Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: My Moonlit Lover
Part: 5/?
Author: Murasaki Rose
Beta: None
Genre: AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings: YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.
Disclaimer: Here we go. Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment. All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators. In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
A/N: "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic

Summary: In a world where supernatural beings live hidden amongst humans, you never know who or what's eye you might catch! Humans Yugi Mutou and Katsuya Jonouchi have their world turned upside-down when two werewolves choose them as their lifemates!


"So you want to spend the weekend at Atem's home then?" Sugoroku asked his grandson, an air of suspicion in his voice. It wasn't that he didn't trust the boy. Oh no. He knew that if Yugi promised to behave that the small teen would do his best to do just that. However, the elderly man was also well aware of how powerful teenage hormones could be, even moreso amongst the supernatural population, and he feared that Yugi's boyfriend would fall prey to his urges and poor innocent Yugi would be taken along for the ride. (1)

Crossing his arms in a huff and pouting slightly at his over-protective guardian Yugi continued to argue his case. "Hai ojiisan, I want to spend the whole weekend at Atem's, but it's not like we'll be alone! I promise!" he pleaded, making chibi eyes at his grandfather. "Jonouchi, Ryou, Malik, Kaiba, Bakura, and Marik will be there too!"

"No chaperone?" the elder questioned, still wary of the idea of eight teenagers being left to their own devices for the weekend.

"Oh no! Isis-san and Rishid-san will be there with the twins the whole time! And Kaiba-kun is bringing his little brothers too!"

Sensing his grandson's sincerity and unable to resist Yugi's "kicked puppy" face any longer, Sugoroku finally relented. "All right, you can go-"

"Yatta! You're the best jiichan!" Yugi interrupted with a happy cry, glomping onto the elderly man.

"Don't worry jiichan. I'll keep an eye on them so Yugi's "innocence" stays intact," Jou promised, leering at his best friend.

"You say that now, but who's gonna protect you from Kaiba-kun?" Yugi teased, stunning the blond, before darting upstairs to avoid certain doom at the hands of his horribly embarrassed best friend.

Jonouchi didn't remain immobile for long and issuing a loud battle cry, went tearing up the stairs after the smaller teen, intent on revenge.

Used to this behavior, Sugoroku went back to work, ignoring the loud thumps and occasional shouts and squeals coming from the floor above. Minutes later, when he heard his grandson begin to shriek with laughter while pleading for mercy, the elderly man just chuckled and shook his head.


Twenty minutes later (after Jou had finally released Yugi and allowed him to pack) the two friends had arrived at Atem's home, shivering in the biting January wind while they waited for someone to let them inside. They didn't have to wait long before the door opened revealing a smiling Atem.

"Hi Atem!" Yugi chirped in greeting, giving the Egyptian a quick kiss on the cheek as he stepped around him.

"Hello koi," Atem purred, scooping his giggling boyfriend up into his arms to give him a proper kiss. Over the last few weeks, the pale teen had easily grown accustomed to his love's need to cuddle as it mirrored his own and Yugi happily melted into the embrace, dropping his bag to wrap both arms around the taller teen's neck.

A polite cough broke the mood and the two separated to see an amused Jonouchi still standing outside on the porch.

"Not to be rude or anything, but it's really cold out here," he said with a playful smirk, "Could you maybe save the makin' out for when the kids are in bed?"

Moving out of the way, both tri-color-haired teens blushed in embarrassment but before either one could reply two familiar voices shouted in greeting.


Still crouched from taking off his shoes, the blond looked up in time to see two colorful blurs just before they tackled him. Now used to their exuberant greetings, Jou grinned and ruffled Mokuba and Noa's hair as the two boys chattered excitedly at him while maintaining a fierce death grip around his waist and chest.

"What took you so long? Onii-sama's been waiting for you!" Mokuba exclaimed after he and his brother finally released the teen.

"You'd better hurry in before he wears a hole in the floor," Noa added, smirking in a manner eerily reminiscent of his older brother.

Jou chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Aww, I don't think your brother's really that anxious to see me."

