Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ New Beginings ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

New Beginnings
A pillow knocked over the annoying alarm clock that sat on Yugi's desk. The small boy let out a groan, as he slowly tried to wake himself up. He turned over on his stomach and pulled another pillow up over his head.
He then turned over and sat straight up, remembering what had happened last night. He looked over at his small desk, and sitting on top was his puzzle. The gold pieces had formed what looked like an upside down pyramid.
The golden eye still staring at him from the center. Yugi sat there silently, staring at it for a minute before crawling over, picking up his grandfathers gift and inspected it more carefully. He could hardly remember putting the pieces together it seemed like it was all just a dream. He let his fingers trace the surprisingly warm metal. Yugi fingered a loop at the top of it.
Yugi jumped from his bed and ran downstairs to find something that would be able to support it around his neck. He looked in a section of his grandfather's shop that had jewelry.
Looking around everything seemed to light to hold such a heavy ornament. "Why is everything so damn small!" He went behind the counter and found just what he needed. The chain looked very sturdy, and thick enough for his puzzle. He fingered it once again then dashed back up to his room.
Taking the metal chain, he slid it into place under the loop at the top of his puzzle. He snapped it close and picked the hole of it in his two small hands. For some reason he was nervous,
"Maybe what my grandfather said was true . . . what if I gain mysterious dark powers?" Yugi expressed anxiously, letting out a sigh, "Whatever those are." Yugi didn't know what his grandfather meant by saying that, but he sure wouldn't let that stop him.
He placed the cold metal chain over his neck. The cold chain touched his bare neck and he let out a shiver, feeling the weight of the puzzle fall on his chest though made Yugi feel a source of unexplained energy.
"Wow" was all he said as he felt a wave of pride and his chest seemed to fill up with self-confidence. Closing his eyes, he let the new feeling flow threw his body. His whole body was glowing, radiating the new power that was being released inside of him. When he opened his eyes, his whole body seemed like it was alive.
He quickly made his bed and ran in the bathroom. He looked in the full-length mirror that hung on the inside bathroom door.
'I don't look any different, I wonder what just happened?' Shrugging his shoulders, Yugi removed his cloths and stepped in the shower. He quickly washed his hair with his citrus scented shampoo and conditioner. Washing the rest of himself quickly, to make up for his morning activities, he was soon finished and stepped out of the shower.
As he looked around for his towel, he stopped as he gazed himself in the mirror.
Yugi froze as his body responded to his reflection, feelings that were unknown to him seemed to spread all over his body making his heart stop for a moment as the blood from his head, resting in a spot between his small legs.
His eyes glazed over to a dark purple, almost a blood red color, the feeling he was having seeming to come from deep inside of him.
He let his hand drop down, almost as if he had no control of his own body, his hand coming closer to the source of his heat. He could fell the lust building up inside of him. He stopped; his eyes went back to his natural lavender.
'My LUST?' His eyes opened wide, it seemed as if all the feeling that he just was experiencing just disappeared retreated to the back of his mind. 'What the heck just happened?' He felt his heat cool down, and he grabbed his towel drying himself off avoiding the mirror with all his will.
'Hm. That was a little weird...' He thought as he shook his head.He had no "body issues" becides how much he despised being so small, and had no idea what had just caused him to fell that way. Letting out a scandalized sigh he wrapped the towel tightly around himself, went to his room, and got ready for school.
Yugi's new found confidence and his naturalhelpfulness attracted many people to him. Domino High seemed to open up to, he no longer felt shy and alone, but confident and excited. He felt that no matter where he went he would never be by himself. These feelings were still strange to him, but he embraced them, and loved how they made him feel.
Yugi planned to start his search for real friends, by being more social and more talkative. He never really had a chance to try it out, because the second he stepped on campus, Jounouchi Katsuya, and Honda Hiroto, ran up to him. Yugi closed his eyes tight waiting for them to do something mean to him.
He waited a few seconds longer then opened one of his violet eyes to see confused looks on both their faces.
