Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or its characters, yada, yada, yada

Okay let’s try this again. This is a complete re-write of “My Immortal“. I wasn’t very happy with how the original was going and I’m sure plenty agreed with me.

I now have a beta, Nobodynow, who wrote the introduction of the chapter which I appreciate very much. My wonderful beta whom I would never have gotten this far without, whom I am entirely indebted to. In fact we should all give Nobodynow a big hand for putting this off and finishing it a midnight so it can be posted as soon as possible. Come on everybody lets give it up for Nobody! So I hope you enjoy it now.

--Chapter One--

“Oh my goodness! Did you hear? That creepy gothic fair is coming to Domino!”

“I know, my kid brother is going. His room is full of that stuff.”

“No way!” The girls continued to gush their displeasure as they passed the empty classroom where five boys were spending their lunch break.

“Hey Yugi, you hear about this gothic fair thing?” The tall blonde boy asked leaning over to lay a card.

“A bit, Grampa wants to go and check out all the games of death but he’s too scared. He says he’s too old for all that mumbo jumbo but I caught him sneaking in garlic and holy water last night.”

“Man that stuff is weird, vampires and monsters, witches and warlocks.” The boy shivered and looked at his hand. “I think I’ve got you trapped Yug.”

“Scared of the dark Jou?” A brunette came up behind him and slung his arm around Jou’s shoulders grinning. Jou shrugged him off and glared.

“Shove off Tristan. I ain’t no baby.”

“Aw does the little guy need me to hold his hand?” Tristan snickered and pulled a spare chair backwards to straddle it to watch the two boys duel. “Who’s winning?” He asked looked at the table top.

“I am.” Both Yugi and Jou answered.

“I see.”

A pale haired boy, slim and delicate looking, raced over to the trio excitedly.

“You guys look! The Lamia fair is going to be here tomorrow!” He brandished a flyer with things like “Real palm readings!” and “Connect to YOUR inner demons!” splattered around the edges. In the center, an Egyptian eye almost seemed to gaze at them.

Tristan looked up at Ryou surprised. “You’re into this stuff Ryou?” The pale boy blushed twisting a lock of white hair in girlish hair.

“Yeah, my dad brought a lot of old voodoo back from Africa when I was four and I thought it was interesting so I looked up some of the symbols. Most were things like

“Beware the Insect Queen” and a lot of the pictures were neat.”

Looking slightly paler than usual, Jou asked “What kinda pictures?”

“Oh people getting ripped in half, group sacrifices like the Aztecs and stuff.” He smiled at their sudden discomfort. “Come on guys I’m not going to start eating your hearts just because--”

“Because you find people shredding entertaining!”

“--because I like occult! Honestly don’t you trust me?” He giggled slightly when they nodded solemnly as if signing their own death warrant.

“Actually,” Yugi said thoughtfully. “I think it’s all kind of cool, like a whole different world. I love games but the closet you can get to that kind of thing is a role playing game and most people only experience that stuff through books.” He smiled at Ryou. “I’ll go with you and check it out.” Ryou beamed and turned to Jou, Tristan and the fifth member of the group. Jou and Tristan nodded their consent reluctantly.

Jou turned, “What about you Malik? You coming?” The blonde Egyptian looked up from the floor and nodded.

In his typical fashion, he was leaning against the wall, arms folded brooding about one thing or another. He rarely spoke to anyone but his friends unless they annoyed him. To Malik, he had his group and was set for life. When it had just been Yugi and him, he’d protested Yugi making friends with his former tormenters Jou and Tristan and had tried to beat them up. In doing so he accidentally hit Yugi when the smaller boy threw himself in front of the other two. After that, the four of them had been cool and gotten closer. Ryou was the newest of the gang. He fit right in when he moved to the city six months ago and was the first one to not be intimidated by Malik’s looming presence. While he remained closest to Yugi, Ryou had wormed his way into Malik’s soft spot and was constantly being protected to the point of absurdity by the Egyptian boy.

“Ryou asked me a minute ago. Egypt didn’t have many vampires but it was big on the whole gods thing. There might be something there I can buy for my sister. She’s been kind of homesick since she finally went to Egypt this fall.”

“But she’s only been there once!” Yugi said surprised.

“Yeah, I’ll never understand girls.”



“Yeah. ”



“You already said yeah Jou!”

“I’ll really never understand girls.”

The five of them laughed and for the first time looked forward to the strange fair that weekend.

--------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

Several smells like jasmine, pinewood and what seemed to be burning hair assaulted the noses of the boys as they entered the fairgrounds. Tented booths lined the wide dirt path like a military camp. Booths clamored for attention, each person trying to make their wares sound the best: the easiest, the most reliable, or the spookiest in this case. Cloaks and other dark costumes were worn by both participants and fair goers. It was hard to distinguish between the two in some cases.

