Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother and I ❯ Some of Us Care and Some Don’t ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ My Brother and I ~

~ Chapter Six: Some of Us Care and Some Don't ~

Seto lay down on his bed, his tall Priest hat rolling off of his head and onto the floor. He sighed, glancing out of the window absentmindedly. So Mokuba wasn't his true brother. The priest shrugged. Who cares? What was Mai's point? It wasn't like this information would tear them apart, right?

A soft knock came from the door. "Seto?" Mokuba asked, opening the door, looking disturbed and sad. "There's something I want to tell you… Um… I… I can't be with you anymore, Seto," he blurted out. "I just don't feel the same way for some strange reason. And I found out that I like, I mean really like. It's this boy that I've known almost all my life. T-that's what I wanted to say…" Mokuba ran out of the room, leaving Seto shocked.

Okay… So maybe some of us aren't taking it lightly…


Ryou sat across from Bakura, watching the older teen clench and unclench his fists. "Bakura? What was Mai trying to achieve in telling us? It's not like something bad will happen, correct?"

Malik nodded his head. "I think you're right, Ryou. After all, maybe she thought that we would freak out, because the law, the one about incest, didn't apply to us." Malik paused, pulling on his hair in frustration. "It didn't apply to us! We didn't have to go through all of this, especially Yugi!" He stood up, reaching for his sword. "I'm going to kill Mai for not telling us when we were still in the castle! Care to join me, Marik?"

Marik shrugged. "Well… Your hypothesis might be right. But, there was that promise that Otogi made Yami promise to follow. `Never leave Yugi' or something like that. Right, Bakura?"

Bakura stood up stiffly, turning to Ryou. "Marik is right. There must have been a reason out parents didn't wish for us to know about each other. This is too confusing." Bakura turned to Ryou, who was looking at Bakura strangely. "Something wrong, Ryou?"

Ryou stood up, facing Bakura. "I'm sorry, but this is just to weird. Bakura, I can't be with you anymore."


"I guess the time that we spent together as brothers made me realize that I love you as a brother, Bakura. Not a lover." Ryou stared at the ground, not wishing to meet the other's eyes. "I'm sure you'll find someone else, Bakura. Someone who's better than me."

"Wait, Ryou!" But Ryou had already walked off, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his head cast down.

Bakura narrowed his eyes, and stalked off.

Malik looked at Marik nervously. "You still love me, right?"

Marik smirked, tugging Malik closer. He nipped Malik's neck, his hands fiddling with the other's hair. "Of course. But…" He stopped his assault. "Maybe that's why my parents didn't want to tell us? Because they were afraid that we would break apart?"

"Then why would they have told Shizuka and Mai? If they didn't want to tell us, why not have the secret die with them?"

Marik rubbed his eyes. "I don't know. And I, personally, don't want to think about this right now." He carried Malik into his room, laying his lover on the bed. "I'd rather do this."


Yami paced around his room, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until… Yugi entered, refusing to look at Yami.

"What do we do, Yami?"

Yami chuckled, bringing Yugi into a soft kiss. "What is there to do, koi?"

Yugi stood there, leaning into Yami's embrace. "There is nothing to do, right?"

"Of course. Mai told us that we aren't related. So?"

Yugi laughed, considering Yami's words. "Yeah, it isn't going to hurt us. I think was pointless."

Yami nodded. "Same here."

"Do you want to go find the others?" Yugi asked.

"No," came the reply as Yami pushed him onto the bed, straddling his waist, and kissing him strongly. "Is this enough?" he asked Yugi.

"What do you think?" Yugi said returning the kiss, glad to be with Yami again.

"I don't think it's enough," Yami answered, eyes glinting. He leaned into the embrace running his hands down Yugi's back, slipping his shirt off with ease. Yugi smiled, as Yami pulled off his vest, thankful that he had taken off that damn black overshirt he usually wore.

Yugi kissed Yami again, this time more strongly, aching for more. Yami gently pulled away from the kiss and laid his head on Yugi's shoulder so he could lick and nip at Yugi's neck. Yugi closed his eyes enjoying the feeling or Yami's velvety-soft lips against his skin, whimpering for more.

Soon enough, Yami had Yugi pinned beneath him, as he kissed him hungrily whiled he fumbled with Yugi's sash, who did the same with his own pants until they managed to remove the rest of their clothing to the floor.