"Um... you okay there Yug?" A heavily accented voice asked.
"Hmm?" Yugi opened his other eye and grinned, "Oh yes sorry, I was just a little surprised that you wanted to talk to me." The shock of seeing the two taller boys running over to him gone, his new confidence quickly found his way to the top and glowed out in his smile.
Jou looked down, the floor suddenly seeming very interesting in the floor.
"Well ya see Yug, me and Honda here, well we just wanted to let cha know how sorry we both are for takin' your puzzle the other day, we knew it was wrong we shouldn't of had to have Anzu tell us dat." Honda then started to apologizing to Yugi for other things that they had done mean to him over the short freshman year they had shared together, some things that Yugi didn't even know that they had done.
When they both seemed out of breath and were both finished apologizing. Jou looked up to see Yugi, smiling. When Yugi felt the others gaze rest on his eyes, he bust with laughter. Jou gave Honda a look.
"Well if dat's the way you feel." He let off rather angry, upset that they little kid was laughing at him. Yugi stopped and nodded his head. "Thanks Jou, it means a lot to me that you apologized. I forgive you."
"Dat's it?" Jou asked confused, "We've been mean to you for months and all you can do is laugh and say you forgive us?" Yugi smiled up at him, saying in his sweet, innocent voice, "All I want is your friendship."
Jou and Honda smiled down at Yugi. Jou held out his hand shaking it violently. "You got it Yug!" The three teens set off all smiling.
Yugi beamed up at his new friends. Everything he had ever wanted was coming into place. He invited his new friends, Jou, and Honda to come with him after school, back to his Grandpa's game shop.
When the school bell rang, Yugi walked quickly outside to meet up with his new friends. They had all had lunch together today, it was the first time Yugi had sat in the cafeteria with someone. Normally he would just go in the library or visit with a teacher.
He saw Honda over the bobbing heads of the school, he made his little legs run over to him and stopped and said hello to the boy.
"Jou's in Mrs. Henchi's class, he had to have a talk with her. Honda gave him a smirk. Yugi knew that Jou was one of the class clowns, who normally got in trouble. He waited patiently talking to Honda about their classes.
"Man, that bitch can talk, she seems to think that I have a temper! I just told her to get over it, and stay out of my damn business." Jou had entered the hall walking up to them. Yugi laughed and Jou continued, "Some people have no consideration of others. She seems to think that she's the only one that has problems, well I let her know that, dat wasn't the case, and that if she kept trying to talk to me about it she would have ANOTHER problem!" Honda punched him hard in the arm.
"Hey you can't use that language around little Yugi!" Honda said grinning at the one in question, "He's still a little kid" Yugi glared at him and let his cute pink tongue stick out at him. "You guys are so mean" he said playfully, "I think you should hang around Anzu more often." The taller boys stopped.
"Oh man," Jou pouted, " I forgot about her, were not gonna have to hang out with HER all the time now are we?"
Yugi laughed and answered him with a smirk, " If you keep up that mouth you will."
Honda laughed, "THANKS Jou, you're going to ruin BOTH our reputations!
" Now it was Jou's turn to laugh, "What reputation, the only one you have is how much you're obsessed with your mirror." Honda reached out and hit him "Take that back!" The two boys had started a playful fistfight. Yugi smiled to himself. 'This is the greatest' "OW, WATCH IT, JOU!"
The three boys made it to the game shop in one piece. Honda had a slight black and blue mark from Jou on his left cheek but that was it.
"GRANDPA, I'M HOME!" Yugi shouted into the empty shop. A few customers seemed to materialize out of the shelves, looking to see who had cause such a disturbance. Yugi turned a shade of pink and walked his friends to the back of the room, friends in tow.
"Yugi!" Solomon greeted, spying his friends he turned to Jou and Honda, "And who might these two be?" Yugi stepped aside, allowing his friends and his grandfather to shake hands as he formally introduced them.
"Very nice to meet you boys, now would you guys like to have a snack in the kitchen?"
