Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Forgive and Forget ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jou was walking down the hall looking things when he turned to face Ryou . . . well at least he thought it was Ryou. He turned and apologized and almost jumped back about three feet. Bakura, the Ryou imposter, smirked at him. He loved the reaction he had gotten out of the boy. He knew that he and Ryou looked almost identical, except for the fact that he was indeed more exotic and had a different, more sexy aura around him, while Ryou seemed to radiate innocence.
"Oh Ryou" The blond gulped loudly. "Um, how's dinner going?" He was using all his self control not to reach out and claim the boy's lips. He just looked so sexy, it was almost annoying him how much Ryou just changed on him, sweet and angelic on minute and the next he just looked like he had walked out of some bad-ass movie.
"Pretty good," Bakura stated trying to copy Ryou's English accent. "I just wanted to talk to you for a moment." He smirked as he heard his lights voice pleading him not to say anything.
//Why not Ryou, its not like you care what he thinks. Unless there is something that you're not telling me.//
/No please Yami just don't do anything to him./
Bakura smirked as he looked back at the blond that was unconsciously staring at him. When the old spirt looked back into his steady gaze, Jou quickly looked down, his shoes suddenly becoming very interesting, pink tint climbing up his neck.
Bakura chuckled through his mind link, and grabbed Jou around the waist and pulled the taller boy close to him. He looked into the scared, wide, puppy eyes and pulled him violently to his mouth.
Jou didn't even know what was happening and closed his eyes after a moment of shock, ready to melt into the kiss. He suddenly felt the lips leave his. He opened his eyes to see Ryou walking out of the kitchen.
"Um is everything okay out here?" Ryou asked in his politist voice, Jou was standing in his hall way with his eyes closed and lips puffed out slightly.
"Yeah I'm fine. I was just . . . " He said confused, with his forehead scrunched. He has spaced out look on his face, and just looked strangely at Ryou.
/Yami! What did you do to him?/
/ I told you already, nothing that concerns you. The boy is fine he's probably just a little shocked that you aren't in the kitchen making him his dinner. //
Ryou left him alone without another word not wanting to anger him further and walked back to the kitchen, leaving a very confused Jou in the hallway. Inside his soul room Yami Bakura paced back and forth. He was getting way too soft for his liking, but right now things couldn't be helped. He didn't know what had come over him when he kissed the blond. He chuckled. The look the boy had on his face when he went back to his ring was something that he had enjoyed greatly. With his eyes closed and lips puckered out like that, Bakura immediately stopped thinking about it and mentally slapping himself for getting soft again.
He had made up his mind a while ago that if needed he would protect his light against his wishes. Ryou did not understand how people acted in the real world. He was too trusting. He would not allow his weakness to destroy them both. He knew that Ryou liked Jou, even if he didn't want to admit it to himself. But Bakura didn't want him to get hurt, but he also wanted him to be happy. He growled to himself when he realized he was again being soft. He shoved it off and sunk into the comforting darkness of his soul room, occasionally glancing at the happening of the light realm.
"It's Done!" Ryou said from the kitchen and Joey jumped up running in. Deciding to forget about what he had just imagined happening. He decided that he had just made it up in his head from the lack of food. He couldn't believe his eyes, there was some kind of fish in a white, creamy sauce, with white fluffy rice. Ryou had gone back into the kitchen to get them drinks.
Joey was practically drooling. He reached out to serve himself, when Ryou smacked his hands.
"Come on Jou, I haven't even brought out utensils!" He finished setting the table and sat down to watch as Jou piled food onto his plate.
Ryou grinned. "Is it good Jou?"
Jou forked the fish and looked up and almost laughed. Ryou was staring at him, nodded and urging Jou to continue to eat.
"YEA its great Ryou! This is the best thing I've ever tasted." Jou complimented with a full mouth.
"You obviously have never tasted, . . . " Two hands flew to Ryou's mouth.
