Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 2
Seto awoke to Mokuba's high pitched squeal as he groaned rolling over and hiding his face in a pillow and hearing Yami's voice making him even more annoyed than he already was. He sat up noticing Ryou was not in the bed beside him as he frowned and sat up getting dressed to go find his now missing lover.
But he really didn't need to go looking as the door to his room burst open and in ran Ryou, squealing something awful, Yugi, Yami, Mokuba and Joey on his heels, all with water guns. (Marik, Malik and Bakura never showed up) Seto stared as Ryou ran around the room, trying to escape the other boys who, in addition to the boxers properly on their backsides, were wearing boxers on their heads. Ryou finally dove under the covers of the bed. The boys all followed, still trying to soak Ryou.
"Hey!" Seto yelled practically making the boy's freeze in place, "I'm not a morning person, and please have the decency to put some clothes on for crying out loud!" He yelled, and the other boy's left as he lifted the covers glaring at Ryou slightly
Ryou opened one eye and peeked up at Seto. "Are they gone?"
"Yes... Why are they squirting water guns in the house...and only in boxers for that matter...”
"Well, for starters, they didn't sleep a wink all night. Two, they have been taking in massive amounts of sugar and caffeine over the past twelve hours, hence the boxers on their heads. Why they attacked me the moment they laid eyes on me, I don't know." Ryou said, getting out of the bed and looking at Seto. "You're naked, did you know that?"
Seto rolled his eyes "You've only been sleeping with me the past four months Ryou, you know I don't wear anything when I sleep so, yeah I know and you should to." He said kissing him gently "I should have told Mokuba no, I hoped they would have sense to leave this morning...apparently not." He said with a sigh lying back down
Ryou giggled. "Yami saw you naked!" He chirped, and toppled over onto the bed in gales of laughter, earning himself a mortified look from Seto.
Seto shuddered visibly "nice..." He said getting up and going into the bathroom and a few moments later the shower was heard running.
Ryou sighed and smiled, then began searching for his shoes. "Seto? Where are my shoes? I should head home."
Ryou made a face when he couldn't quite make out Seto's reply, so he poked his head into the bathroom. "Say again?"
"Why are you leaving?" Seto asked.
"I have to go home. To make sure Bakura didn't burn the house down, for one."
"Why not just call? If the phone work's it's a good sign" He said with a wink
Ryou pouted. "Setoooo...... I really need to go home. Bakura gets upset if I don't visit. You know how he is about me."
Seto rolled his eyes, irritated with Bakura's over protective behavior of his light. Finally, he sighed. "Well, why don't you join me, and I'll drive you home later?"
Ryou rolled his eyes. "I had a feeling something like that was coming....." He muttered, glancing at Seto who was waiting by the shower for his answer.
"This time we are not in a rush." He said softly leaning against the open glass door making Ryou blush slightly.
"So you say." Ryou said, teasingly. "This is Bakura we're talking about."
"Eh, he's probably screwing Marik in the kitchen." Seto said, grinning at Ryou's shocked look.
"That's not very comforting!" Ryou cried, throwing his hands into the air.
"Would you rather go home now and visit the show then, or create one of our own?" He said smiling
Ryou's eyes widened significantly, and his face turned bright red. "Uhhh.... I, uh, errr..... I mean, well......." Seto snickered as Ryou was unable to form a complete sentence. Ryou lowered his head, hiding his face behind his hair and began fidgeting shyly.
Seto shook his head stepping out of the shower. "You make things harder then they have to be..." He said bringing Ryou into a strong kiss pulling off any remaining clothing Ryou had and leading him into the shower as he rubbed the teen's back soothingly while eyeing the bruise suspiciously but disregarded it after a moment.
Ryou purred under his touches and rubbed his cheek lovingly against Seto's chest.
"It makes our games more fun......" He murmured after a few minutes.
"Maybe for YOU." Seto grumbled. "It' just irritates me."
