Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Egyptian Partner ❯ hi ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey people! I thought of this story while watching MIB 2 so I decided to write a good idea I got! This is a Seto/Yami fic people!! If you don't like this pairing then screw you!! I own nothing, therefor you can't sue me! Ha! I only stole an itsy bitsy bit from MIB 2, k?

Plzzz enjoy!

~*~ Chapter 1 ~*~

A tall teen with chestnut brown hair and piercing blue eyes walked the streets of Domino. He turned into an ally and continued walking. He wore a black cloak over his black suit.

His name was Seto Kaiba and he was an under cover agent for a secret organization that killed any creatures such as `aliens' or anything in that category. He was the best worker there so he didn't have to follow any orders.

He had come in contact with many different kinds of creatures. Some looked like crap while others were the most beautiful beings any mortal had ever seen. He had once had a bad experience with one of those good looking creatures and it nearly cost him his life.

The creature had been strange looking. She had had large angel-like wings and had always worn a white suit. Seto had gotten involved with her and when he found out she was just a spy from another planet, he nearly committed suicide. Of course, someone had stopped him but he was still heartbroken.

After that, he had not opened his heart to anyone, to afraid to have the same events play over again. So, he kept himself busy by taking care of his little brother and doing extra work. He had always had a partner but he kept going to fast for them and would dump them off at someplace and tell them some excuse to leave him alone.

He plainly was just to smart for his partners, and he was tired of it all. So he had asked his boss if he could not have a partner and, thankfully, his request was granted.

He scowled and opened a worn looking door to enter an almost new looking hall. Walking down the hall he came upon a small code pad. He punched in a code and a part of the wall suddenly lifted to reveal that it was a door.

Walking in, he was met with several other agents that had always wanted to be his partner. He pushed them away and walked up to a large computer where his boss was typing in some new codes.

"Hey gramps!" Seto yelled to the man, who immediately turned around to look at him.

"Ah, Seto, just the one I wanted to see! I have found you a new partner!" He yelled almost joyfully.

"I said I didn't want any part-" Seto was cut off as a giant screen was displayed and a picture of a teen, who so much resembled agent Yugi Motou, was displayed. The only differences were that the teen had crimson red eyes, was slightly taller but still shorter then Seto, and he didn't have that air of innocence around him. Seto gaped at the picture and was sure that the agent next to him was drooling. "-Ner." He finished his sentence.

"His name is Yami Mutou and he is head agent of the other organization in Egypt. I thought he would be perfect since you are the head of this organization and he is the head of that one. You two know the same thing!" Gramps said. {Okayz, `gramps' is the nickname for the boss, i said i only stole a little bit, didn't i?}

Seto nodded his head and straightened up from his slumping form. He sighed in disappointment when the large screen disappeared. He looked at Gramps. "When will he be here?"

"Well, he just got into the city several minutes ago so he should be here any second now." He said and as if on cue, the doors opened and a small figure walked in.

Seto turned and waited eagerly for the person to come down, grinning when he saw spiky tri-colored hair of red, black, and blond and when two crimson eyes glared at the agents he passed by. Seto smirked when the teen walked up to him and had to look up to look into his eyes.

Seto cleared his throat. "You must be Yami." He said. His eyes flickered over Yami's outfit and he immediately regretted it. Yami was wearing leather, tight, black, leather.

Yami nodded his head and held out his hand. "And you must be the great Seto Kaiba."

Yami's smooth voice rolled around in Seto's ears. He grasped Yami's hand in his own and shook it before dropping it and letting his hand fall to his side.

Yami walked past Seto and towards his boss. He nodded his head to some other agents who were asking stupid questions or making stupid statements. "What's up gramps?"

"Yami, thanks for coming, we were desperate for a partner for Seto, the damn guy was to smart for his own good." He said, getting a smirk from Yami and a frown from Seto.

"Don't worry, I can stay for a while, but in a couple years I'll have to move back to Egypt." Yami said as he turned to Seto.

Seto looked at Yami and coughed lightly. "Um, where will you be staying?"

Yami suddenly seemed to realize that. "I dunno, guess I'll have to go find someplace." He said as he shrugged.

"Nonsense! Yami, you can bunk with Seto! Isn't that right Mr. Kaiba?" Said Gramps.

Seto looked at him in disbelief. "S-sure, no problem." He said. He smirked when Yami's cheeks lit up into a light pinkish color.

"Okay, I guess I should go unpack, where's your room?" Yami said as he willed away the blush.

"I'll show you." Seto said as he turned to lead Yami to the exit doors.

Yami flushed in embarrassment but followed Seto anyways. He was led outside and to a sleek looking black car. He hopped in the passenger seat and Seto hopped into the drivers seat and they were off.

Yami looked out the window to the new town, never actually having been in a large city before. All he had ever seen was pyramids, a palace, and the small mud homes of the people that lived there. He blinked as he looked at a neon light sign. He had never seen one of these before. "Seto, what's that for?"

