Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 11
Bakura felt like he had only been asleep for a few minutes when he was woken by a knock on the door. He opened one eye as Malik shook Ryou, gently.
"Ryou... come on, we have to leave for school soon." Malik said, and Ryou slowly got up and trudged out of the room to dress, Malik behind him. Marik stood in the doorway and looked at Bakura.
"Is Ryou okay? What happened?" He asked.
"I'm guessing he and Seto had fight...and as much as I hate to admit it Seto has every right to be angry with Ryou, it's never easy when all you want to do is help and all the other one does is lie." Bakura sighed as Marik crawled into bed with him snuggling to his chest lovingly "The upside is Ryou told me this Kakyo guy is partly responsible for what happened so you and me get to at least find out where he lives, Ryou said we couldn't hurt him he said nothing about his property." Bakura said with a wicked grin as he kissed Marik.
Marik cackled in delight at the prospect of chaos and vandalism in the near future.
"Hey.... does Seto know that Ryou told you this?" Marik asked, looking up at Bakura. Bakura shook his head. "Don't you think you should tell him?"
"I think Ryou should." Bakura said. "But if he won't.... I will."
"I love you...." Marik said, and kissed Bakura, flattening him to the bed.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Ryou and Malik were eating some cereal when Seto entered the kitchen. Malik looked up and chirped a cheerful 'Good morning,' but Ryou lowered his eyes to his cereal and said nothing.
Seto sighed, if Ryou wished to treat him this way so be it, and two could play at this game as he grabbed an apple from the fruit on the table. "There will be a car waiting to take you to school outside." He said, leaving without directing the statement to either of them as Malik frowned and looked at Ryou.
"What happened? You two have a fight?" Malik asked worriedly.
Ryou frowned and dumped his bowl in the sink.
"Seto doesn't know when to back off." Ryou said simply, and went to brush his teeth, leaving a baffled Malik in the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later, they were both riding in the car to school, after telling Marik and Bakura to behave. Once they arrived, all eyes in the school yard turned to the car. Ryou got out and, eyes cast to the ground, didn't notice everyone staring at him. But Malik did. Ryou silently walked towards the doors of the school.
Thankfully Malik and Ryou had their first class together and Malik sat next to him and threatened those who had enough nerve to approach him and spout nasty comments about him.
"Don't listen to them Ryou, they don't know a damn thing about you." Malik whispered giving Ryou's hand a squeeze and was instantly enraged when another snide comment was made.
"Hey, you two are the fags I saw in the paper! Geeze you got a lotta guts to be holding that pussy's hand like that, you two really must be fags!" A boy from behind said.
Malik was never known for having patience but he was known for having a short fuse and this boy just made him explode. He jumped from his desk, tackling the boy to the ground and proceeded to beat the hell out of him.
"You son of a bitch, how dare you even say such a thing! I'll make you choke on those words!" He yelled as he continued his assault not stopping until their burly and strong teacher pulled Malik off of him.
"Malik Ishtar!" He bellowed "What was the meaning of that! Class hasn't even started yet!" He yelled "Report to the principal's office now!" He said
Malik stuck his nose in the air giving everyone warning glances telling them if he found out they even looked at Ryou the wrong way he'd find out and hunt them down. And he left the classroom leaving a stunned Ryou behind.
Ryou had been shocked. He knew Malik's temper, but had never seen his friend lose it so quickly. Now the class was glaring at him like it was HIS fault. Ryou quickly buried his head into a book. Class started, but Ryou was unable to pay attention. He was still upset about his fight with Seto. He was worried about Mokuba's safety. And he was also a spitball magnet.
When Malik finally came back, he was wearing a bitchy scowl and mouthed 'Detention all this week' to Ryou, who gave him an apologetic smile. But Malik barely had time to see it. As he walked to his desk, one student stuck his foot out and tripped Malik. Ryou gasped and knelt beside his friend who had fallen into the corner of the desk and split his forehead wide open.
"Malik! Are you okay?!" Ryou gasped.