Ryou giggled. "You like it and you know it. You get such a rush off of the feeling that you have conquered me yet again."
Seto scoffed at that, but found, to his surprise, that he couldn't deny it.
"I like power over another, besides you don't complain." He said kissing Ryou's neck and hoisting him up slightly to lavish affection upon his collarbone and shoulder.
"I do too......." Ryou whined, squirming slightly, still trying to be a pain in the ass, but obviously was enjoying this.
Seto chuckled. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again." Ryou looked at him. "You are such an uke."
Ryou frowned, and then pouted, making Seto laugh and kiss the pout away, leaving Ryou shivering in his arms. "You're mean....." Ryou whined mournfully.
"Hmmmm, but you seem to like it." He whispered seductively in Ryou's ear tucking the white hair behind it as he once again kissed him strongly pressing his back up against the tiled wall as his hand sought between Ryou's legs and began to slowly massage his length.
Ryou tried to say something back, but whatever it was got lost in a plaintive whimper that basically said 'Why yes I do. Don't stop.'
Seto went to his knees taking Ryou into his mouth, he was happy he had a large bathroom otherwise he wouldn't have room to do so and he loved more than anything to hear Ryou whimper as he would bring him to the edge only to stop moment's before he could release keeping him on his toes and hear his soft plea's.
Ryou had his head back and his eyes closed as he moaned, and neither he nor Seto noticed the bathroom door opening to admit a certain ruby-eyed Pharaoh. Yami knew exactly what he was walking in on, but this opportunity was too good to pass up; he would get to see Ryou naked and shock Seto all in one go. He flung open the shower door, and both boys looked up and froze, eyes wide in shock and horror.
Yami smirked, and then held the phone up to his ear. "Umm... Ryou's a bit busy right now Bakura." He said into the mouthpiece. "You wanna talk to him anyway? Okay. By the way, you should see the look on his face right now. It's priceless." And he held out the phone to Ryou and made a hasty retreat, seeing the homicidal glint in Seto's eye.
Seto was about to lunge out of the shower and run after Yami but Ryou caught his arm giving him the 'your not running around the house stark naked' kind of look.
"Um.... Hello?" He squeaked. "Oh. Bakura. Hi..... Nothing. No, I'm not doing anything, I......." He sighed and turned bright red. "Yes, Bakura. That's the Shower." He glanced at Seto.
"Damn Yami..." Seto muttered under his breath
"Um, actually, yes he is.........." Ryou said, and then jerked the phone away from his ear as Bakura began screeching. Ryou ignored Seto, but glared at the phone, then shouted right back at Bakura. "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHEN I CAN AND CAN'T HAVE SEX!!!"
Seto laughed slightly "I wonder what his face looks like." Seto mused
Bakura screamed something back, and Ryou scowled. "Oh yeah?! Well you can just stand there and listen to us, and you can't do a damn thing about it!!!" Ryou shouted, set the phone on a shelf in the shower and dragged Seto back in, kissing him passionately.
Seto didn't object, they had been pressed for time and interrupted by something or someone the past few days, no objections here as he pulled Ryou up to him wrapping the boy's legs around his waist. Ryou moaned loudly, grinning at Seto with a mischievous glint in his eyes. They both muffled their snickers as they heard Bakura's furious shouting from the telephone. A moment later, another screech joined in; apparently, Marik had picked up a phone as well.
Seto smiled "And Bakura would care because?" Seto asked softly. Now they could hear Bakura telling Marik to get off of the damn phone and trying to get off on listening to Ryou and Seto going at it.
"Because he's an overprotective yami, that's why. He likes playing father." Ryou said with a grin. "I think it's adorable, but he does go too far sometimes." He said, jerking his head towards the phone as an example. Now there was a new voice coming in; apparently Malik had been woken by the commotion and was listening in to see what had caused it.
"Should we give them a show?" Ryou asked with a grin. "Or.... sound? Or whatever?"
