Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ "Were Through" ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Ok here is the next Chapter! ^^ I tell ya I really have to finish this soon or you guys won't review anymore so I am trying to get theses chapters up as soon as possible…

Yugi: Yeah! ^^

Yami: Will you just get rid of Ryou already?!

Authoress: No! I am not getting rid of poor little Ryou, Yami!

Yami: -_-*Crosses his arms*

Authoress: But don't worry nothing will happen to Yugi that involves Ryou.

Yami: *Suddenly cheers up some* Yay!

Authoress: Anyway on with the story. Please enjoy! *Smiles*


That night Yami had stayed in the puzzle thinking and planning on asking Yugi about…certain things. (A/N: *Being Yami* Hey Yugi are you gay?) Yugi had let Ryou sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor, and the next morning Yugi was the first to awake to that stupid thing known as his alarm clock. It was even more annoying knowing that it was there to wake him up for school. (A/N: -_-)

He sat up and quickly turned it off, not wanting to wake Ryou but he was unsuccessful. "Hi Yugi," Ryou said with a yawn as he sat up in the bed. "Oh hey Ryou." Yugi answered back. "Did you plan on going to school today?" He asked. Ryou thought for a minute, "I really should. I can't miss anymore days."

Yugi nodded, "Ok then I guess it was ok that you woke up." Yugi smiled sweetly then stood up, going over to his dresser; he began to dig through the draws. "Hmm you don't have any clothes except your pants, and they should be dry by now. I guess you could wear another on of Yami's shirts today." Ryou shook his head, "Ok, and thank you…you and Yami."

Yugi smiled, "It's no problem Ryou. You are like my best friend." Ryou also smiled, glad to be cared about for once. Yugi then through Ryou a shirt and Ryou put it on. "I am going to take a quick shower, ok Ryou?" Yugi said. Ryou nodded, "Ok, but um did you do last nights homework?" Yugi suddenly paled.

"Oh my god, no I forgot! Last night was so screwed up that it just totally slipped my mind! Oh god my grandpa is going to be mad at me!" Yugi was in a panic as he stood there trying to think of how he could get it done before school. (A/N: I know how that feels.) Ryou blinked then spoke up, "I did mine except it's at home…but if you want me too I could do yours for you while you are in the shower. I already know the answers, so it will be easy." Yugi's eyes lit up, "Oh really? You would do that?"

Ryou nodded, "Why not, you helped me out last night and you let me stay here. It's the least I could do." Yugi smiled, "Oh thank you Ryou!" Ryou smiled back, "No problem." Yugi then skipped off into the restroom to take a shower. Ryou looked around Yugi's room hoping to find his backpack, but he couldn't seem to find it.

Then he remembered seeing it downstairs when he came in the house, it was by the door. So he then made his way downstairs to get the book bag. When he finally got there he picked up the bag and was about to go upstairs when a hand on his shoulder stopped him, "My you sure looked horrible last night. Are you ok now?"

Ryou turned and was greeted by Yugi's grandpa, "Yes, thank you for asking." "What happened to you Ryou, you had Yugi pretty worried? He was up late making sure you were ok." Ryou thought about that for a minute, `Man he was that upset. I really owe him a lot.' Ryou shook his head and came out of his thoughts, "Oh I…I really rather not say, but…I-I was jumped in the alley, yeah that's it…I was jumped in the alley on my way over here." Ryou smiled nervously.

"Oh, then Yugi was expecting you?" Yugi's grandpa asked, "Were you going to do homework together or something, Yugi does need help with his?" Ryou suddenly nodded, "Yep that's it." `It's like he is making up the whole story for me,' Ryou thought to himself. (A/N: God, what a stupid old man. *Laughs*) "Oh ok, well I thank you then, for helping Yugi with his homework and all," Yugi's grandpa said before returning to the kitchen.