Malik was grabbing his forehead in pain, figures he doesn't get a bruise from the guy he just fought but he gets tripped and splits his head open. The teacher sighed and went to Malik's side sending the one who tripped Malik to the principal as well. He took out his handkerchief placing it on Malik's forehead
"Go to the nurse Malik, that cut looks pretty bad." he said as he helped Malik up "I'll walk you there." He said but Malik shook his head 'no', not wanting the teacher to leave Ryou alone with all these people just looking for an excuse to hurt him "Don't be silly Malik, now come on." He said leaving the classroom with a struggling Malik who saw angry glares directed straight at Ryou and was frustrated at not being able to break his teachers grasp because of how woozy he was from his head.
Ryou watched Malik go, and then noticed all of the glares being directed at him. He tensed and slowly moved back to his seat and stared at the desktop. For a moment, the room was silent, and the air was tense. Everyone knew that a move would be made, the question was, who would make it. Ryou winced as a spitball hit his face off to the side of his eye.
"What's wrong?" One boy snarled. "No one to protect the lady anymore?" Ryou felt his face turn red, but said nothing and didn't look at anyone.
"You have all these men to protect you according to the paper, throwing yourself all over desperate guys; it even said you were fucking your own brother." Another said moving closer to Ryou who was looking more and more frightened by the second; he tried to go for the door but another blocked it.
"What's wrong? Can't handle a little bit of truth? You don't have your fuck toy to protect you now do ya?" He said as his fist went flying hitting Ryou hard across the jaw and knocking him to the floor.
"Hey!!" Another boy said, shoving the one who had hit Ryou. "What are you talking about? If anyone is a fuck toy, it's HIM!" And he slammed his foot into Ryou's stomach.
"STOP!" A girl cried, standing up. "Just stop! Leave him alone!"
"Yeah!" Another girl said. "He didn't do anything to you!"
Ryou whimpered and dragged himself out of his attacker's range, clutching his stomach.
One of the boys sneered at them "Gee, girls I thought you'd be happy. After all this little whore is keeping Seto way outta your reach while all he's doing is lying and cheating on him behind the poor guy's back." He said advancing on Ryou and lifting him from the ground "Whether your cheating on a guy or a girl it's still wrong and he needs to pay for it! Disgracing someone like Seto Kaiba is even worse," he said slamming Ryou against the blackboard hard. "Filthy little insestual slut." He said in Ryou's face
Ryou yelped and squirmed.
"S-stop...." He moaned. "Stop it.... It's not true... I never cheated on Seto. I am NOT incestuous... He, he isn't my brother. We aren't related! Let me go!! Please!!"
"You actually think that we believe that load of bullshit? The guy looks just like you after all." One said as the one holding him let him drop to the floor and a group surrounded him with menacing glares.
"We'll teach you a lesson you won't soon forget." another said as they began to kick him from his position the floor and punch him hard whenever he managed to sit up in an attempt to get away which only sent him back to the floor. A few of the people in the classroom tried to stop them but there too many against him and no one could stop them, a few were even guarding the door preventing any of the girls from leaving and getting help as they continued their abuse on Ryou. One boy grabbed Ryou by the arm and pulled him roughly and smiled sadistically upon hearing the sickening pop of Ryou's arm being pulled form the socket; he laughed as tears began to roll down Ryou's face and he screamed.
"Shit!!" One boy spat, and pounced, covering Ryou's mouth. Ryou squirmed and fought back, lashing out with his feet. The boys surrounding him yelped, then pinned his arms and legs to the floor, while the largest moved above him, raising his fist. Ryou's eyes widened and he stared at his attacker, pleading silently. But he only grinned and brought his fist down on Ryou's chest.
"EEEYYYAARGH!!!!" The bully yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He clutched his fist as Ryou writhed at the pain that the blow brought. The bully ripped open Ryou's jacket and shirt, and stared at the Millennium Ring on Ryou's white chest. He snarled and grabbed it, jerking it, snapping the cord. Ryou cried out into the hand over his mouth and struggled, eyes wild, trying to get to the Ring.
"Little fuck!!" The bully snarled, and slammed his fist into Ryou's chest. Ryou screamed as he felt bones cracking under the blows that continued. One girl screamed and threw herself on the boy that was beating Ryou.
"Stop!! Stop it!!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. "You'll kill him!!!" The boy stood and shoved her off, then turned and slammed his heel down on Ryou's chest. Ryou shrieked as he felt something break, and a sharp stabbing pain. After another kick to the side, Ryou choked and gagged. The boy covering his mouth gasped and jerked his hand away. Ryou took a wheezing breath, and then coughed again, blood splattering the clothes of the boys surrounding them.