Jou's honey brown eyes opened wide, and so did his mouth.
"Oh yea, where's the kitchen." Yugi's grandpa let out a chuckle at the blond boy. He was in such a good mood that Yugi had made some friends that he didn't notice the costumer that was waiting at the counter for him.
"Right back here, Jou! Common, common, hurry up I'm a busy man, lots of people to help, costumers to serve." A loud bell being rung from the counter confirmed his last statement.
"Oh sorry boys, business calls, Yugi, help the others get situated I'll be back as soon as I'm done."
The three boys began to talk a bit when Solomon came back. He looked at Yugi and said "Anzu stopped by earlier,"
Yugi saw Jou tense at the sound of the girl who annoyed him in his nightmares was mentioned.
"She had a small nerdy kid with her, he had green hair and big gold bug glasses. She said you would want to meet him because he had just won the duel monster championship that was on TV last week or something." Yugi's eyes widened in shock and about going to say something but Jou's choking on one of the cookies he was swallowing interrupted him.
"You mean dat, cough Weevil Underwood was HERE? With ANZU?" Then as an after thought he had a confused look and said softly to himself, "Why?"
Honda laughed and explained. "Jou hear entered that tournament, he made it past the entry rounds, but lost on his second duel, and guess who he lost to, if your thinking Weevil Underwood, you deserve a gold star." Jou hit him in the side, and Honda kneeled over in pain, Jou took the opportunity to explain how he lost.
"I coulda' beat him, All my monsters could have kicked his bugged eyed ass in one attack. He just kept cheating using all these magic cards, and messing with my game."
Yugi's grandfather raised an eyebrow at the honey blonde's explanation. "Cheating with magic cards? Hn never heard of that excuse." Jou was about to say something when Solomon's eyes lit up.
"Yugi here is quite the duelist," Yugi flushed at the complement, "I thought him myself, he has a perfectly crafted deck, and all the skills and knowledge to back it up. You and him should have a duel." Then to Yugi with a grin, "Maybe you can teach him a little about those magic cards." By this time Yugi was a fluorescent red color, matching his hair. He shook his head at his grandfathers' complements. "I'm not that good..."
"That's great Yug!" Jou shouted, "I didn't know you dueled! Hehe, I'm gonna' school ya though, how bought' tomorrow me and you head down to KaibaLand for a friendly battle." Yugi nodded his head, "Sounds great"
"Oh and Gramps, maybe you can help and give me lessons later." You sound like you really know alota' bout duel monsters. I would be honored if ya could help me out a bit."
"That sounds like a good idea, Jou." Then looking at the clock, "Oh boys it's almost 6:00, you really should be getting home now. Honda and Jou got up and were getting ready to leave. Jou and Honda said they're good byes and planned there day at KaibaLand, Yugi couldn't wait until tomorrow.
Yugi rushed getting ready going to school the next day. He carefully avoided the full sized mirror in his bathroom, even though he felt his eyes pulling themselves towards it. While getting dressed, he wore his tightest uniform, even though he didn't know why, he just was in an "exotic mood" he told himself.
When he was combing his hair tried to achieve the "just rolled out of bed, sexy" look. He accomplished it with a smile at himself in the mirror. Walking out of the bathroom again, he turned around fast to look at his reflection.
His normally light amethyst eyes had a dark look to them, almost reddish. He starred at them a while longer, then deciding it was nothing, shot himself one last sexy grin and closed the door.
He felt really good today. He didn't know why, but he had the urge to walk to school instead of being driving with his grandpa. He enjoyed the exercise, and the light sweat he had started, only insinuated the devastatingly handsome look he made for himself that morning.
Walking up to his friends, he greeted them and they all walked into their school. Yugi loved the extra attention he was getting. He felt wonderful as he overheard some of his classmates murmuring about "that freshman Yugi Mutou." Jou and Honda noticed his new attitude and all the attention he was getting. Honda smirked at the stone-cold face Jou had on.
"Hey Yugi, I think your making Jou here, jealous." He said, giving his friend a nooky on the top of his head.
