Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My disability ❯ My disability ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

PharaohofDuels: first of all I don't own Yugioh. This story was inspired by a movie I saw, and I thought about it, and I said to myself. No ones done a fic like that… also I found that not a lot of people respect others learning disability. I myself have one, being deaf in one of my ears, which I've found an okay amount of people were also, so I'm glad I have people to talk to about it. Some parts of the plot may not be mine, but I still put it in this fic because I believed it belonged. I wrote this story mainly because I believe that people should respect others, and not judge someone by what disability they have but what ability's they do have.


Some people don't understand others. Some have learning disabilities, or physical disabilities, but whatever it is, that still doesn't mean you have to judge us because of it. We can't help it.
Hello, my name is Yami Mouto, and this is my story about me and my little brother, Yugi Mouto.

"Yami..?" A small boy sat at the corner of his older brother's bed, poking him gently, as if not to disturb him but just enough to stir him into wake.

"Yami...?" The boy poked him again, this time getting a reaction from the bigger one. He just turned around. Before the older one knew it, he was being sat on by the lighter on of the two.

"Yugi, what time is it?" Yami groggily asked.

Yugi smiled, in an almost `I'm going to yawn soon' way. "It's seven." Yugi spoke in mid-yawn.

"And you are waking me up, why?" Yami yawned back, rolling Yugi off him, hugging him in his arms. Despite the fact that Yugi maybe a pain sometimes, Yami still loved him.

"Because it's time to wake up." Yugi chirped rather happily, almost jumping up and down in Yami's arm while speaking. Yami just yawned again, sitting up leaving Yugi on his bed laying. Yami got up and dragged his feet across his room outside the door. Yugi stayed contently in Yami's warmth of his bed, watching his brother do his morning activities.

"You know it maybe a school day but that doesn't mean I have to get up early." Yelled Yami from the other room. Yugi just smiled, even though Yami couldn't see him at the time.

"I know, but its fun." Yugi stretched out on his brother's bed and yawned again, before noticing a notebook on Yami's desk. Curiously he sat up and reviewed this paper. He didn't understand it. He looked over it, confused, and almost upset. Yugi then picked up a pen and started to doodle in the words, making funny faces in the o's and the b's round spaces. Yugi giggled happily from his work, and put it back down on the desk.

"Young men, are you both up yet?" Yelled a figure downstairs.

"Yes mommy." Shouted back a rather happy Yugi. Yugi walked downstairs, hugging his mother, or rather huggling. Huggling was the way Yugi said hugging. Everything thought it was cute but when he first did it around Yami's friends, he was so embarrassed. He was afraid everyone would think his brother was weird or something. Not that he wasn't already. Everything thought he was weird already, having to go to a special classroom for his work and what not.

Upstairs there could be a yell from Yami's room. He rushed downstairs with a paper in his hands, looking straight at Yugi, with his crimson eyes.

"Yugi! How many times have I told you not to mess with my school work!?" Yami almost yelled. Yugi backed away slightly.

"Yami, don't yell are your brother, you know it scares him." Their mothers snapped.

"But mom, he wrote all over my homework!"

"No buts Mr. now you're both going to be late. Do you want a ride Yami?" She asked nicely.

"No I don't want to be around my brother right now. God, now even the teachers going to think I'm weird and retarded." At this point, Yugi could just stare at his brother. He knew he was going to make up later, but it still hurt knowing his brother didn't like him right now. Even if he hated him for a second it would hurt like if he hated him forever. Yugi just crawled out of the room, whimpering. At this point Yami was out the door walking to school.

After a while of walking to school, Yugi caught up with Yami. They had to walk to school. If Yami walked to school, so did Yugi. Yugi looked up to Yami so much. He was his hero, and always will be, but he unfortunately had a temper to go along with his heroic thoughts, and abilities. Yugi was somewhat scared of these brothers sometimes but he always loved him no matter what.

Yami just sighed. He didn't like having to walk his brother to his class every morning. But if he didn't then Yugi would get lost, like one time before:


"Yugi you know where your class is right?" Yugi looked unsure, as Yami spoke to him.

"its right over there" Yami pointed across the hallway.

"Now I'm going to go now, so you just walk to your classroom. Trust me you'll be fine." Yami waved walking away leaving a slightly scared Yugi behind.

Yugi turned around and looked at where his classroom was. Slowly as if unsure that was actually his classroom he walked towards it.

"Sorry!!" A young man said bumping into Yugi pushing him against the wall. He helped Yugi up and walked him to a bench.

"Are you okay?" Yugi nodded, but before he had a chance to actually talk to him, the young man walked away. Yugi looked around, almost scared. He was in the library. How did he get here? Suddenly, Yugi didn't know where he was. He was scared. He didn't know how to get back to his classroom. Instinctively, he cried. Yugi walked around slightly, circling slightly, round and round, not knowing where to go. Before he knew it he was outside the school. He cried out his brother's name, which hadn't gotten too far ahead to hear him. Yami ran back to Yugi.

"Yugi, Yugi! What's wrong?! What are you doing outside? I thought I told you to go to your classroom." Yami spoke gently, trying to calm his brother while hugging him.

"I d-did, b-b-but this boy ran into m-me and he, and I, I didn't know wh-where I was…" Yugi basally sobbed out. Yami just hugged him and that day brought him home.

~End flashback~

After that Yami never left Yugi alone like that again.

PharaohofDuels: Yes I'm sorry. I made yami and yugi brothers. But I had such a hard time thinking of this and who to make down syndrome. And I thought Yugi; b\c yami would be a good brother... Review if you like it or want me to continue.