Ryou sighed and went back upstairs. Once in Yugi's room he sat down on the bed and began to go through Yugi's backpack. He pushed his hand deep down inside the black bag and felt something made of some sort of fabric, and it was wet in spots. He pulled whatever it was out of the bag and looked it over, `Yugi's shirt? Why is it in here…and what is this red stu- Blood?!' (A/N: Dun dun dun!)

Ryou suddenly dropped the shirt, "What the heck?!" He asked aloud. Just then a light glow filled the room and Yami stood in front of Ryou. Ryou looked up, "Yami? Yami, What happened? Why is Yugi's shirt all bloody?" Ryou looked worried. Yami picked up the shirt from where it had landed and glared at the albino, "Did Yugi give you permission to raid through his stuff?"(A/N: Aww poor jealous Yami, he doesn't get to go through Yugi's stuff, like his top dresser drawer. Hehe ^^)

Ryou blinked now slightly frightened, "Y-Yes. I was going to do his home- well never mind, just tell me what happened, why is his shirt all bloody?" Yami stilled glared and held the shirt in his hand; `Yugi's grandpa must have put it in his backpack when he found it.' "It's none of your business Ryou. It's between me and Yugi not you."

Ryou's eyes widened, was Yami hurting Yugi like Bakura was hurting him? "Yami if I find out you are hurting Yugi-,"Ryou was cut off when Yami suddenly yelled at him, "Hurting Yugi!? Are you crazy!? I would never hurt Yugi!" Ryou fell silent and just stared at the spirit before him. "Yugi was attacked in the alley yesterday and I had to save him, ok? That's what happened, I would never hurt him." Yami lowered his voice now and sighed heavily. (A/N: YAMI WOULD NEVER HURT YUGI! Well not in my story.)

Ryou blinked and watched Yami's face as it changed from angry to somewhat sad. "Now then, why don't you just work on Yugi's homework like you said you were going to." Yami then walked out of the room Yugi's shirt in hand and closed the door behind him. Ryou blinked but did what Yami had told him to do; he then began Yugi's homework. (A/N: Yes and the rest of the morning was boring so I am skipping it, Yugi doesn't know Ryou and Yami talked either.)


That day during school Yugi and Ryou talked more then they probably had in years, and they seemed to be having a good time. Yugi had forgotten so much about Ryou that it actually made him feel guilty; Ryou felt the same way. Now in math class they sat side by side working on their assignment together. "Hey Ryou do you know how to do this problem?" Ryou looked over at Yugi's paper, "Oh yeah it's really simple when you get use to it. It's an equation."

Yugi nodded and listened to the other as he explained the math problem, "So yeah you need to subtract here and then subtract from the other side over here as well." Yugi nodded, "Oh ok." Yugi was actually understanding most of this, maybe it was because one of his friends was explaining it to him...not some old teacher who's voice is always in monotone and he can't even remember what he was saying 5 minutes before that.

// Enjoying school for once Aibou? // Yami's voice startled Yugi somewhat causing him to jump. /Oh Yami…you scared me. / Yugi sighed. //I am sorry hikari. // Yami said suddenly. /No it's ok Yami, but yeah I am enjoying school…well not really school in general but having someone to work with in here is better. / Yugi said sending Yami a mental smile. //You haven't smiled like that for some time Aibou, it makes me happy to know you are happy. // Yami said in a joyful tone, but then sighed afterwards. (A/N: Aww Poor Yami! It's so sad, he thinks he is being forgotten!)

Yugi could feel Yami was upset for some reason but he didn't know why. `Is he really upset that I am happy and is he just saying that? But why would Yami be upset if I was in a good mood…or maybe he- nah that can't be it.' (A/N: Oooooo Yugi almost knew why Yami upset.) Yugi shook off the thought and continued to listen to Ryou who was still explaining the one problem.

+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+ (At lunch)

After math class Yugi went to lunch with all his friends, well Joey was missing for some reason. "Hey Honda!" Yugi called seeing him coming over to the lunch table. "Hey Yug." He said before taking his usual seat at the table. "Have you seen Joey today?" Yugi asked showing some concern.

