Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 13
Seto stepped out of his car and walked up to the door knocking upon it softly waiting for an answer. It had been almost two week's since the incident and Ryou was looking better everyday, he was moving around a lot more and seemed virtually healed which made Seto relived and happy that Ryou was going to pull through.
Seto was broken from his thoughts by the sound of a window opening above him. He inwardly groaned, knowing what was next.
"HE'S OURS, KAIBA!! OURS!! YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!! GO AWAY!!!!" Came the shriek, followed by a barrage of random objects being chucked out the window at the CEO's head.
"MARIK!!!!" Bakura was heard shouting, and Seto continued to dodge the attack. After a moment, the front door opened and Malik beckoned Seto inside.
"Come on!!" He hissed.
Seto stepped inside equally irritated, he had hoped to ride out the days without that happening but it was apparently all lost now. "You two could show a little maturity when it comes to me visiting, it's not like I'm taking Ryou against his will or something, besides he may not be healed enough to go back yet anyway." He said trotting upstairs to Ryou's room.
Malik followed. "Sorry, Seto. Marik got into Ryou's Vicadin." He said. "And Ryou is in the kitchen." Seto glared at Malik, then trudged back down the stairs. Malik followed and Seto had to admit that he was happy that Malik was in one of his more sane moods. They walked into the kitchen and found Ryou cooking up a storm. Malik smirked and leaned over, whispering in Seto's ear.
"Ryou's been going mad cooped up here in the house, Seto. He'll be glad to get out." And Malik giggled as Ryou didn't even notice them, too busy mashing potatoes.
Seto walked up to the unaware boy snaking his arms around Ryou's waist and kissing him on the cheek softly. His face was as flawless as ever as he nuzzled the boy's cheek. "How are you feeling today love?" He asked softly
Ryou jumped and shrieked. "SETO!! DON'T DO THAT!" He cried, clutching his heart, then blinked. His face brightened up and he turned, leaping into Seto's arms. "SETO!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!!' And he crushed his mouth to Seto's in a mind blowing kiss. Malik laughed. There was a commotion in the hall and Bakura and Marik came in. Marik let out a howl at the sight of Ryou lip-locked with Seto.
"MALIK!!! YOU TRAITOR!!!" He cried, and Malik smacked his yami upside the head. Bakura smirked at Ryou and Seto, and cleared his throat. Ryou blinked, and then jumped away from Seto, blushing.
"Err.... sorry...." He said, looking up at Seto, obviously surprised at his own spontaneity.
"I should surprise you more often." He said smiling mischievously at they younger boy who blushed. "You seem awfully happy to see me..." He glanced at all the cooking Ryou had been occupied with "Keeping busy I see..." He said trailing off.
Bakura smiled "We have enough food in the fridge to last the rest of the year." Bakura said "At least we won't have to go for take-out like we usually do." Bakura said, Malik could cook but he didn't really like to do so.
Ryou smiled at Bakura, and then turned back to the potatoes. He sprinkled some garlic salt into it and plopped in a HUGE glob of sour cream, before stirring it all up.
"There. Done." He said brightly, and turned back the four watching him. "So... Seto, can I come home now?" He asked, hopefully.
"NO!!!" Marik yelped, and pounced, latching onto Ryou. Ryou let out a yip.
"Ahh!! Marik! I can't breath!!" He squeaked.
"YOU CAN'T GO!!!" Marik wailed. "I LOVE MY PET RYOU!!!" Malik quirked an eyebrow as Marik proceeded to pet Ryou's hair and nuzzle his ear.
"Marik, knock it off." Malik groaned, rolling his eyes, and Bakura snarled, glaring at Marik.
Seto snatched Ryou from Marik's arms while he was fixated on Bakura's glare and lessened his hold slightly. He shook his head at the now pouting yami.
"Do you feel well enough?" Seto asked wanting to make sure he wasn't rushing thing's between his healing and coming home "I don't want to come home and find your still in a lot of pain." Seto said softly but sincerely as Ryou smiled at him and kissed him gently making him smile in return.
Ryou smiled and glanced at Marik. "I think I'm safer at your house. Especially after Marik got his hands on my vicadin. WHICH I have not needed for three days. And my bruises are almost gone." And sure enough, Ryou's bruises had faded and all that was left was a sickly yellowish green color where the worst of them were.
"Please, Seto. I want to go home." Ryou pleaded softly, looking up into Seto's eyes. "Please. I'm so tired of sleeping alone...." And Seto caught a mischievous sparkle in Ryou's eyes.
"Oh, thanks." Bakura snorted, and Ryou giggled.
"Bakura kept me company a few nights, but.... he's not you, Seto." Ryou said.
"Hey, I offered!!" Marik said, and Ryou gave Marik a look.
"Marik, if I had accepted your offer, I wouldn't have ever slept." Ryou said.
"What's wrong with that?" Marik asked. "Sleep is over-rated. OWW!!! MALIK!!!" Malik had grabbed Marik's hair and was dragging him from the room.
"I've missed you too, I sleep a lot better when your around, I sleep a lot more I've noticed too." He said kissing Ryou gently on the lips he truly missed Ryou, a hell of a lot more than he thought he would. "We'll go home, you look wonderful by the way, haven't seen you this healthy in almost a month." He said kissing Ryou's forehead. "Do you need anything before we go?" He asked softly.
