Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Life with Yugi and Yami ❯ Ryou and Bakura ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Note: if you have any requests E-mail Me @ SailorSuperMoon260@Comcast.net don’t put it in the review please!

Serena: Ok today we are going over my Brother Ryou’s house where we’ll be shooting them to see what sort of crazy things my brother and his Yami dose! Are you ready Silver_wolf?

Silver_wolf: *like SpongeBob* Im ready! Im ready!

Serena: *just stairs at him* 7.7 Silver_wolf you scare me! Well anyways we don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh, SailorMoon, Zoids, or Harry Potter.

Chapter four Ryou and Bakura.

*the camera turns on in Ryou’s room Serena and Silver_wolf are hiding under his bed*

Ryou: *looks around to make sure no one is looking then goes off screen putting on loud music then Jumps back on with a white button down shirt boxers and socks rocking out* Bruce Springstine, Madonna Way before Nirvana there was U2 and Blondie! Music still on MTV her two kids in high school they tell her that she’s uncool. She is still preoccupied 1985!!!! *starts shaking his ass*


Silver_wolf: WAY AHEAD OF YA!!!! *the two climb out from under the bed and unplug the cam then run out of Ryou’s room*


Serena: YOU’ER A FREAK!!! A FREAK!!!!

Ryou: who is she calling a freak she’s the witch! *looks at him self* I stand corrected!

*the camera turns on in the living room where Bakura is Serena and Silver_wolf are Hiding under the invisibility cloak somewhere. *sweat drop*

Bakura: *looks around then pulls out a 20 pack of Beers* Yum!

Serena: *whispers* -.- why am I not Surprised?

Silver_wolf: *whispers* Dude he just drank five bottles in five seconds!!!!

Serena: *jaw drops* Oh my Moons and Stars!

Bakura: *drunk* Ha thought you could sneak in her with out me noticing did you Pharaoh!

Serena: this is not going to end well!

Bakura: *punches Silver_wolf in the face not know he was there* there that outta teach ya! *faints then falls on his back*

Serena: Silver_wolf! Are you ok?

Silver_wolf: @_@ That depends am I dead? And let me get back to you on that once I regain full vision! *faints*

Serena: *sweat drop* You poor thing! *unplugs the cam then drags him out the door* Oh God you’re heavy!

*screen goes blank*

Serena: Sorry but after what happened I think it would be better if we just cut it short!

Silver_wolf: Next week we’ll do Seto Kaiba.

Serena: See you next week if you have any requests remember E-mail them 2 me DON’T put them in the reviews. Byee!
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