Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Life: Malik's Story ❯ The Egyptian God Card Malik! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wingzero: *whistles innocently*

Malik: What in the name of all that is holy is this???? *holds up the script before fainting* @_@

Wingzero: *picks up the script and walks away from Malik as if nothing happened*

Disclaimer: Never owned, will own, or have owned Yu-Gi-Oh. Isn't that sad? ;.;


~Duel monster interpretation.~

(Announcements if any)

/Yugi to Yami/ (AN: XD First one. these can also be used for talking to other duel monsters.)

//Yami to Yugi//

[Mirai to Yami/Yugi]

{Calin to Yami/Yugi}

\Malik to Yami/Yugi\

Japanese Translations:

Maho(o): Magic

Mirai: Future

Aibou: Partner

Hai: yes

Hikari: Light

Ohayo: Good morning

Yami: Darkness

The last thing I remembered was free falling to the ocean. Now where was I?




Why does everything in my life have to be painful? I tried to stretch out my limbs only for them to feel heavy as lead. Wait a second. The first thing was to find where I was. I opened my eyes to find myself staring at several duel monsters. No, this couldn't be the shadow realm, could it?

I stood up on all fours...... Hold the phone. Since when did I have four legs? I glanced around my surroundings to find myself in a huge room. The different shades of violet could only indicate that this dwelling belonged to none other than the duel monster standing in front of me.

If you guessed Dark Magician, you won a million dollars. While I was having my hysteria, the other duel monsters were quietly chatting with each other. Wondered what they were talking about. Could it possibly be me? Nah, it couldn't be.

"What are we going to do with the Dragon of Ra?" The Celtic Guardian asked the other occupants. "We all knew he wasn't doing well when we first saw him and when he was with the two Egyptians."

"Why do you suppose?" Gaia asked the three spellcasters.

"As to the answer, I have no clue," the Dark Magician began. He stood up and paced around for awhile, not noticing my conscious state. "I believe it involves the separation of its soul. As to where the soul is, I don't know."

"Do you think it's in the human world?" The magician's female counterpart asked.

"Don't be ridiculous," the Mystical elf said, in complete exasperation. "Besides we're here to find a way to help the dragon, not to discuss theories."

"I wish I could do more," the Celtic Guardian sighed. He relaxed against the wall when suddenly he yelled something in an elven tongue.

"So you're finally awake," the Dark Luster Soldier emerged from the shadows. "And here I thought you would sleep until our young master graduates from high school."

I narrowed my eyes at his statement. "I was supposed to be dead, but why am I here?"

The duel monsters looked at each other in confusion until Yugi's favorite duel monster stepped in and cleared up things. "From what I have gathered from our masters, a close friend of theirs committed suicide but his body was never found. I suspect that Maho (the DMG) is correct. Master Yugi wasn't in the mood to talk about it and Master Yami isn't exactly the open type."

I swore I could have fall over anime style. "I was that person, who jumped off the cliff."

"If you were that human, then why are you here and in that body of all things?" Maho asked the stupidest question.

"Maho, would you get a life?" The male elf snorted. "It's obvious. This human possessed the soul of one Dragon of Ra."

"For once you're right," the Magician of Black Chaos spoke up. "And it happens to be by accident."

"Hey!" Maho pouted. She stomped her feet on the ground just like a child would. "I happen to know a few spells and I'm not afraid to use them."

"They're mere child's play," the Dark Magician ignored her threat. "I guess I'd have to break the news to our masters."

"But what if I don't want to be a duel monster?" I asked them. Really, I didn't want to be duel monster. I wanted to be human again.

"It doesn't look like you have much of a choice," the Dark Magician said sympathetically. "We don't know what happened to your body and therefore, cannot return you to your human form. We all express our sorrow."

"Besides you could hang out here with us," the Celtic Guardian tried to make me feel better.

"Do you think we can go to the real world?" I asked very hopeful.

"Well, that is if one of our masters summons us," the Dark Luster Solider pointed out. "If you need me, I'm going out on patrol. The others have restless ever since the incident."

