Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Last Breath ❯ My Last Breath ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or My Last Breath by Evanescence.

My Last Breath

By Iyasu

“Ishizu?” Joey asked, looking at the woman who was lying in bed beside him.

The raven-haired woman turned to look at him. “Yeah?”

“Did I eva tell ya how much I loved ya today?”

Ishizu smiled, “Yes, about as much as I told you today.”

“We’re never gonna be apart, are we?” The blonde asked, smiling back at Ishizu and holding her close.

“No, we’re not,” Ishizu replied. The two of them snuggled closer and fell asleep.

Unknown to them both, tragedy would strike the very next day...

Ishizu woke up bright and early like she always did, showering and getting ready to go to work at the museum to prepare for a new exhibit. Before she left, she looked at the still sleeping Joey, and kissed his forehead before leaving. She never made it to the museum.

Later that day, Joey went on a walk. He decided to swing by to the museum to see Ishizu. But, when he got there, he noticed that she wasn’t there. He began to look for her in other places, thinking that he had simply missed her, only to find the shock of his life.

He found his love in an alley, dead, having been stabbed in the heart. He was heartbroken, and it showed greatly. He didn’t sleep, he didn’t eat, and his eyes could no longer shed tears. It was the night before her funeral, and Joey was tossing and turning in his bed that he now slept in alone. He eventually drifted off into the Realm of Dreams, and as he did, Ishizu’s spirit appeared, lying down in the bed beside him, and taking on a temporarily solid form. Joey unconsciously wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Ishizu stroked his hair gently as she whispered to him:


Hold on to me love,

You know I can’t stay long

All I wanted to say was I love you and I’m not afraid... oh...

Can you hear me?

Can you feel me in your arms...?


Joey mumbled something in his sleep as Ishizu stroked his hair. She thought about the happy but short time that they had had together, sad that her life had ended. She wasn’t too sad, for she knew that she would watch over him until the time came where they would be together again. Ishizu tried to prolong the time that she was there in her solid form. Her thought turned to when they had first met and had actually talked. ~*~*~*~*~*~  

“So, ya’re da psycho’s sista?”

“He is not a psycho, Joey,” Ishizu corrected. “He is just being possessed by the darkness inside of him. And, yes, I am his sister.”

Joey shrugged. “All Ah got ta say is dat yah had betta not be like yah brotha.”

“I’m not. However, I do care about him, and I’ll do whatever it takes to bring out the good that I know resides in him.”

Joey fell silent for a moment, as if he was considering something. “Well, if ya detamined ta do dis, I'll help ya da best Ah can.”

Ishizu nodded. “Thanks, Joey.”

“Ya welcome, Ishizu.” ~*~*~*~*~*~  


Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured life, it ends here tonight...


As Joey dreamed, a memory of long ago appeared. It was one of his best memories. ~*~*~*~*~*~

It was Ishizu’s first winter, and she was in awe at seeing the earth covered in the white snow. They bundled up in warm clothing, and Joey took her to the park and she made a beeline to the forest. “Ishizu, wait!” he yelled, chasing after her.

She yelled back, “You’ll have to catch me,” and kept running, her laughter echoing in her wake.

Joey saw her vanish into the trees and entered after her. He looked around the white forest, seeing no sign of her. “Where are ya?”

More laughter came, along with the words, “Come find me, Joey.”

He began to look around the forest, soon finding Ishizu’s boot tracks leading to a big hollow tree. He went to it, his footsteps crunching in the snow. Joey looked behind the tree and saw her. “Found ya,” he said, pulling her from around the tree and kissing her. ~*~*~*~*~*~

Tears leaked from Joey’s closed eyes, his conscious knowing that he’d never be able to do that again.


I’l l miss the winter

A world of fragile things

Look for me in the white forest, hiding in a hollow tree...come find me...

I know you hear me

I can taste it in your tears...


Ishizu kissed the tears away, holding him even closer than before. She knew what pain he was going through, and felt helpless to stop it. “Joey, don’t cry, my prince...” She felt her solid form beginning to slip and fade. She held it with her mind, wanting him to hold her for as long as she could stay in his embrace. Ishizu also knew that this would be her last time taking a solid form on this plane. Once the time was up, neither would be able to touch the other again. She looked down at Joey. “Don’t worry, love, I still have all of our memories, I won’t forget them.” And she wouldn’t. ~*~*~*~*~*~  

Joey walked down the street, and he saw Ishizu sitting alone. He look a seat beside her, saying, “Dun worry, Malik will return.”

Ishizu sighed. “I don’t know... I hope you’re right...”

Joey smiled at her. “Believe me, Ah am right. Now, yah jus’ tink of somting happy in da meantime.”

“Something like what?”

“Dis.” Joey kissed her gently. It was their first kiss. ~*~*~*~*~*~


Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured life, it ends here tonight...


Ishizu’s solid from faded away, but she wasn’t ready to leave yet. So, she entered his dream to be able to talk to him and touch him. His back was turned to her as she appeared. “Joey...” she called softly.

He turned slowly and looked at her before running towards her hugging her. “Ishizu... please say dat yah’re really here an’ I’ll see ya tomorrow...”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry... I really wish that I could stay...” she sighed. “But I can’t.”

Joey nodded. “Ah know...”

Ishizu kissed him. “We’ll meet again, and then, nothing can take us apart.”

“I’ll wait patiently ‘til dat time comes,” Joey said, sitting down onto the bench from the dream and pulling her into his lap, holding her close to him. They remained that way for a long time, until it was time for Joey to wake up.

Ishizu gave him one last hug and kiss, saying afterwards, “Goodbye, my love,” as Joey’s eyes closed and he left the Dream Realm.

Joey awoke saying, “Goodbye...”


C losing your eyes to disappear

You pray your dreams will leave you here

But still you wake and know the truth, no one’s there...


He heard Ishizu’s voice saying, “Goodnight... don’t be afraid... you’ll always be my prince...” Then he saw an image of her standing over him and her voice began to fade away. “Always...” She began to slowly vanish, until she was seen no more. He reached out to her, his heart continuing to hold his love for her as his eyes shut again from the pain of loss.


Say goodnight...

Don’t be afraid...

Holding me, holding me as you fade to black...


Ishizu continued to watch him, not leaving him alone. Even though he couldn’t touch her, or see her, he could feel her near him and be comforted. She would always be there, ready to help him when he needed it, and ready to receive him when his time came.


(Say goodnight...)

Holding my last breath

(Don’t be afraid...)

Safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you

(Holding me, holding me as you fade to black...)

Sweet raptured life, it ends here tonight...


She smiled down at him, knowing that his pain would pass quickly, as long as he felt her near him, hoping for the best for him. ‘Until we meet again... Joey-rah(1)...


Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured life, it ends here tonight...


Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured life, it ends here tonight...


1: Rah means prince.

2: Joey’s accent is strong because I happen to think it’s sexy, so for all of you who don’t like it, too bad. *sticks tongue out at them*