Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My life and Feelings... Written on Paper ❯ Dear*ahem* Journal... i want him... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Yu-gi-oh! And its characters do not belong to me but to the wonderful author who came up with it. But this story does. And I make no money out of this! Please enjoy.

Summary- this story is about two guys. They both keep a journal where they write about their lives… as well as their feelings- for each other. This is gonna contain Yaoi in later chapters so be warned.

Written by- Apocalyptic Angel

A.k.a. A.A.

September 7th

My name is Joey Wheeler and I attend Domino High. I don't have many friends but I have three really great friends. They're so great that I've been through hell and back with them actually. I have an alcoholic for a father who doesn't give a damn about his son or anything and I am gay. Yea you heard me, I'm gay. And worst of all, the guy that I'm attracted to is this really hot guy with icy blue eyes and dark brown hair who seems totally untouchable. He's got as much or maybe more money than Bill Gates! He owns Kaiba corp. and he has a little brother named Mokuba who he holds dear to him than anything else in the world. No matter how cold and introverted he may seem to others, I know that deep down he can't be all that bad. I think he just acts like that to keep others away…so he won't get hurt. I feel that way all the time… and I think that this is why I haven't been able to really get to know him or anybody else besides my three friends. I decided to start writing in a "journal" yes journal not "diary" for the simple fact that if I keep things locked away and don't at least write them down I swear to you that I will, I mean it, I will explode. And that may NOT be a good thing. Considering that when and if I explode I don't blow my top and start to scream every secret that I've kept inside for who knows how long. Well I'm going to bed now… I hope that tomorrow at least something changes… and for the better.

Monday September 8th

Today was interesting… I've got to admit. Since today was the beginning of classes we got a schedule and what do you think happened? I got the same schedule as Seto Kaiba! WAHOOO. I was so happy that I almost jumped out of my seat. So yea when I went to first class, which was art, I was one of the last people to come in and you know what happened? The teacher made me sit next to Seto! I'm so happy that I'll be sitting next to him for a whole term! And we all know what we do on our first day right? We swap numbers! So I of course I got Seto's. During the rest of day I had to sit at the end of the row staring at the back of Seto's head, but it was cool. At least I was able to see him at all. Then came the last class of the day, which I have to say, will be my favorite from now on. It was P.E. and Seto and I are both of course in the same gym class! I can't wait till we have to change into our uniforms! That's gonna be fun…

Wednesday September 17th

I guess that there really is a God… Today our teacher gave us an art assignment and she told us that we are suppose to work with the person next to us. I'm really glad that she said that because now I have an excuse to be around Seto. I spoke with him about it and he told me that we would work on the assignment during the weekend. I can't wait!

Friday September 19th Seto's JoUrnAL

Yea hey it's Seto…. Remember me? I hope so. I know that I haven't written for a while but I feel that now is the time to write. Now is a really a good time to write-before I go crazy. Today Joey Wheeler is suppose to stop by my house to work on a project with me, and I'm really scared. I mean why should I be scared? Plenty of reasons: 1. I'm attracted to guys…. And Joey IS a guy. 2. No one is going to be home meaning… no Mokuba. And lastly, I've had a crush on Joey since we were freshmen and now we are juniors! You get me? Therefore I am scared… I'm also scared that I may do something that I will regret. Then again I may not do anything and I may regret that too. So you see my dilemma… what am I to do?

Friday September 19th

Wow what a night… It was so great. I really think there is a God… maybe I should become a Christian-naw. Anyway I have to tell you why tonight was so great or ill burst! I know that if I tell my friends they may not accept it or they may say something that I may not like so I'm not gonna tell them. Not YET anyway. But I'll tell you now…

So it started when I got to Seto's house…


" Wow Seto you have a really nice house…"

"Thanks… would you like something to drink?"

"Um sure…"

" Here's a coke."


"No prob. So… what do you want to do for the art project?"

"Well I've got a couple of ideas but I wanna ask ya a couple of questions before we start.


"Are ya good at drawing?"

"Not really but I can color really well- I can paint too "

" I see…have ya ever modeled?"


"Ya know… for a painting."

Oh so that's what he meant… "No…"

"What a shame…"

"What was that?" asked Seto.

