Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Lonely Heart ❯ My Lonely Heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: My Lonely Heart

By: Misery

Disclaimer: Nope not me.

Anzu's point of view: I know it's true what they told me. I'm nothing. Nothing but an idiot to ever consider them my friends. The truth is that I'm all alone. Nobody cares about me, not that I can see. Maybe that's why he treats me this way. I mean could you love someone who is nothing. I can't believe I'm thinking this. No wonder I've stopped eating. I dropped two sizes already but he still says that I'm fat. I no longer wear my short skirts because he says that I look like a whore. My hair has gone limp and my eyes no longer look like my own. I mean how more pathetic can I get? Maybe I shouldn't hang out with them anymore but if I do that I'll feel even worse. I know that he likes someone else he just says that I'm being a jealous girlfriend. Wouldn't you be jealous if you never saw your so-called boyfriend, he never calls. It's like I don't exist. But if he needs someone to help with his homework more along the lines of doing it for him he shows up. If he needs money, I'm there. If anything happens I have to be there to support him. I hate my life. Maybe I should end it? Nah, he would just play the distraught part and get off easy even if would be his fault. And the rest of them, I mean come on I hate them even more than I hate myself. Well I don't hate everyone. I have a soft spot for psycho's blonde psycho's to be exact. Even if he does call me the pharaoh's whore. I think I may even be in love with him. But he would never love me back.

Malik's point of view:

How I hate truly hate them, specially the pharaoh. He has everything that I deserve. Friends, family, power but above all he has her, Mazaki. Even though I'll never admit it to anyone I Malik Ishtar am in love with the woman. The woman that makes my heart beat. The woman that gives me a reason to live. True I may insult her but that's only because she's with him. I've seen the way they treat her and it makes my blood boil. To treat such a loving and beautiful creature like dirt is unforgivable. They haven't even noticed how she starves herself. He even has her dressing like some nun. I understand her pain on some levels. She's afraid of being alone but I'd rather be alone than be with people like them. Sometimes I question if they even are human. I can't believe that I'm still racking my brain thinking about them. They are such idiots, first they drove Ryou away, and of course it only upset me because we started to become somewhat friends. Bakura of course was pleased but then was driven even more insane if you can imagine from Ryou's constant crying, then they had the audacity to come over to my house and warn my sister to keep me away. I swear if Mazaki hadn't been there, I would've launched myself at the washed up pharaoh right then and snapped his royal neck. I hate them even more than I hate myself. But I can't help but envy them for having the one I love. Though I doubt she could ever love me back. Who knows maybe I'll be able to get what I want and stick it to the pharaoh as well. Oh what a wonderful plan indeed.

Misery: So did you like it? Remember be nice. It's only the beginning. Next chapter will be in normal point of view I hope. Oh and my other story Q.S.R. is sort of stuck because I'm trying to make it better so wait please. 'kay, kisses.