"I'm going with you," the Magician of Black Chaos volunteered. "You might need a spellcaster to help you."

"Take care you two," the Mystical Elf asked the two powerful duel monsters. They weren't as powerful as the three Egyptian god cards, but they were powerful in their own right. Both of them required two sacrifices and a ritual card.

"Don't worry, miss," the Dark Luster Soldier assured her with a friendly squeeze on her arm. "I'll make sure he doesn't get into trouble."

"As if I'd be the one getting into trouble," the Magician of Black Chaos snorted. "You're the one who's most likely to cause the trouble."

"Sure," the Dark Luster Soldier laughed as he walked outside of the room.

After the two had departed, Gaia excused himself. He had to tend to his horse as it was about time to feed the beast dinner. Mystical Elf also called Celesia and Maho had feminine things to take care of. I seriously didn't want to know what they were tending to. I got enough from my older sister. So that left me with one Dark Magician and one Celtic Guardian.

"Do you think you could get Yugi to summon us?" I inquired, though I doubt he would know to summon me.

"I believe I can talk to Master Yugi," the magician said with doubt in his voice.

"On second thought, I'd like to speak with them personally," I sighed out loud. "So Dark Magician, where's his soul room?"

"You may call me Mirai," the spellcaster introduced himself. "The elf over there is Calin."

Mirai and Calin both agreed that I should rest a bit before heading towards their masters' soul rooms. Hey, I wasn't about to make myself part of Yugi's and Yami's deck. At first I relented against their pressure, but they finally convinced me as I could barely move myself from this spot. Every once in awhile, the other duel monsters would check up on me.

"What is it?" I asked, noticing a small shadow standing outside the door.

The small ball of fur squeaked and then padded into the room. It stopped in front of me and squeaked a few times. Surprisingly, I understood every squeak that thing emitted.

"No, I'm not going to eat, kill, hurt, or torture you."

~Thank you. I thought you would be like those other duel monsters. My name is Squirt by the way.~ The small Kuriboh gave me a smile, a genuine one.

"What other duel monsters?" I suddenly became concerned. It wasn't that I liked the thing, but I hated weak people being picked on by bullies.

~You see....... The other duel monsters in the surrounding area would pick on me, because I'm weak.~ He looked dejected and hopeless.

I growled in a threatening way, but not towards my companion. "Let's go. I want to see these other duel monsters."

~Are you sure?~ The tiny mass of fur asked, being very hopeful at the same time.

"I'm sure," I assured him as I nudged him towards the exit. We walked outside of Yugi's village and out into the public area. There were several free duel monsters as well as ones who served masters. Usually here, the weak ones were picked on free or not.

~They're over there.~ Squirt pointed out the three Blue Eyes White Dragons lounging out.

"Wait right here," I told the small duel monster. "You'll have to trust me on this, but I won't ditch you. I'll be hiding behind here." I indicated towards the small rock formation, which I did.

The three Blue Eyes White Dragons wasted no time in getting to the small duel monster. "My, my. Haven't we learned our lesson from the previous times?"

~You don't scare me!~ Squirt screamed back, trying to be braver than he was.

"Why don't you go running back to your Master Yami?" The oldest dragon suggested.

"Shouldn't it be his 'mommy?'" Another dragon taunted the small duel monster.

~Wait and you'll see.~ The Kuriboh squeaked at them.

"See what?" The third one asked.

I took that as my cue to step out behind the Kuriboh. The looks on their faces were priceless. It was mixed between confusion, fear, and complete horror. "If I ever see you picking on him, I will personally see you three escorted back to your master's village. Understand?"

"Yes," the three dragons stuttered before shooting towards their village.

Squirt was laughing out loud and rolling on the ground. ~I can't believe it. That was hilarious.~

"I know," I chuckled. Then I became serious. "Don't go provoking them for any reason."

The Kuriboh nodded his head, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. Once we were back at Yugi's village, Mirai and Calin were waiting for us. They wondered where I had wandered off to and were worried I might have gotten lost, but they saw Squirt was with me so they relaxed a bit. Evidently, the little guy knew his way around here.

