Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ My Immortal ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"My Immortal"





Disclaimer: I don't own anything Yu-Gi-Oh! … Wish I did though… I'd make them do dirty things… heehee… ^-^ … And this beautiful song is property of Evanescence.


Entered in the Project Yu-Gi-Oh! Fanfiction Contest (http://yugiohfanfiction.20deep.net)

Winner of Best-of-Category (Songfics)


"I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all of my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

Because your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone"

When blood and wine are mixed, they can create an intoxicating illusion of a kiss - this was true, at least, for Seto Kaiba. He stood at the cold, dark, icy window as snow drifted down like dandelion seeds, blown into a cool summer's breeze and wished upon. But the summer was far away, and the chilled blackness of winter had settled over the Kaiba Estate.

A naked female corpse lay on the velvet couch, slung like a ragdoll over a child's bed. The filthy blonde hair hung in tiny ringlet curls around the face, half-scared, half-understanding. The wrist had been slashed, and now lay on the floor, the last few remnants of life-sustaining fluid dripping from the open wound. Kaiba drained the crystal goblet in his hand with a smug purr, and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, leaving a red gash of a stain. He bent over the corpse, eyes glistening with lust and gluttony… and almost regret. He took the woman's limp arm in his hand and squeezed the wrist, the tiny, fragile bones snapping at the unmerciful pressure of his fingers. Twelve drops of blood splattered into the goblet, leaving a red smear as they slid down the glassy edges of the cup and pooling at the bottom in a solemn little puddle. He counted them all… "One, two, three…"

He stood, his fingers barely grasping the goblet. He swirled it around, watching the blood splash and wave, leaving its burgundy stains on the edges of the glass. He chuckled softly.

The bottle of Merlot was almost empty. He lifted it and shook it, his mouth curling in displeasure. He drained the wine into the goblet, the mouth of the bottle chiming against the rim of the glass in a merry little ring of salutation. Once again he swirled the cup, eyes glistening at the mixing and swishing of the two crimson liquids. Kaiba brought the swirling to a halt, watching the blood and wine mixture continue to dance and glide despite the goblet's stillness. He turned his face to the window, the silver wash of moonlight pouring in over the room and illuminating his face, making him appear as a ghost in the spidery cascade of shadows. He lifted the goblet slowly to his mouth, his lips quivering in fear and anticipation. And he drank… and thought of summer…

"These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase"


"You used to captivate me by your resonating light

But now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me"

The tawdry summer heat settled over the grassy, flower-bespeckled field in the last few rays of the golden evening sunset. The purple clouds drifted lazily across the sky like a multitude of swans in a bright buttery yellow lake. The gentle evening breeze swished through the field, the grasses and wildflowers tossing themselves to and fro in a gleeful dance, celebrating the brief life the season offered them.

A boy lay on his back amidst the early evening festivities of nature, the soft wind blowing his multicolored hair gently over his face. His bright violet eyes gazed upward, mirroring the stream of the sky and the waterfowl floating upon it. He gave a contented sigh, his lips curling into a tiny smile. A few beads of perspiration trickled from his nude body to the warm earth, barely moistening the ground.


"Yes, Yugi?"

"I… I love you…"

Seto lay on his side, a glistening sheen of sweat coating his nakedness. He glanced over at Yugi, steel-blue eyes softening.

"I love you, Seto…"

Seto placed a hand on Yugi's hip, smoothing it upwards over the soft, moist flesh in a tender caress. "I love you too, Yugi…"

"Do you really mean that?" Yugi's small eyebrows tilted downwards in curiosity and concern.

"Mmhm," Seto nodded, "I do."

Yugi smiled brightly, the golden evening sun sparkling in his eyes like champagne in violet glasses. His pink butterfly mouth parted softly as his velvet tongue protruded his mouth, licking at the trickling perspiration from his lips. Seto stared at him in awe. This beautiful angelic creature… is mine… he thought to himself.

Then a frown shadowed over Yugi's face. It was as if a dark, gray cloud had shifted across the sky, blotting out the buttery sunlight which flooded over the field. "Kaiba… you know I don't have much time…"

"Hush, Yugi…"

"Seto, I don't…"

Seto rose to his knees and gripped Yugi by the shoulders, shaking him gently. "Don't say that Yugi!" He didn't want to think of the possibilities, the worst case scenario. "I… I can afford the best doctors in the world! You will get better!"

A tear trickled down Yugi's cheek, landing on the cool, hard earth, which devoured it hungrily. "I… I don't know… I'm so scared…"

"Yugi…" Seto pulled Yugi to his chest in a warm embrace. He cradled the boy's head with his hand, gently stroking it over his spikey hair. "I promise you, you will get better. We're going to live forever, Yugi, and we'll do it together. We will be immortals."

Yugi wrapped his small, boyish arms around Seto's torso. He trembled as he held back a sob. "I wish I could believe that."

Seto squeezed Yugi even tighter to him. "I promise, Yugi… I promise you'll get better." His eyes fell to the ground. He knew this was a promise that might not be kept. He knew he could be lying… but Yugi had taught him to hope. Yugi had taught him to believe. He had to have faith, he just had to.