Seto smiled "Why not, I'm sure you've heard them plenty of times." He said and without warning placing a slick finger inside Ryou's passage causing Ryou to give surprised yelp as Seto slowly worked the digit in and out of him pressing down on the small bundle of nerves making Ryou moan loudly.
Through the haze in his mind, Ryou registered the sudden silence from the phone and gave a small laugh that Seto echoed.
"They are easily distracted, aren't they?" Ryou panted, and then moaned again, moving in to kiss Seto.
Seto kissed the boy and again stroked Ryou's prostate adding a second and soon a third finger moving them in a scissor motion to stretch him as Ryou moaned into the kiss cooing softly at the gentle preparation.
"Mmm..... You're going to slow..........." Ryou moaned into Seto's ear, moving his hips against Seto's fingers. "God...." Ryou whimpered, and Seto threw an amused glance at the phone when he heard Marik hiss "What are they doing now?” Bakura's voice immediately followed. "They'd better not be doing what is sounds like they're doing! Stop listening in!!"
"Hell no!" Both Malik and Marik chorused together, and Bakura's cursing followed.
"You like to torment me; I'll do the same to you..." Seto said grinding his hips against Ryou's, Ryou threw his head back with a tortured groan, and they heard a THUD over the phone as Marik fell off of his seat in excitement.
Seto let himself laugh slightly "I think he likes you..." Seto teased, kissing Ryou strongly as the boy whimpered softly into the kiss and Seto withdrew his fingers running his hands over Ryou's legs that were still firmly wrapped around his waist before impaling the youth upon his own ache.
Ryou couldn't help but let loose a scream of pleasure that brought a lot of cursing from Bakura and Malik and Marik trying to shush him so that they could hear. Ryou was no longer aware of this; he had much more interesting things on his mind right now. Seto was in the same condition, not hearing Bakura suddenly screaming at Marik to 'put that away, you're not jacking off to MY LIGHT!!!'
Seto pressed himself flush against Ryou as he brought the boy up and down upon him slamming him into the tiles with each thrust as he did so. Every thrust was punctuated with a cry from Ryou who was completely lost in the moment and was constantly switching from having his face buried in Seto's shoulder to being tilted towards the ceiling as his body writhed in pleasure.
Seto smiled devilishly as he whispered huskily in Ryou's ear "Louder, let's let them know how loud you can actually be..." He said giving Ryou's ear a playful nip as he slammed himself harder into Ryou with every thrust making the youth shudder from the sheer force.
"I'm not sure....." Ryou muttered. "Whether I should take that as an insult or not......" But nonetheless, he did as Seto had asked.
"It's a compliment, koi." He said continuing his motions but not letting up.
"Well then, in that case...." Ryou said with smirk, and grabbed the phone. "OH, GOD, HARDER SETO!!!" He screamed into it, and had to hide his face in Seto's shoulder to muffle his laughter when he heard Marik squeak 'Holy fuck, Bakura! I wish you were that much of a screamer!!!'
Seto accommodated Ryou's plea as he took hold of the youth's length and began to pump him in the same rhythm as his thrusts as Ryou yelped dropping the phone into the shower. Ryou had slumped back limply against the wall with his eyes tightly closed as he continued to beg for release. Seto felt his own climax approaching as he stroked Ryou faster and soon the boy cried out spilling his seed as Seto soon followed filling Ryou with his own release as he stood there breathless for moment Ryou letting his full weight rest against him until Seto picked up the phone.
"We'll be over shortly." He said hanging up the phone as he smiled at Ryou letting the youth stand or try to at least. But, or course, Ryou could not stand, and was still not quite in the present. Seto chuckled, amused at this, and gave him a quick wash before doing himself, then went to get towels. When he went back to the collect his little pale pile of goo from the shower, he couldn't help but laugh at Ryou trying to talk to Bakura through the turned off phone.