Warm arms slipping around his waist caused his spine to stiffen anxiously as a very solid body pressed up against him from behind. "Think again puppy," Seto breathed into Jonouchi's ear, nipping lightly at the lobe. "You're late."

"What are you? My keeper?!" Jou snarled, feigning anger to hide his embarrassment yet making no attempt to escape the taller teen's encircling arms. Despite his insistence that he and the brunet remain friends, Seto had continued to make romantic overtures to the flustered blond. This of course, drove Jonouchi up the wall but since Kaiba was never "more-than-friendly" at school, the human teen could never manage to gather enough will to make the brunet stop.

Case in point: Completely ignoring the blond's outburst, Seto had swept him up into a bridal carry. Then, smirking at the human's blushing cheeks and wide-eyed expression, he leaned in until their noses touched. "Oh I'm more than your keeper, Katsuya."

Jonouchi felt his eyes go impossibly wider at the brunet's declaration. Unable to do little more than stutter and gape at the smug brunet, he was easily carried down the hall by Seto with no resistance.

Having watched the whole scene, Mokuba and Noa both had their hands held over their mouths to stifle their laughter. Now that their big brother was free to pursue him, poor Jonouchi didn't stand a chance. As for the other two spectators . . . both teens were highly amused and excited about what the weekend would bring. One thing was definitely certain, it was bound to be quite interesting.


Since the weather was much too cold for outdoor games, Isis and Rishid had concocted several fun activities that the group of teens could play with the two youngest members of the pack present. One of their ideas had been a rather unique kind of eating contest. Instead of simply trying to out-eat each other with one type of food, the teens were challenged to try a series of strange smelling, looking, or tasting foods. The one who ate the most different types of foods being the winner.

Being an excellent cook, Ryou had been placed in charge of creating the foods for the game. Throwing himself into the challenge, Ryou had come up with a wide variety of foods that either looked disgusting or delicious, tasted disgusting or delicious, or some combination of the two. Throughout the entire game, the silver-haired teen was positively glowing with pride and couldn't help but giggle at some of the faces his friends made both before and after trying the dishes.

Jonouchi groaned and batted weakly at the brunet rubbing gentle circles on his stomach in a half-hearted attempt to stop him. Ryou's food challenge had truly pushed him to his limits . . . but at least he'd won. Unfortunately, his stomach's bloated state left him feeling sleepy and largely immobile, giving his persistent suitor a huge advantage that the brunet was ruthlessly exploiting.

During their game (and several times before for that matter) Seto would pull Jonouchi into his arms and press soft kisses to the back of his neck between turns. Then the very instant the game ended he had taken the blond into his arms and given him a wonderful, relaxing shoulder massage as a prize for winning. This had taken most of the fight out of Jou, giving the brunet wolf a chance to attempt to soothe his aching stomach. Eventually, the gentle circular motions on his belly began to feel soothing and the blond relented, even going so far as to lean his head back on to the larger teen's shoulder.

Having watched the whole scene Yugi smiled sympathetically at his best friend. His own stomach felt stuffed beyond capacity from attempting so many of Ryou's unusual concoctions so he could only imagine how the blond felt. Hearing an almost inaudible groan from Atem, the small teen realized that his boyfriend could probably sympathize more than he could. Lying with his limbs sprawled out and his head cradled in his chosen's lap, Atem had no intention of moving for some time. The competitive Alpha had stayed in the game far longer than he should have, a fact that his stomach was more than happy to inform him of.

With the majority of the teens unwilling to move, they all settled down in the family room to watch the one of the shonen (2) action movie that the young Kaiba brothers had brought.

When the movie ended, the group decided to call it a night and while Seto put his brothers to bed, Atem showed Jonouchi where he would be sleeping before throwing Yugi over his shoulder. Yugi squealed indignantly, squirming and demanding to be let down. "If you want to be taken seriously, you really shouldn't be giggling while making demands," Atem laughed, patting his chosen on the butt as he carried the pale teen down the hall.

"Maybe I don't want to be put down. Maybe I'd rather stay here and enjoy the view," Yugi countered, taking advantage of his postition to give a firm squeeze to the Egyptian teen's ass.

Chuckling softly as Atem squeaked in surprise, Jonouchi decided to retreat before the proud teen realized he'd been heard by someone other than Yugi.