" I said- oh what a pain. My neck hurts…"

"Oh… You think you'll be ok?"

"Yea I'll be fine."


" Ok so I was thinking that for our project I could make a sketch… of ya and-"

" A sketch? Of me?"

"Yea…you think that's bad…" It wasn't a question; it was more of a statement.

" No just… why a sketch of me?"

"Well it's suppose to be a group effort and well I thought you could be the subject since I'll be the one drawing and you'll be the one painting… It's ok if you don't want to-"

"No- it's alright I was just wondering, that's all."

" Then if ya don't object would ya like to start now? I can finish it in a period of three days if I work fast enough…"

"No take your time… remember we have a full week."


*End flashback. *

So I started to sketch him. I was only doing a sketch of his face but damn he looked hot sitting there in front of me. His icy blue eyes seemed to pierce my soul. He just looked so damn sexy. I couldn't help but feel aroused…

*Back to Flashback*

"So how's it coming along Joey?"

"It's coming along good…"

"Are you almost done?"

"Yea why? Are ya tense?"

"Well yea a bit actually… My neck is kind of stiff."

"I'm sorry… you've been in that position for a while…"

"It's ok. "

"No it's not. Come `ere."


"Now turn your back to me."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to give your stiff neck as well as your back a message. You don't mind do ya? "

"No. Why would I?"

"Um no reason …"

*End Flashback*

As I started to knead his stiff muscles I started to wonder… for how long could I keep it up? This act…

*Back to Flashback*


"What did ya say?"

"Huh…nothing." 5 minutes and there it was again. Except it sounded more of like a groan.

" Am I hurting you?"

"Yes- I mean-" Joey stopped.

"I'm sorry." Seto opened his eyes. He didn't know that he had them closed.

"Huh what happened?"

"I was hurting you…"

" No you weren't…" said a confused Seto.

" You said so yourself."


"Just now."

"I did huh?" This was said as like something between a statement and a question.

"Yes…" Seto smirked.

"You want to know why?"

"I guess…" Then he got serious.

"You just didn't hurt me now… you hurt me everyday. Everyday I have to see your face it hurts me. You hurt me even more when I have to see you change in the guys' locker room. The way your body looks after gym has finished and when we have to shower." Joey was in shock. It was clear on his face that he was.

"I do? But why-" Seto put a finger to Joey's lips.

"Just you being here hurt me." That was the last thing Seto said before descending his mouth upon Joey's. Joey was surprised and he stiffened. Seto noticed this and he reluctantly pulled away.

"I'm sorry- that was wrong of me… I just needed- I will understand if you never ever want to-" Before Seto had a chance to finish he was in a lip lock with Joey.

*End flashback*

Yea can you believe it? The object of my dreams… of my desires kissed me- and more than once I have gotta say! I never realized that someone could like me the way that I like them… especially someone like Seto. I didn't know that it hurt him to see me and to not be able to kiss me, to touch me. I've felt the same way! Just to be next to him was becoming too much. After we kissed- well more like made out he and I talked about how we felt. He told me that he `s been crushing over me for a while. Since we were freshmen actually. He told me that he started to develop these feelings the first time that he saw me which was on a day that we had the first school dance of the year. After that he asked me if I felt the same way and I literally jumped on him and kissed him. He told me to watch it or that he would lose control and that, that wouldn't be good. I told him that I would be fine with it but he said that he'd like to get to know me better before things got too serious. I can't believe that he would actually think of doing something as intimate as that- with me… and after that was said he asked me a question that made me wanna scream! He asked me to be his boyfriend! Of course I would love to be his boyfriend! Do you think I'm crazy to pass that up?

In the next installment: Joey and Seto's relationship takes flight! After Joey's friends find out about Joey's relationship with Seto how will they take it? Will they all be on his side or will they all be against Joey's relationship? Also what do you do when you care about someone- A LOT (You may even love them- but aren't sure) and you find out that their alcoholic father abuses them? This and much more in the next chapter of: My Life including my Feelings… Written on Paper!

*You guys… don't forget to review! I want a couple of reviews before I bring you the next installment. It will show me that you want me to keep this story going! Lots of Yaoi to come…