"You're a bit delirious love." He said happy to pick up the youth as he took him into the bedroom setting him on the bed as he picked them out some clothes to wear.
Ryou was giving the phone a pout.
"I'm sorry." Ryou mumbled, looking up at Seto with hazy eyes. "I think I broke it when I dropped it."
Seto shook his head "I hung up on Bakura, the phone is fine...I'm a little curious about you though." He said with a soft laugh.
"Huh?" Was all Ryou said, making Seto laugh harder.
"Maybe you should get dressed." The CEO suggested, and Ryou made a face.
"I lost my clothes, though....." He said.
"In the closet silly." He said nuzzling his neck slightly making Ryou purr.
"Hey Seto?" Ryou said as he went to the closet to find some clothes, but Seto pushed him away, wanting to choose for him.
"Hmm?" Seto replied.
"Can I kick Yami?"
"As long as I get help you in the process..." He said trailing off slightly as he fumbled through the clothes
"Seto, can I at least get my underwear?" Ryou asked from where he sat on the bed in his birthday suit. "Hmmm.... I dunno, Ryou....." Seto drawled with a smirk on his face. "I kinda like you without it." Ryou turned bright red.
"SETO!!" He whined.
"Here." He said handing Ryou a pair of tight vinyl pants. "No need for underwear now right?" He said playfully
Ryou's eyes widened as he stared at the pants, and he blushed. "When and where did you get those?!" Ryou squeaked. "And I've already tormented Bakura enough today!!!"
"I haven't though, it won't bother him what I wear, besides I thought you wanted to give Bakura a show." He said tapping Ryou on the nose lightly.
Ryou whimpered, unable to think of a reply. Seto chuckled and gave Ryou the pants, who, after a few minutes, put them on. "Um, shirt?" Ryou finally said.
Seto handed him a simple white dress shirt with a black tie. "Sexy, yet classy wouldn't you agree." He said slipping on a pair of black slacks.
Ryou quirked an eyebrow at the shirt and tie. "You have to be joking...." Ryou mumbled, and pulled the shirt on. "I look like a Chippendale." Ryou said, and Seto turned and laughed, seeing Ryou standing there staring in the mirror with the tie on and shirt undone all the way down.
"You're not tan and muscular enough for that." Seto said. "But you've just given me a new fantasy." Ryou turned bright red and his eyes widened as he whipped off the tie and buttoned the shirt up halfway, tucking it in.
"Can we go now?" Ryou asked, glaring at Seto as he put on his shoes.
"As soon as we kick the shit out of Yami." Seto said.
He took Ryou's hand as they left the bedroom going downstairs looking for Yami as they went but apparently the spirit had decided to leave already, Seto sighed a little disheartened at the situation. "Well see him later I'm sure..." Seto said as they went outside and hopped into Seto's car.
Ryou smiled. "I suppose its better this way." He said. "I don't want to get blood on this white shirt." Seto snickered, and then yelped as Ryou once again dove across his lap to stick his head into the refrigerator.
"Want anything?" Ryou called.
"No, I'm fine." He said giving Ryou a playful slap on his rear making him jump slightly.
"Heyyy....." Ryou whined, and sat up again with another grape soda. He opened it carefully this time, and happily sipped it, leaning against Seto.
"It was right in front of me, what did you expect me to do?" He said wrapping an arm around Ryou lovingly kissing his forehead softly.
Ryou frowned slightly. "I think you should just drop me off and leave. Bakura will probably be pissed."
"No, he has no room to tell you what to do in the first place, besides we fight normally it's nothing new." He said. Bakura was always a bit overprotective of Ryou
Ryou sighed and smiled. "Alright. And Marik and Malik will be there to keep Bakura in check."
"Yeah and try to fondle you." Seto said bringing the said boy into his lap and cuddling him
"Is someone getting jealous?" Ryou teased, with a playful grin.