Yugi pulled back and looked up at him. "You really do believe I'll get better?"

Seto smiled down at him, trying hard to hold back tears. "Yes. I know you will."

Yugi smiled, more tears sliding down his rosy, childlike cheeks. "Then I will." He chucked softly.

"Yes," said Seto, smiling softly as he brushed strands of hair from Yugi's forehead. "You will." He gently lay Yugi back down on the ground, staring deeply into the colorful, cheerful eyes. He pressed his lips to Yugi's slightly open mouth, his tongue sliding over the smaller boy's teeth, through his mouth, covering and exploring every last inch of interior. Yugi's mouth pressed back in return, sliding his own velvet tongue over Seto's in an erotic gesture of affection.

As the kiss broke, Yugi drew back shyly, batting his eyes. His cheeks flushed pale pink and he licked his lips. Seto chuckled.

Glancing around, Seto spotted a dandelion, tossing its white puffy head proudly in the cool breeze. He reached down and picked it and brought it to his lips. Yugi giggled. "What's that for?"

Seto blew softly at the dandelion, a hint of mischief in his usually dark eyes. The feathery seeds detached themselves from the stem and floated gracefully through the air, almost like an unseasonable snow in the citrus twilight. They landed softly on Yugi's bare, silky chest which stirred softly at their feathery touch.

Yugi smiled up at Seto. "Did you make a wish?"


"What did you wish for?"

Seto grinned and lifted a finger. "Ah… but I can't tell you that."

Yugi chuckled. "Oh, alright then." But his gaze drifted downward and his voice lowered in sadness again. "But… what if dandelion wishes don't always come true?" His eyes filled with tears once more and the happiness of the warm, hazy atmosphere seemed to dwindle again.

Seto lifted his hands to Yugi's face. "Yugi…" He brushed the small droplets of warm, salty water away with his thumbs. "… they will…"

Yugi smiled softly and nodded. Seto leaned and kissed his forehead. Yugi gave a contented sigh, his body relaxing and becoming a bit more limp in Seto's arms.


"Yes, Yugi?"

"… Make love to me again? Please?"

Seto smiled and hugged the boy close. "Yes, Yugi… anything you want…"

And the sun sank deep into the horizon as the sky turned a shade of milky blue and the crystal beads of stars began to appear. The fireflies danced a merry jig in the thick, warm air, and the two boys made love in the summer twilight.

"When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me"


"I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

And though you're still with me

I've been alone all along"

No, Yugi was right. Dandelion wishes don't always come true. And Seto Kaiba had found this out the hard way. The cold, dark, icy room seemed to close in on him as he lingered in the corner, drinking the blood/wine concoction greedily. For a brief moment, it seemed as if he could taste Yugi's lips once more, and feel his soft, warm breath as on that joyful summer day, long ago.

It was always on nights like this when Seto thought about the last few moments with Yugi in that god-awful hospital room. He had been strapped to so many monitors and machines, looking like a half-dead marionette. The cold night air had penetrated the window, making the melancholy atmosphere even more disheartening.

"Seto… drink…"

Seto could still hear the words ringing through his head, haunting him, torturing him in his loneliness. He could still remember the scalpel slicing into Yugi's wrist, cutting him like paper, so fragile…

"Seto… I will be leaving you soon… I can feel it… please drink…"

The hot red liquor oozed down Yugi's arm, streaming into a brown puddle on the filthy bedsheets. The boy's small body trembled as the last few breaths began to escape from it.

"Seto… drink me… and you will always have me with you… we will still be immortals… please… drink…"

The blood gushed from the tiny wrist, like a river from a bottle mouth. There would be no more suffering… there would be no more crippling disease… there would be no more making love in the summer twilight… there would be no more stolen kisses in dark corridors… there would be no more trouble breathing… there would be no more crying from excruciating pain… there would be no more laughter and hamburgers and chocolate shakes… there would be no more Dark Magicians and Blue Eyes White Dragons… there would only be the silence - the cold, dark silence, as on a winter's night.

And as Seto lifted the tiny wrist to his lips, he could feel himself dying. He could feel the years flying by like seconds, he could feel his soul disintegrating. He could feel his heart shattering into bits of blood-stained glass on the cold, icy floor.

Yugi smiled, tears streaming down his pallored cheeks. "I am always with you, Seto… I am your immortal…" He closed his eyes and grew still, that small, butterfly smile still on his lips as the last breath poured forth from his body.

Seto brushed away his tears with the cuff of his sleeve, kicking at the bits of glass from the goblet he had dropped. His body shook with a sob as he turned away from the silvery beams of moonlight. He was still with him… that tiny angelic smile, those sparkling purple eyes… they would always be with him, inside of him. And yet, he had never felt more alone in his entire life.

A single portrait hung in the room. It was of a boy, with multicolored hair, standing before a golden summer sunset. At the bottom corner of the portrait, barely noticeable to the casual eye, were painted two solemn words: My Immortal.

"You are my immortal…" whispered Seto, a soft cry shaking through his body. "… My immortal…"