Ryou smiled and shook his head. "No. Half of my clothes are at your house." Ryou said, then turned and looked at Bakura. "Now, yami... You put those potatoes in a Tupperware and stick it in the freezer. You can thaw them whenever you want them, okay?" Bakura nodded, and Ryou went into the living room. Bakura gave Seto a grin of amusement and they followed Ryou into the living room. Ryou smiled and slid into Marik's lap, hugging him tightly. Marik blinked, then smiled and hugged Ryou back.
"Thank you, Marik." Ryou said, and kissed Marik's cheek. "You've been great... for the most part." And then he stood and hugged Malik. "Malik... you've been wonderful, thank you so much." And he kissed Malik's cheek as well. Malik smiled and returned the little kiss, then looked at Seto.
"You go home, Ryou. And take care of yourself. And Seto, you take care of him, too, okay?" He said, and Marik glared at Seto and growled something under his breath about the 'prick' taking away his 'pet'. "Hush." Malik snapped, and Marik obeyed.
Bakura smiled and took Ryou away from Seto to hold him for a moment, just hold him in silence. "Please be careful Ryou." He said kissing his forehead gently and letting him go back to Seto who hugged him equally lovingly.
"We'll both be fine, don't worry." HE said ruffling Ryou's hair as they went out to the limo and Seto opened the fridge handing Ryou one of his grape soda's "No diving over my lap this time." HE said as Ryou snuggled into his side affectionately
Ryou was very touched by the simple, almost silly gesture of Seto offering him the coveted grape soda. He popped open the can and sipped it, smiling softly to himself. Then he looked up and offered Seto the can. Seto sighed and smiled, sipping the soda, if only to humor Ryou.
"How is Mokuba?" Ryou asked as he took his soda back.
Seto smiled and hugged Ryou close.
"He's fine." He said. "He really misses you, though. He's actually been driving me crazy. It's all he says. Is Ryou coming home soon, is Ryou better yet, when is Ryou coming back.... I never thought he'd miss you THAT much."
"Well... we are closer than you think, Seto. After all, who else can we hang out with when you're at work? He plays a mean game of that Monster World game he likes. I can't beat him." Ryou said, and jumped out of the car when it stopped in front of the house. "Hey Seto! You were right, at the museum that night. You need to get a fountain in front of the house."
"RYOU!!!" Came an excited yell, and Mokuba came running out, tackling Ryou around the middle, sending them both toppling to the ground, where they lay laughing and tickling each other.
Seto smiled and just watched to two wrestle each other for a moment until they hugged peacefully and stood up from the ground. Mokuba hugged Seto and dragged them both inside the house chattering excitedly like he hadn't seen either of them in a year. Seto had been away often at the office, granted he had taken time to visit Ryou and Mokuba but he was still busy with other things. Today he took the day off to spend it with Ryou to Mokuba's request that they do something fun together; go on a date since they didn't that often. Seto smiled as Mokuba bounded off to get a snack.
"Ryou I was wondering if you felt well enough to go out somewhere today?" Seto asked already having something in mind but he didn't want to mention it to Ryou if he still felt a little under.
Ryou looked up at Seto, a delighted sparkle in his eyes.
"Oh, I'd love to! I've been cooped up in doors for weeks now and in bed for half of that time! Can we do something outdoors?" Ryou asked, and Mokuba grinned.
"Go have a picnic!" Mokuba suggested. "But when you get back, I get to have Ryou for a while." He said, and Seto and Ryou laughed.
"Deal." They said in unison, and Mokuba grinned and ran off. Ryou looked at Seto with a grin and flipped some hair over his shoulder cutely.
"So, where can we go?" Ryou asked, dragging Seto back out to the car. "There's the park, the beach, well, not the beach, I don't think I've healed up enough to be seen in my swim trunks, ummm..... Any ideas? There's the zoo."
"I was thinking the arboretum, it quite and not that busy...at least not at this time of the day. I read the roses were in full bloom too it would be nice to see them and like Mokuba said have a nice little picnic." Seto smiled at Ryou who nodded to his suggestion "Good, would you like to pack a lunch or pick something up?" Seto asked
Ryou nodded enthusiastically. "Let's go grab some burgers! I haven't had a burger in forever! I want a mega double cheeseburger deluxe with the mega huge fries and the mega-soda and a strawberry shake!" Ryou said, and Seto quirked an eyebrow; that amount of food was nearly three times what Ryou usually ate. Ryou launched himself into the car and Seto followed.
Seto smiled grabbing a picnic basket that Mokuba tossed at him before he followed after Ryou. "Good to see you have an appetite, considering all the food you've been making I would assume you ate some of it." Seto said as he got into the car and buckled his seatbelt before speeding off toward the closest burger joint near the arboretum.
"No." Ryou said. "I haven't been hungry. I've missed you." And he cuddled into Seto's side. Seto smiled and dropped an arm around Ryou until they got to the burger joint.
Ryou hopped out of the car and ran into the restaurant, leaving Seto behind. Seto smiled slightly and followed. When he entered, he saw Ryou being hugged around the middle by Yugi and around the shoulders by Joey. Looking around revealed Yami, his face stuffed with fries, and Otogi, sitting between his boyfriends, Mikado and Ahmose. Mikado smiled cheerfully and waved as Seto walked over.