"I'm allowed to." He said kissing Ryou gently as the limo came to a halt and Ryou
practically hopped out.
Ryou ran up to the door and opened it. He screamed as two figures came hurtling at him and knocked him back onto the lawn. "RYOU!!!" Marik and Malik both sang happily.
They planted a kiss on each cheek then just sat on him grinning.
Seto rolled his eyes as Ryou squirmed away as quickly as possible and ran to Seto hugging him like a lifeline. Seto smiled at him as they made there way inside to a glaring Bakura.
Marik and Malik followed, and Marik grabbed Seto's hand and shook it. "I can't thank you enough, Mr. Kaiba, sir." He said, and Seto quirked an eyebrow. "I have NEVER jacked off to something that sexy that wasn't actually in front of me." Here he gave a glance to Malik and Bakura. "I can't thank you enough."
Malik giggled. "I recorded it."
Ryou's eyes widened and he blushed.
Seto quickly pulled his hand away from Marik's wiping it up his trench "I could have gone all day without hearing that." He said a slightly sour look upon his face.
Bakura frowned at Ryou
Marik and Malik both laughed, and Ryou gave Bakura a shy smile. "Ummm.... hi, yami......?”
"Hi indeed." He said "That little episode was unnecessary; the least you could have done was hang up on me before Marik got a hold of the phone." He said shooting Marik a glare. "What are you wearing?" HE asked suddenly
Ryou turned red. "Clothes?"
Marik and Malik were openly undressing Ryou with their eyes.
Seto laughed slightly as Bakura shook his head "Those barely qualify as such, since when do you even like vinyl?" He asked
"Ummm..... Since Seto decided I look good in it? Is that what this is, Seto? Vinyl?" Marik and Malik cracked up at this, and fell over onto the sofa, almost knocking Bakura over.
"I don't need you corrupting my Hikari." Bakura said shooting Seto a glare
"I did nothing of the sort, you can do that easily enough without my help, besides he does look good in it even you can agree with me on that." He said simply as Bakura just shook his head.
Marik grinned, and looked at Malik. "Should we tell them?" He asked, and Malik giggled and grinned.
"Yes." He looked at Seto. "You couldn't find Yami when you left, could you?"
"Actually no..." Seto said finally acknowledging the two
"We thought as much. After you hung up on us, Bakura hung up too. But we stayed on the line......." Malik said, and Marik grinned. "And so did Yami."
Ryou's eyes widened. "The Pharaoh was listening to the whole thing." Marik said.
"He's probably still hiding somewhere in your house." Malik laughed, seeing the mortified looks on Seto, Ryou and Bakura's faces.
"I shall castrate him when I find him..." Seto growled
Bakura was none too pleased with the thought of Yami even thinking about Ryou much less listening to him have sex.
Ryou had hidden his hands in his face in embarrassment. "I wanna listen to the tape again." Marik said, looking at Malik.
Malik grinned. "Me too." He said, and they both jumped up.
Seto, Ryou and Bakura stared after the two psychotic blondes, and then Bakura scowled and started to give chase. He was stopped by a hand on his wrist, and turned to look at Ryou, who smiled.
"Anyway... hi, yami." Ryou said, and hugged Bakura, who blinked, then smiled and hugged him back, kissing the top of his head.
"Hello, Ryou." Bakura said, and Seto snickered behind his hand at how easy it was for Ryou to completely melt the hard ass he had for a yami.
Seto didn't much care about the two blonde's listening to his and Ryou's previous love-making they would get bored with it sooner or later, it can only entertain them so long, besides he considered it quite a compliment as he tugged Ryou away from Bakura for a moment.
"I have to get to work, I'll see you this afternoon okay?" He said pressing his forehead against Ryou's
Ryou smiled and giggled slightly at Bakura's grunt, then hugged Seto. "Okay. See you then. Don't work too hard."
"That's like telling Yugi to be quiet." Bakura snorted, and Ryou burst out laughing.
