Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Loving Sacrifice ❯ My Loving Sacrifice ( One-Shot )

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You weren't lonely, you stupid girl. You were just too tough to admit that you could call those idiots `friends'. I remember. I remember taking them away from you. One by one, I stole them. First the brunette, then the dog, and then all of them together. I can also recall your soul crying out when he was forgotten. I remember wanting to kill him for being your center of affection. I remember that well.
I gave you a note while you drifted. It reminded you that you were truly alone. I gave you a picture of all those weaklings frolicking around without you. It made you want to cry. I loved seeing you cry. You were beautiful. Your tears would fall down your face, and your dazzling eyes would sparkle with despair. I remember. I remember well.
You were inside an hourglass. You pounded helplessly on the inner walls. The memory of me pulling out the card that sealed your fate from the middle and the sand raining down haunted you. You hated me. I used you.
Once I had realized that I could gain more power by sending souls to the Shadow Realm, I began to grow more ruthless in my tactics. You, my dear, were one of the first. You were nothing but a sacrifice to me. I banished you only to gain more power on my part. And power did I gain. The Shadows seemed to like you and your lonely, shattered soul. They fed me more energy as a reward for sending you to them. I took it all in with no remorse for what I had done to you.
But, I wonder if you remember me holding your face. I lifted your chin up to look into my eyes. Your eyes, a wondrous, shining violet, were lost and you were vulnerable. So vulnerable. Yet I told you your fate, and off I sent you; off I banished you. I don't know if you remember how my hands felt against your skin, but I remember how yours felt against mine. Your face was soft, and warm from the battle. I then remembered how close you came to kissing him, or rather, he to you. It angered me somehow.
Now I watch you aimlessly wander through the shadows, searching for the light that is not there. You haven't really noticed, but every so often I do let you out of the hourglass. This is one of those times. I enjoy watching you search and cry in dismay, unable to find the light that I have turned off. Maybe one day I will pull the chain on the lamp, but for now, I will watch you be sad. I will watch you be pained. I will watch you die ever so slowly.
After all, all sacrifices must be rid of, no, my sweet?