"Is it okay to do this here?" Yugi asked softly.

"Do you want to stop?" Yami asked, unsure if he really wanted this or not, in case he hurt Yugi.

"NO!" Yugi quickly answered, pulling Yami to him "Not at all…I just wanted to know if you were okay with it was all," Yugi said, kissing Yami gently.

Yami began to kiss down his torso moving further south. Yugi moaned in anticipation as Yami left feather soft kisses along his inner thighs. Yami savored the struggling look upon Yugi's face as he gently drew Yugi's length into his mouth. Ygui gasped at the sensation arching at the feeling of Yami 's mouth around him, hot, wet, and inviting.

"Oh Ra…" Yugi breathed as Yami continued to please him with his mouth.

Yugi fisted his hands in Yami's hair and found, just as he had thought; that they were surprisingly soft. He smiled to himself relishing in the feeling; loving it. Yami continued his movements upon Yugi, enjoying how his innocent, wide eyes widened every time he deep throated him. Yami kissed back up to Yugi's mouth, who gladly took Yami's tongue into his mouth as they deeply kissed one another. Yami slipped a finger inside Yugi, who arched at the sensation.

"Did I hurt you?" Yami asked, his expression of utmost concern.

Yugi shook his head 'no' as he looked into Yami's eyes smiling happily. Yami smiled back, kissing him gently as he began to move his finger in and out of Yugi slowly. Yami basked in the little moans and whimpers that Yugi made. He gently nipped at Yugi's ear catching him off guard so that he could add a second then a third finger causing Yugi to gasp at each one. He took Yugi's length into his other hand as he pumped him slowly.

"You are so beautiful…" Yami trailed off capturing Yugi's mouth in his own.

Yami pushed his tongue past Yugi's lips and explored his mouth fully. Yugi moaned into the kiss as Yami began to move his hand faster upon Yugi's member and his fingers in and out of him quickly.

"Please Yami!" Yugi begged, "Take me please," Yugi said looking into his eyes, surprised at his own forwardness.

Yami smiled and kissed him, removing his fingers and replacing them with his own length. He didn't go slowly as he usually would have, but was pleased with Yugi's moan as he did so.

"Want more?" Yami asked, making sure he was okay with continuing.

Yugi nodded his head as he breathlessly responded "…y-yes," Yugi replied.

Yami pushed himself inside Yugi fully before he almost completely drew out of him and pushed himself back inside. Yugi arched his back and clenched his teeth as he wrapped his legs around Yami 's waist and held on to the sheets of the bed, as Yami repeated the same movement, sometimes drawing himself completely out and slamming himself back inside Yugi. The younger one gasped and would cry out slightly whenever Yami did this. Yami moved his hand over Yugi's length quickly as he picked up his pace moving in and out of Yugi faster, as he moved over Yugi's member just as fast. Yugi pulled Yami even closer to him while he thrust deeper and harder into Yugi every time.

Yami grabbed Yugi by the hips pulling into him only magnifying the ecstasy that ran through Yugi's body. Yami had never felt such perfection as he continued, not wanting to ever stop, hoping he could draw this out as long as possible and not wanting to ever stop these waves of pleasure he felt he had an angel with him. With one final thrust, Yami exploded into Yugi, who soon followed. Yami breathed heavily; exhausted, not willing to pull out of Yugi just yet. Yugi whimpered slightly when Yami finally pulled out of him.

"Did I hurt you?" Yami asked very concerned, drawing the blankets over them.

Yugi shook his head, cuddling up to Yami. "I'm fine."


Ryou sat in the castle gardens, crying to himself. Even though he recognized his true feelings, Ryou still couldn't forget about Bakura, and all the time he spent with him. "Bakura…" he whispered, burying his face in his knees. "I'm sorry…"

"What are you doing out here, Ryou?" Seto sat down next to Ryou, the corner of his eyes red, showing some signs of his crying session. He paused, as Ryou looked at Seto, his eyes still brimming with tears.

"I broke up with him…"

"Who, Bakura?"

Ryou flinched at the name, surprised when Seto hugged him comfortingly.

"What happened between you two?"