//Dammit, I knew I should have taken full control that time.//
/Just stop with the hole taking-over-Ryou-and-saying-obscene-things-to-Jou routine./
Jou didn't seem to notice, and finished happily. He gave Ryou a bright smile and thanked him politely. Which was odd, after he just finished all his food in about thirty seconds. Ryou was still holding his second bite on his fork.
Ryou soon finished his meal and Jou and he carried their dishes to the plate. Jou placed his into the sink and picked up the still very hot pan.
"OW!" He let it go and held onto his right hand with his left.
"Oh Jou! Are you all right?" Ryou said concerned. "I'll go get the first aid kid."
//Oh all you all right!// Bakura's voice mocked //You sound like a little girl scout. You cook AND you know fist aid, you really are pathetic.//
Jou ran his hand under the water as Ryou ran up the stairs. When he returned Jou refused to let him see his hand.
"Come on Jou, I have to see it, you could have really hurt you self!"
"I'm fine Ryou, don't worry about it."
Ryou, who had been taken over again by his darker half, suddenly gripped his hand and pinned the struggling blonds' arm under his own, holding it tightly to his chest. He held out the hand and applied a clear cream on the red burn mark. Jou who was having wired feelings with having Ryou this close to him he realized he could smell him, he found himself inhaling deeply.
Bakura froze when he realized what he was doing. He was facing away from the taller boy, and his eyes glared dangerously and his face was in a dark scowl, he retreated back into his soul room grumbling curses. Ryou realized Jou and fought the urge to smile when his friend stayed close to him with his arm resting on his chest. Jou suddenly snapped out of it, he grinned sheepishly at the chocolate-eyed boy, forcing down a yawn, he was really tired. He glanced at the clock 10:00! "Ryou, wow look at the time! I better be gettin' home now!"
"Your not going to get in trouble are you?"
"Nah dad doesn't get home until eleven" he then saw Ryou yawn a little and rubbing his eyes. Joey couldn't help but think how cute he was when he did this. "I'm sure your tired after beating up those two guys from earlier. That was pretty cool of you." Jou was beginning to picture the rough Ryou again, and stopped himself as he watched him yawn again.
Ryou smiled sheepishly "I guess, I am pretty tired."
Joy watched Ryou sinking into the armchair that he was sitting in, He looked so innocent and Jou couldn't help but smile at him. He loved how Ryou was always so kind and always was concerned about everyone. His smile widened when he remembered how he had slammed Anzu up against the wall earlier. He loved the way Ryou could surprise him all the time, it was as if he had a wild temper and had no control of it.
Ryou who had opened his eyes to see Joey looking at him, had a chill run threw his body. /What is he doing?/
//That's what I want to find out.// gnarled a very possessive Yami
Ryou smiled at his new friend
"Oh Im sorry, let me walk you to the door." He got up and allowed Jou to walk in front of him to the door. He found his eyes travailing over the taller boys body and stopped to look down. "Um, what time are we going to the hospital to see Yugi"
"I think were going to go right after school, the nurse said he should be up by then." Jou said as he got to the door and turned to Ryou. He suddenly noticed how odd he felt as he looked at Ryou who was holding the door opened for him. He walked outside and Ryou followed him. They stood there for a moment and just looked at each other. Both boys seemed to be leaning slightly in the others direction when the both pulled away at the same time. Jou waved and left still trying to figure out what just happened to him.
He heard his dark mumbling things about Jou. Words like "worthless" and "arrogant" seemed to be his favorite. Ryou smiled and locked the door yawning again. He turned off the lights and headed up the stairs his room. He grabbed his favorite pajamas and headed to the shower. Turning on the water he quickly slipped in and washed himself. He got out to see his Yami sitting on the toilet seat.
He jumped and reached for the towel that Bakura was holding. The stronger boy pulled it away and stood up.
"What?" Ryou asked confused.