Seto kissed Ryou gently before leaving. Bakura looked at Ryou, frowning. "Please change into something different." He said shaking his head at the attire.
"Why?" Ryou asked, teasingly. "Don't I look sexy?" He pouted, and then turned to let Bakura see how the pants showed off his ass.
"GODS yes....." Marik said from doorway, eyes glued to Ryou's butt and legs.
Bakura glared at Marik slapping him upside the head
"Change now" Bakura said pointing upstairs. "Did you finish so soon with Malik?" He teased Marik slightly.
Marik pouted. "Malik locked himself in the bathroom with the tape and won't let me hear!!!" He whined, and Ryou laughed as he went upstairs to his room, noticing that Malik had indeed locked himself in the bathroom. Ryou turned red as he heard noises that revealed that Malik was jacking off. Ryou wasn't sure it he was comfortable with the idea of Malik jacking off to the sounds of Seto screwing him in the shower.
"Well we can teach your Hikari later that seeing is better than just hearing can we not?" Bakura commented as he followed Ryou upstairs to talk to him without Marik or Malik interjecting with sexual comments every two minutes, regardless of what people thought Bakura didn't have a one tract mind and cared deeply for his Hikari.
"Does that mean we can play with Ryou?!" Marik called from down in the living room.
Bakura simply rolled his eyes at the comment "I would aid Seto in killing you Marik if you so much as dare." Bakura yelled from the top of the stairs. He smirked as he heard Marik's muttering that accompanied the pout that was undeniably on the yami's face.
In his room, Ryou had removed his shirt, and had the pants undone, and was digging for some boxers that Marik had not scribbled inappropriate things on. "I swear..." Ryou muttered, eyeing one doodle on the crotch of one pair of boxers. "Marik is BEYOND crazy......"
Bakura walked in the room hearing Ryou's comment. "That's one of his best qualities though." Bakura said walking up to Ryou but noticed his arm. "What happened here?" He said taking Ryou's arm gently so not to hurt him.
Bakura could easily feel Ryou tense, then force himself to relax. "Oh, ummm.... nothing." He said, but Bakura could easily see that the bruise was in the shape of a hand.
Bakura frowned at Ryou "You don't need to lie to me Ryou." Bakura said gently "It wasn't Seto was it?" He asked concerned for a moment
Ryou's eyes widened in shock. "What?! No! No, he would never hurt me! I... I don't know who it was...." Ryou mumbled, staring at his feet.
Bakura nodded believing Ryou "Well that's better than 'nothing' when did it happen?" He asked
"Ummm..... Not sure?" Ryou said, but Bakura took another glance at the bruise.
"It's new." He said to Ryou. "Less that 24 hours old."
Ryou sighed. "Yes, There. So you know when it happened. End of discussion." Bakura frowned. Ryou was acting funny.
"That tells me nothing and you know it, not end of discussion Ryou this one has just begun." Bakura said sternly "If someone is hurting you I have a right to know Ryou, I only want to help regardless of what you want in this situation whoever hurt you shouldn't just get away with it...you'll only be victimized again if you simply let it slide." Bakura said concerned
"I don't KNOW who it was, so I can't tell you who it was, can I?!" Ryou snapped, and gave a disgusted sigh, giving up on finding a pair of boxers that had escaped Marik. He pulled on a pair that made Bakura make a double take of what was drawn on Ryou's ass. He scowled, not wanting a picture of himself getting screwed by Marik on his hikari's backside.
He decided that Marik was getting a lecture, and then would be forced into buying Ryou new boxers.
"Fine, I'm just trying to protect you Ryou...you understand that don't you?" Bakura said hugging Ryou from behind
Ryou tensed up for a moment, then nodded and turned around, hugging his yami in return and resting his head on Bakura's chest. "I know..." He said, softly. "Seto, he....."
"He what?" Bakura asked lifting Ryou's chin
"He, its...... it's out......." Ryou mumbled, hiding his face in Bakura's shirt again.
