Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Yami ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Sam: Don't own Yu-gi-oh…

Bakura: WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE KILLED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam: Big cry baby…


Tears of sorrow ran down Ryou's as he watched the funeral procession. He wiped away the tears from his eyes and dwelled to what Bakura had said trying to ignore the sound of his voice. "Ryou…. I'm sorry" More tears flowed as the sorrow stung his eyes. "I'm sorry…" Ryou closed his eyes trying to shut it out. "I'm sorry………………………… ….

………… but this film is so boring" Bakura moaned. Ryou couldn't take his whining anymore and he turned to him glaring cutely at his darker half whose neck and arms were in casts sticking out like a Barbie doll.

"Wuthering Heights is a classic Yami…" (A/N: I don't know if Wuthering Heights is put on film but let's just say there is and yes… there was a funeral procession in it)

"It's boring…"

"It's only because WWF is on at the moment" Yugi backed up Ryou. In tears Ryou scowled Bakura.

"Look if I have to cook, clean and take care of you and go to school. I should at least get to choose a programme I want to watch"

"His got a point Bakura" Yami stated matter of factly. Ryou pouted before turning back to chopping his onions. (A/N: HAHA!!!!) Bakura muttered some Egyptians curses to himself.

"The ginger snaps are ready!!!!" Ryou said light heartedly he grabbed the oven gloves and a freshly baked smell filled the kitchen. Ryou carefully placed the hot cookies on the plate before taking them over to the lounge where Bakura was sitting on couch. "Careful hot!!!"


"I told you they were hot" Yugi giggled, whilst Yami merely smiled before drawing his aibou into an embrace. Then after listening to the two of them in the kitchen bickering over the ginger snaps, there was silence. Feeling a little afraid they went to investigate to find the two of them in a passionate kiss, Bakura's arms sticking out as he couldn't bend his arms in an embrace. They breathed a sigh of relief before they went back into the kitchen.

"Strange… he's seemed to have changed over night… How did you do it?" Yami asked. Yugi stared at him cutely before taking deep breath and explaining his technique.

"Well, when it comes to him, you've gotta be tough…" Yami looked surprised "… AND gentle" Yami smiled and buried his face in Yugi's mane.

"Just when I think I finally know all about you… you still surprise me"

"Well… that just means have a lot more learn…" Yugi replied. His stared at Yami his cute round amethyst eyes blinking innocently at him. Yami grinned before hugging him tightly.

"A lot more to learn…" he said. He hugged the angel happily not seeing a strange blue glow filling Yugi's innocent eyes…


Sam: Ok people… first things first. That little thing at the end where Yugi's little eyes go all misty is once again a teaser to the mysterious fic that I will be working on in the future. I have to tell you. IT'S NOT A SEQUEL!!!!!! This ficcy is like a little side story that gives you clues to the bigger picture. Buffy the Vampire Slayer does it, Charmed does it… you know those strange wittle twists right at the end.

Yami: Er… did Bakura die or not?

Sam: *takes deep breath*………… No…

Yami: *disappointed* Oh…

Bakura: YAY!!!!! *Yami mutters some Egyptian curses*

Sam: I know… I know… I thought it was funny at the time, but now as I'm reading it? It's sounds… crap… BUT!!! I had my reasons to keep Baky alive.

I hate fics that end with death unless their characters I hate or there's a sequel where they get brought back to life in a real corny resurrection or something like that.

The guys already dead to begin with anyway… As the great philosopher of all time said… `To kill a man……… who's already dead…………… is `illogical'…………… by Captain Spock… second in command… of the starship… Enterprise.

Bakura fans would kill me. Especially his new girlfriend Ping Pong. (HELLO!!!!) *shudders* I swear if I wasn't already insane, one look at the stuff she's got in her torture chamber and I'll be having a `wittle' chat to the Men In Black who'll be asking which planet I came from.

I know they've kissed but never actually confessed anything.

The stuff in between the lines that goes on in this little ficcy will have some sort of relevance to me new fic. My other fic is an all star cast so Bakura needs to be `alive'. That is if I get enough reviews asking for it. Cos if I don't I'll get to concentrate with my other interests in my boring social life.

Bakura's too cool to be killed anyway.

The last but not the least. In fact it's the most important reason of all. IF BAKURA DIED THEN HE WOULD NEVER GET A CHANCE TO TASTE RYOU'S GINGER SNAPS!!!!!!!!!!!

Bakura: ¬_¬ You kept me alive because of… cookies?

Sam: Not cookies… Ginger snaps!!!! ^___________________^

Bakura: I hate you.

Sam: R&R people. Whether you think it's crap or not. I don't care. I do it for fun!!!