Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 19
Seto waded his legs in the water glancing to the very same steps that he and Ryou made love on, the memory seemed so far away now and it hurt that Ryou would be without any type of help for so long. He couldn't push Ahmose even if he wanted to, it was impossible for the yami to do anything now, he drained everything he had including some of his Hikari's strength to let him talk to Ryou and he was grateful but seeing Ryou's state only made the situation more desperate, he needed to get Ryou out of the situation as soon as possible...but he didn't know how.
Bakura watched Seto from the window sill, he tried to console him earlier but it didn't really help so he retreated to a spare bedroom. He felt a lot better than he did an hour ago, he didn't know if he was losing touch with Ryou or if Ryou had gotten some help...he prayed Ryou got some help. Even though it hurt to still be connected to him he thought it better to feel something than to feel nothing at all. He knew Ryou was sleeping at this moment and he wished that he could do the same but he wasn't tired in the least and his mind was still racing from previous events...he was too worried to sleep.
He heard voices in the hall, Mikado, and the Ishtars.
"I could have gotten him, you know."
"No you couldn't have, you can barely stand yourself. Just sleep."
"Thanks, Marik."
"G'night, kid." And a moment later, the door opened and Malik and Marik stepped in.
"Bakura?" Malik called. "How are you feeling?"
"Besides my head I'm doing alright." Bakura said glancing out the window "You two get a chance to chat with Seto or did he just want a moment alone?" Bakura asked, wondering if he was talking to anyone.
Marik shook his head. "Seto won't talk to anyone, and Ahmose is still out. We just carried him to a room, and Mikado is calling Otogi to let him know. He called Yugi to tell him what we knew, and Grandpa answered; Yugi and Yami are out searching with everyone else. But they could be anywhere...." Marik sighed and sat on the bed. "I don't know what we can do." Malik sighed and wrapped his arms around Bakura's waist and rested his head on the yami's shoulder.
"We'll save Ryou, Bakura. We will. We have to." Malik said.
Bakura smiled as he patted Malik's hair pulling the boy into his lap and hugged him resting his chin on the top of Malik's head. He smiled at Marik "Of course, and regardless of what Ryou wants this time I'm killing the man who did this." He growled
Marik's lip curled in a snarl. "Ohhh.... you're not doing it alone, Bakura.... I want a piece of this guy." Malik made a face.
"Oh, jeeze, talk about this when I'm not here." And he turned and walked away.
"Where are YOU going?" Marik asked, catching Malik by the waistband of his pants.
"HEY!" Malik yelped. Marik didn't pull Malik back, he simply held him. Malik grumbled, trying to pull away, and a small smile crossed Bakura's face; the sight was a bit comical.
"Hey Bakura, I caught a nice big one. What shall we do with it?" Marik asked, and Malik's eyes widened.
Bakura smiled going over to the bed and kissed Malik a bit softer than eh usually did as he glanced back at Marik. "Your catch, your call." He said sliding his hands up Malik's shirt.
"WOOHOO!!" Marik yelped, and tossed Malik back onto the bed.
"EEP!!" Malik squeaked. "BAKURA!! BAKURA, HELP!!" And he squealed again as Marik unzipped his pants and wasted no time in going down on him "YEEEEEEE!!!" Marik chuckled around his length and wiggled his ass, sticking up in the air, to tempt Bakura into the bed.
Bakura also joined in and crawled over to Malik claiming his mouth as the hikari moaned softly. Bakura quickly discarded how own shirt as well as Malik's and began to nip at the sensitive nubs and suck upon his neck gently grazing the soft skin with his teeth. "Still want to leave?" Bakura said gently pulling his hair.
Malik giggled and squirmed as Marik tickled his ribs. "No, hee hee!!!" Malik giggled. Marik grinned and backed off, making Malik's giggles turn to an annoyed whine. Marik and Bakura laughed as they stripped themselves, and then Malik.
"Hmmmm.... what should we do, Bakura?" Marik asked, cocking his head and grinning at Malik. Malik frowned.
"I say me and Bakura gang up on YOU for once!!" Malik said, and Marik froze, eyes wide. He looked to Bakura and gulped. "Bakura?" Malik asked, fixing an evil grin on his yami.
Bakura simply pounced on Marik knocking the other yami to the floor, thankfully it had plush carpet. He grinned at Marik taking his wrists in his hand and holding him down. "He makes a good point..." Bakura said trailing off as he attacked the Yami's mouth and ground his hips into Marik's.
Malik sat up and grinned, delighted that he had managed to turn Bakura on Marik. He stood and strode his naked little ass over to the yamis.
