Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 24
The plane ride to New York was quiet. Seto picked Ryou up in his arms as he walked to the awaiting limo. Ryou had fallen asleep on the plane and stayed asleep for the entire flight. Seto smiled 'probably for the best' he thought as he laid Ryou down on the seats letting his head rest in his lap, they hadn't been intimate with each other in a while and granted it wasn't everything but nonetheless his own desire could only be quieted for so long. He wanted to feel Ryou again as if they were one, their hearts, souls, and bodies, connected.
He felt Ryou stir slightly in his lap as the youth opened his brown eyes sleepily. "Nice to see your awake, we'll be at the Plaza anytime now." Seto said petting Ryou's hair lovingly.
"I'm hungry....." Ryou mumbled, and his stomach loudly confirmed this, making Seto laugh. "Can we go out for some food?"
"Sure." Seto said, and watched Ryou knock on the window separating them from the driver. It was rolled down, and Ryou had a conversation with the driver, before returning.
"The driver suggests a place not far from the Plaza, we can walk to it. Is that okay?" Ryou asked.
"That's fine. I haven't been here in a while, might be good to take a little tour afterward...a ride through the park." Seto said as Ryou sat up and snuggled into his side.
"Where are we eating?" He asked not sure where Ryou had told the driver.
"The Redeye Grill." Ryou said. "It's on Seventh Avenue, right across the street from Carnegie Hall. Two blocks down and two blocks over from the Plaza." (A.N. The Redeye Grill is an actual restaraunt, and that is its actual location (or as near as I can remember.... ^_^() . If you're ever in New York City, give it a try. They have all from burgers to Sushi, but I would recommend either of Ryou or Seto's choices. Oh... and it's a bit.... expensive...... ^_^() )
Seto smiled "You never told me you've been here before...have you?" Seto asked
"No. I've never been here before." Ryou said with a smile. "I just repeated what the driver told me."
Seto smiled and nodded as they stopped at the hotel for a short while to check in and drop off their things and left very soon to go get something to eat. They decided to walk since it wasn't that far not to mention it was a nice night.
They got the Grill, and were seated immediately when they realized who Seto was. Seto eyed the giant rotating sculpture of a shrimp as they went to their table. Their dink orders were taken, and then they began to look over the menu. The waiter came, and Ryou ordered the Dancing Shrimp platter, and Seto ordered the Peking Duck Quesadillas, in the mood for something new. Then, they both looked at each other, and Ryou smiled as Seto covered his hand with his own.
Seto closed his eyes smiling blissfully to himself. He wasn't quite sure what to say but didn't think that talking was really necassarry, it was nice just to share a comfortable silence with someone else, and that someone else being Ryou only made the entire situation better.
"What are you thinking?" Seto asked softly trying to make conversation.
"I..... don't know." Ryou said, making a face, and then laughing at himself. "My mind isn't exactly capable of actual though process right now, it's just....." Ryou smiled and sucked the straw of his little Shirley Temple, before he began to try and dig the cherry out. "I'm not thinking, just... feeling... HAH!!!" He let out a trimphant shout as he got the cherry through the ice to where he could grab the stem. He popped the cherry into his mouth, enjoying the taste of his victory.
Seto shook his head at Ryou's behavior "As long as your happy." Seto said rubbing his thumb over Ryou's hand lovingly.
Their food came which made them both seperate hands for a moment as they began eating. "I don't think i've eaten here before...it's actually pretty good." Seto said sipping on his Zombie.
"Oooh?" Ryou said, looking up from deciding which shrimp to pluck from the elaborate meal before him. "Lemme see." And he snatched a quesadilla right out of Seto's fingers and nibbled a bit off, before replacing into Seto's hand before the man even knew it was gone. Seto blinked, trying to figure out what just happened.
"Wow... the meat is... it's sweet.... Good." And he finally plucked a shrimp off of the skewer stick and began munching.
The rest of the meal was spent in plesant conversation with one another and a few comfortable silences as they soon left and began walking home but stopped in Central Park on their way. Seto noticed the carriage rides.
"Would you like to go for ride?" Seto asked gesturing to one of the carriges.
Ryou grinned and latched onto Seto's waist. "Mmmm... sounds great..." He said, nuzzling his face into Seto's chest. Seto grinned and nodded, heading over to the nearest carriage with a light brown horse pulling it.
"Want a ride?" The man said with an Irish accent. "It's forty for a twenty minute ride--whoah, Charlie, hold on, we're not goin anywhere yet." The man grabed the halter on the horse, who seemed eager to get going. Seto nodded to the man.