Seto looked over and smiled as he saw the curiosity in Yami's eyes as he looked at the sign. "It's a sign for that place." He said as he read the sign and blushed at what it said.

"What's it say?" Yami asked, only just learning how to read Japanese. He had learned to speak it but that was all he had enough time to do before coming here.

Seto looked at the Egyptian, "It's a.....night club. You can dance, drink, or just sit and watch the dancers." He explained, trying not to go into the subject of what else you could do there.

"I want to go there later on, can you take me? I think I might get lost." Yami said as he looked to Seto.

Seto slowly nodded his head but regretted it almost immediately as he remembered which club it was. He turned back to the road and continued toward his house. He had a mansion, but it was out of town and to far away to drive to right now. He turned down a road, driving into the familiar neighborhood. He pulled up to a two story house and parked in the driveway. "Well, here we are." He said and looked over to see Yami looking at it as if it were.....small? "Something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh! No, nothing's wrong!" Yami said as he snapped out of his daze. He was looking at the house which was nothing compared to his palace back home. He got out and followed Seto over to the front door.

They walked inside after Seto unlocked the door and Seto flicked the lights on. He showed Yami to the guest room and then showed the rest of the house to him. "And this is the kitchen." He finished.

Yami nodded his head and left with his bags to go to the guest room. He looked around the normal room and sighed. "Time to get to work, then maybe a small nap." He said and started to dump the stuff out of his bag.


Seto sat in the chair half an hour after Yami went to his room. He was drinking some juice he had managed to find in the fridge as he relaxed. He closed his eyes as he tried to think of what they were going to do tonight. Then he remembered the club. He inwardly groaned and sighed after thoughts of what could happen.

`Well, we could go there, look around, get a drink, and leave or we could go there, dance, get drunk, and have the best night of our lives hanging with other people. Then there was the possibility we could go, get drunk, and....do something very.....intimate.' Seto smirked at the last thought. He wouldn't mind that idea but what if Yami didn't even like him that way? A sound from the door caught his attention and he looked up, surprised to see a different looking Yami.

Yami had changed, he was now wearing loose white pants and a black vest that was open to reveal his small but well built chest. Seto's eyes trailed down but he snapped them back up to look into Yami's eyes. "Hey." He said casually.

"Hi. What're you doing?" Yami asked as he looked around the kitchen.

"Nothing in particular, just drinking some juice and thinking about tonight." Seto said as he took another sip of his juice.

"Oh yeah, so, have you ever been to a club?" Yami asked as he took a chair and sat in it backwards, facing Seto.

Seto ignored Yami's position even though the little voice in the back of his head started to make comments about what he could do to Yami in that position. {A/N You know, that little perverted voice in the back of your head? Yeah, that one.} "I have been to one and it was..interesting."

"What did you do?" Yami asked as he slightly leaned forward.

"Well, I danced, got some drinks, met a friend, and left. Oh yeah, watch out for the strippers, they'll try to seduce you alot, especially you, they have this thing for people who look different then others." Seto warned as he remembered being there with a friend named Ryou Bakura, who was British and got most of the stripper population around him.

Yami blinked but nodded his head. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Can you do anything else?"

Seto flushed. "Well, you could spend the night with someone." He said, hoping Yami would get the hint.

"Spend the night?" Yami asked confused.

Seto sighed. "I mean....you know....having sex." He said slowly.

Yami blushed bright red. "I think I'll go up to my room." He finally said and got up and left.

Seto stood several minutes after Yami left to go see if he wanted to do anything before they left. He walked upstairs and towards Yami's room. He approached the door when the faint smell of smoke and....incense? He slowly opened the door and was surprised to see the room was literally black, red candles providing the only light. The curtains were drawn so no light was inside and the candles were out in front of things such as a mini statue or a clock or something. The room was pretty much Egyptian looking. There were statues of cats with earrings and gold necklaces. There was a jewelry box that was open and showed off a large and heavy looking gold necklace that looked like it went all the way down to your chest. There were many gold armbands and wristbands. Other then the earrings, the only other gold piece of jewelry was an upside-down pyramid necklace hanging by a silver chain.

His eyes flickered over to the bed and he gaped. The normal guest bed that used to be there wasn't there anymore! Now a huge bed sat there with pure black sheets and blankets with matching pillows. There was a canopy that had a netting that could fall over the bed and carved into the wood were hieroglyphs. There was a lump under the blanket on the bed and Seto walked over. He was about to pull the covers back when he remembered who's room he was in.

Seto blushed at the thought of a sleeping, peaceful looking Yami on a bed with black silk sheets in a room only lighted with candles. He was about to turn to leave when the lump rolled over and shifted so he was more comfortable. Seto swallowed the hard lump in his throat.......

~*~ TBC ~*~

So.....how was that? Please no flames, it doesn't feel good to have insults thrown at your face about a piece or writing it took you an hour or so to do. Well, I have to go eat dinner, bye!