It was similar to a regular commercial fair but instead of books of knitting and face painting, it was books of occult practices and palm readings. There was a booth in the middle that held a table holding a crystal ball and next to it, an open booth that covered the ground with mats and held yoga demonstrations. Across from the fortune teller was a stage with a couple of rows of metal chairs. It was decorated with cardboard making it look like the interior of a medieval castle.

“Wow, would you look at this place?” Ryou whispered in awe, looking to each and every booth he could see from their spot in the midst of the fair. “I don’t know where to start.”

“How ‘bout we start at the exit?” Jou suggested uneasily. The blonde shivered slightly as a man with painted red skin and black markings brushed past him. At least Jou hoped that was a man.

“Is the little guy chickening out?” Tristan teased poking Jou in the cheek with his finger. Jou smacked it away.

“Shut it Tristan.”

“Tristan, stop baiting Jou.” Yugi lightly scolded Tristan without even looking away from the stage where set up for what seemed to be a play began. Yugi was so used to Jou and Tristan’s bickering it became normal for him to play mediator.

“Yes mother.” Tristan retorted, smirking as Yugi stuck his tongue out at him. Ryou giggled behind his hand at their behavior. His doe eyes scanned the fair again, stopping on a booth that held an impossible amount of display cases.

“Cards!” Ryou squealed excitedly, grabbing a hold of the two arms closest to him, which happened to be Yugi and Malik, and pulled the boys with him.

“Hey Ryou wait for us!” Jou called after them. He and Tristan maneuvered across the dirt path, now dense with other fair-goers. They found Malik and Yugi casually looking while Ryou looked like a kid in a toy store, his nose a breath away from being pressed on the glass that protected some of the darkest cards to date.

“It’s always the quiet ones.” Tristan muttered, watching Ryou’s fascination and Yugi’s growing interest.

“Beware the innocent hey bud.” Jou nudged Tristan in the side with his elbow. Tristan snorted in agreement.

It took Ryou another ten minutes before he found the perfect card to add into his collection. As he waited in line to pay, he watched Tristan shift back and forth from one foot to the next, his eyes constantly scanned the crowd.

“Tristan, you don’t look very comfortable.” Ryou commented, coming back to the group with his purchase.

“It’s hard to be comfortable when standing next to an off brand Quasimoto.” Tristan glanced at the figure that had moved next to him.

“Why don’t you go to a fortune teller and relax?” Ryou smiled pointing to a violet cloth colored tent.

“And how exactly is that going to help me relax?” Tristan questioned raising an eyebrow at Ryou. Ryou just smiled, hooking one arm around Tristan’s and led the group away from the card booth.

“I remember the first time I came to an occult fair. I was terrified but this really nice lady led me to her booth. She was a fortune teller or she claimed to be. My fortune was so ridiculous that I don’t even remember it.” Ryou tapped his finger on his chin.

“And how is this supposed to help me?”

“I’m getting to it.” Ryou lightly slapped Tristan on the arm for interrupting him. “As I was saying, since the fortune was so off, it put me at ease. This stuff may be out-there but

it’s still a fair to be enjoyed.”

“That was unbelievably corny.” Jou commented to Yugi, raising his voice enough to make sure Ryou heard him.

“Hush you.” Ryou laughed, glancing back at the blond. They reached the tent where Ryou paid the small fee for Tristan and, with the help of Jou, pushed the reluctant Tristan into the tent.

Indigo blue candles stood on candelabrums, creating a dim atmosphere. The scent of cinnamon wafted over Tristan as he made his way to the round table decorated with magic symbols and held a foggy crystal ball.

“Come, have a seat.”

Tristan jumped slightly as he heard a deep, aristocratic voice come from behind a celestial curtain. Tristan sat in the wooden chair as a man cloaked in a black hooded robe entered and sat in the chair across from him.

“So what have you come to seek?” The hooded man asked Tristan.

“You tell me. You’re the psychic.” Tristan replied reclining the chair back on two legs. He raised an eyebrow when the psychic chuckled.

“You didn’t want to be here, did you Tristan.” The psychic stated. Tristan’s chair fell back on four legs as Tristan stared at him.

“How did you know my name?”

“As you said, I am a psychic.” The psychic waved his hands over the crystal ball and

peered into it. “Your future has already been written out by your appearance at this fair today. I see that your white haired friend coerced you into coming. You couldn’t say no to those innocent brown eyes.”