"Can we take the top down?" Ryou said, looking at the carriage, and the man smiled and nodded, and began to take it down while Ryou pet Charlie. The top came down, and the man smiled and motioned to the carriage. Ryou and Seto climbed in and the driver gave them the thick fleece blanket to warm them in the cold night. Then, Charlie began walking away, and the driver gave chase.
"Whoa, easy Charlie!" He laughed as he grabbed the carriage and climbed onto his perch, taking the reins. Ryou giggled. "So... Are you two boyfriends?" The driver asked, smiling back at them.
Seto smiled, at least he was friendly.
"We're married actually." Seto said snuggling Ryou who snuggled back into his chest as Seto wrapped an arm around him.
The man blinked and glanced back. "Married? Newly weds, eh? Honeymoon?" He laughed at Ryou's blush and smile. "I guess that's a 'yes', eh? Well, conratulations! Me an' my friends will be drinkin' to you tonight!" And he winked with a grin. "Where are ye stayin'?
"The Plaza." Seto simply answered smiling at Ryou's blush. He always looked adorable when he blushed even though half the time he blused because he was so shy. He kissed Ryou's forehead softly just enhoying the night. It was a clear sky and all the stars were peeeking through tthe tress giving it a beautiful glow around them as they rode, it was really nice.
Ryou smiled and snuggled closer, his breath condensing in the air. He shivered and nuzzled himself into Seto's side. The driver gave a low whistle.
"The Plaza, eh? Impressive. ONE of you must be well off, huh?"
"Him!" Ryou said, pointing at Seto, and the man laughed. They were a sweet couple, and the little one was adorable.
"You two thinkin' o' raisin' a family?" He asked, and Ryou's eyes nearly popped out of his head.
"The thought has at least crossed my mind..." Seto said smiling at Ryou "But it would something to discuss in the future, right now I think it's a bit early for both of us to be thinking of such things." Seto said as Ryou looked at him with a funny expression. "Whats that look for?" Seto asked curiously.
"YOU want KIDS?!" Ryou blurted suddenly. "Seto, you can barely handle your BROTHER!!!" And the driver burst into laughter. He looked back at Seto.
"I hope I haven't opened up a can 'o worms for ya........" He said.
"Distance furture love." Seto said patting his head and kissing his nose "Distant...future." He smiled "Like I said much to early as of yet."
"Tch.... I'LL say. I haven't even considered that!!! Although......" And Seto looked down at the thoughful look on Ryou's face. "Dad... Dad has always dreamed of being a grandfather." And he looked up at Seto with a delicate smile, before laying his head on his shoulder.
Seto smiled burying his face in Ryou's hair, he was happy that it was long once again and was able to do it again, as he held Ryou close for the duration of the ride.
The driver smiled and shut up, letting the couple cuddle with one another. For the next fifteen minutes, Ryou purred contentedly, nestled down in Seto's arms under the blanket, sharing a tender kiss here and there. Then, they were back out on the street, but the carriage didn't go around the corner to drop them off where they had started. Ryou blinked up as the driver pulled up in front of the Plaza and stopped, looking back and grinning.
"Well, there you go." He said, and hopped down, taking and folding the blanket as Ryou passed it to him.
"Thank you." Ryou said, and Seto smiled and shook hands with the man, slipping him a substancial tip as he did; kindness was not often rewarded as much as it should be, and Seto thought that this man deserved it.
"Well, I wish you both the best." the man said, and ran off as Charlie decided he didn't want to wait any longer. Ryou giggled at the horse as the driver leapt onto his carriage, and turned to wave at them, Ryou and Seto returning it.
"That was nice.... soooo.... now what?" Ryou said, looking up at Seto with a dreamy, and slightly mischeivious, smile.
Seto rolled his eyes as he held Ryou's hand walking into the Plaza and into the elevator that was blissfully empty and he took the opportunity to practically ravage Ryou's mouth as they rode up to the penthouse.
Thankfully their room was not stationed to far from the elevator for Seto at the moment didn't wish to let Ryou go as they ungracefully made their way to their room only stopping their kiss for air and the need to actually open the door. "Stupid card key..." Seto grumbled trying to get the stupid door to let him inside.
Ryou giggled. "Seto, I admire your enthusiasm, but it would be nice if you would take the time to insert the card the RIGHT way......" He said, taking the card and turning it around, sliding it through the reader. He opened the door, and walked in, turning on the light. His eyes widened. "Oh, gods.... LOOK at this place!!!!"
