Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~ My Immortal ~

I've read the final chapter of the Yugioh! Manga and now it really has ended. This story will contain spoilers so don't read if you don't want to. It's about how Yugi tries to cope after the loss of his other self. To aid his feelings I will put in one of Evanescence's songs; `My Immortal.' And of course, this doesn't come from any sources from my fics, just Kazuki's work. Thank you.

Disclaimer; I do not own Yugioh (though it has ended completely) and I don't one `My immortal.' If I did own Yugioh I would continue and never end it. And Yami and Yugi would live happily ever after although there is now a Yugioh R in the mangas (shounin jump?).

27; RIP Yami *cough* Atemu.

Oh and by the way, this is a one-shot.

Warning; Character death and angst. Read at your own risk.

"Aibou…" Yami called gently, "I lost." His voice was soft and sounded like he didn't care, or didn't know. He took off his duelling disk and watched as Yugi fell to his knees, sobbing. After a long, harsh duel, he had won. Deep in his heart he didn't want to but he had to fight his hardest and let Yami pass on. He knew Yami too well, and now it was time to let him go. Yami had lost by planning to reborn his dead God card, Orisis. Yugi used his golden chest that is on the field to reveal his sealed card. It was Monster Reborn. Neither player could use it, so Yami couldn't summon Orisis to win the duel. Now with no card on the field, Yugi gave him a direct attack from his magician and Yami lost as his life points ebbed away.

I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all of my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

Because your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

Now Yugi knelt on the floor, weeping. He knew it was time. For Yami to go. He kept his gaze to the floor. He could not meet his eyes to Atemu.

Yami, with slow, heavy steps, walked over to Yugi and knelt down beside him. Brave as he was, he shed no tears.

"Stand up, Aibou. What are we going to do if the winner is on his knees?" He said with a sad smile, swallowing hard, "I won't show any tears if I were you!"

Yugi continued to look at the floor. His tears smeared his vision. How could he go on without him? Without his strength? Without his companionship and determination?

"It's…" It took him a while to speak. He forgot about everybody else watching, his mind focused on Yami, "to me… you were always my goal, my strength. I'm a weakling. I have always wanted to become strong like you…"

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

"Aibou… you aren't weak." Yami continued to smile. His large eyes blinked, "you've always had a strength that no one else has. You are stronger than me." He took a shaky breath. "You taught me many things. And one of them is the strength of kindness, partner."

It was then, Yugi looked up and locked eyes on Atemu. The painful sight of him brought on more tears.

As if in slow motion he was gently helped back to his feet.

Yami continued; "Aibou…" He gently placed his shaking hands on Yugi's shoulders, "the bravery that you have shown me when you duelled in the Ceremonial battle has overcome me. You have revealed the road that I should take and I will not fear it."

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

"Mou Hitori No Boku…"

"Now I am… Not the other you. And you… are no one but yourself! In this world, there's only one… one named, Yugi…"

Yugi did not tear his gaze away from Yami. "Yes. I know that now." As Yami turned away, Yugi saw a glimpse of a tear on the Pharaoh's face.

The door opened, the gold door and with it came light. "I will never forget you…" Yugi cried. And it ended. The old Pharaoh gave a thumb's up and walked into the light.

"Thank you… Aibou…" His voice was a whisper and Yugi felt the warmth that came with those words. Now Yami was finally free. His soul could rest after thousands of years from being in that puzzle.

Atemu stepped into the light and vanished all too soon.

You used to captivate me

By your resonating light

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

Yugi awoke and did nothing but come down in tears. The dream still haunted him and made him yearn for Yami. A part of him was gone and he wanted it back more than anything.

It had been days since Yami left. Grampa took Yugi home back to Japan, leaving Egypt and its memories behind.

Yugi wrapped his arms around himself and cried even harder. The desk chair was empty where Yami always sat and he had locked his duelling deck away, never wanting to duel again. In fact, the old Pharaoh had a knock on affect to everybody. Joey was retired from duelling, Yugi never heard of Kaiba again as Seto's purpose, his rival was gone, and Anzu didn't want to see him anymore because she had fancied Yami, not Yugi.

So, here he was, all alone again much to his despair. He was back to the beginning. He had no friends no purpose, and no Yami. The wish he had granted when he had completed the puzzle had simply reversed itself. Now he wished he had never completed the puzzle. At least he wouldn't have felt the pain hat he was feeling now.

"I miss you so much…" Yugi sobbed to the empty room, "pleases come back, you're my everything. I need you… I love you…" He buried his face in his hands and cried even harder when he used his mental link with Yami but found that the other end of the line was empty and silent. He was really gone. Even the puzzle had been destroyed so he no longer had that to hang on to and pray for his Pharaoh to return.

Yugi got out of bed and looked out of his window. On the porch outside was where he and Yami played tag together. He was imagining ghostly images dancing in the wind. It was not real.

As the hours ticked by, Yugi managed to get back to sleep, only to be haunted with more dreams of him. He heard his laughter, his voice. He saw his face and he cried in his sleep. He could never touch him or hold him again.

The next day, Yugi left the Kame shop and never returned that day. Grampa got very worried and searched for him. As night progressed, he gave up and rang the police.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

Yugi was running through a forest by the edge of the park. In his backpack he had brought nothing with him except the golden box the puzzle used to be in.

He ran out into the park and sat on the bench, hiding his face in his hands as the bout of tears came again.


*At the park*

"Aibou, have a go on the swing."

"No, they scare me. Once I got my hair tangled up in it."

Yami chuckled. "Your afraid of swings?"

"Yeah. What's your worst fears?"

"Oh, that's a tough one." Yami crossed his arms against his slender chest as he thought. Then he said, "it's losing you, Aibou. That's my one greatest fear."

Yugi smiled. "Okay then, get on the swing!"

"What? Those things could be dangerous!"

"Well don't look at me! If your only afraid of losing me then you should be okay!"

"Aibou!" Yami was forced on the swing and he was very pale.

Yugi went round behind him and began to push. "It's easy!" He said with a grin.

"AIBOU!" He got higher and higher. His thin, strong legs were suspended in the air. It was almost like he was flying.


Yugi hugged himself. He was the happiest kid alive on that day. It was funny how fortune and happiness can change so quickly. Yami did fall off that swing, only to laugh and ask for another go. He was like no one else. He was the sexist guy around. Even Malik had been stalking him to get a glance at his body.

He remembered when Yami was hurt and bleeding. He had fallen and Yugi rushed to his side and held him to his chest. He wiped away his tears and cradled him when he was in need. He had been very frightened that day.

Yugi sighed and sniffed. The empty swing rocked slightly in the wind. Hot tears stung his eyes and rolled down his cold cheeks. Maybe he should have let Yami win but he wanted the Pharaoh to be free. He had been trapped in that puzzle for thousands of years. He must have gone insane. His whole life was a prison. And now he was resting in peace.

Yugi stood up on weak legs. He would follow him. He had no place on this earth now without him. So that same night, Yugi drowned in the lake in Domino park. Yugi fell and in the air he felt warm arms wrap around his small, sore body. At that moment he knew it was Yami. They fell together into the lake as Yugi went further down into the abyss, Yami never let go.

The police found Yugi only hours after his suicidal attempt. When they came to tell Solomon, they knocked on his door and when he answered they gave him a soaking wet cobalt jacket. Sugo knew what had happened without any words. Yugi was dead.

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along

27; Please review?