"Hey Seto! How are you? Ryou looks so much better!" Mikado said, and Ahmose gave Seto a small nod of welcome.
"Sethos." He said in greeting, and Seto sighed. No matter what anyone said to the stern yami, he still called Seto by the name of his pre-incarnation.
"Good to see you too." He said smiling. He always felt better when people that understood and accepted his relationship with Ryou were around, he knew that it wasn't wrong but it was hard to get others to see and understand that, and also it seemed to brighten Ryou's spirits. "How have all you been? We've only really had time to talk when we've run into trouble." Seto said a small laugh to his words showing he was also in a good mood and didn't want to discuss anything to mess that up for him.
Mikado and Otogi grinned, and Ahmose eyed Yami, who was looking at Seto nervously. Ryou was pulled over to the table by Yugi and Joey.
"Hey, Ryou! You look so much better!" Mikado said, and Ryou smiled and nodded.
"Thanks. I feel great. How are you three?" He asked the three raven-haired boys, who chorused 'fine' in unison, making everyone else laugh.
"How are you, Sethos?" Ahmose asked.
"Yeah, you've been under a lot of stress recently." Otogi said, and everyone looked at Seto.
"I'm great..." Seto said pulling Ryou into his lap and nuzzling him affectionately Ryou smiling at the treatment as they all talked amongst themselves for a while Seto placing an order to go getting what Ryou wanted which strangely enough was exactly like Joey's order. They waited for the order talking to the others about odd and ends until finally someone decided to ask the question Seto didn't want to answer and put a damper on his mood.
"What are you going to do about all the things that have happened to Ryou and you? Is there anything you can do?" Otogi asked worried about Seto and Ryou and wanting to be told everything would be fine.
"We're going to try and live life as normally as possible, those who put Ryou in the hospital got what they rightfully deserved and paid for that they did." Seto said not wanting to go into depth hoping the food would arrive soon so that he didn't have to discuss it further.
"What about the two men who raped Ryou?" Ahmose asked, and everyone stared at him with wide eyes. Ryou paled.
"How did you know about that?" He gasped, and everyone was now staring at him, with the exception of Seto who was still staring at Ahmose in shock. Ahmose snorted and sucked on his soda straw.
"I make it my business to know things." Ahmose said calmly, and Mikado glared, and smacked him upside the head. "OW!! HEY!!"
"Well, that doesn't mean that you have to tell everyone that you know! Maybe Ryou didn't WANT us to know!"
"Like he doesn't want to tell Sethos who did it?" Ahmose asked, and Seto glared, as did Ryou.
"Ahmose Inarus! SHUT UP!!" Mikado snapped, and even Otogi was glaring at Ahmose, annoyed.
"If you know all this...." Ryou said softly. "Do you know who they are?" Ahmose looked at Ryou with his usual cold, level gaze.
"No. If I did, I would have taken care of them myself by now. The fire does not show me everything." He said, and Mikado rolled his eyes.
"Fire Gazing. I should have known." Mikado grumbled. "Ryou, I am SO sorry. Ahmose doesn't know when to shut up, sometimes." And he elbowed Ahmose harshly, making Ahmose yelp and spill his soda all down his front. Ryou nodded.
"It's okay." He said. "I was planning on telling you all eventually."
Seto hugged Ryou closer resting his chin on his shoulder "I think we should go now." He said softly standing although Ryou looked at him sympathetically basically telling him it was okay to stay, but Seto didn't want to stay he wanted to leave and forget the question that Ahmose asked.
"I don't have an answer for you Ahmose, I wish I did." Seto said as their order was called and he picked it up going out to the car without Ryou. If Ryou wished to discuss it that was fine but Seto didn't want to talk about it, Ryou wasn't the only one hurt by this situation it hurt Seto deeper than anyone would ever now as he waited for Ryou to come out of the diner when he was good and ready.
Ryou gave Yugi, Joey, Mikado and Otogi a goodbye hug (he didn't want to hug Yami, and he couldn't reach Ahmose) before heading out to the car with Seto. He sighed and cuddled into Seto's side.
"Seto?" He asked softly, and Seto looked down at him. "Did... did Bakura tell you?"
Seto frowned "Tell me what?" Seto asked honestly confused for a moment hoping he didn't upset Ryou by leaving so suddenly.
Ryou sighed. "When we had that fight... well.... it wasn't really a fight. I was the one being a bitch. But I thought a lot of things over that night; I couldn't sleep. But I made a decision that night, and I told Bakura." Seto nodded, encouraging Ryou to continue.
"The guy that was in charge... I never caught his name, but the other was called.... The other was Kakyo, I think."
"Kakyo?" Seto said surprised a second of anger for Bakura not telling him sooner "He talked to me at the Yellow Rose...I realized too late he was distracting me." Seto growled but the smiled at Ryou and hugged him "We'll talk more about this at home, let's go to the garden and have some fun, forget everything for the time being except me." He said kissing Ryou softly on the lips.
Ryou smiled and cuddled close, purring slightly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was going to, but... I ended up in the hospital and forgot all about it. But he wasn't the one in charge. He seemed like a tag-along, really. It was the other guy who I think is behind it. I don't know his name." Suddenly, Ryou's eyes widened and he gasped and pulled away, looking up at Seto. "The museum.... Seto! He was there at the museum! When I disappeared for a few minutes, I... I wasn't looking at a piece of art like I said I was. Seto, I saw him, and I... I was stupid and confronted him. And he threatened... to hurt Mokuba." Ryou said softly. “I'm afraid that he'll go through with it. And then, at the dinner table...." Seto blinked, a bit startled at Ryou's sudden desire to confess everything.