Seto shook his head at his idiosy as he followed Ryou inside to take in the place as well. "It is nice here, I'll give it that." he siad snaking his arms around Ryou's waist and pulling him close. "I'll say it's nicer that you're here with me, kinda boring being here alone with a computer WHICH I left at home." He said proudly, he usually dragged the computer everywhere he went but didn't want to be distracted, this was his time with Ryou and he didn't want to be inturrupted...even if his company was going to hell in a handbasket he'd better not be disurbed.
"Really?" Ryou gasped. "You left it behind? For... me?" And at Seto's nod, Ryou teared up, making Seto quirk an eyebrow. "Wow.... that... that's really significant... for you....to......." And he suddenly burst into tears.
"Awwww..." Seto said unable to stop himself "Don't cry Ryou, even if they are happy tears...they dont look right on your face." Seto siad kissing his cheeks and catching his mouth in a soft passionate kiss.
Ryou wailed, making Seto back up a bit. Ryou tended to be emotional, but this was a bit... odd.
"I just.... can't beleive it!!!" Ryou managed to get out between sobs, and he latched onto Seto. "It's like it's a dream.... I'm so scared I'll wake up and be back in that basement with >hic< with Mokuba locked in the closet, and..... Gods...." And he wiped his tears on Seto's shirt. "If this is a dream... I never want to wake up... I've never been this happy in my entire life... I love you."
Seto smiled sympathetically at Ryou "It's far from a dream love..." he said sweeping Ryou off his feat as he sat on the bed and gently rocked him until his cries at least turned into soft sniffles. Seto knew that Ryou tended to get emotional so it wasn't anything knew, but he hoped Ryou would be happy most of his time here.
Ryou sighed and nuzzled Seto. "I love you, Seto. I love you so much." And Seto watched Ryou finger the Card Locket that hung around his neck. "This is all so amazing... Seto..." And Ryou entangles his fingers with Seto's a moment, before resting his hand in Seto's palm, staring down at his own white hand, tiny in Seto's strong hand. "I love you..."
"I love you too." Seto said with a smile kissing Ryou once again now that his tears had subsided.
Ryou smiled and turned his face upwards, giving Seto easier access to his lips. Ryou sat up on his knees and moved over, straddling Seto's lap and kissing him himself. "mmmm.... I love you so much, Seto. And.... thank you..." Seto blinked and looked at Ryou. "Thank you for sticking by me through.... everything. I never could have lived through it without you."
"What else was I suppossed to do? I love you more than I could ever express in one lifetime...not to mention Mokuba would crucify me in my sleep if I just gave up." He said pulling Ryou's body flush against his own.
Ryou moaned and nuzzled Seto's ear. "Oh? So does that mean I should be thanking Mokuba?" He asked, flicking his tongue into Seto's ear.
Seto closed his eye's sighing softly at the gently kisses trailing down his neck. "Not at all...I'm enjoying myself at this moment too much to let you near a phone, not to mention the last time we were like this a phone gave us hell for quite some time." He said laying down pulling Ryou with him.
Ryou smiled. "True.... very true." And he moved away. Set sat up, irritated and thinking that Ryou was planning on playing hard to get again. Ryou went over to the phone, picked it up, and dropped it, leaving it off the hook. Then he went to the front door of the suite, and hung out the Do Not Disturb sign. Then, he closed the door and turned to face Seto, leaning against it and smiling. "Any other precautions we need to take?" He asked in a sultry purr.
"Co-operation on your part would be a nice reassurance." He said sitting up on the bed as Ryou once again sat in his lap and their kiss ressumed.
"Hmmmm.... co-operation..... What is that?" Ryou giggled, moving off of Seto and walking away. Seto gave him a look. Ryou turned and smiled at him over his shoulder. He ran his tongue over his lips and winked, beckoning Seto to follow him with the wiggle of a finger.
Seto smiled and obediently followed Ryou into the bathroom who was currently filling the large tub with water. Usually they would take showers together so a bath was bit of a change but nonetheless Jacuzzi tubs were relaxing if nothing else. He sat next to Ryou gently rubbing his back and kissing his neck letting his hands wander and caress Ryou and he began to undress him.
Ryou giggled, then turned to face Seto, slapping his hands away. "We were so many places today...." He purred, unbuttoning Seto's shirt. "We must be flithy... we really need a bath, don't you think?" And he leaned forwards, liking the tip of Seto's nose, while he dumped a large amount of bubble bath into the filling tub. He finished unbuttoning Seto's shirt and winked at him, before moving his hands to take care of the lower garment.
