Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ Kisses in the Park ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Finally the next chapter, Sry to keep you guys waiting. I was suffering form writers block for like the longest time. But here you go! ^^ I hope you like. Please R&R.
Yugi: EEE! Can't wait to see what happens!
Yami: I hope it's something good.
Yugi: Yeah, me too.
Authoress: Oh it is…it is. *Smirks*
Yami quickly made his way up the stairs, worried about his aibou's frantic call of his name. When he reached the restroom door he knocked a little loudly, so Yugi could hear him over the running water. Yugi jumped when the sound of Yami at the door reached his ears. “Yugi? Are you ok?” Yami asked in a worried tone. Yugi was freaking out, `Kuso, what do I say? He heard me! What if he knows what I just did?'
“Aibou?” Yugi quickly answered, “Uh yeah Yami I am fine. Why do you ask?” Yugi shut off the water and got out of the tub to dry. “I thought I heard you call me Yugi. Are you sure you're ok?” Yugi wrapped a towel around his waist and slightly cracked the door open. “Yes Yami I am fine, see.”
Yami certainly did see. He saw how beautiful Yugi looked with his hair damp and slightly down water dripping down his smooth chest. Yugi cheeks were flushed due to the hot water from the shower making him look totally erotic. Yami was sure he had stopped breathing, he was also aware that he was staring and quickly averted his eyes to the ground.
“I am sorry to have bothered you Aibou. I will be in your room if you need me.” With that Yami turned and walked down the hall to Yugi's room. Yugi closed the door and sighed, `That was to close. No more of that.' Yugi then quickly dressed into clean clothes he had grabbed before entering the bathroom. It was his normal attire; black tank top with black snug fitting jeans, collar around his neck with the buckle, and a few other straps on his wrists accompanying the outfit.
It wasn't long before Yugi went to his room to find Yami sitting in his computer chair reading a book. In fact after Yugi looked at it closely it was his favorite book Yami was reading, the one he always read. Yami looked up from the book, “I see you like romances Aibou.” Yugi blushed somewhat and nodded. “Yeah, kinda. They aren't that bad.”
Yami smiled, amused with his hikari's blush. Yugi only blushed more and shifted slightly. Yami put down the book setting down on the desk. “Um Yami?” Yami looked up at his light. “Yes?” Yugi averted his eyes, “Well…it's only 2:30pm and I was wondering if…you wanted to do something with me today?” Yami nodded, “Yes, what would you like to do Aibou.”
Yugi thought this over for a minute before a smile grazed his lips, “How about we go for a walk through the park? It's rather nice out today.” Yami nodded and smiled at his hikari, “That would be nice Aibou.” Yugi smiled wider; glad his Yami liked the idea. Maybe he would tell Yami how he felt while they were at the park.
Yugi breathed in the fresh the sun shining brightly a light breeze making the blades of grass dance. Yugi loved the outside, when it was nice out anyway. Storms weren't his favorite types spring weather but this was perfect. The fact that Yami joining him was also putting Yugi in the best mood he had probably ever had, well he hadn't been this happy in a while.
Yami smiled to himself as he watched his hikari walk beside him. Yugi was truly happy at that moment; his worries seemed to have completely evaporated putting him in a pure state of bliss. Yami was glad his light was enjoying himself, maybe now was the right time he should talk to Yugi about the way he felt. Suddenly Yugi ran off the path and into the grass taking a seat in the green sea waving gently. Yugi then beckoned his other over, “Come sit with me Yami.” Yami went over to his hikari sitting next to him, “It's nice to see you enjoying yourself Yugi.” Yami looked at his Aibou who smiled in return. “It's nice to actually be happy again, “ Yugi said.
Yugi lay back looking up into the sky. Yami did the same, looking into the blue sky that lingered above them. Yugi sighed heavily and so did Yami. Silence filled the air for a while before Yugi and Yami both suddenly went to speak at the same time each saying each others names in sync. “Oh sorry, you can go first,” Yugi said looking over at his other.
Yami took a deep breath before sitting up so he could look at his precious light. Yugi propped himself up on his elbows and watched Yami with curious violet. “Well…Yugi I have been meaning to tell you something for some time now.” Yugi blinked and sat up knowing Yami was serious about what he was going to say due to the use of his name. Yami hesitated for a minute as if trying to figure out what he was going to say.
Yugi scooted somewhat closer to his dark eager to know what it was. Maybe he wouldn't have to be the one to make the first move here, well if that's what Yami was even going to talk about. Yami looked deeply into violet depths, time standing still. Yugi's breath hitched in his throat as Yami scooted somewhat closer to him their hands brushing before Yami grasped his hand gently.
Yugi blushed but didn't loose eye contact with the other, his mouth now dry with anticipation. Yami advanced further now mere inches form Yugi's face. Yugi slowly closed his eyes so that they were half-lidded when he felt Yami's lips brush his lightly.
Ryou walked through the halls of school eager to leave the now empting building. This had to have been one of the longest school days he had been through his whole life. Yugi not being there was a real drag. First there was the stupid math class where he had to be paired up with this girl who was totally obsessed with him for a class project. Then he had to sit through health class, Bakura yelling at him through the mind link almost the whole time about the stupidest things, and finally he had to sit through Anzu's ranting at the lunch table about how mad she was at Yami.