"When I kicked you, I was trying to kick Kakyo cuz he was.... doing things to me under the table. And that's why I was acting so weird, he wouldn't stop. I... I'm sorry! I should have told you! I'm sorry....." Ryou whimpered, before cramming a few fries into his mouth to distract himself.
Seto nodded and hugged him again "It's all right, I'm glad your at least telling me, I'll have a talk with this Kakyo guy...he was probably the one who started the situation at your school, it was too organized to be a random attack, even Malik was removed from the picture and the teacher...it was much to organized." Seto said as he buckled Ryou's seatbelt then his won and they started toward the flower garden. "Unless you don't want me to do anything..." Seto said not looking at Ryou keeping his eyes firmly on the road.
Ryou sighed and offered Seto a small smile. "I love you." Ryou said softly, resting his head on Seto's shoulder. "I don't know why I refused to tell you everything..... But I won't keep this from you any longer." Ryou said. "But for today, let's forget about everything. And just have some fun, okay?" Ryou said.
Seto smile nodding in agreement as they rode off to have a day just to themselves and relax a little bit.
Bakura finished up cleaning up the kitchen after sending the vicadin off to Seto's so Marik wouldn't go too crazy again as he finished up and walked into the living room where the Yami was actually quite peaceful watching Malik nap on the couch as he walked up to him sitting next to him on the love seat and hugged him gently. "I never got to thank you for taking care of me when Ryou was hurt, and even though I told you to leave me you didn't...and I'm glad you didn't." Bakura said smiling softly and keeping his eyes on Malik. His arms wrapped around Marik's waist as fingers began to thread through his hair.
Marik smiled and pulled Bakura onto his lap, kissing him.
"I love you." He said. "I was afraid that I would lose you. I... I was so... scared. I was scared. I don't know if you could tell, but I was shaking. I was shaking really bad, Bakura. I was that scared. I've never been that scared before. I'm so glad that you and Ryou are okay." And he pressed a kiss to Bakura's cheek, then smiled down at Malik again as he rolled over and mumbled in his sleep.
Bakura happily kissed him back "I'm glad were both okay too...I just wanted to thank you and bring up some un finished business." Bakura said kissing him; we were going to find this Kakyo guy and teach him a lesson were we not?" Bakura said
Marik's hair seemed to perk up, a trait he had picked up from Bakura, and a wicked sparkle appeared in his eyes. "Hmmm..... I believe that we were." He said, a deep rumble in his voice, letting Bakura know that the sadistic psycho that drew him to Marik in the first place was coming out in his lover.
"Don't you dare." Malik suddenly said from the sofa, lifting his eyes. "Ryou will be furious."
Bakura rolled his eyes "Can we at least do something to his property?" Bakura whined "Ryou said nothing about his property at all, just him as in a person." Bakura defended hoping Malik would let him and his features seemed to soften a little "Come on now, you can always help ya know." HE said smiling noticing the same sparkle that Marik occasionally got in his eyes.
Malik slowly grinned, and Marik threw his head back letting out a sinister cackle. Malik got up from the sofa and picked up the Millennium Rod, smirking at his distorted reflection in the gold.
"Sounds fun." He purred, and then stretched, making Bakura and Marik grin as they watched him arch his lithe body in obvious seduction. "Shall we go to the store, my loves?" He said, smiling at his two boyfriends. "We can pick up some spray paint." His eyes widened. "Yes... spray paint. Let us label him before the whole city. His house." Malik said, and stalked closer to Marik and Bakura. "His car. His place of work. Everything. We will brand him as the rapist he is." And he bent over and kissed Marik before turning and slowly licking over Bakura's lips before kissing him as well. Then he backed away. "Well? Shall we go?"
"I want glow in the dark neon pink!" Bakura said getting weird looks from the two as he shrugged "What? It'll show up well don't you think?" He said shrugging as he pulled on a black shirt and combat boots.
Malik and Marik shrugged, then leapt up and also ran off to get ready.
Meanwhile, Ryou and Seto had arrived at the arboretum. Seto was pleased to see that Mokuba had stuffed a blanket into the picnic basket. He pulled it out and handed it to Ryou, then put the food in and they headed to the front gate. Seto paid for them to get in. As they entered, they found themselves moving through a corridor of wisteria. Ryou's eyes sparkled in delight, and as a bee flew by, he giggled.
"Heehee.... bee...... Marik and Bakura...." And he and Seto snickered at the memory of Marik and Bakura running around frantically just because they saw a bee.
They reached the end of the wisteria tunnel into a garden of crocus and tulips. Ryou's eyes widened and he inhaled the scent, then grabbed Seto's hand and pulled him along.
"Come on, Seto! Let's go find a place to eat!! I wanna find a pond with water lillies, and we can sit in the grass and feed the squirrels french fries when the workers aren't looking...."
Seto smiled as they walked to the water garden and found a place near the pond with plenty of water lilies and large goldfish swimming about happily. They laid out the blanket and took out their food as some of the goldfish swam close to the edge of the pond expecting to get fed undoubtedly, as Ryou couldn't resist but throw them small pieces of bread off his burger and Seto did the same.