Seto nuzzled his face in Ryou's hair and they soon enough finnished undressing one another and Seto leaned over to stop the water and slipped into the water and pulled Ryou in so the youth was in his lap.
"So I take it you're enjoying yourself then?" Seto said as he continued to rub Ryou's back in small circles.
Ryou yelped when he was pulled backwards into the tub, but quickly relaxed and cuddled closer to Seto, laying his head on his chest. "Mmm-hmmmm.........." He mumbled, kicking his feet which were dangling over the edge of the tub. He smiled and sighed softly, kissing Seto's chin and down his neck, finally nuzzling his face into his chest.
Seto pulled the rest of Ryou into the tub and began to gently lather some shampoo into Ryou's hair and whispered to him softly about mindless things. That's what made it relaxing he could talk about nothing to Ryou and it was perfectly fine, there was no pressure just relaxation. He snuggled Ryou lovingly as he admired the rings on their fingers silently as he gently kissed Ryou's hand.
Ryou purred throughout the whole washing, and became so relaxed that for a moment, Seto wondered if he had accidently put him to sleep. But then Ryou decided that the favor had to be returned and moved Seto back a bit, wetting his hair before washing it. Once the washing was over and done with, Ryou sat up on his knees between Seto's legs, giggled and hit the jacuzzi button, before leaning into his chest and kissing him.
Seto pulled Ryou closer to him, both dripping wet as their mouths met in a passionate kiss. He pulled away and admired Ryou for a moment water still clinging to his eye lashes and hair. He buried his hands in Ryou hair, he liked Ryou's hair long, prefered it that way more than the short hair he had to deal with earlier but that was in the past no need to tink of it now. He pulled Ryou into another kiss as Ryou relaxed on his chest placing gentle kisses on his neck and collarbone.
"I love you." Ryou whispered. Not that Seto needed to hear it, he already knew it. But it was still nice to hear. "Gods..... I want you so bad, Seto.... please. It's been so long... Don't make me wait anymore..." He begged softly, nibbling at Seto's ear and massaging his back with his fingers.
Seto kissed Ryou gently and slipped out of the water pulling on robe.
"Come along then." He said teasingly as he made his way to the bedroom leaving Ryou in the tub.
Ryou blinked, a bit startled, then looked after Seto with a pout, resting his chin on the side of the tub. "But it's cooooooold..... It's warm in here!" Seto looked back, eyeing Ryou who looked like just a head sitting on bubbles. Ryou pouted his lip and gave Seto the puppy eyes that Seto decided he had learned from Yugi.
Seto glared lightly "That is unfair play." Seto siad "I'd much prefer this in the bedroom." he said picking Ryou up from the tub, "I'm sure you'll warm up nicely..." He said kissing Ryou as he placed a robe on his shoulders.
Ryou giggled at the kiss and hugged Seto tightly, before abandoning the robe and scampering out the the bathroom. He took a flying leap onto the bed, nearly bouncing himself off of the other side, but turned around, flopped down onto his stomach and rested his chin in his hands, kicking his feet and waiting for Seto to come "keep him company."
Seto couldn't help but laugh at Ryou's playful antics as he lost his own robe as crawled on top of Ryou kissing down his spine moving back up to kiss his neck and shoulder gently nipping at the sensitive flesh.
Ryou shivered and giggled, squirming underneathe Seto since he apparently wasn't allowed to roll over. So he just relaxed and closed his eyes, laying his head down.
"You're gonna put me to sleep, doing that.... it feels good...."
Seto smiled slightly giving a sharp slap to Ryou's ass making him yelp and squirm but he held him down effectivly "Awake now?" He whispered lowly in Ryou's ear
Ryou grumbled under his breath, before nodding a muttering an annoyed "yes". He glared at Seto. "That hurt."
"I've hit harder...you should know that." He nuzzled Ryou gently running his hands down Ryou's sides and slender hips turning Ryou's face slightly to kiss him before moving off Ryou slightly pulling him to his knees as he ran his tounge across Ryou's most intaminte parts causing him to gasp.
Ryou whimpered an affirmitive before letting his eyes fall closed.
"Yeah...." He finally said. "But I feel stupid knowing that there's a big red handprint on my ass......" Ryou blinked when Seto paused. "And now you're staring at it and gloating, aren't you?" he growled.
"I might be..." He smiled kissing the print gently "But as long as you're not bearing yourself to too many people it shouldn't matter too much. Seto smiled leaning over and teasing Ryou's entrance gently with his tounge.
Ryou yelped and jumped, ening up falling forwards onto his hands and knees. "Well.... not WILLINGLY." He grumbled. "Yipe!!! Gods! That feels so weird...... ooohh......"