Honda hesitated for a moment before finally answering; "Um he is eating lunch off the premises. He should be back later." Yugi blinked, "Oh…that's not usually like him but, ok." Yugi suddenly sighed and looked down at his lunch, for some odd reason he didn't feel like eating. Even when he was in a good mood he was upset. `Maybe it's because Yami isn't out here with me,' He thought to himself. (A/N: Yugi is starting to miss his Yami, I wonder why? *Being sarcastic* ^^)

That day Yami had decided to not join Yugi and his friends for lunch, and also he didn't want to put up with- "Yugi!" Anzu almost screamed. Yugi jumped coming out of his thoughts, "Oh sorry Anzu. I was thinking." She glared, "Well I was talking to you." Yugi again apologized, not really meaning it however. "Well could you please repeat what you said?"

She rolled her eyes but said it again, "Where is Yami? Isn't he going to join us for lunch, besides he is neglecting his girlfriend." Yugi felt his temper rising to dangerous levels but was able to keep it in check. "No, Anzu he isn't joining us for lunch." He said calmly. Her face showed anger as well, "Well why not?!" (A/N: My god I hate that bitch! >.<)

"I don't know, ok!" Yugi almost yelled back. Ryou looked at Yugi curiously, "Yugi are you ok?" "I am fine!" Yugi yelled, but then saw whom he was talking to and his eyes softened, "Oh, sorry Ryou. But yeah I am fine." Ryou blinked and just nodded, but he knew something was bothering the shorter teen.

Yugi sighed. /Yami? I know you don't wanna, but…could you come out here? / There was a long pause before the spirit answered. //I really rather not Yugi. Especially when she is sitting there. // Yugi looked at Anzu, / You mean Anzu? / Yami sent Yugi a mental nod. //Yes, who else would I be referring to? //

Yugi thought this over for a minute, `Wait Yami doesn't really like Anzu? Then why is he dating her?'

//Aibou? // Yugi blinked. /Yes Yami? / Yugi said sweetly, hope in his voice for some reason. //What's on your mind? // Yugi paused, there was so much to tell and ask.

"Yugi?" A voice brought him back to real life. "Is Yami talking to you or something?" Honda asked. "You were spacing out again." Anzu practically stood up, "You tell him to get his ass out here right now!"

Yugi glared at her, "He isn't coming out here!" "Why?!" She yelled back. "Because, he just doesn't want to ok!" With that Yugi stood taking his tray with him, getting a couple glances from other people due to his and Anzu's yelling. He got rid of his lunch then headed to the nearest bathroom. No one was there due to the lunch hour taking up everyone else's time.

Yugi sighed and leaned against the wall. A faint glow was seen before Yami stood next to Yugi. Yugi looked up at the other before looking back down. Yami frowned, "What's wrong?" He asked, worry in his voice and eyes. Yugi sighed, "I really should be asking you the same." Yami blinked and fell silent. "Why didn't you wanna come with me to lunch today?"

Yami stared at the floor, "Well you seemed to be in a good mood already and I just felt that you didn't need me out there with you." Yugi looked up, "Are you kidding! Yeah I might have been in a good mood but you don't have to think your not needed anymore. I like it…when you're around." Yugi averted his eyes as he spoke the last sentence and blushed a little. (A/N: Awww.)

Yami blinked as he let that register in his mind, then smiled when it hit home. He scooted over some, so their shoulders brushed slightly. "Then let's go to lunch." Yugi smiled and blushed a little more making Yami grin. They then both left together, heading back to the lunchroom.


Honda, Anzu, and Ryou all watched as Yugi had left the lunchroom, storming off. Ryou blinked, `Why is Yugi so upset?' He asked himself, and as if Honda had heard his thoughts he asked the same question aloud. "Who cares, I just wanna talk to Yami." Anzu said crossing her arms. Ryou looked at her, "How can you say that, and he is always so nice to you?"

