Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Hikari,my Light ❯ Chapter 1
Hello! This is just a short little ficlet I came up with while very bored in class. It's a one shot, probably not that great… but, here we go!
Every day the horror grows stronger, closer. The darkness closes in, threatening to destroy me in one dizzying stroke. My mind teases me, telling me all sorts of lies, deceiving me heart and soul. I'd been trapped for what seems like forever, but what does forever really mean anyway? The only reason I'm still here is because of my light. He keeps me sane, a calming balm to my soul. His innocence is comforting among a world full of darkness and hate. You've saved me Yugi, more than you'll ever know. Every day, you keep me from going under one more time. I last one more day, because of you.
Please review! Even if its just to tell me how much you don't like it. Any old review will do! Till next time!