"Not entirely unpleasant though...apparently." He commented before continuing as he began to gently probe the ring of musceles making Ryou whimper slightly although it made Seto smile.
Ryou couldn't help his squirms, and his gasps and whimpers continued as well. "Gods.... Seto..... p-please...... don't stop... oh gods....... more....."
Seto smiled, he loved the look of pleasure on Ryou's face granted he could be a handful sometimes but it was in moments like these Seto felt in utter and absolute control of Ryou. He continued his actions listening intently to Ryou's mew's of pleasure until he felt Ryou had enough and he pulled away. He leant over Ryou kissing him on the shoulder and bringing Ryou's lips to his own as he pulled the youth up to rest on his knees as he began to gently stroke Ryou's length while allowing his other hand to further tease his entrance but not giving him more than featherlight touches to his more sensitive areas...he wanted this to last.
Ryou whimpered, letting his head fall back, the end of his long mane tickling Seto's arm. "Gods.... I love you....." Ryou moaned, then winced slightly as he felt Seto's fingertips gently trace the scars that would forever bare witness to the abuse he suffered... all in the name of love.
"Seto..." He gasped. "We.... we've been through Hell and back, you know...." And he lowered his head and gently stroked Seto's face, bringing it up to meet his gaze. He smiled. "And I would do it all over again... a second time... a third time...... if that was the price to pay to be with you.... I would pay it a hundred times over.... I love you so much......" And he kissed Seto with all the passion he could muster.
Seto kissed back with equal passion if not more. "I love you too Ryou...I would give up everything and anything if I had to as long as I could be with you." Seto kissed him again and turned him around to lay Ryou on his back as he covered Ryou with his body pressing himself flush against him as their hips met and hands entertwined with one another lips never leaving the other until the need for air became unbearable and Seot had to break away.
"Tell me love you love me..." He gave Ryou a chaste kiss
"Gods.... more than anything......." Ryou breathed. He smiled up at Seto, running fingers through his hair. "The pain I would endure if I lost you would be equal to the anguish that would come from losing Bakura...... Malik losing Marik........ Yugi losing Yami..... Mikado losing Ahmose.... We cannot live without our other halves, Seto.... And if I lost you, the pain would be just as unbearable... I would want to die...." And he smiled again. "There are only two things that would keep me living. I could not tear Bakura from Malik and Marik, and so I would live for him. And for Mokuba. Seto, I swear upon all I have.... if something ever happens to you, I will take care of Mokuba. I promise. I love you."
Seto looked at Ryou serious for a moment contemplating what he said before kissing him and smiling at him. "You have no idea how much you saying that means to me...but I intend to take care of you, I won't let anything harmful come near you again." Seto swallowed "You and Mokuba are my reason for living, I won't let anything seperate us again...I love you" He kissed Ryou passionatly pressing him back into the mattress.
Ryou made many muffled noises, and Seto concluded that he was chanting 'I love you' over and over again, but of course, it was hard to make out through the kiss.
Ryou clung tightly to Seto, and pulled away from the kiss, moving his lips down Seto's neck, purring soflty to him the entire time. "I love you...." He whispered between every kiss. "I love you...."
Seto smiled and kissed Ryou gently on the nose. "Shhhhhhhh." He said as he smiled at Ryou "I know and I love you too...stay." He said getting up for a moment before returing with some warming oil. "Turn over." He said simply
Ryou blinked. "I am not a pet dog, Seto...." He pouted, but slowly rolled over. He looked back over his shoulder at his own behind, critically. "Seto? Does my butt look fat?"
Seto rolled his eyes at Ryou and gave him a playful slap shaking his head no at Ryou's question. He let a generous amount of warming oil hit Ryou's back as he began to massage his shoulders, down his back, and down the length of his legs. He let the oil spill into the cleft of his ass as he greeted Ryou with another playful slap although this one was a little more hard. "For someone who is not a pet, you do tend to obey very well..." Seto teased kissing Ryou's neck as he continued the massage and tease Ryou's entrance, he wanted Ryou screaming.
Ryou whimpered. "Hey.... you asked for my co-operation remember? If we were at home, you would be chasing me down the hall by now!" And then he let his head drop to the pillows with a moan. "...... Seto? Marik said that my butt was too skinny.... he said that you should have bruises after we.... have sex.... You don't get bruises do you?" And Ryou blinked, wondering where the hell that had come from and why he had just said it.