Bakura had a strange look on is face that Ryou couldn't read. He was growing uncomfortable standing naked in the bathroom, he was just a little happy that the room was filled with the shower's steam so he wasn't freezing.
Yami Bakura smiled a little 'He may be clueless, but he is very beautiful.' He thought, trying very hard to block all his feeling from his little light. He had seen the way Jou was looking at his hakari and was still feeling very protective about him. Bakura was almost angry at Ryou for enjoying the blond's attentions, but, as he watched as the boy staring at him confused, and wrapped his delicate arms around himself, he smirked.
Tonight Ryou would be his.
Bakura unfolded the towel and he wrapped it around Ryou's body. Ryou was surprised and let out a small gasped, he relaxed and began to enjoy the closeness he was getting from his Yami. He felt the others hands straying all over him. Bakura seemed to be smelling him as he was drying him off. He gently rubbed Ryou down, then wrapping it around his waist, leading him out of the bathroom.
Ryou was surprise with Bakura and had no idea what had gotten into him, he simply followed his Yami, ready to do whatever he wanted. When they reached the bedroom he was startled when Bakura suddenly spun him around and pulled him towards him. Looking deep in his eyes Ryou noticed how much his dark half looked liked himself, only his eyes were different, more defined. He suddenly noticed that the look his Yami had in his eyes was the same one that Keith had when he was looking over Yugi's body earlier.
Bakura could feel Ryou's heart racing and he loved it, He pushed the him down on the bed and crawled over to the damp teen. He lent down and softly kissed the smaller boys lips.
"I want you Ryou, you will give yourself to me tonight."Bakura whispered in a needy voice. Clamming the boy's mouth again. He could feel Ryou uneasiness and fear flow threw their link. He wanted his light to want the same thing he needed, and knew why his small lover was afraid.
//Don't worry Ryou, I will be gentle. You are delicate and you deserve gentleness the first time.//. He gave Ryou one of his extravagant smiles as he pulled his mouth away.
"... and I will be the one to give it to you."
Ryou smiled up at him. "I am yours."All doubts leaving his head, he trusted his dark half. Even if he was mean at times. Ryou could tell that deep down that his Yami really did care for him. He slowly brought his face to Bakura's and kissed his soft lips. Bakura heart began to race a little as Ryou slipped his tongue into his mouth. Bakura let his new kio enjoy being in control, before he quickly became dominant and took the kiss over completely.
Ryou's moaned into his Yami's mouth, he couldn't believe his Yami was doing this. He had wanted this for so long. His Yami had kissed him before, but this time it was different. Ryou
was very aware that he was only wearing a towel around his waist. Tasting Ryou again, Bakura couldn't get enough of him. Every time he kissed the boy he only wanted more. He was ashamed to admit it but he was always afraid that Ryou would reject him if he tried something more, that his light was only allowing his to touch him so that he would not get upset. But when he felt Ryou hesitantly bring his hands up to his chest smiled into the kiss. He really did care a lot about his week light.