Bakura frowned "I...I don't understand Ryou, you don't really need to be embarrassed to tell me anything, with Marik and Malik I'm slightly desensitized." Bakura gave him a reassuring smile.
Ryou giggled slightly. "You were desensitized BEFORE Malik and Marik came along." He teased, and Bakura snorted.
"But what is out?" Bakura asked
"Well.... me and him.........." Ryou mumbled. "There was a charity event last night, and well, you can guess how many people are trying to get their daughter's into wedlock with Seto....... and, well.... Ummm....... They know that I'm his, well......."
"Oh, you two went public...I can imagine how that went." He said sitting on Ryou's bed.
"Yeah..." Ryou sighed, and pulled on a pair of jeans, followed by a plain light blue t-shirt.
After a slight hesitation, he moved and sat by Bakura, who placed an arm around him.
"If that creep comes near you again Ryou don't lie to me or Seto, I know you simply don't want to cause problems...but it wouldn't be worth it." He kissed his forehead gently. "Well we have until about seven until Seto comes to get you, anything you would like to do?" He asked wanting to move away from the previous subject,
Ryou cocked his head. "Umm.... nothing that I can think of right--” He was cut off by a large crash and loud cursing in Egyptian.
"Ishtar what the hell are you doing?!" Bakura yelled standing up and leaving Ryou's room to see what the problem was.
Ryou curiously followed, wondering which Ishtar had made the mess this time. It turned out that it had been both of them. Ryou and Bakura found themselves staring at Malik and Marik, naked, and in a very compromising position among a mess of broken wall shelves and all of the books and other things that had been on the shelves. The Ishtar pair looked up at the two shocked faces of Ryou and Bakura. Then, both turned red; Ryou in embarrassment, Bakura in anger.
Bakura growled at them covering Ryou's eyes quickly "Please take that to a more private setting!" HE yelled at the two tangled bodies
"Hi, Ryou......" Marik purred, and Malik giggled.
"Come join us...." Malik said, and Ryou squeaked and turned even brighter.
"You two are going to be denied a lot if you don't stop hitting on my light." Bakura growled pushing Ryou upstairs not really wanting him to witness the scene.
Ryou squeaked and let Bakura push him, hearing the disappointed groans from the Egyptians. "Ummm...." Was all Ryou could get out.
The doorbell rang causing all four to freeze "Private setting now." Bakura said as the two groaned but went down to the basement, "If you two break open my waterbed again I swear..." Bakura said as Ryou opened the door revealing a grinning Yami.
Ryou froze and stared at Yami, who blinked not expecting to see Ryou there. "Umm.... can I see Malik and Marik?" Yami asked, and Ryou scowled and stepped aside, letting Yami in. Yami nodded and walked in, spotting Bakura glaring from the bottom of the stairs. Bakura's eyes suddenly lit up in amusement, and there was a loud thud as Ryou slammed a book down on Yami's head. "BASMENT!!!" Ryou screamed, giving Yami a good kick in the ass. "YOU PERVERTS CAN ENJOY EACH OTHER'S COMPANY!!!!" And he kicked Yami through the door and slammed it on him.
Bakura laughed at Ryou "I'm so proud of you Hikari." He said still laughing almost to the point of hysterics. "How does lunch sound to you?" Bakura asked.
"It sounds....." Ryou began, but stopped and listened to Yami.
"You could at least stop that when I'm trying to talk to you!!" He was shouting at the Ishtars.
"What do you want, Pharaoh?!" Marik screamed.
"That tape. I want a copy of it." Yami said, and Ryou's eyes widened.
Ryou was about to go down the stairs but Bakura stopped him practically having to pick him up to keep from getting to Yami. "Don't worry I doubt they would be so kind as to do something the Pharaoh actually wants." He said walking out the door with a fidgeting Ryou "How about some Thai food?" He asked glancing behind him.