"No...you get pretty far from ever hurting me Ryou." He pulled Ryou's head to the side so he could kiss and distract him properly as he slammed the freezing glass vibrator inside Ryou who didn't notice it when he went to get the warming oil.
Ryou jerked and screamed, eyes wide. "SETOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" He wailed, squirming and trying desperately to get away from the cold thing. "NOT AGAIN!!! I HATE THAT THING!!!!!" And goose bumps rose over his pale skin.
"Oh...but I love to see you squirm and twist...like you are now..." He wispered lowly into Ryou's ear making the youth shiver slightly as he pushed it further inside Ryou while increasing the vibration. "I'm sure you don't hate it nearly as much as you say." He teased
Ryou gasped and bit his lip, continuing to squirm and whimper, clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. "G-Gods... it feels colder than before!!! Gods... remind me to NEVER touch you with a cold hand again, if this is the penalty!"
Seto smiled slightly this wasn't a penalty but he didn't have to tell Ryou that. He took the warming oil and poured some onto the vibrator before pushing back inside Ryou, it would help a little on how cold it was but not much, Ryou's heat would warm it up much quicker than anything else.

Ryou hissed again, hoping that Seto was finished with the dratted Cold Dildo of Doom (which Ryou would forever refer to it as from this day forth) but apparently not. "Seto.... How about you let me shove this thing up YOUR arse for a while?!"
Seto quirked an eyebrow at Ryou pushing it further inside Ryou as the vibration went full blast causing Ryou to arch and scream. "If you were on top for a change...we'll see later, for now I'm thoroughly enjoying myself and you don't seem to dissapprove all that much."
Ryou tried to reply, but the words couldn't seem to beat his pants and groans to his lips. So he had to settle for that as he gripped the sheets of the bed tightly in his fists and writhed, thrusting back into the vibrator. A trickle of sweat ran down his back, sometimes following the paths of the scars that Ryou had been left with after being on the buckle end of a belt beating.
Seto noticed the scars but never said anything about them and he wouldn't start now, he didn't want anything to ruin this moment. He kissed Ryou's temple gently before he whispered "Tell me what you want..."
"I want.... I want you....." He whispered, moaning softly. "I want to be yours, forever.... oh gods..... and... oh gods... I want more Seto.... I want.... oh gods....." And he moaned again, squirming like a worm on a hook.
"Really?" He couldn't help but smirk "So you don't hate this?"
Ryou blinked and frowned, pouting, refusing to answer.
'two can play at that game' Seto thought inwardly as he removed the vibrator turnign it off and looking at Ryou expectingly "I didn't quite hear you..." He said "Maybe you need a break? Are you tired?" He taunted slightly moving away from Ryou.
Ryou's head jerked up and he glared. "YES!!! I am tired!! TIRED OF THIS TORTURE!!!!" and he flopped over to watch Seto. He glared and slid up the bed until he was leaning against the headboard. He stared at Seto, then smirked and let a hand drift down between his legs. He moaned and closed his eyes, slowly stroking his erection.
Seto blinked for a moment before pouncing on Ryou pinning down his arms "Now we'll have none of that." He scolded playfully pulling away when Ryou tried to buck into him. "Will we?" He asked
Ryou glared. "Well, SOMEone has to do it, and you didn't seem to keen on finishing it...." He teased, licking the tip of Seto's nose.
Seto smiled at Ryou and the undeniably adorable gesture. "I always finnish what I start just not right away...where would the fun be in that?" He asked diving down on Ryou and swallowing his length
Ryou let out a startled yelp, arching his back and letting his head fall forwards, tangling his fingers in Seto's hair. "Nnh.... Gods........" He moaned, then opened his eyes, which settled on the vibrator. He smirked and kept moaning, reaching for it. He grabbed it, reached out, and shoved the thing (which was still cold) into Seto and turned it on all the way.
Seto instantly pulled away from the inital shock losing his balance and falling off the bed as Ryou instantly pounced on him, wedging his knee in between Seto's legs so that he couldn't really get away between the bed and Ryou, otherwise he would just end up racking himself. "Christ Ryou..." Seto breathed out as he twisted slightly "At least I have the courtesey to prepare you..." It hurt a little, basically because he himself had never really been taken before so this was very unfamiliar.
Ryou smirked. "YOU deserved it!" He said, absolutely GLOWING in his truimph. Seto could tell that Ryou felt VERY proud of himself. Ryou smirked and kissed Seto, slipping him a bit of tongue. "Marik and Bakura will be so proud of me when I tell them......" He purred, drifting down and taking Seto into his mouth, gently moving the vibrator in and out of his body.
