Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or this song
A/N: I dunno. Just something that popped into my head on my way home from work yesterday. Wrote this in about an hour and a half I think. Damn plot bunny wouldn't let me be.
By the way, I'm just trying something different, but I support partnershipping all the way!
Song: “My Happy Ending” by Avril Lavine
~Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Ohhhhh~
Crystalline tears ran in small rivers across the small, cherub-like face as Yugi stared at his other half with confusion. He felt as though his heart had been ripped from his chest and handed to him unceremoniously.
".. Yami?.. Please, tell me this isn't true.." Yugi begged softly.
~Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?
Don't leave me hangin'
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be~
"I'm sorry, aibou, but it is.. I didn't think it was right to keep secrets from you since you are my light and I knew that I should tell you," Yami's gaze was low as he spoke in slightly solemn tones.
The younger boy held back a sob that threatened to escape his lips, "No!.. Don't call me that! I'm not your 'aibou' anymore!.. We're both halves of the same soul. How can you just leave me, Yami?.. I thought we could be together now that you have your own body!"
~You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of our memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh Oh, Oh Oh~
"I'm sorry, Yugi, but I do love you. I just don't love you in the way that you thought.. I love Seto in that way, Yugi. You and I are friends, but I'm afraid we will never be anything more than that."
The amethyst-eyed duelist bawled unabashedly now as he sank to his knees upon the floor. He whimpered between his sobs, ".. My friends were right... They said you would leave but I didn't believe them.."
Yami looked away slightly, seemingly ashamed of himself. He had heard them all talking to his hikari and warning him not to grow too attached. They could all see his heart was elsewhere. Why couldn't Yugi understand that?
No matter how hard Yugi tried, he would never be able to understand. They had shared so much together for so long. It was because of Yami that he was able to become as strong as he was now and he learned so much from all the obstacles that they had faced.
~You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of our memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending~
"How could you, Yami? After all of it? After everything you did for me and I did for you?"
The taller sighed softly, "I care for you as a parent or elder sibling, not as a lover. I am your protector, but I couldn't bring myself to become anything else, Yugi.. Seto is different. He does not need me as a protector. We both understand what it's like to hold positions of power and take control of ourselves. He provides me with a.. an equality, if you will. He is a protector and guardian himself. He cares and protects Mokuba. Speaking hypothetically, if they were not related by blood, it would be the same relationship that you and I have."
~It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done~
Yugi sniffled bitterly as he wiped his tears. The pain, anger, and confusion all swirled inside him and he wasn't sure which he wanted to let out first. He stared silently, burning holes into the floor with his gaze while he lost himself in his thoughts.
During his silence, the former pharaoh stepped forward until he stood beside his still kneeling light. He lowered his head gently and spoke in a whisper.
".. I'm sorry, Yugi, this is just the way that it has to be.. Goodbye, aibou..."
With that final sentence, Yami walked away and out of Yugi's life.
~He was everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of our memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending~
Yugi's entire world collapsed around him in an instant. Somehow, he managed to find his way upstairs to his room and buried himself in his bed sheets. When he took a deep breath, he could still smell Yami's scent upon them.
~Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Ohhhhh~
Time passed, Yugi wasn't sure if it was merely hours or several years, but he was still laying curled up in his bed weeping when Joey arrived. Mr. Mutou had called him after Yami had left and he watched his broken grandson drag himself into his room.
The small teen was barely aware of the shift of weight once the blonde sat down. His swollen, teary, violet eyes were focused on a dead stare upon the wall.
Joey leaned over and began to lovingly stroke the wild mane of tri-colored hair back.
"Shh.. Yug, I know it hurts.. Ya gotta be strong though. He may have left, but ya still got da rest of yer friends with ya..."
"We'll always be there fer ya an' ya know that we'll help ya through this.. We've been through tough times before. Especially me. And ya were da one that helped pull me through.. Well, now I'm gonna return da favor."
This time, a weak sniffle came as a reply. Joey let out a long breath before moving his hand to brush tender fingertips across the boy's damp cheeks.
The gentle touches seemed to be calming for Yugi at least. They both remained silent for a long time before Joey reached out and gathered the frail youth into his arms, holding him tightly. Yugi did little to protest. He snuggled into the warmth of caring, human contact.
Joey cradled his friend and rocked him softly as he murmured soft words into his hair. Slowly, he took Yugi's chin and lifted the boy's face to look into his eyes. When amber met amethyst, Joey offered a warm smile.
"Hey, no more tears.. Ya know, there's a saying that ya shouldn't cry because ya don't know who could be fallin' in love with yer smile.."
A weak attempt at a smile quivered at the corners of Yugi's mouth, but it was just too hard to make. The blonde took up the burden and playfully lifted the corners into a small smile.
"There we go. That's da smile I love ta see."
Yugi gave a soft whimpering sound as he tried to hold the smile himself, but just couldn't find the strength or the will to do so. He rest his head softly against the taller's chest.
Joey's brow began to knot with concern. He brushed one of the golden locks away from the little one's face.
"Yug.. I know this is probably a bad time an' all, but I really wanna tell ya.. I never wanted ta say anything before because ya were so focused on him an' I didn't know what ya'd say... But, Yug,.. yer my closest friend and I hate ta see ya cry. I wanna be da one ta make ya smile and always make sure ya do.. Ya don't have ta give me an answer, but I just want ya ta know that I love ya. And I mean I love ya more than a friend or a brother. If yer willin' ta give me da chance, I wanna help ya through da pain and show ya just how much I care about ya."
Yugi looked up with slight surprise. Joey leaned his head down slightly as he gave an unsure smile and touched the boy's cheek once again. The petite teen leaned forward until there was only a hair space between them. Joey took the initiative and, very cautiously and tenderly, brushed his lips across Yugi's petal soft ones.
Large eyes grew slightly larger while the smaller drew in a quick breath. The blonde pulled back carefully, but found that the boy in his lap leaned upwards to regain the lost touch.
Their kiss lasted longer this time, but the adoration that was put behind it was strong. Joey looked down, thumbing away a few tears from Yugi's eyes.
"Want me ta stay with ya fer a while more?"
Yugi clutched Joey's shirt and snuggled in tighter before whispering back softly, "... I hope you stay forever.."
The crying and flood of emotions had taken their toll on the little one's body. It wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep, still nestled in Joey's embrace.
Once the taller youth noticed, he carefully maneuvered himself and his bundle so they could lay in Yugi's bed together. Joey pulled the covers up around his friend to keep him warm. He would hold the boy all night and into the next morning to show he wouldn't leave in his time of need.
With a soft kiss upon Yugi's forehead, Joey whispered, ".. I promise.. I'll stay with ya forever, Yug...."