will watch over him." Yami tilted his head at Yugi. //Watch over me Aibou? // Yami blinked.

Yugi smiled. /Yes. / Yami blinked again, "Well…I guess he can stay, but he will have to earn his keep. Maybe he can help me out around the shop." Yugi beamed, "Ok! Come on Yami lets go up to my room, we can get you situated." Yugi grabbed Yami's hand and pulled the spirit upstairs. Once in his room Yugi let go of the others hand and closed the door. Yugi smiled as he put his backpack down.

"Well Yami this is my room. This is my computer, radio, bed, and dresser. Over there is the bathroom and that is the closet." Yugi said without even taking a breath. Yami looked at him with wide-eyes. "Aibou could you repeat some of that?" Yugi smiled, "Sure." Once Yugi had finally got done telling Yami all about his room Yugi sat down on his bed.

Yugi looked around frantically as if seeking something. "I will be right back Yami, I left my backpack downstairs. I took it off when we came in." "That's fine Aibou." Yami said. After Yugi left Yami sat down in the computer chair with a sigh. Yugi was so cute when he was happy. Wait did he just say cute? Yami forgot about what he had said however when a chime came from the computer on the mahogany desk.

Yami looked at the context in the little box that popped up.

HotChick12: Hi Yugi

Yami sat back pondering the message. Yugi walked back into the room setting his backpack on his bed, "Yami? What are you doing?" Yugi walked up behind Yugi. "This little box just appeared hikari, I didn't do anything." Yugi eyed the computer; "Oh Anzu is trying to contact me. "Oh, that is her?" He asked pointing to the name in blue letters. "Yes, that is her name on the computer." Yugi explained. "Oh." Yami replied

HotChick12: Yugi ya there?

Yugi typed back, his nimble fingers pressing the keys gently, Yami watching and reading.

Lonely1: Hi Anzu

HotChick12: It's about time you got here

Lonely1: Sry I was getting something…

HotChick12: Well this is important so listen up. I need to talk to you about Yami?

Yami raised an eyebrow.

HotChick12: I need you to do something for me?

Lonely1: Like?

Yugi had a bad feeling about this already; he really didn't want to lose Yami. He had barley had him and already he was being taken away.


Authoress: What do you possibly think Anzu would want from Yami? Hmm let us think about that.

Yugi: *glomps Yami* Mine!

Yami: *flushes*

Authoress: *giggles* Well anyway, I wonder what the rest of the gang is up to as well should we find out? If yes review and you will^^ Thanks, YUGI X YAMI 4EVER! Ja ne!