"Master Yugi is in his soul room, after attending your funeral," Mirai said dryly, though I can tell he was worried about his kinder master.

"How many days have passed since I jumped?" I asked the two duel monsters.

"Approximately one month," the elf replied. He didn't look like his serious or cheerful self. Perhaps, there were people who actually miss me? Nah, it couldn't be, could it?

"What about my sister?"

"She's taking it the hardest," Mirai answered this time. "You're the only family she has now that your parents have passed away." He shifted his weight to his staff, which he held in his right hand. "Even if it she doesn't trust you completely, she still loves you."

"I never knew," I confessed. "I wish they could have said something or done something."

"I know what you mean." Mirai placed his hand on my shoulder. "We'll have to see our masters think about it, but I think Master Yami can summon you, though I'm not sure if Yugi is in the condition to handle it."

"I doubt it too," Calin agreed with his companion.

[The Hallway Between the Two Soul Rooms]

"Are you sure he wouldn't get mad if we walked in there?" I asked the two.

On side appeared to be old and covered with vines as if they held within it ancient secrets. No duh! There was no doubt to what lies behind those golden doors. The symbol of Ra had been engraved onto the doors. This led me to the reason why every single millennium item had the eye on it.

The other side was plain and simple, much like a child. I dared not venture forth there, because of two things. I didn't want to upset Yugi further and second, I don't want to deal with one royally pissed off former pharaoh. I don't care if he was the former pharaoh or shorter than me. He still had more control of his shadow powers and I can't even fight properly let alone wield such magic.

Mirai knocked on Yami's door, to which he received a snore and a grunt. Inwardly I giggled to myself. Giggled, eh? Yugi and Ryou must really be rubbing off on me. Note to self: do not pick up their habits, especially that of Ryou. His hobbies included gardening and cooking. Well... the cooking I could deal with, because if he didn't cook then who else would. Next, I'd say he was a much better cook than my sister, which was why I took any chance to escape her cooking even if it was for one night.

"No, no, no," Calin shook his head disappointedly. He raised his hand and started pounding on the door. I thought the door would give way any second under all that pressure, but it still held onto its fastenings. "Master Yami!! We have important information we need to discuss with you!!!!!"

Egyptian cursing soon followed. One very pissed off former pharaoh stormed towards his door. We all heard his loud footsteps drawing closer to our present location. Let's just say that he wasn't in a happy mood. I wouldn't be after having been woken up. To be honest, I would have done the same thing as he did.

"Do you think it was a good thing to wake him up?" The elf now regretted banging his fist into the golden door.

"We shall have to see," Mirai stated the obvious as the door swung open to reveal, an extremely pissed off former pharaoh.

"What is the meaning of waking me up at this ungodly hour?" The crimson eyed spirit spoke rather harshly. "I had spent an entire day consoling my hikari and I'm exhausted. This had better be very important or...." His words died on his lips as soon as I spoke up on the magician's and the elf's behalf.

"It's not entirely their fault," I stepped right behind the two. "I talked them into it. Please don't take it out on them."

"Malik?" Yami was rendered speechless when he heard my voice coming from one of duel monsters, more precisely the Winged Dragon of Ra.

"No duh!" I teased him a little. "What's the matter? Bakura got your tongue?"

"That petty thief!!" Yami growled at the mention of the other spirit's name. "Don't you even go there." He then realized my situation. "How did you end up as one of my duel monsters?"

"Master Yami," Mirai spoke up, bringing our attention to the magician. "Do you remember when the three god cards' souls were separated from them, because they wielded too much power?"

"Yes, I remember that. The three god cards were becoming too powerful to control so my father had their souls separated. As to what he did with them, no one knows."

"Master Yami, the three souls have been born into human bodies," Mirai answered his master's question as well as explained my predicament. "Which also explains Malik's situation. He has the soul of this god card."

"I understand." Yami was taking this very well, unlike me. I panicked when I found out I wasn't in my normal human body. "I'll inform my aibou tomorrow when he wakes up. He had been very worried about you for the past few weeks. He wasn't eating properly until we convinced him to."

