Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Life's Reason ❯ My Life's Reason ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Life's Reason

By Moon Envoy

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Kazuki Takashi does.

Claimer: I do own the plot to this story.

Warnings: Romance

Summary: Yami rethinks all of the times Yugi said he didn't need him anymore. Who can show him the reason to continue with his life? [Yami x Seto] Please, R&R!

Yami's POV

I was only trying to keep him out of danger. Maybe I am just being too over-protective of my hikari. But I came too much of him to be able to have him be on his own.

I guess he doesn't need or want me now, now that he has Téa. I fee like wanting the shadows, the emptiness, the darkness, and the loneliness to just fling themselves at me.

I ran up to my room and got out the Millennium Puzzle. It shined in the sun's rays like Yugi's eyes. The tears placed their positions in my eyes, and started to roll down, as I thought I now knew how Bakura and Marik feel.

Normal POV

The next day, everyone met up at the park - everyone who wasn't a certain spirit named Yami.

"Hey, Yug!" Joey called. "Where's Yami?"

"Yea," Serenity, Seto, Mai, Duke, and the others said together. "Where has he been? We haven't seen him all day?"

"At home…" Yugi mumbled guiltily. "He said he's getting ready to go back in the puzzle for another Millennia."

Seto gasped, and then regained his voice. "Why in the name of Ra would he do that?"

"Because I said I didn't need him anymore," Yugi said sadly.

Everyone gasped, and Seto shouted, "YOU WHAT?!"

He stood up from where he said and ran to the Kame Game Shop, leaving everybody to think what was wrong with Seto? And since when did he care so much about Yami?

Seto greeted Solomon Mutou, and then asked permission to see Yami. Solomon granted his permission, and Seto went to the Pharaoh's room.

In Yami's room, Seto saw Yami hold up the puzzle, preparing to go back to the darkness, the shadows, and the nothingness.

"Wait, Yami!" Seto called.

Yami turned around to see Seto…crying? Why in Ra's name was Seto crying?

"What do you want, Seto?" Yami asked uninvitingly.

Seto? Since when did `Kaiba' become `Seto?'

"I want to stop you from doing this damn act!" Set cried. "More people other than Yugi care for you!"

"Oh yeah? Like who?"

"Joey," Seto began, "Mai, Serenity, Duke, Tristan, Mokuba -" he paused, and then, " - and I care for you, Yami!"

Yami was shocked! He sniffed, turned to Seto, and asked, "Do you really?"

Seto nodded.

"Why?" Yami asked.

Seto hesitated, and then finally choked out, "Because I-I-I l-l-love y-y-you, Y-Y-Yami…"


"Because I do. I have, ever since that day we met. I know I've been mean to you, but I tried to be nicer. Why was I so angry? Because all of you, well, just weren't my type at that current time. But during all those years, I started a relationship with you, or if you prefer, friendship. I started to be nicer, and you took me in. and then I started to love you, I mean, you're hard to not love, your figure, voice, eyes, your hair, they're all wonderful. That's how I started to love you. And now I can't let you lock yourself in that Item because I need to live, because I love you so much."

He stood, went closer to Yami, pt his arms around the waist of the small Pharaoh, and hugged him close. "I never want to lose you, my Pharaoh."

Yami hugged Seto back and whispered in his ear, "I love you, too, Seto, so much."

Seto pulled away, looked Yami in the eye, and kissed Yami passionately on his lips.

"I love you so much," Seto and Yami whispered to each other/

Then finally, Yami decided to sleep. Seto slept on his bed, his arms wrapped around his koi.

Yami's POV

I decided now to not engulf myself with the shadows, the nothingness, the emptiness, the loneliness, and the darkness.

Seto was now shown me my life's reason: him and only him.


The End. Well, did you like it? Please Review! R&R!