Bakura and Marik were making out passionately on the bed when Bakura felt a sharp sting of something but it was gone as quickly as it had come so he continued to kiss Marik. But then he felt a sharp stab in his heart and he pulled away from Marik trying to decipher the feeling as Marik's concerned voice brought him from his thoughts.
"Bakura? What's wrong love, why are you crying?" He asked worried
Bakura looked at him puzzled and touched his face and sure enough he was crying, tears rolling down his face in a monstrous violation he just couldn't stop as he tried to wipe them away as his heart felt another stab of pain.
"I...I don't know..." He said surprised to find his voice chocked in tears "S-something's not right..." He said trying to find out what the hell was wrong but not being able to feel it, he couldn't feel anything...he suddenly remembered that the last time he couldn't feel anything Ryou was in danger. His eyes sprung open and he leapt form the bed tears still rolling down his cheeks as he pulled on his pants
"Something's wrong with Ryou!" He yelled panic as Marik followed suit throwing on his clothes just as carelessly as they left the mansion and headed toward the school.
The boy blocking the door watched in pleasure as they beat the living hell out of the boy, the guy had told them to hurt the hell out of the kid and they'd all get a good price, and the more pain he was put in the better the profit would be. He held the door in a firmer grasp as a few boys who tried to help laid unconscious on the floor and the girls' cries were silenced by death glares form the boy's. The only sound you could hear was fists hitting, bones breaking, and the muffled cries of Ryou who was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor.
Ryou's body convulsed as the blows to his body moved lower. One blow to his stomach and he vomited up his breakfast all over himself.
"Aw, shit!!!" One boy yelped, letting go of Ryou's left arm. The one holding his right arm also let go, leaping to his feet.
"NAS TY!!!" He shouted, backhanding Ryou before stomping on his good shoulder. Ryou shrieked in pain as a fist slammed down on his stomach, causing a fiery pain to erupt as his appendix burst. This shriek was followed by another cough and splatter of blood. Ryou writhed weakly, but was unable to do anything else.
Suddenly, the beating stopped. All the boys around him stood and looked at each other. Then, one boy moved from Ryou's view while another knelt. A hand wrapped around his throat and squeezed, cutting off his air. Ryou's eyes widened as the boy who had wandered away came back, a bat in his hand.
"Hey!!" Cried one of the boys who had been trying to help Ryou. "That's mine!!"
"Yeah. Thanks." The bat wielding brute said, smirking, and approached Ryou who was being pinned to the wall. Ryou stared at the boy in horror.
"D-Don't.... please..." He gasped, before coughing up blood again. "Why.... why are you doing this? P-Please, leave me alone...."
"STOP!!" The girls all began screaming. "STOP!! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!! STOP IT!!!"
The one with the bat smiled as he raised it and slammed it against his knees; Ryou screamed in pain but the others covered his mouth. Ryou's blood fell to the floor with a sickening splash as his tears mingled with his blood and his throat became hoarse and raw with all his screaming as the bat landed harder and harder upon his knees. The hilt was then slammed into his stomach making him double over and gasp with the wind being knocked out of him.
The boy with the bat smirked and hit the back of Ryou's knees equally hard bringing a strangled cry that sounded more like a whimper than a scream...Ryou couldn't scream anymore his throat was to sore and raw as he settled for crying and sniffling prying he passed out or they killed him soon, it hurt so much! Please someone make it stop! He begged. He then felt his clothes being tugged from his body.
"Let's make sure every inch of this bitch gets bruised!" One yelled as they tore Ryou of his clothes with the exception on his boxers.
Again their fists began to beat down upon him, the bat still hitting him in places that were being neglected by fists and brutal kicks. He could faintly hear desperate cries from girls and a few boys' trying to stop them but he couldn't move anymore as his body was limply shoved and moved about on the floor by their beating.
"No!" Malik screamed as his teacher held him down in the empty teacher's lounge. "You left him alone you bastard! Don't you care at all?!" Malik yelled as he tried to get up and move away but it wasn't working. Malik saw the cruel smirk cross the teachers face. "Y-You...You bastard! You're going to let them hurt Ryou! No! Let me go, I have to help him, you bastard!" Malik yelled trying to break away form his grasp but the teacher wouldn't let him go and spoil the fun the class was undoubtedly having with Ryou at the moment.