"We should add some more goldfish in our pond outback, the ones we have just swim around and eat...they won't mate...we have queer fish in our backyard." He joked slightly making Ryou nearly spit out his drink.
"And since when do you pay attention to the sexual preferences of the koi?" Ryou asked, coughing. Seto blinked. It seemed so bizarre when it was put that way.
Seto laughed and the first thing he thought was 'Since my own sex life has been uneventful as of late' but he didn't say that knowing it would upset Ryou, and it wasn't either of their faults that it was that way. "Just because these fish have little kids..." He said noticing the smaller fish next to the edge as well.
Ryou smiled and crammed some fries into his mouth, then lay back on the blanket, resting his head in Seto's lap.
"It's been so long since we've done something like this." Ryou said, and smiled up at Seto. "I've missed it. Just spending time with you. I've just missed you. Although I must admit, it was kind of nice spending time with Bakura and the Ishtars, in their more sane moments at least. But especially with Bakura. I never really thought about it before, but Bakura and I are the only yami and hikari who aren't, well... together. Not that I want to be with him." Ryou said quickly. "I'm happy with you, but sometimes I wonder why I'm the only one who isn't with his yami romantically."
"I'm sure you both thought about it...not that I mind in the least that's what I think would be normal...but he and Marik did share a very strong relationship in the past, it's hard not to feel the same now in the future, and Malik is a part of Marik so it's natural for Bakura to feel somewhat the same attraction." Seto smiled at Ryou kissing his nose gently
Ryou sighed and giggled at the kiss on his nose. "You are everything to me, Seto. You are everything I need. I mean, yeah, you could buy me anything that I could ever want, but YOU are all I need.... a human has a few basic things required for survival. For me, it is food, water, shelter, and you. Take any one of those away from me, and I die."
Ryou said, and lightly closed his eyes, enjoying the light breeze and scent o the flowers around them.
"As you are to me." He said kissing him passionately on the water side.
Bakura ran up to Malik and Marik who were waiting outside of Kyo's office as he held up a small card "I got his number and his address. "This guy is in for a hell of a surprise." He said smiling "This number will be given to every gay bar and prostitute in town, he'll love that." Bakura said as they got on their motorcycles, Bakura on his own with Marik and Malik sharing one as Bakura led the way to his house.
After fifteen minutes of driving like bats out of hell they pulled up in front of a nice little blue house with window boxes out front.
"Oh, gag me. Fake flowers." Malik spat as he climbed off of the motorcycle. He pulled spray paint from his backpack and tossed a can to Bakura and Marik. "So.... where should we start, Baku-chan?" He asked, shaking his can.
"I'm attacking the piece of crap pinto...the club on the steering wheel is worth more than the car I bet you." he said pulling out his neon pink spray paint and his crow bar as he busted out the windows of the car and began spraying obscenities upon the vehicle while Marik and Malik went into the house.
A chill suddenly went up Seto's spine and he instantly thought of Marik and Bakura "Have you ever got the feeling that Bakura and Marik were up to no good?" He asked
Ryou giggled. "All the time. That's all they ever do." He said. "Why? Now you have me worried....." And Ryou closed his eyes.
/Bakura? Bakura, what are you doing right now?/
Bakura stopped //um...no good...yeah that's it...no good// He said continuing to spray upon the car and then going to work on the outside of the house.
/Bakura..../ Ryou said in a tone that made Bakura wince. Ryou wanted answers.
Bakura smiled at the mental image of Ryou's face all scrunched up tying to glare but failing miserably. //please Ryou, like that Kakyo guy's possessions are off limits, I'll steal ya something nice. // he said giving him a mental wink
/"WHAT?!?"/ Ryou shrieked, mentally and verbally, making both Seto and Bakura jump and wince. /"You're doing WHAT?! BAKURA!!!"/
//Like I said, you said we couldn't hurt him, you said nothing about his stuff...I found a loop hole dear Hikari and your not weaseling me out of my fun this time// Bakura said shutting off the link to find a nice gift for Ryou.
"I guess they are up to no good...what kind?" Seto asked now curious since Ryou had yelled at him usually not caring.
"They're at Kakyo's house!!!" Ryou cried, sitting up. "They're vandalizing his property and breaking in!" He said. Seto blinked, and then laughed. "Stop laughing, it's not funny, Seto Kaiba!!!" But Seto only laughed harder. "Seto! You're just as bad as they are sometimes!!!"
"Hey, I get my men to do my illegal dirty work thank-you." He said smiling at Ryou "Besides you should know them better they'll find some way to get back at anyone who would hurt you...I'll get some guys to make sure they cover their tracks." He said picking up their trash and putting it the nearest trash can Ryou glaring at him slightly.
"Seto.... you're not helping." Ryou said, before lying back down on the blanket and staring up at the clouds muttering about stupid yamis and their addition to wreaking havoc on a poor unsuspecting society. "Y'know... since you were there in Egypt, sometimes I wonder what you would be like if you ended up as a yami, and what your hikari would be like." Ryou looked at Seto as he sat back down next to him on the blanket. "Have you ever wondered about that?"
Seto nodded "Actually yes, I wanted to ask Ahmose what I was like back in Egypt but I never got around it...I've always been a bit curious." He said "I should ask sometime." HE said happy that Ryou for the moment forgot about Bakura and Marik and more than likely Malik destroying Kakyo's house.