"Watcha gonna do now, Marik?" He asked, picking up his yami's belt. "Hey Bakura... bring him up to the bed?" Bakura looked up as Malik picked up his belt. He grinned and heaved Marik onto the bed, where Malik pounced. Bakura held Marik down while Malik used the belts to bind his yami's wrists to the head board.
"Wow... umm.... Now what?" Malik said, looking at Bakura, who laughed. Malik had NEVER had Marik at his mercy before; he was always in Marik's position.
"You've been in the same position many times before Malik, use your imagination." Bakura said sliding down Marik's form surprised that he wasn't really slinging curses at both of them. He pulled Marik's pants down along with his boxers and took his length into his mouth hearing Marik's sharp breath as he did so.
Malik laughed. "Well what do you know? My yami has an inner uke!" And Bakura had to move away to laugh as well.
"Aw, fuck you, Malik! Shut the fuck up Bakura!!" Marik howled.
"Quiet, you." Malik said, stuffing a sock into Marik's mouth. Marik glared, annoyed, and Malik smiled, gently ticking his chest with his finger tips. He bent down and gave Marik's right nipple a tiny lick, then did the same to his other nipple. Then he simply reclined next to him, trailing his fingers over his chest.
Bakura pulled away from Marik position Malik on top of Marik so the youth was straddling him as he eased Malik onto Marik's shaft making both moan softly. Bakura smiled as he whispered gently in Malik's ear.
"Now you set the pace, the slower you go the more he'll want it." Bakura said sliding off his own pants but for the moment settled for teasing Malik and kissing the youth as he began to slowly move up and down.
Marik closed his eyes and groaned as Malik moved slowly. VERY slowly. He obviously was taunting him. Marik fixed a furious glare on Bakura, and bucked his hips. Malik gasped as Marik thrust up into him.
"Ah, ah, yami...." Malik scolded. "Bakura?" Bakura snickered and moved to sit on Marik's stomach, keeping his hips on the bed. Marik tried to shout and curse, but the sock kept him from doing so. Malik giggled and moved close, kissing Bakura.
"Have you ANY idea...." Malik muttered between kisses. "How unbelievably SEXY you are?"
Bakura smiled "You've done this to both of us, about time you realize how cruel you can be sometimes..." Bakura said
He leaned over and removing the sock before kissing Marik thrusting his tongue in the other's mouth and teasing his nipples with his free hands before allowing his hands to wander all over the tanned yami's body taking in each curve of the well toned body beneath him.
"Not that I expect you to behave literally or anything, but lay still and I'll be happy to untie your hands." Bakura said secretly wanting Marik to touch him but the Yami didn't need to know that.
Malik reached out, massaging Bakura's buttocks. Bakura moaned as Malik spread his open and began giving him dainty licks as his hand slid down to stimulate his erection. Bakura groaned loudly and the kiss became sloppy. Malik purred and gently thrust his tongue into Bakura.
"Don't untie him...." Malik hissed, suddenly. "He has no intention of behaving....." Marik glared at Malik, pulling away from Bakura.
"TRAITOR!!" He snapped, and Malik giggled, going back to his task behind Bakura.
Bakura smiled as he began to kiss and lick at Marik's earlobe,
"I will...just not this exact moment." Bakura said kissing Marik strongly
Malik continued how own actions and slowed down even more upon Marik. Bakura couldn't help but pull away from Marik to laugh to Marik's current state. "See Malik, not hard now is it? You've learned from the best after all." Bakura said taunting Marik who glared at him, he was definitely enjoying himself but was trying to cover it up.
"I fuckin hate you, Bakura." Marik snapped, and Bakura rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, that's what you said when I ate the last cookie." Malik said.
"It was my favorite!!!" Marik whined, and Bakura laughed.
"Hey Bakura, did you know that Marik has a stuffed parrot that is like his security blanket? He sleeps with it at home."
"MALIK AMASIS ISHTAR!!!" Marik screamed in horror, then grumbled. "It's a cockatoo....."
Bakura cracked up having to move away from the two of them for a moment so he could try and get his laughter under control without shaking the whole bed.
He looked at the two "I don't think I will ever untie him now Malik, I think he'd kill you..." Bakura said still laughing, yeah he was definitely feeling a lot better now than he was earlier. Marik bucked up into Malik with Bakura gone as he went back over and pressed his hand onto Marik's abdomen to keep him from doing so.
Malik had his head thrown back and mouth open.
"Oh, gods, I can't take it...." And he began moving himself faster on Marik, who groaned in relief. But that didn't mean Malik was done teasing. "Anyway Bakura, the parrot is pink, and its name is Mr. Peabody..."
"Malik...." Marik growled.
"And Marik says it keeps away nightmares...."