"Don't worry, we'll be sure to leave you a piece of his ass once were finished." He sneered in Malik's ear.
"PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!! NOW!!!" The teacher screamed, and Joey and Otogi slouched out of the room, glaring at Honda, who was snickering at them. The teacher had caught Joey blowing spitballs at Otogi and Otogi retaliated by shooting one of his dice straight into Joey's eye.
"This is all your fault, mutt...." Otogi snapped, and Joey glared.
"Shut up, Dice Boy!!!" He snapped back, and shoved Otogi. Otogi growled and turned to face Joey, ready to attack when a scream was heard from down the hall.
"YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!" A girl was screaming.
Joey and Otogi blinked, and then went to investigate. As they got closer to the source, they could hear more commotion. Girls were screaming and crying, boys were shouting and scuffling was heard. They approached the closed door and Joey peered in the little window. His eyes widened. A group of boys towards the front of the room were pounding on something, Joey couldn't see what it was, and one had a bat, but the frightening thing was that the bat and fists were all smeared in blood.
"We gotta get in there!!!" Joey gasped, and he and Otogi put their shoulders to the door. The door flew open, sending the boy guarding it flying.
"Alright, that's enough!! What are you........." Joey trailed off as he spotted the victim of the horrific beating. "r-ryou......." His eyes narrowed dangerously.
"What kind of monsters are you?" Otogi hissed, glaring at the boys towering over Ryou, who didn't even look alive anymore. "What have you done?"
"Get out of here." Said the boy with the bat. "We have a job to finish." And he turned and raised the bat over Ryou's battered form.
Otogi quickly tackled the one with the bat to keep him from slamming the weapon against Ryou's motionless form. He wrenched the bat from his hands and slammed it into the side of his face, he didn't care that he heard the crack of a jaw when he did so or that the boy was no longer moving as he tossed the bat to Joey, his attention drawing to the nearest fucker who was helping these bastards. He slammed his fists into one of their faces and only stopped to look at one of the girls "Call the police and an ambulance NOW!" He screamed and proceeded to help Joey.
Bakura all of a sudden felt very weak and unbalanced; he felt himself start to fall "M-Marik..." He managed to choke out as Marik quickly caught him from hitting the unyielding pavement.
"Bakura!" He yelled frantically as the said boy convulsed in his arms and shook violently. His body was becoming slightly transparent as time passed; His eyes grew wide with horror "God's! Bakura!" He yelled again as Bakura looked up to Marik and gripped his shirt.
"P-please, Ryou's dying..." He said weakly
"I can't just leave you!" Marik yelled and pulled Bakura close to his body and gripping the other yami's hand tightly in his own even tough he could see through it and tears breached his eyes. "I won't leave you!" He yelled
"Please M-Marik..." Bakura said weakly as tears began streaming down his face that was of his own. "I can't loose him..." Bakura choked out and his body spasmed. "Please Marik! Don't let my Hikari die!" He yelled with the last bit of strength he had feeling his very life slipping away along with his Hikari's.
Malik continued to struggle with his teacher, but he gasped when Marik frantically burst into his mind.
//MALIK!!! Get to Ryou, NOW!!! Bakura is fading! He says Ryou is DYING!!! HELP HIM!!!// Malik's eyes widened.
"NO!!!" He screamed, and hurled his teacher to the floor, slamming his fist into his jaw. "RYOU!!!" And he tore down the hall. He finally reached the room and burst in, seeing Joey, Otogi and several other boys in the class fighting off a group of boys with bloodied clothes and hands. Malik frantically looked around the room. When he saw Ryou, he felt his heart drop into his stomach.
"Ryou..." He gasped, and dropped to his knees beside Ryou. The sounds of fighting stopped and Joey and Otogi knelt next to Ryou with Malik. Malik shook his head in disbelief and tears fell down his face.
"Ryou... no, please.... don't die... You can't, Ryou...." He cried, reaching out and brushing bloodied hair from Ryou's face.
"Don't!" Joey gasped as Otogi reached out. "We can't risk moving him. Malik.... where were you?!"
"I was being.... detained..... But Marik