Ryou smiled. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea." He laughed. "Ahmose likes you okay, but he didn't like Sethos much, thanks to your, er, HIS betrayal of Yami. And I think he's still a bit bitter about losing the battle against you." Seto gave a smug smirk at that. "But I suppose he respects you enough to tell you about yourself. The question is whether or not he'll give you an unbiased description."
Seto shrugged "Better something then nothing." He said laying next to Ryou in silence for a moment until the youth yawned and he realized he was getting a but tired too "We should head back before we fall sleep here...that's all we need running through the tabloids us sleeping at the flower garden." Seto said folding the blanket and helping Ryou to his feet.
Ryou giggled and nodded. "I guess so." Ryou said with a smile, and they walked back to the car. Ryou enjoyed the walk out to the car, looking at all of the flowers, and once they got back into the car, he flopped down along the length of the seat, resting his head in Seto's lap again. Seto smiled down at Ryou and pet his hair, softly. Ryou smiled back at Seto.
"Can we maybe.... play when we get home?" He asked, blushing slightly.
Seto smiled as he bent forward to kiss him. "Will you promise me something?" He asked
Ryou blinked, and then smiled. "Anything." He said.
Seto started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, "Tell me if I'm hurting you, I don't want to cause you anymore pain than you've already been put through." Seto said his tone very serious, granted he wanted to play with Ryou very much but he didn't want to hurt him in the process.
Ryou blinked, then smiled and sat up. "Deal." He said. "But I'm pretty much all healed. But yes, I promise. Now excuse me, I want to make sure Bakura isn't taking things too far." And he reached out to Bakura.
/Bakura? You there? What are you doing?/
Bakura pulled away from kissing Malik, causing havoc was always a major turn on for him and his two lovers. He smiled running his hands over Malik's body as the youth was sandwiched between him and Marik; they had kept their sex life to a minimum with Ryou staying over. //playing with my favorite toys...am I allowed to do that? // he said leaning over to kiss Marik.
/IN HIS HOUSE?!?!/ Ryou screamed.
//um...no// Bakura lied although Ryou probably knew. Granted this guy was a horrible person but his house was cleaner than when Ryou finished cleaning. //we were caught in the moment and...AHHH!// he defended being shoved against the wall by a quite dominating Marik who bit harshly upon his neck but no malice intended in this action simply trying to get the others attention.
/BAKURA, YOU ASSHOLE!!!/ He roared. /What else have you done to his house?! You and your cohorts get out of there and go home! Now!!!/ Ryou ordered, and groaned as Bakura's only answer was 'oh gods, harder.' At Seto's questioning glance, Ryou sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Bakura, Malik and Marik are having sex in his house!!" He said.
Seto made a sour face "TMI Ryou...you brought that info upon yourself I however didn't need to know that and would have been quite happy to not have gotten that tidbit of knowledge." Seto said keeping his eyes on the road.
Ryou snorted and pouted, crossing his arms. "Those three give me such a headache sometimes. I lose sleep because of them!!! I'm worried about what they might do, or what might happen to them.... Dammit... Why can't they be more like Yami and obsess over games or Ahmose and obsess over protecting Yami? But noooo... they have to obsess over causing constant chaos!!! I suffer some extreme anxiety thanks to them!!"
Ryou cried, and Seto rolled his eyes at Ryou's sudden decision to be a Drama Queen.
Seto pulled the car up to the mansion and pulled him into his lap and kissed him passionately "They have their perks as do we." he said picking him up and taking him into their bedroom...or at least the one they regularly used. "Besides, they usually only hurt and rob places that are guilty of some sort of crime, they seem to have a reason for everything they do." He said kissing his neck removing his shirt slowly.
Ryou smiled slightly. "I suppose..." He said, turning his head slightly and tracing Seto's ear with his tongue. "Mmmm..... You smell like flowers." Ryou giggled, trailing his fingers through Seto's hair and slipping his hand beneath Seto's shirt and gently rubbed the CEO's back. His hands soon found their ways to Seto's belt. He unbuckled it and pulled it from Seto's waist, before going for his pants. He pushed them down slightly, giggling at the black boxers covered in little blue Kaiba Corp logos.
Seto kissed him ignoring his giggling and silencing him effectively as he removed Ryou of the rest of his clothing being gentle with him as he began to give him a gentle massage making Ryou purr.
"Ow ow ow.... watch the ribs!" Ryou yelped suddenly, and Seto pulled his hands away as if he had been burned, but before he could apologize, Ryou sat up and kissed him, moving to straddle his lap. Ryou released Seto only long enough for a quick gulp of air before their lips embraced again. "Gods, you have no idea how much I have missed this...." He gasped between kisses.
"I'm sorry." He said softly Ryou kissing him gently as he pulled him close minding his ribs as Ryou said and lavishing affection upon Ryou's sensitive places mainly around his neck and behind his left ear. He didn't want to move forward unless Ryou wanted to so he decided to let Ryou make all the first moves.
Ryou grinned, knowing what Seto was thinking. He giggled and shoved Seto onto his back, then slid down his body, taking his boxers with him. Grinning evilly, he moved between Seto's legs and propped his chin in his hand. Kicking his feet, he smiled sweetly at Seto, trailing one finger up and down Seto's length.