He sighed and shifted the weight if his backpack to his other shoulder. Once outside he saw a familiar face, “Hey Joey!” The blonde looked over and waved a hand. Ryou ran over to the other. “Hi Joey I haven't seen you around lately. Like at lunch and stuff.” Joey smiled somewhat and scratched his head. “Oh yeah, well I have…been going out for lunch.” Ryou looked at him oddly but shrugged. “Oh.”
Joey looked around, “Where is Yug? You are usually always hangin' out with him.” Ryou shrugged, “Um I didn't see him at school. I am guessing he is sick at home.” Joey nodded, “Probably, if he wasn't here. Well um I am going to walk home; you can come if you want too. Tristin went off with Anzu so I got no one to talk to.” Ryou smiled, “Sure I will walk home with you if you want.”
The walk home was silent until about halfway to the boys' houses when Ryou decided to strike up a conversation. “So…um, where do you go to eat during lunch. You use to love the cafeteria food. Never thought you would leave to go eat.” Joey became nervous, “Um well I…was uh getting sick…of Anzu's ranting so...I just decided to go out for a while. Uh I just eat where ever I feel like it certain days.”
Ryou nodded but knew Joey was lying. Oh well, when Joey wanted to tell him what he was really doing he could. Besides it wasn't really any of his business anyway. Joey and Ryou then came to Joey's house. “Well here is my stop. I will see you tomorrow. Bye Ryou.” Ryou waved and nodded, “Bye Joey.” Ryou then continued to his house. He sighed, `Great now I get to go home to Bakura.'
Ryou was getting use to Bakura, but still he didn't like ALL the things he did. He still didn't appreciate the rude comments and language Bakura usually used. But if this was how it was going to be he figured he might as well accept it, besides Bakura was somewhat gentler with him. Unless of course he did something Bakura disapproved of. Then Bakura went right back to his abusive ways.
Ryou took in a breath and opened his front door, now at his house.
/Bakura I'm home. /
//It's about damn time. // Ryou felt frustration through the link and sighed.
/Well I have lots of homework Bakura so you will have to wait. /
//Ha! You know you goddamn homework comes after me. //
Ryou felt hands snake there way around his waist as his Yami embraced him from behind. Ryou's backpack slipped off his shoulder and he gave up, knowing it was pointless to argue or try to get away. Bakura would without doubt kill him.
Joey put down his backpack as he entered his house. Glad to be home and away from his questioning friends, he sat down on the couch and dialed the phone. Seto's voice quickly sounded on the other line, “Hello, Kaiba residence.” Joey smirked, “ Hi Dragon. Miss me?”
You could hear Seto chuckle, it's only been but a few hours pup.” Joey whimpered sounding heart broken, “So you didn't miss me?” Seto again chuckled, “No, of course I missed you.” Joey smiled to himself, “Anyway you know why I am calling.” “Yeah, tomorrow then?” Joey shook his head yes even though he knew Kaiba couldn't see him, “Yeah, but Yugi was absent today. I am hoping he is going to be able to make it tomorrow.”
“I am sure he will come, Yugi hardly ever misses more than a day of school. Just call him and ask him, if he is sick then maybe you could just tell him on the phone.” Seto said. “Yeah I guess. You will be there tomorrow right, I don't think I can tell them unless you're there dragon,” Joey pouted. “Yeah I will be there, pup. Four o'clock right?” “Yep right after school.” Joey answered.
“Ok I will see you then, but right now I have to go to into a meeting.” Seto said sadly. Joey whined, “Aw man. Ok well I guess I will see you tomorrow then.” “Yep, bye. Love you pup.” Seto said. “Love you too, bye.” Joey then hung up the phone. He leaned back into the couch with a sigh, `This is going to be harder than I thought.'
Yugi gasped when a jolt shot through his body as their lips brushed against one another. Yami quickly pulled away and looked down, apologizing. Yugi's whole form was tingling. He raised a hand to touch his lips as if trying to feel the kiss still lingering there. He opened his eyes halfway and looked at Yami. “Yugi I am sry, I shouldn't have-,” Yami was suddenly cut short when Yugi meet his lips yet again in a shy and awkward kiss.
Yami gave in instantly and closed his eyes. Yugi flushed as Yami deepened the kiss, running his tongue along Yugi's bottom lip. Yugi hesitated at first but then granted Yami entrance to his mouth. Yami tongue gently pushed into his mouth, tasting his hikari at last. The taste of vanilla and something else he couldn't describe flooded Yami's senses causing him to groan softly.
Yugi flushed further when he heard his Yami groan into his mouth, this in turn causing him to whimper lightly. Yami tasted so erotic, like some spice he had never tried before and it was driving Yugi mad. Yami gently rubbed his tongue against Yugi's coaxing him into a shy duel. Yugi fought back but easily let his Yami dominate his mouth.
The need for air becoming an issue made the two finally pull apart from one another. Yugi's face was flushed as he panted slightly. Yami also tried to catch his breath. Yugi stared into the crimson depths of his Yami for what seemed like the longest time. Until finally Yami moved, he leaned in until his mouth was right next to Yugi's ear. The warm breath caused Yugi to shiver slightly. Then Yami whispered the three words Yugi would never forget, “I love you.”
Yugi felt his eyes begin to water.
Authoress: MWAHAHAH! And there you have it the next chapter. ^^ Yugi x Yami forever! It's so cute…*sniffs*
Yami: Yep!^^
Yugi: *Kisses Yami*
Yami: *Kisses Yugi back*
Bakura: AH! My eyes, my eyes! *Runs out of the room*
Authoress: You know you like it!
Bakura: Are you crazy?!
Authoress:….um yes…actually.
Bakura: -_-