He soon left Ryou's lips to kiss down his jaw until he got to his still damp neck.. He tasted Ryou's neck and bit at it, leaving a small mark on his perfect skin. He heard Ryou moan and it only encouraged him more. He nipped at his neck again while letting his hand wander over his chest, lightly touching the small boys skin. Soon the flawless skin had multiple bruises, all marks of Bakura's need for him. Ryou was in ecstasy. He was very willing to and whatever his Yami wanted he would give him. When his fingers dance across his chest he moaned and let out a small whimper. It was sending chills down him and he really wanted more. He pressed his body up against the built boy on top of him. The contact made him moan even louder as their two hard members rubbed into each other. He pushed the boy back done into a bruising kiss, not able to get enough of him. Ryou did not know it was possible to get this much pleasure out of anything and blushed and held on to Bakura tighter. He felt his Yami repeat his daring actions and was soon letting out small screams and moans. He then felt Yami Bakura grab his wrists and bring them up above his head. He started kissing down his chest while still holding Ryou down so he couldn't move his arms. He felt his hart begin to pound he was felling so many different emotions at once. Ryou gasped as his Yami found one of his nipples with his tongue. He began to gently lick and circle around it, Ryou found himself in a haven. Bakura bit down on it softly, making Ryou let out a small whimper and soft glare. Bakura laughed and began to smooth it over again with his tongue. He was looking up in the his lights face and stopped. He had never seen Ryou in such a beautiful light and he wanted remember it for his hole life. His eyes half closed and his normal pale cheeks flushed. His lips were swollen from his kisses and his breaths were little pants. Ryou began to move his hips again as he ground into Bakura. Bakura was almost shocked at the boys daring but loved him even more for it and began to meet the thrusts eventually taking control of them to. Ryou wrapped his own hands around Yami Bakura's neck holding him close and moving his hips to match his Yami's
Bakura soon felt as if he would die if he did not have more contact. Ryou began to tug on his shirt as if he had read his mind. Bakura remembered that he had blocked his link and opened it, allowing Ryou's felling flow into him. The small boy was full of excitement and willingness to please. Bakura almost became lost in his partners feelings until he began to fell his lights impatience.
Ryou was having a hard time undoing Bakura's buckle on his pants. He began to make grunting sounds causing Bakura to lift his chin and kiss him lightly.
"So impatient" He whispered huskily. He knew very well that he needed this more then Ryou did, but it amused him having Ryou fell like he was the needy one. Ryou ignored him, finally undoing his dark's pants.
"Are you sure you want this?" The spirt on top asked the panting boy under him.
Ryou responded by kissing his Yami's lips softly and nodding his head. He wasn't sure he even knew where his voice was. He was so invoked in all the new feeling he was having that he didn't even notice when Bakura's warm kisses left his body.
The shock that came over him made his hole body twist and he let out a large scream. Ryou arched his hips towards the warmth wanting more. Bakura had taken him into his mouth. The heat had left Ryou in an ecstasy he never knew existed. He needed more of this, having never felt anything like it. Bakura was sucking as hard as he could taking Ryou all the way in before pulling back out. He let his tongue spin around the head of Ryou's hard member. Bakura started to hum and the new feeling made him scream out again, along with all the soft moans and pants.
The heat surrounding him soon left and Bakura jumped off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Ryou's eyes went wide and he felt as if he were about to cry.
//Don't worry, I'm coming back.// A moment later he heard his Yami's voice again. //Come on! Ryou, where the hell is you lotion?// Ryou laughed and opened a drawer next to his bed.
/I have some, please come back./ Ryou pleaded with his Yami. Bakura appeared back in the doorway, naked as a babe and jumped back on the bed. Ryou was sitting up now, holding the lotion. Bakura slowly crawled back to his smaller lover. Ryou's heart began to race again as he saw Bakura's tight muscles move against his tight skin.
Bakura pounced on Ryou, making the boy cry out and giggle. Bakura kissed his mouth hard again to silence him and then kissed down his chest until he got to his bellybutton. He swirled his tongue around making Ryou let out another moan. Bakura was amazed at how he felt everything Ryou felt. He could almost feel someone doing all the actions he was doing to his small lover, on his own body. The feeling was unbelievable, and he knew he would never, ever let anyone take Ryou away from him.
He made his way south again taking the bottle of lotion out from Ryou's now limp hand. He placed him into his mouth, enjoying the small whines that were coming from his light. He slowly spilled some of the moisture on his fingers, he made sure if was good and covered and removed his mouth from Ryou arousal.
"Are you ready?" Ryou nodded fast. He placed one finger near the small boy's entrance and slowly moved it inside of him. He felt Ryou stop moving, and tensed up. Bakura stopped. "Ryou if you tense, it will hurt, now try and relax." He said hoarsely.