“How--?” Tristan began but stopped when he saw something in the crystal ball. Looking closely, he notice it was a reflection…

…of Ryou ducking behind the curtain.

“I see.” Tristan muttered under his breath. Tristan leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at the psychic with disinterest now. The psychic heard him but ignored the low comment and continued his reading.

“Ah, the picture is becoming clear. Tonight shall change your life.” He said, causing Tristan to roll his eyes dramatically.

“Following a honey furred puppy shall lead you and your friends to a new destiny. I see darkness and light coming together to create mythical bonds of power. All it will take is a simple walk in the forest.”

“Uh-huh sure.” Tristan said skeptically with an eyebrow raised. He could almost feel the psychic’s eyes stare at him.

“Doubt all you want now. You will see this development by sunset tomorrow.” The psychic stood from his chair. He walked to the curtain of beads separating the rest of the tent. He glanced sideways at Tristan. “Do not forget my words.” With that, he left Tristan alone.

Tristan stared at the motion of the beads before shaking his head and getting up.

“Whatever.” Tristan walked out of the tent and was immediately met by Ryou.

“Well?” Ryou asked anxiously. “How did it go?”

“What? You didn’t hear enough while you were spying?” Tristan teased with a smirk.

“I was not spying!” Ryou retorted with a slight blush on his face. “I was just coming to tell you that everyone decided to go to different activities.” Ryou began walking away from the tent. “We’re supposed to meet at the stage in about half an hour. Yugi really wanted to watch the play the younger kids are putting on. It’s supposed to be like a speed through Dracula or something like that.”

Tristan smiled slightly watching Ryou talk. Ryou was usually the quiet one but when he started talking, there was no getting him to stop. Tristan found it amazing how much Ryou could say without taking a breath.

“But anyway, Jou saw this virtual reality thing where you could fight like a medieval knight. He practically ran for it and jumped right in line. I swear, you two and your video games. I’m surprised you haven’t made a run for it yet.”


“Malik decided to check out all the sword and dagger exhibits. I think he also mentioned something about finding something to send to Isis in Egypt. I don’t think it’d be a dagger or anything since it’s like illegal because it’s a weapon.”


“I’m not really sure what I want to check out. Everything here is so cool it’s hard to make a decision. I was thinking about maybe getting an aura picture. That looked really cool.

Or maybe check out the bookstand. We’ve already been by the cards and I got everything

I wanted there. I’m not sure where to go next.”

“Ryou!” Ryou turned to Tristan, who was still smiling.

“What is it?”

“You’re rambling.” Ryou blushed again making Tristan snicker.

“Oh I was? I’m sorry Tristan. It’s just, you know how I get when I’m excited.” Ryou felt

Tristan slide his arm to wrap around his shoulders.

“It’s cool. You need to talk more. Just let’s try breathing once in a while.” Ryou giggled slightly.

“I’ll work on it.” He smiled up at Tristan who smiled back down at him.

“Let’s go get one of those aura picture thingys you were talking about.” Tristan suggested. Ryou grabbed his hand and lead him to another tent.

------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

Yugi stood by the tall oak tree, watching the child actors on the stage. The sign behind them displayed “Dracula: In thirty minutes” in red blood dripping letters on black cardboard. Yugi watched in rapt fascination as Dracula made his appearance looking like the Halloween costume; powder white face, slick black hair and obvious plastic fangs.

“Quite talented aren’t they?”

Yugi jumped at the deep voice that spoke next to him. He lost his footing and fell rather hard on his bottom.

"Ow." Yugi moaned.

"I'm sorry little one. I didn't mean to frighten you." The cloaked figure reached down and offered his hand to help Yugi up. Yugi took it and was lifted to his feet.

"It's okay." Yugi dusted off the back of his pants. He looked up at the hidden face and smile politely. “Thanks.” The figure nodded and turned back to the play. Yugi did the same. “They are pretty good.”

"Interested in vampires?" The figure asked glancing back at Yugi.

"They are fascinating fantasy creatures. The best stories always involve vampires." Yugi leaned his head against the bark of the tree.

"Fantasy? So you don't believe they're real?"

"Well no. People can't survive on just blood and the sun is not that powerful to turn anything to ash."

"Those are just fables little one." Yugi looked up at the hooded figure.


"Vampires drink blood to maintain their body temperature. Since vampires are undead beings, their body heat must be maintained or their body will cease to function." The figure glanced at Yugi who was listening unconditionally.

"As for the sun, it's not as dangerous as the stories claim. True the sun does weaken a vampire but it's because the heat from the sun comes too much at once for a vampire's body to handle." Yugi stood up straight and moved a step closer to the figure.