She rolled her eyes; "I don't ask him to be nice to me he just is, so I can say what I want." Ryou glared at her, "Well not while I am sitting here you won't." Ryou then stood up and left the table to go search for Yugi.

Honda sighed, "Everyone sure is in a hell of a good mood today." The sarcasm in his voice was evident. Anzu just sat there pouting to herself and glaring at the table. `How could Yami care about Yugi and not me?!' She kept asking herself over and over in her mind.(A/N: Maybe because he likes his hikari and he is gay!)


Ryou made his way in the direction Yugi had stomped off in, and before he could call out his name there he was making his way over Yami next to him. "Yugi!" Ryou said and ran over. "Oh hey Ryou, why did you leave the cafeteria?" Ryou sighed, "Oh my gosh, Anzu needs to get over herself. That's all I can say." Yugi nodded and mumbled, "I agree."

Yami sighed, `Ok that's it I need to tell her how I really feel, then maybe she will stop pestering my hikari and his nicer friends.' Suddenly Yami started walking towards the lunchroom. Yugi quickly ran after him followed by Ryou, "Yami? Where are you going?" Yugi asked as he caught up. "I don't really like Anzu, Aibou." Yugi stopped in his tracks when he heard those words. (A/N: *Being Yugi* YES!^^)

Yami looked back, "Aibou?" Yugi smiled, "You don't like her?" Yami shook his head, "No not really, she isn't my…type." Yugi felt his hope becoming stronger, `Oh my god, he doesn't like Anzu! This is...is great! Now I can spend more time with him!' Yami then continued to walk towards the lunchroom. Yugi was just standing there with Ryou at his side, "Yugi are you ok?" The albino asked.

Yugi just turned and smiled at Ryou, "Yeah…I am now." He whispered the last part making Ryou raise an eyebrow and look at him curiously. Yugi only smiled then ran off following Yami into the lunchroom.


Joey grinned as him and Seto walked down the sidewalk outside the school. They had skipped lunch and decided to go for walk instead, it was Joey's idea really. He was trying to avoid his friends, if they saw whom he was with…they would freak. Yeah, Honda knew he was gay, but he hadn't told him whom he was with at the moment.

Seto didn't really mind that they skipped lunch for some reason, he was able to hang out with Joey and that was all he really cared about. Ever since him and Joey started dating he was actually learning how to be in a better mood around some people, but only some. Seto could honestly say he liked being nice sometimes.

They soon sat down in the grass under a big oak tree. Joey smiled and leaned on Seto. Seto grinned down at his little puppy and kissed his forehead. Joey smiled and then returned the kiss but on Seto's warm lips. They totally became oblivious to the awkward looks they were getting as some people walked by. (A/N: That would be pretty funny to see. *Laughs*)

Seto then hugged Joey and whispered sweet nothings into Joey's ear, causing the poor pup to melt against his ice prince. Joey loved this but at the same time he was suffering from an inner turmoil. He still had to tell his friends sometime, he couldn't run from them forever. Seto could tell the blonde was upset.

"What's wrong my little puppy?" Seto asked looking into Joey's eyes. Joey stared back blankly. "N-nothing," He lied. Seto could see right through him and narrowed his eyes, "Don't lie to me puppy." Joey sighed, Seto could always tell when he was lying and when he wasn't, but in a way Joey liked that about him.

"Well…I need to tell my friends something." Joey said looking at the ground, but could still feel Seto's icy blue eyes staring at him. "I don't think they will mind that you are with me Joey." Seto said suddenly, "They should only be happy that you are happy, or are you not?" Joey abruptly looked up, "No, I am happy! I have never been happier, but I just can't help but feel that they will be mad or…something," Joey said with a sigh.