Ryou signified by nodding and tried to do as his Yami said. He moved his finger slowly in and out before adding another finger. Ryou tried not to tense up, but everything felt so weird that he was a little scared. Bakura never took his eyes off of him watching for any sign that he needed to stop again.
After a few seconds it started to feel good that is until he added the third finger. He gasped. There was some pain and he tried to ignore it, he suddenly felt that hot warmth again, Bakura had taken him back in his mouth to try and get him to relax. Ryou moaned out as he continued to suck him harder. Bakura was searching for the spot hidden deep within the other that would make him forget the discomfort. When his fingers hit the spot, Ryou jerked under him. The feeling made him want to go mad, the mix of pain and pleasure was too much.
When he felt Ryou was ready, Bakura then removed his mouth and fingers, grabbing the lotion he rubbed himself down. He positioned himself over him looking at Ryou, as if to tell him that it was the last chance to stop.
"I want you" Ryou whispered and Bakura had to close his eyes as he felt his emotions threatening to spill out. He smiled a little and started to enter his softer one.
" This will hurt, but I promise, it will get better." Ryou nodded, felling Bakura's manhood pressing into his opening. He gasped at the immense pain and the feeling of it all. It was more intimate then he had ever imagined being with someone. He was exhilarated that it was Bakura that was going to be the one that claimed his innocence.
He clutched the sheets squeezing his eyes closed against the agony. Tears leaked out of his eyes before he knew it. The pain was unbelievable Bakura could feel the smaller one's pain threw his link. Part of him was excited by his pain but another part hated it. Sighing he ran a finger over the tears. "Do you want me to stop?"
Ryou shook his head closing his eyes tighter, "No, keep going please! You can't stop."
Bakura nodded, letting out the breath that he had been holding, he didn't think it would even be possible for him to stop now. If Ryou would have told him to stop, he would have probably raped the boy. He closed his eyes and entered him full, hissing at how tight Ryou was. The feeling was incredible.
Ryou couldn't help but cry out in pain, but he could feel Bakura's pleasure and it made him moan at the same time. Bakura held as still as he could using all of his will power not to press as hard as he could into him. He knew this was Ryou's first time, and when he felt that Ryou had adjusted, the small boy reached up and grabbed some of his white hair.
Ryou smiled at Bakura who had an unreadable expression on his face, the mix of pleasure and something else. Ryou had never seen that expression on anyone's face before, it was a look of concern and something else, love. Ryou pushed that thought out of his mind, but when he looked back at Bakura who was waiting for him he smiled. His Yami did love him. He gave Bakura the ok, and the taller boy nodded and started to move closing his eyes to the pleasure that was being sent through him. He knew that he would feel good but he wasn't prepared for this. He was so tight and so willing to please, he felt Ryou timidly thrust his hips to meet him and it drove him wild. Ryou, who was feeling his partners pleasure was amazed at how different this was.
Nothing would EVER compare to his feelings now. He would never be able to have this much a connection with anyone. Bakura he reached down grabbing the hips holding them still he thrust hard into him. At that angle he hit a spot that sent stars flashing in Ryou's eyes. He groaned loudly and Bakura smirked, slamming into him again at that angle, the double pleasure was incredible.
Ryou rolled his head back screaming in pleasure at the feeling. He continued to strike that spot inside of him Ryou tightly wrapped his legs around the back of the other's thighs, forcing him to stay at that angle, continually making his lover strike the spot that had white-hot sparks exploding behind his eyes. The feelings he was getting from his own pleasure, and Bakura's, was something he knew that he would never experience with anyone else. He thrust his hips up to meet the other, building up a steady rhythm
Bakura didn't need much more encouragement then that before he picked up his speed and really started going faster into the teen, holding onto Ryou's hips in a bruising grip. Ryou was powerless under his Yami's commanding nature he was pulling on Bakura's hair tightly, surprisingly it just excited Bakura even more. He kissed Ryou's shoulder and continued to pound into the small boy. He let out another scream of pleasure and started to kiss Bakura's neck. He just closed his eyes and let Bakura take him fully. He felt something inside of him building up, and bit down on Bakura's shoulder. Bakura let out another his as he slammed himself into the tight heat again. His legs wrapped as tight as he could, forcing him as deep in as he could go. The white-haired boy's screaming would be able to wake the dead.