"How do you know this stuff?" Yugi curiously asked. He watched the stranger for his answer.


Yugi jerked his head around at the calling of his name. He saw Jou waving his hand along with the rest of his group. Yugi waved back at them. He turned back to further question the figure but he was gone.

"H-hello?" Yugi moved his head around every direction looking for the figure but there was no sign of him.

"Hey Yug, how was the play?" Jou asked as the group reached him.

"It was okay." Yugi replied distantly, staring off into the space the figure had occupied moments before.

"Is something wrong?" Ryou looked at Yugi closely. Yugi shook his head.

“This guy just made me a little uneasy.”

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Malik got into a protective stance around Yugi, eyes scanning for any injuries.

"Not at all. We were just talking about the play and vampires.” Yugi said not wanting to voice the fact that not only had he not hurt him, but had left Yugi painfully intrigued about the way the man talked about vampires as if they were real.

“Vampires?” Jou questioned. “What’s next? Unicorns and Fairies?”

“Jou…” Ryou started, shaking his head at Jou. “It’s a gothic fair. Of course mythological creatures are going to be talked about.”

“Oh of course. What was I thinking?” Jou mockingly teased. Ryou smiled and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Hush you." Ryou laughed, checking his watch. "It's getting late. Maybe we should head back before it gets dark."

"Yeah." Yugi agreed.

"Alright let's go." Jou announced, leading the group back to the entrance of the fair.

"I say we cut through the forest. It'd be quicker." Jou said. He took a few steps toward the darkened woods.

"I don't think so." Yugi looked warily at the forest. "You know all the stories about the Millennium forest."

"Come on Yug. You don't actually believe that people go in but never come out. Yug, have you actually heard of it happening to someone?" Jou questioned.

"Well no but..."

"But nothin'. There ain't nothing to be scared of in that big bunch of trees." Jou pointed to the forest to emphasize his point.

"Fine." Yugi huffed. "But if a werewolf jumps out of the bush, we're pushing you at it."

"Go ahead. I'll show that werewolf a thing or two." Jou flexed his arms to show his muscles.

"Yeah right." Tristan quipped. "You couldn't show a newborn pup."

"I'll show you Tristan." Jou clenched his fist, waving it at Tristan. Tristan was unfazed.

"Then by all means Jou, lead us into the woods." Tristan swept his hand out and bowed, urging Jou to start walking.

"Okay boys that's enough." Ryou intervened. "Let's just quickly get through the forest and get home."

"Oh Ryou you're not scared of the werewolf waiting to gobble up innocent passersby?" Jou teased. Yugi stuck his tongue out at Jou.

"Of course not." Ryou answered. "I've got someone strong like Malik to protect me." Ryou linked his arm with Malik's and they walked past Jou toward the woods. Jou whipped around.

"Hey! I'm better of a protector than Malik. I'm better to keep you safe than that blondie." Jou ran after them. Yugi and Tristan watched the scene from afar with smiles on their faces.

"He's something else." Yugi shook his head at Jou's antics. "Well we'd better hurry or we'll lose them." Yugi started for the woods. Tristan took a step before he heard a voice.

"Do not forget my words."

Tristan spun around scanning the sparse darkened trees and shadowed shrubs that lined the path to the forest for the owner of the voice but there was nothing there.

"Tristan?" Yugi walked back to stand at Tristan's side when he noticed he wasn’t following them. "Are you okay?"

"Thought I heard something. Never mind." Tristan started walking with Yugi beside him. Yugi didn't look convinced but dropped the subject knowing stoic Tristan would never admit to being afraid of something in the forest.

Tristan had a good reason not to let the others know he was afraid. He would get teased by Jou, coddled by Ryou, reprimanded by Malik, and wouldn’t want to burden ever kind Yugi with his fears. Plus he didn’t want to look like a wuss. Ryou and Yugi could cry when they were hurt or afraid, Joey could cry and moan about things being unfair but Tristan felt he and Malik held up the group and if they broke down he knew it would throw off the group’s balance. But then Malik could at least give his silent brand of comfort when something bad happened. Despite how much he loved his friends there were times where he just felt out of place.

Yugi and Tristan found Jou, Ryou and Malik waiting at the entrance of the forest.

"C'mon slowpokes!" Jou shouted to them.

"Chill Jou. You don't need to be in a hurry to get lost." Tristan replied back. Yugi looked up to see the haunted expression he’d worn replaced by a truly happy smile at the banter.

"I ain't getting lost. Just watch." Jou declared. He walked into the forest with Malik, Ryou and Yugi behind him. Tristan looked around one more time for the voice before following them in the dense and shrouded trees.