"Sooooo......" He said, teasingly.
Seto growled slightly "That's not cute Ryou..." He said sitting up slightly as Ryou pushed him down again and grinned at him mischievously "Please Ryou..." He said softly in his ear.
"You don't think I'm cute?" Ryou asked and pulled away, giving Seto the big sad eyes and pouting his lower lip, twirling a lock of hair around one finger.
"You're evil is what you are." Seto said pushing Ryou onto his back and kissing his strongly as he grinded his hips against Ryou's his arousal meeting Ryou's sending electricity through his loins as well as Ryou's. "Must I ask you again?" he said huskily in Ryou's ear trying to save himself from begging although Ryou would probably make him.
"Hmmmm........" Ryou mused, and wiggled out from under Seto. Seto frowned and turned onto his side to watch Ryou. Ryou stretched for a moment before flipping onto his side and giggling at Seto, who was glaring at him. Ryou smiled and moved closer, kissing the irritated CEO. "Okay..." He said, and shoved Seto onto his back and taking his erection into his mouth so fast, that Seto couldn't hold back a yelp. Ryou giggled and grinned at Seto, looking quite proud of himself before he went to work. He would suckle it gently, lick it all over, but all he did was in a teasing manner and was only driving Seto to insanity.
"Ryou!" Seto cried out from the teasing "Please Ryou more, I can't take that teasing." HE begged not caring if he sounded ridiculous or pathetic he needed Ryou to take him further before he simply attacked the youth.
Ryou gave a triumphant grin. "Okay!" He said brightly, and deep throated Seto, sucking fiercely.... not what Seto was quite expecting.
Seto gasped arching slightly into Ryou's mouth "God's Ryou!" He yelled fisting his hands into the sheets and breathing heavily "D-don't stop...oh god's." Seto breathed out heavily as he weaved Ryou's hair through his fingers moaning softly and tugging upon it softly.
Ryou giggled. "You're losing your dignity, Seto...." He teased in a sing song voice before covering the head of Seto's erection with little kitten licks. He moved them down along the shaft and giggled slightly, nuzzling it. "Feeling better, Seto, dear?" He asked, enjoying the constant teasing.
"Feeling desperate is more like it..." Seto practically growled as he bucked up into Ryou's mouth "Screw dignity Ryou just please finish it." He said panting
Ryou blinked, and then began to laugh, resting his head on Seto's thigh. Seto growled at Ryou, who looked up at him. "Okay." He said, and Seto soon found himself being deep throated again. Ryou moved up and down on his erection until Seto finally fell over the edge, releasing with a silent scream. "Better?" Ryou asked, licking his lips in satisfaction.
Seto' breath cam in heavy gasps until he looked at Ryou "Much better." He said sitting up and holding out his arms to Ryou who crawled into them as their lips met in a passionate kiss as Seto moved his hips suggesting and silently asking permission as he took Ryou's length in his hand and began to stroke him in long even movements.
Ryou moaned loudly, his head falling back as he bucked his hips into Seto's touch.
"Jeeze, you didn't waste any time, did you Seto?" Came Mokuba's voice from the hallway as he walked by. Ryou looked at Seto and quirked an eyebrow.
"As frightening as it is...." Ryou said. "I even missed that." He then kissed Seto firmly.
"Now where were we?" He asked with an impish smile.
Seto turned their bodies so that now he way laying upon Ryou as he kissed him and grinded his hips against Ryou's again while kissing him content to simply hold and kiss Ryou although that wasn't going to last. He grabbed a bottle of massage oil and applied some to his fingers as he slipped a slicked finger inside Ryou's passage gently looking for any sign of discomfort.
Ryou winced slightly, but then moaned loudly, rolling his hips with Seto's gentle ministrations. He pulled Seto down, kissing him, nibbling his lover's lower lips, gasping slightly as a second finger was added with the first. He moved his hands down Seto's body until he was rubbing and massaging his hips with a gentle stimulating touch.
Seto let out a relaxed breath as he began to move his fingers in a scissoring motion stretching Ryou and taking his time as he added a third and moved them about as he stroked Ryou's prostate making Ryou practically see stars.
Ryou gasped loudly, arching his back. But he was still feeling a bit mischievous. Smiling slightly he trailed his hands down Seto's hips and gripped his buttocks. Seto jumped and looked down at Ryou, who giggled and winked.
Seto removed his fingers quickly making Ryou yelp slightly in surprise "You are never going to behave nicely for me are you?" He asked removing Ryou's hands and kissing his palms lovingly.
"Sorry...." Ryou said with a slight giggle in his tone. "Sometimes there are just things that I can't keep my hands off of." He said with a little shrug. "Wouldn't you do the same?" He asked"
"I am currently aren't I?" He said beginning to stroke Ryou's member with a slick hand as he applied a generous amount of oil to his own length as moved close to Ryou. "Tell me you want this, otherwise I won't...I don't want to hurt you." He said softly
Ryou smiled and smoothed Seto's hair away from his face. "I want it. I want it badly." He said. "Or are you going to try and get revenge for my teasing?" Ryou asked, flicking at Seto's nipples with a little grin.
"Hardly..." Seto said "I think I would go insane if you decided to change your mind all of a sudden." Seto said kissing him and gently pressing the head of his erection against Ryou's entrance and he pushed forward gently easing himself inside Ryou's body.
