Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: My beta has disappeared on me so this chapter hasn’t been beta’d. If anyone would like to take the job just let me know.

--Chapter Two--

The sun had disappeared. Now only slivers of white moonlight lit the path for the boys.

“Shortcut he said. Quicker through the forest he said.” Tristan grabbed Jou around the neck. “We’re lost as hell!” Tristan’s arm tightened around Jou’s neck in a headlock.

“Ack!” Jou twisted and turned to free his head from Tristan’s grasp. “Leggo!”

“Tristan! Killing Jou won’t help.” Yugi pried his small hands in between and made enough room for Jou to squeeze his head out.

“It’d make me feel better.” Tristan growled. He was frustrated. His visit with the psychic at the fair still haunted him. He kept an eye out for any wolves or wild dogs.

“I think we just need to take a break.” Yugi took Tristan by the arm and guided Tristan to sit on an upturned root with him.

“Seriously man.” Jou rubbed his neck. “This forest can’t go on forever. There’s a way out somewhere.”

“Maybe we should head back the way we came.” Ryou suggested nervously rubbing his thin arms.

“Took too many turns. We’d end up more lost than we are now.”

Ryou dropped to sit on the ground. Shivering, he wrapped his arms around his knees.

“Here.” Malik untied the black hooded jacket from around his waist and handed it to Ryou.

“Thank you.” Ryou put the slightly oversized jacket on. He snuggled into the warmth the jacket provided as a cold wind suddenly passed over the group.

“I think we should build a fire or something.” Jou mentioned as the temperature in the forest dropped.

“With what Jou? We’re in the middle of a forest.” Tristan bluntly questioned with a bit of anger in his tone.

“Duh Tris, with wood and stuff.” Jou retorted.

“And how are you going to light the ‘wood and stuff’ Jou?”


“Here.” Malik reached in his back pocket and pulled out a black metallic zippo lighter and tossed it to Jou.

“Uh, thanks.” Jou opened it and flicked it on. A red-yellow flame came to life until Jou closed the lid. “Now all we need is wood.”

“Shouldn’t be hard to find.” Yugi joked with a smile. He stood up from the root and brushed off the back of his pants. “We should all gather wood so we have enough to burn all right.”

“Yeah.” Tristan agreed standing up as well. “Walk straight so you don’t get lost coming back.” He instructed. The others nodded. They separated three ways. Tristan stayed by himself, Yugi went with Jou and Ryou went with Malik.


“ Tristan’s acting weird man.” Jou commented as he and Yugi picked up dead limbs lying on the forest ground.

“I think it was something that psychic said to him.” Yugi said bending over to pick up another stick. “He’s been really cautious since then.”

“So the psychic dude spooked him.” Jou muffled a laugh.

“It’s not funny Jou.” Yugi scolded. “We don’t know what happened in that tent. Who knows, that psychic might have told him we’d get lost in the forest.” Yugi gave Jou a slight glare. Jou grinned at Yugi and held his hands up in defense.

"He did."

Yugi jumped, dropping his arm load. The two teens turned at the deep voice. Leaning against the tree behind them were two figures. Yugi recognized one as the man he talked to at the fair. The other was a tall, chestnut haired man wearing a long sleeve black trenchcoat. Cold, blue eyes froze them in their place.

"Hello again, little one." The cloaked one greeted nodding slightly at Yugi.

"What are you doing here?" Yugi asked astonished. "It's the middle of the forest."

"That's true little one. It is the middle of the forest. My forest." The two took a step toward Yugi and Jou.

"Huh?" Jou and Yugi were confused.

"You were wondering how I knew so much about vampires..." He reached up and grasped the front of the cloak. "It's because I am a vampire." He tore the cloak from around his body, revealing a slim but muscular body encased in black leather pants and deep red silk shirt.

"You... You look just like me!" Yugi gasped in shock. The stranger was Yugi's mirror image right down to the spiky tri-color hair. The only exception was the ruby eyes that bore into Yugi's own amethyst gaze.

"That's right little one. Just like you. My name is Yami." Sharp fangs were bared in an evil grin. Yugi shrieked in terror as the stranger was suddenly standing in front of him with his face in Yugi's neck. Yugi soon felt a burning pain in his neck. He screamed out, weakly trying to push Yami away from his body. As quickly as the pain had come, it disappeared when the fangs withdrew from his neck and replaced with a pleasurable feeling as the wounds were licked clean. Yugi let out a soft moan just before he lost consciousness and collapsed in his attacker's arms. Yami picked him up bridal style.

"Get away from him you freak." Jou shouted, charging at the vampire. He got forward two steps before he was stopped by a vice grip around his midsection. A moment later, blinding pain blossomed from his neck and spread through his body. It didn't take long for him to pass out from it. His conscious body was thrown over the cold eyed stranger's shoulder.

"Must you be so rough with him?" The ruby eyed vampire asked.

"This wasn't the one I wanted." The other muttered.

"You are such a spoiled rich kid." Yami received a glare in return. "Come on we have to meet the others." The two vampires disappeared in a swirl of misplaced dirt.


"S tay back!" Malik barked, pushing Ryou behind them as two cloaked figures menacingly approached them.

"Or what? You'll throw a stick at us?" One of the figures chuckled.

"Be careful. He might hit us." The other cowered, before laughing out loud.

Malik growled deep in his throat. His hands clenched into fists and he raised one with the intent to punch. He tripped in shock as one disappeared from his sight.