Seto only hugged Joey again, "Then they aren't really your friends are they?" Joey looked up, "I guess not. But you're right, I guess I will tell them then." Seto smiled, "Good, they need to know. Besides it's not like you to miss lunch everyday just to be with me. I know you love to eat. "Seto smiled and poked Joey gently in the stomach causing him to snicker and smile up at his lover. (A/N: I like Seto being a nice guy^^)


Yami casually entered the cafeteria. Anzu almost immediately saw him and stood up, "Yami! Over here!" She waved him over. Yami resisted the urge to just roll his eyes and leave, but went over to the table. He sat down next to her and she just looked at him. He blinked, `Ok this is going…uh well?' She was just staring at him.

"Well?" She said her voice had a harsh tone. "Well what?" Yami asked looking at her blankly. She sighed, "Aren't you even going to apologize to me?" She crossed her arms and looked away. Honda just sat there watching with a weird look on his face. Yami narrowed his eyes; "Apologize for what, having to go save Yugi instead of hanging out with you so you could do Ra knows what to me?" His eyes were cold now, and showed no pity for her once so ever.

"Well duh! I am your girlfriend and more important than stupid little Yugi! You should spend time with me!" She yelled glaring at him. Yami only glared back but twice as hard,' How dare she insult my sweet hikari!' "You don't seem to understand that Yugi was in trouble! He was getting beat up in the alley by his house and he needed my help! Just because you were my girlfriend doesn't mean I am just going to ignore everyone else!" (A/N: YOU GO YAMI! *Cheers*)

Anzu blinked as though she hadn't understood a single word of what he had just said. Actually there was only one word she cared to listen to, "Were? What do you mean were your girlfriend?" Yami glared, "Yes Anzu, you were my girlfriend. I am sorry but I can't take this anymore. So I have to say, were through." Anzu just stared at him, Honda looked at Yami, "Are you serious?" Yami glanced at Honda, "Yes, dead serious."

Anzu just continued to stare, then her face showed pure rage, "How could you dump me! You can't do this! Only I can dump you, so…so were through!" Yami laughed inwardly at her stupidity, "Fine whatever you say Anzu." Anzu glared and then stood up stomping out of the lunchroom. (A/N: *Laughs at Anzu* What a idiot! XD)

As she was walking out she ran into Yugi who was coming in. "Watch where you are going!" she yelled and pushed Yugi. Yugi lost his balance and fell backwards landing on his rear. Ryou gasped then glared at her. "S-sorry Anzu." Yugi said softly. "Shut up! Don't you talk to me, ever again!" Little did she know that Yami had seen what she did, and was now standing behind her with his fists clenched.

Anzu was suddenly forced up against the wall roughly, a snarl coming from the person behind her. "Don't you ever touch my hikari. And don't worry I will make sure he never talks to you again." He then released her and pointed to the doors, "Now get out of here!" She quickly complied and ran out of the cafeteria, tears in her eyes. (A/N: *Laughs harder* Yeah Yami!)

Yami then turned to his precious hikari still on the floor. Yugi just looked up at Yami, shock in his eyes. "Are you ok?" Yami asked holding out his hand to the other. Ryou was also in shock. Yugi came out of his shock however, took Yami's hand, and was pulled up off the floor. "Y-yes Yami I am fine. You…I mean…I guess you told her off then, huh?" Yami smiled somewhat, "Yeah. But don't worry Yugi I won't let her hurt you again. "He then glared at the direction in which she had ran.

Yugi looked down and saw his hand was still in Yami's, he blushed lightly and let go. Yami looked at him curiously. Yugi only suddenly turned away; "Well I have to go to my next class, bye Yami! I will see you after school!" He then took off out of the cafeteria. Yami only blinked and watched his hikari leave, Ryou trying to keep up.


Authoress: ^^ and there you have it chapter 7 and the ANZU DUMP!

Yugi: YAY, YAY, YAY! *Running around in circles*

Yami: *Watching Yugi with a curious expression*

Yugi: *Runs over and glomps Yami* Mine now!

Yami: 0.o *Blushes*

Authoress: ^^ EEEE! So cute together! I hope you ppl like this, I am already gonna start the next chapter. Don't worry Bakura will make his appearance again too! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!