Seto gasped at the motion unable to protest really, considering he had done the same to Ryou many a time...not to mention it would be useless to say he wasn't enjoying himself , the gentle slow motions were practically driving him insane and it only intensified with Ryou's efforts and he couldn't supress moaning from the experience.
"Hmmm.... well what do you know......" Ryou said, sitting up and looking Seto in the eye. "You have an inner uke." And he giggled at the look Seto gave him.
Seto growled slightly at Ryou wanting to pull away but at the same time not wanting to "Ry..AHHH!" He stopped when Ryou turned the vibration up on him "You...have no...shame in that fact..." He breathed out "Why should I?" He said his breahting still slightly labored
Ryou giggled. "Because. I actually AM an uke. Whereas you are not." He grinned. "Ah, what would Yami say if he could see you now?" And he went down on Seto again, leaving him to think on this little matter.
Seto shook his head not really wanting any type of image with Yami in it as he pulled Ryou's face up to his and kissed him passionatly. In the moment Ryou was slightly distracted Seto managed to pull away, no matter how pleasent it was he felt akward at doing such even if it was for Ryou. He took the vibrator and shoved it under the bed. "No more toys." He breathed pulling himself and Ryou onto the bed "I've had my fill..." He growled as he grinded his hips into Ryou's.
"Only because YOU were on the receiving end." Ryou taunted.
"Oh? Do you want me to retrive our little toy? I'll be happy to oblige your request if you really want it?" Seto taunted right back
"Only if I get to wield it." Ryou said with a grin.
"No, I won't be letting my guard down around you for some time and I'm definatly not letting you have control willingly." He kissed Ryou and pressed his length aginst Ryou, slightly brushing his entrance.
Ryou gasped and shivered, moaning and nuzzling into Seto's chest. "Then you had better take control real quick.... before I lose my control and decide to play seme." He giggled, nipping at Seto's nipple.
Seto didn't need much encouragement as he pressed his length against Ryou's entrance it easily slipping inside as he drew a sharp breath from the sensation and held still waiting for Ryou to get used to the feeling.
Ryou yelped, not expecting Seto to just go for it like he did, and grimaced, squirming slightly. "Ow.... you could have warned me......" He whined, shifting his hips a bit. He made a face. It felt good to be intimate with Seto again but it also felt a bit strange.... Ryou decided that it was due to his scarring and surgeries.
"You gave me no warning either, at least you were already prepared." Seto said kissing him gently, he wanted to take Ryou long and hard but knew better, it had been a while since they had been together like this so it was best to let Ryou set the pace for all this. He pulled Ryou up into his lap causing Ryou to sheath himself fully upon Seto's length but he wanted Ryou to be in control for the moment until he knew he was ready.
Ryou gave Seto an impish grin. "Yeah.... but YOU deserved it." And he cut off Seto's reply with a kiss, moving himself slowly upon Seto, this time fighting back when Seto's tongue tried to inavde his mouth. Ryou nipped it sharply, making Seto grunt in annoyance, and slipped his tongue into Seto's mouth for a change. He moaned softly as he kept up the slow agonizing pace, fingers digging into Seto's shoulders.
Seto pulled his mouth away from Ryou's "A little control made you quite brave didn't it?" Seto teased lightly pulling Ryou's fingers from his shoulder and holding his arms to the side. "Be good." He siad softly kissing his neck and behind his ear making Ryou purr.
"Mmmmmm..... I've... never been in control like that before... it felt... nice knowing that I actually had control over something. But I don't do I?" Ryou asked, stopping his movements.
"More than you think Ryou..." He said laying him on his back playing the gentle romatic role for a moment. "You saved Mokuba's life, managed to keep your own... you still love me after everything we've been through, you have a strong mind and you control your own life, most do not even have that privledge."
Ryou gave Seto a small smile, before closing his eyes and relaxing with a small moan. "Nice to know I'm appreciated." He teased, opening his eyes and tweaking Seto's left nipple with a little wink.
Seto closed his eyes enjoying Ryou's hands that were slowly roaming about his body and he slowly began to thrust into Ryou. "If I go too fast tell me..." He breathed into Ryou's ear
"Right now you're going too slow." Ryou commented.
Seto complied to Ryou's unspoken request as he moved faster taking Ryou's hands in his own raising them to the side of his head tight enough to hold him down if needed but loose enough if Ryou became nervous and wanted to be let go. He would probably never know all the details of what happened to Ryou so he would have to learn through trial and error. However, he wanted nothing to ruin this night he wanted it to go perfect. He kissed Ryou passionatly as his thrusts became a bit more demading as time progressed.