Behind him, Ryou cried out in pain. Malik whirled around and saw Ryou go limp with two puncture wounds bleeding on the side of his neck.

"Ryo---" Malik tensed at the sudden pain in his neck. He struggled to keep his eyes opened but failed and lost consciousness.

"That was easy." The one with Ryou wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Indeed. Not even a challenge." The other commented grinning before they both disappeared.

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"You didn't heed my warning."

Tristan whipped around at the voice so fast he fell flat on his arse. The psychic from the fair stood just feet away from him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He demanded pushing himself off the ground.

"I told you not to follow the golden haired pup. He lead you right into our hands."

"I didn't follow any dogs." Tristan retorted. The psychic shook his head.

"I was speaking of that tall blond you hang around with, Jou."

"Jou is not a dog!" Tristan shot back defending his friend.

"Pup is a term of endearment we've given him Tristan. With that thick golden mane, doe eyes, spontaneous nature, the way he barks his opinion. I wonder he bites as well..." The psychic suddenly acquired an almost lustful husk in his voice and trailed off.

"Excuse me!" Tristan shouted gaining attention. "That's my best friend you're talking about." He growled clenching his fists.

"Don't worry Tristan I'll take good care of him."

The psychic disappeared from Tristan's sight before reappearing centimeters from him. Tristan got a glimpse of glowing green eyes before razor sharp canines dug into his neck. The pain lessened just before he lost his battle with consciousness.

The psychic caught Tristan as his body went limp. He hefted Tristan over his shoulder and carried him a few feet to a clearing. The psychic waved his hand and the dirt and forest debris was replaced with black tile with ancient markings painted on it and metal torches bearing bright flames lighting the area. The middle of the tile had a painted circle separated into five parts. Inside each part held a different symbol with a matching symbol outside the corresponding part.

Tristan was laid in one of the five sections with his head placed directly on the symbol inside.

A chill breeze announced the arrival of the others to the psychic.

“Will this set-up of yours work Otogi?” asked the vampire holding Ryou. After lying his burden next to Tristan, he removed his cloak, showing himself to be a spitting image of Ryou, only with harsher features.

“Of course it will Bakura. Don’t doubt me. I did read the ancient text unlike some people.” He pointedly glared at the snow haired man.

“That wasn’t my job.” Bakura growled. “Marik found it. He shoulda had to read it.” He pointed an accusatory finger at the vampire standing at Malik’s head.

“Bitch bitch bitch, that’s all you ever do.” Marik rolled his eyes removing his cloak to show himself as Malik’s twin only, like Bakura, older and with more malicious features.

“Kiss my ass.”

“Bring it over.”

“Come and get it.”


The two stopped bickering and turned toward the tall vampire standing at Jou’s head.

“Shut up the both of you.” He exasperated.

“Bite me Seto.” Both Marik and Bakura growled.

“That’s enough all of you.” Yami commanded. “It’s almost midnight. If this ritual isn’t finished before midnight, we lose our chance to get rid of Pegasus and his hunters before they kill us.” Bakura and Marik sobered quickly. Yami nodded to Otogi.

“Begin.” Otogi nodded.

“Everyone, touch fingertips to the vampire next to you so that you form a triangle. Now close your eyes and concentrate all of your power to your hikari. It will join with the power dormant inside of your hikari and the ritual will allow you to possess that combined power for as long as the hikari remains in this world.”

Energy began to swirl noticeably within the ritual ground. The triangle each vampire formed began to glow golden. A beam of power from each triangle shot to a hikari’s chest. Soon they too began to glow the same golden color.

Sweat began to bead down vampire faces as the ritual took more power from them and sent it to the counterpart. It soon paid off as a violet ball of light lifted from the chest of the vampire counterparts. Hovering for only a moment, the light sped into the chests of the vampires with such a force it knocked them to their backs, breaking contact and consequently ending the ritual.

Groaning, Marik rose into sitting position. “Are we still alive?”

“No. We’ve all been dead for years. Or did you just now noticed your heart doesn’t beat?” Bakura sarcastically spat, rubbing his chest where the energy had entered his body.

“Not what I meant dumbass.” Marik retorted.

“Don’t start.” Yami warned as Bakura opened his mouth. Bakura closed it with an audible snap. “Did it work Otogi?”

“Let’s see.” Otogi pointed at a large rock nearby. With a flick of his wrist, he embedded it into a tree stump several meters away. “My powers have definitely advanced. I’d say we were successful.” Otogi stood and brushed the back of his pants off. “Now if you excuse me, I have a blond I’d like to get acquainted with.”

“What are you doing?” Seto asked as Otogi lifted Jou from the ground.

“Oh, didn’t I mention we don’t have to keep our specific counterpart? Silly me.” Otogi shrugged. “As long as they remain in this world, it doesn’t matter if they’re close or not. We’ll keep our powers until the hikari enters the spiritual plane.”

“In that case, I call the runt.”

“Bakura, don’t call him that.” Yami rolled his eyes.

“In that case, Bakura’s runt is mine.” Marik called lifting Ryou up into his arms.

“I give up.” Yami sighed to himself, adjusting Malik over his shoulder. “Guess you got your way after all.” He said to Seto, who already had Tristan in his grasp.

“Shut up.” Seto shot Yami another glare before disappearing in a wisp of dirt. The remaining vampires followed his examples, teenage boys in hand.


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A big thank you goes out to all my reviewers:


Moon Angel (x2)


See you soon!!!