"I decided that the feelings I have for him now are different when we first met. I can't see him as my lover anymore, only as a friend or brother."

Seto nodded. "So that's why Mokuba left."

Ryou looked at Seto again, his tears already gone. "Mokuba?"

"He said that he found someone else, I think it was Mark, or something like that. Mokuba has mentioned him to me before."

"I'm sorry…" Ryou suddenly blushed, aware that Seto had one of his arms around his waist.

Seto smiled at him. "Your cheeks are turning red," he commented lightly, a smirk spreading on his lips. "Why is that?"

"It's just so hot out here…" Ryou stammered, as Seto pushed him onto the ground, his tongue flicking over his earlobe.

"Hmm… Really? It doesn't seem so warm to me… Of course, I'm not the one who is blushing." Seto licked Ryou's cheeks, causing Ryou to turn even redder. "Does that help?"


Seto leaned down, his face only centimeters apart from Ryou. "How about this?" He kissed Ryou, coaxing his lips apart, roaming Ryou's mouth fully, as his hands nipped Ryou's clothed torso.

Ryou kissed back, his tongue, tentatively at first, toying with Seto's, until the two had a war going on. Both surfaced for air, panting heavily.

Seto sighed, as Ryou's cheeks flared up even more after the kiss. "I need to figure out a way to stop you from blushing so much. Although… You do look very beautiful when you blush."

At Seto's words, Ryou felt his cheeks grow even more hot. Seto noticed too, and picked Ryou up. "Maybe a little session in my bed will help you control your blushing spree?"

Ryou ducked his head, not wanting Seto to see his face. I really need to stop turning red…


Mai frowned, as she saw Seto and Ryou head inside. "So Mokuba and Ryou failed the test…" She pursed her lips, looking outside. "I suppose Yami and the others are going to come looking for answers. I just hope they don't come too soon." Another gust of wind blew through her window, and the clouds outside seemed to form a word.



Honda smiled at Anzu, carrying her bag. "Are you sure you don't need anything else?" They were in the marketplace, shopping for food and more tools.

Anzu paused, grinning at Honda. "Well…"

Honda dropped onto his knees. "Please, Anzu! I love you!" Rosebuds bloomed on his cheeks. "I shouldn't have said that…"

Anzu clasped her hands together. "Oh, Hitoro, how romantic! I love you too! But what about Jonouchi?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'll be fine." Jou emerged, his whole body trembling angrily at Honda. "Have fun, Honda," he snarled, "I can't believe I ever fell for you!" He stomped off, kicking dirt up.

"Don't worry, Hitoro-woro, he's just jealous." Anzu kissed Honda, and Honda dropped the bags, kissing her passionately.


Jou stomped all the way back into the castle, bumping into someone equally as angry as him. "Bakura? What the hell?"

"Watch where you're gong, Jou," Bakura retorted, eyes flashing dangerously.

"All right, I'm sorry," Jou replied, standing up and brushing himself off. "Later."

"Wait," Bakura interrupted, pulling him back. "What are you so pissed off about?"

"What are you so pissed off about?"

"Ryou broke up with me, you happy?"

Jou opened his eyes wide. "Oh, man, Bakura, I'm sorry, I really am."

Bakura shook his head. "Ughh, I can't believe it he actually did that. He told me that he could only love me as a brother." He snorted. "What about you?"

"Honda fell for Anzu," Jou replied, scoffing. "He cheated on me!"

Bakura shook his head. "Sad…"

Jou shrugged. "I guess we'll both have to find someone else, right?"

Bakura nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, see you later." Both of them said to one another, as they walked off in opposite directions.

Mai shook her head in amazement. "How dense can those two be?!"

~ End Chapter 6 ~

millenniumspirit: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, especially the lemon! It took me quite a while to write… I was hungry, okay! So I had to take a lunch break. And then I had to wash the dishes, fold the clothes, and do my homework.

Anyway, I decided to change some pairings, again, you'll find out soon enough.

Yami: I'm really getting sick of the stupid waiting, and the wind. Let's kill it!

millenniumspirit: You can't. It's copyright protected.

Yami: By who? I'll kill them!

millenniumspirit: By me.

Yami: Uh… Forget I said anything

millenniumspirit: Please review and tell me what you think!

Yami: And also who should have the next lemon spotlight!