"Cut dat out, and NO I'm not jealous of Yugi, I'm just glad that one of my other friends can attract so much female attention, considering I normally have to hang around you and your ugly mug all the time! It's hard tryin' to repel the attention of beautiful woman when they're aren't any guys to direct their attention TOO!"
Yugi laughed and waved goodbye to Honda as he stepped into his classroom. Yugi and Jou had pretty much all the same classes with him, although they didn't always sit together. The day passed slowly for Yugi, and he had taken his excitement out buy asking everyone that sat around him, in all his classes, if they had ever been to KaibaLand. Everyone that had been there told him that it was beyond cool and after, they would get a glossy eyed look in their eyes. Yugi got the most information from the new exchange student Ryou who also seemed to be very into duel monsters, because he had asked him yesterday if he ever played.
"Well, from what I've heard, KaibaLand is the largest collection of the newest duelist technology around the world." When I went with Ba . . . , "He stopped himself his face twitched with pain momentarily, but he continued quickly, "...my friend, we walked around after and watched the duels; they have some of the top duelist that come there. I believe that KaibaCorp is run by Seto Kaiba, the number one duelist in the world. That's why the company is so focused on dueling technology. I believe he is only a year older then us, 16 the most.
"Wow, you mean he owns his own company, his own theme park, and he still has time to practice playing duel monsters! That would be so great if I could meet him! Maybe I'll see him today. That would be awesome!" Yugi was practically bouncing in his seat at the thought of meeting this interesting teen.
"Good luck," Ryou said evenly, "I heard that he is the most selfish, power hungry, business tycoon out there, and that he crushes his opponents and then laughs in their faces. I don't think he has ever lost a duel." The small brown-eyed boy brushed some of his silky white hair out of his face.
Yugi laughed, "Well neither have I, so we're equal, well you know, except for him being the number one duelist in the world and me being well, . . . "He looked around, "A kid at Domino high school getting excited about going to a sill theme park." They both laughed but were interrupted by Mrs. Henchi's scratchy voice.
"Would you boys like to share what you were discussing with the class?" She asked Yugi and Ryou mockingly.
"...No? Then I will invite you both to continue you conversation today after class."
Yugi let out a whimper as he heard Ryou let out a small growl. Both boys were silent the rest of the period unless they were called on. When the final bell rang, Jou walked next to Yugi's desk and dropped a piece of paper next to it on the floor. He gave a shy grin to Ryou, whose pale cheeks turned a slight pink. Then waved to both of them as he walked out of the room.
When Mrs. Henchi left the two boys alone, Yugi picked up Jou's note and read it quickly.
Hey Yug,
Now how do you feel about Mrs. Henchi? Ha well I guess Honda and me will just go down KaibaLand after school and you can just meet us there. I heard it was hard to get a dueling arena anyway so you're probably not missing out on too much. You better hurry up. Oh and if ya want to bring Ryou that would be cool too. Only if you want too though, cause if you don't, that's ok. Anyway HAVE FUN WITH MRS. HENCHI!
Yugi let out a sigh and slouched back into his chair. 'Figures, for the first time I was really having a lot of fun, I guess my luck is all out.' He looked back at Ryou who was watching him and remembered the note.
"Hey, would you want to head down to KaibaLand with me, Jou, and Honda today? We were gonna go right after school but well I'm not gonna be going there any time soon." He said looking around the classroom. "I don't really even know where it is, and I don't think that Jou or Honda has been there yet, so you could kind of help us out, and show us around!"
Ryou nodded, "Of course, I would love too! It's very kind of you to invite me!"
The two boys continued talking about their favorite cards to their worst classes, and by the time their teacher had came back, Yugi had made another friend. When they were packing up to leave, Yugi noticed a heavy gold chain around his new friend's neck. Pointing it out to him he asked Ryou what it was.
