Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Day Off ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't Own Yu-Gi-Oh cuz if I did, then Tea would never had exsisted & Yugi would die a slow and painful death at my hands ^_^ I do however own Aidan cuz he's an original *MINE* character! Now that we have that settled, if any1 has a problem with me torturing those 2 then I suggest u *LEAVE NOW*!!!!!!Me just being weird & torturing the gang. ENJOY!!!!
Me: *knocks on door* KURA!!!
Would you stop calling me that! *opens door* What do you want now?!
Could you babysit Krysta? It's my day off from it & I really need it!
Bakura! Be nice! If he won't, I will.
Actually, never mind. I wouldn't want to torture you guys like that. Krysta's being a pain in the ass lately. I'll go drop her with Yugi or Tea. Probably Tea.
Better her than us! We babysat her last week! I'm *STILL* trying to wash out that KoolAide(1) she put in my hair!
*notices pink splotches in Kura's hair* Uhhhhhh....... Kura? Don't you know that KoolAide stains hair, not just clothes? It'll come out eventually, but not any time soon....
WHAT!!!! THAT LITTLE!!! We'll babysit her...... *evil smile*
Ummm... I think my mom wants her back, Kura, so I'll just drop her off at Tea's.
I walk over to Tea's and knock on the door.
Hello Tia!!! (Tia's my real name)
Uhh... Hi. Hey, do you think you could babysit my little sister today?
Sure! How old is she?
O.K.! Where is the little darling?
Krysta walks up to Tea. She's almost as tall as I am and I'm 5 ft. 6.
She's 10?
Yup! Hi! I'm Krysta! What's your name? Tia, is she the one who's gonna be babysitting me?
Yup. Krysta, this is Tea, Tea, Krysta! Okay! Tea, my mom should be around to pick her up about 5. Have fun! And Krysta, at least *TRY* to be good!
Tea closes the door and I head to Bubbles' Dance Club.
*walks up to the bar* Bubbles!!!! I'm here now get your ass out here
*comes out of the back room* Hey Tia! What's up?
Same as always.
Want your usual?
Bubb les comes back with a tall glass on my fav brown liquid.
Mmmmmmmmmm.... I love apple juice! (A/N: I bet you thought it was beer! That stuff is nasty!) Thanks Bubbles!
No prob. By the way, that guy you've had your eyes on lately in here.
*blush* Thanks. Where exactly where is he in this castle?
Where is he ever? Out on the dance floor waiting for you!
He doesn't wait for me!
Then why does he always ask when you're gonna be there? Or that he only comes on the days you do?
I don't know! See ya later!
Just come find me before you leave!
I walk over to the dance floor and look around for him. It takes a while before I hear someone call me.
Hey Tia! Over here!
I smile and walk over to him. As I get there, he gives me a hug like all my friends do. Well, except Kura.
Hi Aidan! Ready to dance?
Aren't I always?
We go out onto the floor and just do some random dance moves that turns into what I guess people think is good cuz they start looking at us, talking. (A/N: To all you weird minded ppl.... THEY R *NOT* DIRTY DANCING!! HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!)
Then a slow song came....
So do you want to?
Sure! Why not?
WIT TIS CHAPY!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! CLIFF HANGER!!! *dodges random objects thrown at her* I'm sorry! I *HAD* to! My muse stopped working!!
Excuse me?! I didn't stop working! You're just getting too lazy!
Yea Tia! (A/N: Strawberry is ta nickname of my friend Ashley)
DoodleBug: Read And Review! She likes that! Maybe she'll even write more if she feels loved enough!
Damn straight! But only if I get reviews!!! REVIEW PLZ!!!