Ryou groaned into Seto's mouth, and pulled his arms out of Seto's grip, instead moving his palms under Seto's interlocking their fingers. He playfully tugged Seto's lower lip with his teeth between kisses, and rubbed his sides with his knees. After a few minutes, he pulled his hands away from Seto's and moved away from the kisses. He simply lay beneath him and smiled, staring up into his husband's blue eyes, caressing his cheek with one hand and running his fingers through his hair with the other. Ryou smiled and kissed him breifly, before going back to just staring.
Seto stared into Ryou's eyes just the same simply marveling at Ryou for the moment, loving the simple happiness in his brilliant eyes his lips parted slightly in a small smile as he breathed in with every thrust. Their bodies joined together making the moment last for an eternity.
"Gods.... I love you...." He breathed, his eyes fluttering closed as he arched his back. "Harder.... please..... mmmm..........."
He didn't need to be told twice as he pushed himself harder itno Ryou pressing the youth into the matress below them Ryou's head sinking into the pillows and Seto tossed them to the floor, he loved the look on Ryou's face when they made love it was priceless.
Ryou whimpered and shuddered. And the shudder didn't stop. He threw his head back, panting and whimpering, squirming underneath Seto. "Gods.... yes.... oh yes.... Oh, Seto, more... please, more.... Ohhhh..... so close... please........." He pleaded, a drop of sweat rolling down his flushed face.
Seto felt Ryou's hips meet him with every thrust as he let go of Ryou's hands placing a strong grip upon one of his hips to hold him down as the other began to stroke Ryou's length in a feverish pace matching with his own penatrations. He heard Ryou cry out in pleasure knowing he had hit his prostate as he continued the same movement but slowed down some to prolong the inevitable.
Ryou let out a keen as he arched his back off of the bed, thrashing his head from side to side and fisting his hands in the sheets. He wrapped his legs around Seto's waist, and was no longer able to form words. All he could do was pant and moan, and finally, he screamed as he released over his and Seto's chest and stomachs.
Seto gave Ryou a few more powerful thrusts as he climaxed inside Ryou as he collasped on top of him breathing heavily for the moment and relaxing slightly. He soon pulled out of Ryou and rolled over on his back to keep his weight off Ryou. Ryou curled up next to him as he wrapped a protective arm around him nuzzling his face in his hair.
"We need to start showering after...not before, it becomes quite pointless." Seto siad smiling at Ryou
Ryou simply sighed. "....... yeah.... but we were so gross.... airplanes, public limos.... restaurants.... a horse carriage... and our wedding... we REALLY needed a bath." And he paused. "Are you saying that you wanna head back to the tub?"
"The shower." Seto said picking Ryou up and taking him back into the bathroom. He set Ryou down on his feet although a little unsteady. "You okay?" He asked concerned for a moment
Ryou smiled and nodded, then yawned. "I'm sleepy." He said with a smile that made him look a bit drunk.
"Lets shower first, it won't take but a moment." Seto said as they slipped into the shower, the hot water relaxing them both as Ryou leaned into Seto closing his eyes and allowing him to scrub his back and wash his hair, Ryou returned the favor and they stepped out of the shower to be met with an already made bed, the sheets having been changed while they were in the shower. 'good' Seto thought as he gently lead Ryou back to teh bed removing the fluffy towel from Ryou and himself.
Ryou smiled and giggled, snuggling down into the satin sheets and wriggling around, loving the feel of the fabric on his skin. Seto laughed at him, and Ryou pouted, but opened his arms, silently inviting Seto to come join him.
Seto wrapped his arms around Seto cuddling the youth happily making Ryou laugh softly.
Ryou sighed and cuddled close to Seto, letting his eyes fall closed. It had been six months since Christmas Eve.... Six months since they got together. Six months since Ryou had finally found his reason for living, and now, he finally lay beside him, bound to him forever by their vows and by their love. Ryou smiled and nuzzled into Seto's chest.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." Seto whispered back gently as he pulled Ryou closer to his chest feeling the youth's breath brush across his bare skin making him smile. He glanced at his ring thoughtfully, he never knew that he and Ryou would ever be together much less be married and he never had thought of himself as a marrying type of man but Ryou brought things out in him he never though possible, he was Seto's light in everything dark that had come into his life. He knew now that nothing could seperate them, everything that they had was meant to be especially the love they held for one another.
The pair lay silently in each other's arms, and their minds quieted. They slipped into sleep, not a care in the world as they prepared to rise in the morning and face the rest of their lives, together.