"Oh this," He said pulling out a gold ring, in the center there was a triangle within a circle, with golden cones hanging around it, in the triangle the same eye that was on Yugi's puzzle and was staring at up him. Ryou fingered it softly; "I got this from my father on my 13th birthday." His face flushed a little and then looked at Yugi.
"I'm not completely sure what it is suppose to do, but I do know that it was made in ancient Egypt and that it contains dark pow..." Ryou was interrupted by their teacher grabbing both boys and pushing them out of the room.
"How rude!" Ryou said when she shut the door behind them. Yugi and Ryou steadily walked to the theme park that they had been talking about. When Yugi's gaze fell on it, his mouth opened wide and his eyes grew impossibly large.
A full sized Blue Eyes White Dragon stood over the entrance doors, and a 15-foot tall fountain was in the courtyard. People were all walking around talking to each other enjoying themselves. Yugi felt like he would explode if he didn't get to duel soon! He pulled on Ryou's hand and was just entering through the huge doors when they ran straight into Anzu.
"Yugi! Ryou! Hey!" She pulled a green haired boy out from behind her and pushed him closer to Yugi and Ryou. Ryou backed away from both of them. "I was hoping to see you, Jou and Honda told me to look for you when I was talking to them."
Ryou rolled his eyes, "I wonder why." He said quietly to himself.
Yugi giggled hearing what he said, and looked at the boy in front of him. Anzu was busy talking about something when she screamed loudly "OH! "Causing Yugi to fall over.
"This is Weevil." The green haired boy stepped up and reached out to shake Yugi's hand. Yugi held his out uneasily. Weevil grabbed it, and shook it slowly. Yugi tried to keep his face from squirming; the boy's hand was cold and slimy. Something made Yugi not like him right away, he just felt creepy.
"Pleasure to meet you Yugi," he said in a high annoying voice.
"I'm sure you have heard of me, Anzu told me how you played duel monsters, and I wouldn't mind giving you the pleasure of playing, but losing, to the champion."
If Yugi was planning on being friends with this boy, all thoughts of it quickly left his mind. He pulled his hand away and faking a week smile replied. "Yes I would love to."
Ryou defiantly didn't want to have to hang around with Anzu or her new "friend", and he quickly asked Anzu where Honda and Jou were before Weevil could talk anymore.
"Oh um, Jou's dueling someone right now, he's doing really good! They have his duel on the KaibaLand TV screens right now, I'm not sure which arena their in though."
Yugi asked her if she could show him and Ryou where it was, and to Ryou's relief, Anzu said that her and Weevil, were going to be VERY busy. The Ryou and Yugi took the opportunity to run away from them, as Weevil and Anzu grabbed at each other and started to make out, Weevil was drooling all over Anzu, but she didn't seem to care.
Ryou was near throwing up, but kept it under control when he saw Yugi's face on entering through the doors. His eyes had lit up to a brilliant violet, not able to keep in their excitement and his mouth was hung open slightly form the shock of what he was seeing. He hole hall seemed to be alive. Hundreds of people were watching duels and cheering other people on.
Yugi watched as one person had seemed to summon a monster right out of thin air and he appeared right in front of him. "This is so cool!"
Ryou chucked, "Wait till you get to duel, it's like nothing you've ever tried before."
They made there way easily to Jou, Anzu was right, and his game was shown on the TV's that lined the long hallways. Under each of them said "Duel of the Moment" Yugi thought it was really cool that Jou's game was being so highly reviewed.
When the two teens made it to the platform that Jou was currently standing on, Yugi laughed and gave him a wave as he sent his pumped up Rude Kaiser, on his opponents last hope of winning by doing a little dance and screaming, "ALL RIGHT RUDE KAISER! Attack his life points DIRECTLY!" Yugi watched in amazement at the reality of the new technology, it made the monsters seem so real!
'It can't be that hard, and I'm sure that if I just trust in the heart of my grandfather's deck I'll do just fine!' After a moment of reflection, he decided that he would start to add the millennium puzzle in his pre game meditation speech. 'I don't know why but I feel more confident whenever I have this near me, I wonder if it will improve my dueling any.'