"I'm sorry," I apologized sincerely. "I didn't mean that to happen. It's just that no one loves me or so I thought that to be the case. My sister didn't trust me and everyone pretty much kept away from me."

"As for the others, they didn't get to know the real you," Yami tried his hand at comforting and assuring me. "Once they get to know you, they'll change their minds. As for me, I really need my sleep. It has been a long day."

"Of course Yami," I said, respecting his wishes.

"Is there anything we can do for you, Master Yami?" Yami's favorite duel monster asked politely, as in a way of apologizing for the interruption.

"Nothing, you may return," Yami yawned. "And please try not to wake up my hikari." With that, he closed the door.

"I think I'll get some sleep," Mirai said after a brief moment of silence.

"Now? It's not even ten." Calin said, baffled at the idea of Mirai going to bed early.

"Who ever said I was going to bed alone?" The Dark Magician hinted at something, which took the warrior some time to comprehend the implicit meaning.

"Oh, I understand," the elf said sheepishly. "Guess I'll be heading off too. You know your way back?"

I nodded my head. I wanted to see Yugi before I left for the village. "I'll be fine." The two of them headed towards the door, which would lead them back into the shadow realm. "I would suggest placing a towel before you go to bed. You don't have to wash the sheets again after the mess you made."

The two duel monsters blushed several shades at once. I almost fell over with laughter, but I remembered instantly that Yugi and Yami were sleeping. The former pharaoh wouldn't exactly be thrilled of having been woken up a second time, not to mention having his hikari woken up too. I turned towards the simple looking door and quietly pushed it open.

Yugi was fast asleep in his bed, clutching a stuffed animal. I can't believe what I saw. There were several toys scattered around the place, indicating an innocent soul. Well, I couldn't say that I was an innocent soul. I was about to leave when I heard the soul room's owner mumble something in his sleep. It was rather incoherent and I had to strain to hear it.

Violet eyes opened to reveal a sad person. That changed when he saw me up and walking about. He ran over towards me and literally shoved me into the room. "I'm glad I don't have to lose another friend. First I thought I had lost you and now Malik is gone."

"Yugi, you haven't lost either," I tried to comfort him to the best of my ability.

Yugi's mouth literally dropped to the floor. "How is this even possible?"

"From what I understand, the souls of the three Egyptian god cards were separated and reborn into the human world. So in other words, I'm stuck as a duel monster until who knows when."

"Well, I'm glad you're still alive," Yugi had a small smile. He hugged me once again. "I have one question. Why?"

"You want to know why I chose my actions." I received a nod in response so I went on. "I thought no one cared about me. My sister didn't exactly trust me to be in the same house. Your friends weren't exactly thrilled about having me around. Everyone else was scared to be within the same building."

Tears threatened to fall from those innocent eyes. "You know we all cared about you, especially your sister. She took it the hardest when she learned you jumped off and we couldn't find your body. It took her time to accept the fact that we thought you were gone."

"I guess I should apologize to her," I said sheepishly and nervously. "I'll do that when I see her."

"We owe you an apology." Yugi shook his head. "We were the ones who pushed you away when all you wanted was friends. In any case, I think the others should see you."

I chuckled at the thought of them seeing me in my current condition. "There's one problem with that. Scratch it, make that two. First of all, I need to be summoned, because I am a duel monster. Second, they'd probably freak out seeing as I'm an Egyptian god card."

"I'm sure we can handle that," Yugi chirped, now in a better mood than he had been. "You said that all of the god cards had their souls separated. Where are the other two?"

"You've got me there," I shrugged as best I could for a dragon. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

Yugi looked up me with those puppy eyes of his. Dang, why did he have to use them? I was sure Yami had developed a tolerance to them. "Could you please stay in my soul room for tonight?"

"Sure thing," I assured him. I cleared a spot from his toys, making sure that I don't break or squash any of them in the process. Once I had finished the task, I curled up into a ball.