He could tell that Ryou was close to release as the boy bit down painfully on his shoulder, he reached out to grab him pumping him hard, he could fell tension building in his small lover and that felt incredible, he was nearing his own release, as he continued to stroke his light.
He wanted to hear him cry out, to hear the pleasure in his voice. Ryou had always tried to calm him and had always put such trust in him. He hit the spot deep in Ryou as hard as he could. He felt the boy trembled and then finally released violently under his other's thrusts. The boy cried out his lover's name and shook violently. Bakura couldn't help but cry out as the waves of pleasure crashed over him through their link. The feeling of Ryou's release in his head and the combination of the tightening around his own sex was too much.
Ryou thrashed his head and tense around him brought him over his own edge. Gritting his teeth he gripped Ryou's hips and banged into them a couple of times, feeling himself release in him, spilling his seed in his lover, was unbelievable. The thrashed and moaned loudly, grabbing Ryou's hips painfully tight. Ryou felt his Yami's pleasure and cried out with him. It took a moment before either could regain control of himself.
Bakura looked down at Ryou who was looking at him in admiration. He crawled of Ryou and fell back onto the bed. He pulled him into a protective hug and Ryou had never felt so in love before. He would not dare say it though he knew his Yami would not be thankful for such displays of emotion, for some reason his Yami didn't want to be cared for. Ryou just hoped that one day he could bring Bakura out of his cold shell. Lovingly Bakura stroked Ryou's hair kissing him on top of the head.
"Tomorrow you will be very sore. It would be best if you stayed at home."
Ryou nodded, sleep was creeping up on him, he let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes. Bakura felt something inside him snap, he couldn't help it. Ryou was perfect. In every way. Absolute Perfection. He knew deep down he was in love, but he didn't wan to admit it to himself yet. He got up and walked to the bathroom again.
"Where are you going?" Ryou asked nervously.
"To get something to clean you up with love." He said softly. He scrunched his eyes when he realized he had called Ryou love, Ryou just smiled at him and laid his head back down on his pillow. Bakura smiled and went to the bathroom and got a washcloth. He quickly cleaned himself off and got a new one and removed any sticky substances from Ryou's body. He felt a twinge of guilt when he was a small amount of blood on the sheets.
He then curled up beside Ryou after pulling the blanket up around their chins. Ryou utter a sigh in contentment. He wrapped an arm around Bakura and drifted off to sleep.
Bakura laid there much longer. He was defiantly confused on his feeling for the small boy. One minute he was telling himself how much he despised the boy, the next he felt . . . fluffy inside. He shook his head at the comparison. He looked over at the sleeping boy. His white hair was framing his face, he looked like an angel.
Bakura curled himself back to Ryou, enjoying the felling of the warm body against his own. He pulled Ryou's head to his chest and gently massaged his hair. He closed his eyes, and let the smell of Ryou's hair fill his nostrils. Realism hit him, he did, even tough he didn't want to.
He loved Ryou. And there wasn't anyone that could change that.
Well that was fun! It took me way too long to finish this, I just hope you liked it! I think I'm figuring out how to work Jou into the Ryou/Bakura relationship. Just make him do something stupid and Bakura saves him! Well next chapter is everyone who visits Yugi in the hospital! Kaiba has to come and make, well . . . you'll see. And yea the guy holding Yugi is Yami, even though he doesn't really know how he came out of the puzzle yet. Next chapter he doses! (That means more fun for Yugi! Yea!) All right well I'm going to bed, damn theses late night writing sprees. Oh yea, PLEASE R&R!