"Yug!" Jou yelled as his platform lowered, collecting his cards, and straightening his green jacket, "I was hoping you'd find us. Did you see that duel? 1200 life points to Jou, OH YEA!" He yelled as he hopped off. Jou broke out into a happy dance as everyone stared at him.
Yugi walked up to Honda who, seeing Yugi's face, explained to him the situation.
"Jou's already beaten two other guys today, and Anzu just came by and had to tell him that his ugly mug was all over KaibaLand as the duel of the moment, and you KNOW how he gets when his head gets too filled up. "Honda said, rolling his eyes. ("I'm bad you know it, I'm bad, I show it!1) Ryou laughed, which caused Jou to stop dancing and look over at him, as his eyes fell on the snow haired boy he flushed and brushed his hand threw his hair. "Oh hey Ryou." He stuttered looking down at the floor.
"Hello Jou, that was an excellent duel you just won." Ryou's face started to glow into warm, pink color, "You were really great." He purred also looking at the floor, the back to Jou.
"Thanks" the blonde replied, letting his eyes fall into the chocolate brown of the doe eyed teen.
Honda glanced confused to the small white-haired boy to the taller blond one. Not knowing what to do, he turned to Yugi, as if trying to think of something to say. His face lit up and he asked quickly trying not to look at his best friend if they had met Weevil Underwood.
Ryou snapped out of whatever was wrong with him, tearing his eyes away from Jou. "Yea he seemed really creepy, he was very rude to Yugi, and he made it seem as if we should be bowing down to him and worshiping his dueling powers!" Jou let out a loud, inappropriate laugh, everyone stared at him again. He raised his eyes and screamed "WHAT? IT WAS FUNNY!" Everyone faced Ryou again, and he continued, "Well any ways, I still can't believe that he an Anzu are seeing each other." He made a face.
Honda laughed. "I sure can, I mean look at them they're both creepy, talk to much and they love to annoy the crap out of me and Jou here! Although Yugi felt the same way, he didn't like talking about his friends behind they're back. He sighed in resignation. "Guys" and shot Honda a warning glare.
"You know its true buddy, that creep thinks he's better then everyone, I really wish Jou here was as good as his head seems to think he is, so that we could beat that creep."
"Hey, I heard that, and tried to duel the little bug, but he was to scared so he used his I'm to good to duel you speech on my so that I wouldn't be able to take away his title." He started to do an impersonation of Weevil, walking up to Yugi and poking him, "Better then You, better then YOU and way better then you!" He said poking Ryou twice.
Ryou was trying not to laugh cause he could fell Yugi's warning glare still on back of his head. Jou took full advantage of the situation and started to poke and tickle Ryou causing him to bust out laughing. With a triumphant smile, Jou walked back up to Yugi suggestively, "How bout' we have that duel now little Yug?"
"All right" The boys turned around to see to other kids stepping up on the dueling platforms and taking their positions. They both seemed to be inexperienced as the first kid tried to play a magic card in defense mode.
"Oh man, this totally blows!" Yugi, Ryou and Honda all turned to go find a new arena, leaving Jou behind to yell at the kids.
The three boys were talking when they heard a loud announcement. "Attention Duel Monsters fans, If your looking for an exciting duel come see the champions Weevil Underwood and Bandit Keith go head to head, Bringing you live duels, form you duel monster capitol, KaibaLand."
"Well that was smart, they didn't even tell us where it was being held." Then as if it had heard them, the same animated voice came on and announced the duel was being held at arena 21.
The four boys changed their direction and headed to go see what all the commotion was about.
Yes another chapter! I tried to get this up yesterday but it was too late. I hope you guys like this chapter and sorry if the stories going really slow but the first chapters I'm trying to reintroduce the characters. Next chapter gets more interesting I promise! Oh and sorry for the scene with Tea and Weevil, it was necessary. The next one has . . . drum roll Kaiba!
1- I know, I stole it from the show, but I mean it's just so Jou and I couldn't think of anything else.