The next thing I felt was a small body against my stomach area. Yugi curled himself against me and promptly fell asleep. I was going to move him from there, but I couldn't bring myself to as I might wake him up. Lowering my head down, I closed my eyes and eventually drifted to sleep.

The morning started with Yugi sliding off of me and yawning rather loudly. As the Dragon of Ra, I had enhanced hearing. This morning he seemed full of life and the Yugi I knew from way back when.

"Ohayo!" Yugi chirped as bright as ever. "Did you sleep well?"

"Ohayo. Surprisingly I did. Do you have class today?" Yugi scrunched up his face as an answer. "I take that as a yes."

"Hai," Yugi sighed. He picked up his study notes and a few other things from his soul room. "We have a test in math today. You're lucky you don't have to take it."

I glanced over his shoulder. Now I was extremely glad I didn't have to attend class. If I did, I would be so far behind everyone else and no doubt, I would be excused from taking it. "So how do you think you'll do?"

"I'll manage somehow," Yugi shrugged. He placed everything inside of his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. "I know I'll at least pass."

"Of course you will," I gave him a smile. Our conversation was interrupted by one former pharaoh, knocking on the door before entering the room.

"Aibou, how do you feel this.." The words died upon his lips when he saw I was also here. "What are you doing here?"

Yugi glared at his yami and placed his hands on his hips. "Yami, you know it's not nice to be rude to our guests."

"Sorry," Yami said sheepishly. "You have that math test to take and I have made you breakfast."

"You didn't burn the shop down?" I asked warily.

"Hey!" Yami huffed indignantly. "I happen to master the stove and the microwave unlike some petty thief."

"Does he still use potted plants for restrooms?" I inquired curiously.

"He uses potted plants?" Yami gasped out loud, before falling over in laughter. "I can't believe he uses those!"

"I don't know about the two of you, but I'm going to be late." Yugi took over their body, leaving the two of us in his soul room.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked the former pharaoh once he composed himself.

"We could always go back to the village," Yami suggested with a shrug. "Or we can go exploring."

"No offense Yami, but how do you plan on hiding me? I'm not exactly a common species now."

"Ye of little knowledge." I raised my brow at his choice in words. "You're one of the god cards so you should have a vast magic source." He paused for a second. "Since you're new to that body, I suppose you wouldn't remember what you're capable of."

"What can I do?"

"You can transform into a false form, meaning you can have a human body even if it isn't your true form."

"Cool... How?" I thought about being human again, but with no results.

"Concentrate on what you want to look like," Yami instructed me. "Think about being human, remember what it was to be human, feel like being a human, and then the transformation should take place. If not, then I can always do it for you, but you'll have to learn how to transform."

I closed my eyes and followed Yami's instructions. Upon opening my eyes, I found I had two legs, two arms, and no tail! "I did it!"

"Yes you have." Yami laughed at my antics.

"I can't wait to see the faces of everyone, but for now, I would settle for sushi or pizza."

"Joey has seriously been rubbing off on you," Yami teased me, to which I rolled my eyes.

"It has been awhile since I ate," I retorted in response. "At least I don't have his table manners."

"That it is. That it is." We both laughed at the thought of Joey and departed for the real world. (Well Yami left and then summoned Malik.)

Wingzero: Ooo, the plot thickens. Who possess the other two souls of the god cards? Will the guys ever figure out? How will they react when they see a living Malik? And let's not forget he's now one of the god cards.

DS: Are you going to pair him up with Seto, Marik, or another char?

Wingzero: Marik's out of the picture. As for Seto and an OC, I'll leave that for the reviewers to decide on that.

DS: You going to hold another contest in addition to your beyblade one?

Wingzero: Maybe. I guess whoever guesses BOTH of them will make a cameo appearance in this fic. *shrugs* You never know. No guessing several people. Only two per chapter otherwise your submission will be discredited.

DS: Why am I not surprised?

Wingzero: *disappears in a shower of silver and white sparkles*

DS: AIBOU DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND WITH THEM!!!! *runs away from Anzu, trying to put the moves on other male anime chars*

Other Male Anime Chars: o_0 *are running for their lives or to the nearest bathroom*