Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart In Your Hands ❯ Madness ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kara: Yugioh s'not mine, blah blah. Will be when world is though * smirks *

************************* Madness***

The area around the bench seems to have chilled by several degrees and I am now more scared than I was when I first noticed I was not alone. I back up even farther and only stop when I near the end of the bench.

The stranger chuckled, "You have no reason to fear me."

I freeze, recognizing the voice and matching it to the owner immediately. Malik. Of all the people that could catch me now it just had to be one of the only people who I truly fear, not counting my `father'. But… He did say not to fear him…

I hesitate before replying, seriously hoping that I wasn't going to regret it, "W-what do you want? If you want to hurt me go ahead and get it over with…" I gulp and say no more, shifting myself nervously and not looking at him.

Instead of answering he merely sat down at the other end of the bench, slowly, and yet I still panic. Freezing in place and squeezing my eyes shut. I flinch back farther.

"You shouldn't be out here, you know," He says quietly.

"I have no where else to go." I reply, surprising both myself and the Egyptian boy.

He raises an eyebrow slightly, "You have a home and you have your father." He seems to notice when I tense up at the mention of HIM. "Unless of course… you have left?"

I snort slightly, unable to help myself, "I'm not going back." My voice changes suddenly and I recognize slight hysteria in it, "I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE WITH HIM! I REFUSE TO GO BACK!"

I know that I'm screaming now, I can't help it. I jump to my feet and kick the tree behind the bench savagely, yelling at it as if it way the tree's fault.

I know that Malik is watching me but I don't care.

So many emotions are swirling around that I can't think straight. Now I'm hitting the tree. My wrists are bleeding badly yet I feel no pain. I believe I'm going mad. I don't care though.

I hear movement behind me but ignore it while I continue to rant and attack the Oak.

I know I'm hurting myself, I can see the blood gushing out of my knuckles but I find myself not caring, letting the blood flow like so many times before… -no- I shake my head fiercely.

Suddenly I feel myself go numb. I HATE this feeling. I know this feeling. Malik has used his Millennium item! I fall to the ground in a crumpled heap, panting and whimpering quietly.

I feel him kneel down beside me and don't bother trying to resist when he pulls me into a sitting position.

He looks me straight in the eye with those piercing lavender orbs of his and I feel the numbness leaving my body, allowing me control of my limbs.

I do not attempt to move for fear of getting hurt again, I wouldn't put it past Malik, even if Battle City IS over.

"You have nowhere to go?" He inquires bluntly. I nod silently and blink when he shakes his head. "You can come with me then. Isis will welcome you. Anyway, I want to talk to you."

My head snaps up and I stare at him, "What the hell are you talking about, Ishtar?"

He remains calm, "None of this is in your character Joey Wheeler," He says impassively, "You're in pain, and you are NOT an easy person to hurt."

I glare at him, "Cut the crap Ishtar! What the hell do you want with me?" I'm yelling again. My throat aches, I ache.

He smirks slightly before replying in serious tones, "Look, I have no intention of hurting you. The opposite actually. We'll talk about this when we get to Isis's. THEN you WILL explain this."

A tear trickles down my cheek. I wipe it away quickly as Malik starts to half carry, half drag me down the streets.

As we move, many people stare at us but I am actually thankful that Malik is here now because his glare seems to be keeping people away. It's not like I'm actually enjoying this though, of course.

About Halfway there, though, my senses started to get hazy. I blink, trying to ignore the pain and stay awake.

I see Malik glance at me.

Was that worry in his eyes? Too late. I give one pitiful moan before collapsing fully. Going limp in Malik arms.

***************************** end chapter***

Kara: * blinks * weird chapter, ne?

Kaisian: Malik!!!!

Kara: yep!

Kara: ^-^ how does Joey deal with Malik? Find out in the next chapter, explanations!