"Too spicy." Ryou said, making a face, and clearly wanted to go back and clobber Yami.
"If I put you down you promise not to run back to the house? All right...Italian?" He asked
"Italian sounds good....." Ryou mumbled. "Yes. I promise” He said, but crossed his fingers where he hoped Bakura wouldn't see them.
"You have the mind link open baka; I'm not putting you down until we arrive now." Bakura said slapping Ryou playfully.
Ryou pouted, and then began to squirm. "But he listened to me and Seto!!!"
"Yeah I know, you can kill him later though I'd like to actually spend some time with you, Seto occupies most of it as you well know." Bakura said setting Ryou down but holding on to his wrist to insure he couldn't run off.
Ryou blinked then sighed and nodded. "He does, doesn't he?" Ryou asked, and moved closer to Bakura, taking his arm. "I miss you."
"I miss you too..." he said smiling at Ryou's gentle behavior "But I know how much you two love each other, and although we fight a lot I do love Marik and Malik very much too." Bakura said
Ryou giggled. "I know. But how you put up with them, I'll never know. And how my house survives the three of you is a miracle in itself."
"You and Seto are the ones who riled them up so much in the first place; they were relatively calm until then." Bakura said as they went inside the restaurant.
"What about popping your waterbed?" Ryou asked with a smirk.
"That was actually an accident, the headboard hit the wall and a few of my knives fell onto the bed...the scary thing was that they didn't care; it's a funny thing to see your boyfriends making love on an empty water bed." HE mused slightly as the waitress bounced over to them.
Ryou was giggling when the waitress asked them what they wanted to drink, and Bakura had to translate Ryou's snort as 'water'.
Once they ordered and their food arrived they ate quietly until Bakura decided to break the silence. "What's on your mind? You seem awfully quiet" Bakura commented
"I don't know. Just.... what a lot of those people last night said to me......." He said, and trailed off, prodding his pasta.
"You can talk to me abut it, and Seto, you know we would listen." HE said placing his hand over Ryou's
"Seto's busy enough. I don't want to give him another thing to worry about......"
"But you shouldn't keep things from him, he loves you very much and if you're having problems he need's to know."
"I think I'll wait. Maybe it was a one time thing....."
"Maybe..." Bakura said as his cell phone rang "I have to go, will you be all right by yourself?" Bakura asked paying the bill.
Ryou quirked an eyebrow. "Where do you have to go?"
"Work, I do have a day job Ryou." He said ruffling his hair, "I need to get away from Marik and Malik sometimes and work was the best excuse." He said with a wink leaving the other
Ryou stared. "A JOB!? YOU?!?"
"Yes me!" He called back but not before laughing at the surprised look on his Hikari's face.
"What are you, a butcher?!" Ryou asked eyes wide.
"Only at night." He said "I don't like to mix work with pleasure it's not a good business you know" he said giving Ryou a wicked smile "I work as a hotel manager, yes a normal hotel now run along home you might be able to catch Yami still." Bakura said
Ryou stared. "Don't you need a degree for that kind of work?!" He asked, following Bakura out the door.
"No, it's just a manager position Ryou...why so interested anyway?" He asked
"At a hotel?" Ryou asked. "You need a degree in hotel/restaurant management for that!" He gasped, and stared at Bakura.
Bakura sighed. "Okay, okay.... not a hotel....." He muttered, and Ryou blinked. "It's a trashy little motel in a sleazy area.... it's where the damn prostitutes take their clients........" Bakura laughed at the look on Ryou's face and took the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek. "Bye, Ryou!" He called, and ran off. Ryou simply stood there, stunned.
A man watched the two from across the street as the other walked away...more or less ran as the younger simply shook his head and started his way back home. He smiled; the two seemed more like lovers than friends; they almost seemed like brother's...he could possibly use that to his advantage the two were awfully close, a few pictures sent to Seto might split up the happy couple.