Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Hikari ❯ My Hikari ( Chapter 1 )

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Okay, since I don't have my promised 'Dragon Heart' fic posted yet; and the sequel to my first fic, 'A Simple Gesture', is taking longer than anticipated, and since I haven't posted anything in a long time, and I'm itching to write something romantic about one of my fave shipping's; I've decided to write and post this simple little thing.

::: Sighs::: Whew! That was long...

Okay, here's a little Seto/Serenity fic/poem for all you Silentshipping fans out there! (I got the term 'Silentshipping' from the site 'Every Heart..." a very new and to my knowledge; the only Seto/Shizuka shrine on the web! It's very cute! It's at http://geocities.com/setoxshizuka Go check it out! It has screenshots, fanart, info, etc...)

One more thing: Usual Disclaimers apply. I don't own 'Yu-Gi-Oh!'




It's the name every Yami uses for their partner and host; the lighter half.

That's what it is; Hikari means Light.

That is what you are to me.

My Hikari.

You who brought light into my world.

You are my sun, my moon and star-filled sky. Without you, I live in darkness.

You light up my nights and brighten my days with just one smile.

You bring music with your laughter.

You make me smile with your loving words.

When I was cold, you warmed my soul.

When I was lonely, you befriended me.

I was afraid to feel, but you gave me the courage to love.

All because you loved me, too.

You filled the void in my heart.

Your healed the scars of hate and pain on my soul.

You brought peace to my troubled spirit.

Perhaps that's why your name means peace.

My gentle Angel.

My beautiful Maiden.

My sweet Hikari.

I love you, Serenity.

Know that you are forever my Light in the Darkness.

My Hikari.



Okay, in case you haven't guessed, this is Seto talking about how much Serenity means to him. I think I make him sound very poetic, don't you think? (Even though I doubt Seto Kaiba is much of a poet to begin with.)

I, for one; think Seto and Serenity would be perfect for each other. I mean, think about it! Serenity is this sweet, loving, innocent, gentle girl and we've got this tall, dark, angsty, cold-hearted business man (err, teenager @_@) who could use a little TLC and I think Serenity could really bring out the goodness in Kaiba. There is a rumor circulating around that they do get together and I am seriously hoping it's true.

Anyone wanna go find me some proof?

Anyway, I might revise this; I might not. I think I can do better. Then again, I won't know that until you, my lovely readers; tell me so!

I will be posting another chapter to this soon. Basically, it's Serenity talking about Seto in a poetic sense.

Read & Review people!



B-chan (AKA Red Phoenix)