Ryou's eyes fluttered and he moaned, hands gripping Seto's biceps. "Oh, gods.... Feels so good, Seto. I love you." He breathed, purring as Seto nipped softly at his neck
"I love you to." He said softly as he pushed further inside Ryou pausing every few seconds to allow Ryou to adjust and only stopped when he was fully sheathed inside his lover as he looked at Ryou's face that was scrunched up slightly "Are you all right?” Seto breathed.
"Y-yeah.... Sorry, it's been a while since we've done this and it's showing...." Ryou said, and after a few moments, he relaxed. "Okay.... I'm okay." He said and smiled up at Seto, tracing his lips with his fingers. "I'm ready."
Seto smiled and nodded as he began to slowly draw out of Ryou then push himself back inside hearing soft mewls of approval form Ryou as he continued his slow gentle movements although it was driving him crazy and he wanted to slam into Ryou but knew that doing that would most definitely hurt him and he restrained himself and kissed him
"May I go faster?" HE asked softly only willing to speed up with Ryou's approval.
"Oh gods, please!" Was Ryou's very obvious 'yes'. Seto grinned and did so, closing his eyes and concentrating on the feeling of Ryou's body wrapping around him, his hands on his arms and feeling him squirm beneath him. Ryou's voice was raised in his passion, willing Seto to continue at the current pace, and he complied with his lover's wishes.
Seto tried to concentrate on his lover's pleasure more than his own mainly because he didn't want to lose control and hurt him. "I love you” he breathed as he began to go faster upon Ryou's body as he once again gripped Ryou's length and began to stroke him in rhythm with his thrusts his breath becoming labored as he maintained control.
Ryou gasped and arched into his touch, groaning loudly. In the back of both lovers' minds, they registered muttering from the hallway, Mokuba grumbling something about earplugs and soundproofing the master bedroom, but neither really paid any mind, too lost in the moment to care what Mokuba heard. Hell, they wouldn't have cared if Mokuba walked in on them at the moment. Ryou's moans had become soft pleas, begging Seto for more, to bring him to his climax, and Ryou's begging was heightening Seto's pleasure.
Ryou's heated cries caused Seto to let go of the little control he had left in restraining himself but thankfully Ryou didn't seem to be in any discomfort. He positioned himself perfectly to slam into Ryou's prostate with each thrust knowing his lovers body, knowing what he wanted and needed and he continued slowing his movements and purposely missing to tease the youth much the same way he had done earlier.
"Setooooooo......." Ryou whined loudly, groaning and writhing, trying to shift his hips so that Seto's thrusts hit where he so desperately wanted it, but he wasn't having much luck. "Please!! This is torture and you know it!!!" The boy wailed, still squirming.
"You made me beg Ryou...am I not entitled to the same pleasure?" He said striking Ryou just right at that word then purposely missing once again smiling down at the squirming youth.
"AAH!! Ah, damn you, Seto Kaiba! You and your damn sense of vengeance!" Ryou cried, tossing his head wildly from side to side. "Oh, gods...... Please! Seto, please, I need it!" He begged. "Please! Stop teasing me, I can't take it!"
"Good." Seto whispered in Ryou's ear softly as he began to please him loving the waves of pleasure that coursed through his own body as he slammed into Ryou the youth clinging onto him tightly his heavy pants echoing in Seto's ear as he continued.
Ryou cried out his pleasure, arching his back and hooking one leg around Seto's hips. "Seto..... Oh gods...." He let out in breathy little moans; one of Seto's favorite little "Ryou noises". Ryou's body began to tremble, and he opened his eyes and tried to fix his blurry gaze on his lover. "Seto, please... want you.... kiss me..... Please......" He managed to get out between pants.
Seto leaned over and kissed him without hesitation wrapping his tongue around Ryou's in a passionate kiss as he pulled away for one moment "I love you." He said softly before kissing him once again taking hold of Ryou's length with his hand and stroking him in time with his thrusts waiting for Ryou's release, he wanted to complete with Ryou not without him.
That did it for Ryou. He squealed into Seto's mouth just before he began to shake. Seto smiled slightly at Ryou's sporadic bucking of the hips, and his shallow pants became erratic. His head fell back as he gripped tightly to Seto's arms before he finally convulsed and released with a sharp cry.
Seto swallowed Ryou's cry and released his own heat inside Ryou as their arms latched onto one another in a vice grip that no one would be able to break. Seto pulled away from Ryou's mouth and looked at him breathlessly as his arms slowly relaxed around his lovers and Ryou's did the same.
Ryou's head was still limp on the pillow and continued to pant, trying to catch his breath. A small bead of sweat trickled down his flushed cheeks as his eyes flickered open. They fell closed almost immediately. After a moment they opened again and moved to focus on Seto's deep blue eyes. Ryou gave Seto a small, sleepy, and very content, smile.
Seto smiled and hugged Ryou gently slipping himself out of Ryou's body as he lay next to him draping an arm over his body as he pulled him close to his own and nuzzled his cheek. "I've missed you." Seto said softly
Ryou sighed and gave a soft coo that Seto translated as 'I missed you too.' Ryou nestled into Seto's chest with a tired sigh and let his eyes fall closed.
"Love you, Seto...." He murmured, his breath tickling Seto's chest.