Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ My Immortal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Immortal

By: Tori No Miko

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me…sob (that hurt)

I'm so tired of waiting here,

I'm suppressed by all my childish fears.

If you have to leave,

I wish that you would just leave.

Anzu stood silently watching leaves blow away in the autumn wind. Her eyes once filled with joy and excitement, now dull and lifeless. Ever since Yugi's death, her best friend, her love. The very thought of it would make her eyes water.

Your presence still lingers here,

And it only me alone,

She would always feel something or someone watching over her. Deaths. So much, too much, she has lived through a lot of her loved ones' deaths.

These wounds don't seem to heal,

This pain is just too real,

There's just so much that time cannot erase,

First it was her father. He was killed in a car accident, ran over by a drunk driver. Then it was her younger sister, Himeko Masaki. She drowned during a flood. Only a few were killed, but unfortunately, one of the few was her own beloved sister.

Later, it was Anzu's mother. She was struck down by depression. No matter how much Anzu tried to cheer her mother up, nothing worked. Anzu's mother refused to eat, drink or do anything, causing her to die from malnutrition. Ironic how one death can lead to another.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,

When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears,

A foster family took in Anzu, then they moved to Domino City. She thought her life was finally going to be happy and exciting. She met Yugi, and became good friends with him.

**Flash Back**

Little Anzu was waiting for Yugi to eat her lunch when a cry broke through the happy atmosphere.

"Hey! That is my hat!" Yugi's voice was filled with fear of the bullies.

"Ha ha!" The two bully's were laughing. Yugi broke down and started crying.

I held your hand through all of these years.

You still have…all of me.

"Hey, you two pick on someone your own size!" Anzu yelled furiously.

"Oi, Rob look at little Anzu trying to stand up to us!" the first bully told Rob.

"No one stands up to us! Ed let's teach her a lesson!" Ed smirked confidently.

They charged at her. Anzu just screamed and pretended to cry. A couple of teachers came and asked her why she was crying.

" T- they w-were gonna hurt me!"

"O.k., young men you are going to serve three weeks detention!" one of the teachers dragged the two bullies away.

You use to captivate me, my all resignating smile.

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.

"Are you ok Yugi?" Anzu asked.

"Uh-huh" Yugi sobbed. Anzu wiped his tears away.

"Don't worry, They won't hurt you anymore."

**End Flash Back**

Your face of warmth, smiles and dreams

Your voice that chased away, all the sanity in me,

Anzu didn't understand why Yugi didn't just forget about the one that hurt him. Rejection. That droved him to suicide. There was always herself. Anzu loved Yugi as much as he loved Shizuka…

These wounds don't seem to heal.

This pain is just too real,

There's just so much that time cannot erase,

She remembered it like yesterday. Shizuka had rejected Yugi's love and instead loved his darker half…Yami. He had told Anzu he had nothing to live for and ran off. What she didn't know was that meeting with him was going to be her last…

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,

When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears,

I held your hand through all of these years.

But you still have all of me.

Anzu walked to the very bridge that the pedestrians had found his lifeless body. Silent tears, dripping into the waters beneath her. Creating ripples. She stood up to the bars and felt the cool wind blowing on her face.

I've tried so hard to tell myself you're gone,

But though you're still with me,

I've been alone all along.

Why Yugi? Why? Anzu thought to herself, the truth was that Yugi never loved her, they would've never been more than just friends. She stood up not holding on anymore. Yugi, wait for me… Anzu jumped off and plunged into the serene waters.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,

When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears,

I held your hand through all of these years.

But you still have all of me.

TNM: Wahhhhhh! Poor Anzu! Well ppl I wrote this in my spare time. If I got any of the words wrong it's because I don't know the words to the song `cuz I couldn't get on da net. So PLZ R/R NO FLAMES PRETTY PLEASE! I'm too sensitive to those… well not really…$_$ BUH BUH!

NOTE: This is my first fic :P