"And when Marik first came out of the Rod, he drove me and Ishizu and Rishido nuts flushing the toilet; it fascinated him."
"HIKARI!!!!" Marik roared, and Malik giggled.
"Gods, I'm so close.... Bakura...." And to Marik and Bakura's surprise, Malik grabbed Bakura's hair and pulled his face down to his erection. "Gods.... Suck me, Bakura...."
Bakura obliged gladly, besides he practically brought this upon himself anyway, last time he let this Hikari use his imagination. He smiled around the erection his hand teasing Marik's nipples as he reached further undoing the belt around Marik's wrist. Malik was embarrassing Marik horribly. Marik quickly took control of the situation having Malik on his back almost instantly.
"Never let your guard down Malik, I thought we taught you better than that." Bakura said loving the shocked then utterly pissed expression Malik had, if looks could kill he and Marik would both be dead.
"Bakura, you traitor!!" Malik wailed, and Marik snarled.
"WHO is the traitor?" the yami hissed. "You promised me, Malik! You promised that you would NEVER tell ANYONE about Mr. Peabody!!" Malik smiled.
"Marik, it's only Bakura. He won't tell anyone, right Bakura?"
"No." Bakura quickly said not wanting Marik to attack him, at least not at the moment, besides it would be good blackmail later if nothing else. He loved watching two as he sat back just enjoying the sight for a moment. Malik was already close at it was but eh couldn't really decipher what Marik was feeling at the moment as he crawled over to tease Malik and get back to work on the youths length.
But Marik pushed him away. "Oh no.... Malik needs to be punished....." Marik said, and began moving very, very slowly, barely brushing against Malik's prostate.
"Aw, come ON, Marik!" Malik whined. Marik grinned.
"So, Bakura.... did you know that Malik is scared to have the closet door open at night when he's asleep?"
"MARIK!!" Malik gasped, and Marik grinned.
"And Malik sings and dances in the shower....."
"Damn you, Marik!"
"Thank Ra I don't live with you two...it's no wonder your both insane..." He said trailing off as he was suddenly tackled to the floor.
Malik and Marik grinned and Bakura suddenly found himself in a sixty-nine position with Malik beneath him, and Marik thrusting into him. Malik took Bakura into his mouth as Marik moved quickly.
"Hey Malik.... did you know that Bakura likes to watch animated Disney films, and sings along with the songs?" Marik snickered, and Malik cracked up.
Bakura growled pulling away from Malik's length "Least I don't sleep with a p...AHHH!" Bakura cried out when Marik thrust into him hard and Bakura decided it wasn't worth it at all as he pulled Malik's length back into his mouth and all three shut up to enjoy the moment.
A few minutes later, Marik chuckled. "Hey Bakura.... remember that time we were doing this on the kitchen table...."
"And Ryou walked in on us!?" Malik finished, pulling away from Bakura's erection. "Holy Ra, the look on his face was priceless!!!"
Bakura remembered that day quite vividly, Ryou was practically horrified, not at the fact that they were having sex, it was more the fact it was on the table than anything else. He raved and ranted for almost half an hour about how he would never eat on the table ever again, it was hilarious. Bakura laughed as Malik moved off of him and Marik took him fully into his arms and kissed him passionately Malik moving behind him doing the same as Bakura was earlier.
Marik moved Bakura on his erection, and Malik covered his shoulders in kisses, until he decided that he was getting cheated. He moved behind Marik, and Marik yelped as Malik slid into him.
"Mmmmm..... you feel good....." Malik purred, tracing Marik's ear with his tongue. Marik grinned and kissed Bakura, moving his faster on his lap.
Bakura leaned over Marik's shoulder to kiss Malik as Marik suddenly bit down on his shoulder and the three soon climaxed all together and collapsed on a heap on the floor all breathing a bit heavily.
"Gods.... that was good. Too bad Mr. Peabody missed this show. OW!!"
"Shut it, kid."
"Awww.... will flushing the toilet a few times make you feel better? OW!!"
"I'm gonna leave the closet door open."
"........ I'm gonna burn Peabody."
"....... you wouldn't dare."
"Watch me."
"........ Bakuraaaaaaaa!!!" Marik whined.
Bakura rolled his eyes at the two "Come on kid's..." Bakura said crawling into bed, let's get some rest we'll need it tomorrow no doubt." He said actually cuddling into the pillows making Malik and Marik both 'awwww' at the sight making Bakura glare. "Shut up it's comfy!"
Marik and Malik both smiled and cuddled up to Bakura.
"So are you..." Marik yawned, and Malik giggled.
"Shall I sing us to sleep? OW!!"
"Go to sleep, Malik."