Shutting the door behind him, Jou moved to get his sleep wear out of his bag when he noticed something odd. Sitting next to his bag on the floor was a small suitcase he had never seen before. Confused the blond stared at the mystery luggage, trying to discern just who it could it possibly belong to. He felt his stomach drop to his feet as he came to the horrifying conclusion as to just who was the owner of that suitcase . . .

"Kaiba," he breathed, staring venomously at the piece of luggage as though it were to blame.

"Yes puppy?"

Not having expected an answer, the blond shrieked and leapt clean over the bed to the floor on the other side. He was down there for so long that the brunet began to wonder if Jonouchi was attempting to hide from him. That thought was quickly dispelled when Jou abruptly popped back into view, pointing and glaring accusingly at the tall brunet.

"You did this, didn't you?!"

Smirking, Seto stalked forward and crawled across the bed towards his furious chosen mate, "Does it matter?" he asked, reaching up to cradle the blond's face in his hands. Jonouchi wanted to yell that of course it mattered, but as it seemed to doing a lot lately around Kaiba, his brain shut down leaving him frozen and speechless. Smirking, Seto gently drew Jou's head closer to engage the blond in a moderately-chaste kiss.

Pulling away, Seto tugged blond onto the bed and flush against his chest. Running the fingers of one hand through Jonouchi's silky blond hair, he smiled gently at the confused human in his arms. Taking pity on the other teen, he decided it would be best if they got to sleep before he was tempted to tease his chosen more. "Let's get ready for bed, all right puppy?"

Giving his head a quick shake, Jou blinked at the brunet in surprise before scrambling backwards off the bed. "Sounds like a plan to me!" he agreed, grateful for the escape. Delaying just long enough to grab his sleep wear, the blond darted out of the room for the relative safety of the bathroom, to change. He might have to sleep in the same room as Kaiba, but there was no way he was going to change in front of him!

Seto shook his head ruefully, 'Doesn't he realize we've changed together during gym class?' he thought. Jonouchi truly was adorable when he got flustered. Chuckling at his chosen's antics, the brunet got ready for bed himself, an amused smile on his face the entire time.


A few rooms over, another human and wolf were getting ready for bed as well, but unlike Seto and Jou, were content to change in the same room.

"You don't think Jonouchi-kun is going to be too mad at us do you?" Yugi asked Atem worriedly as he buttoned up his light blue pajama top. "I mean, we did know he and Kaiba-kun were gonna share a room and we didn't warn him or anything."

Stepping away from his dresser, Atem dropped the t-shirt he'd just gotten out and pulled his chosen into a hug. "Don't worry so much love," he reassured the smaller teen, "Even if he is mad, I'm sure that Kaiba will be able to distract him to the point of forgetting."

Turning in his beloved's embrace, Yugi rested his head on Atem's shoulder, his arms wrapping around the other teen's toned, bare chest. "I just hope he doesn't distract him too much."

Nudging Yugi's head with his own, Atem waited until the pale teen's eyes met his. Staring deep into soulful amethyst, the Egyptian teen smiled gently at his chosen. "I know you're worried, but it will be all right. Seto has waited far too long to push Jonouchi away now." Pausing to give Yugi a soft kiss he continued, "He may press him to the edges of his boundaries, but Seto would never do anything to Jou that he didn't consent to."

Smiling brightly at his love, Yugi gave the tan teen a quick peck on the lips. "Okay, you've convinced me. Now, are you going to join me in bed, or do I have to drag you?"

Atem raised an eyebrow in mock surprise, "Feeling bold tonight are we?" he commented, laughing when his love winked impishly at him.

"Maaaaybe," Yugi replied, jumping on to Atem's bed.

"Shouldn't I finish getting dressed first?" he asked, gesturing at his half-dressed state.

"Nah, I think you're dressed enough," the smaller teen leered at his boyfriend.

Leering back, Atem stalked over to his bed, "As you wish my love."


1- *falls over laughing hysterically* Ah yes, sweet, innocent Yugi. Pfft. Yeah right.
2 - the shonen genre covers movies and series aimed at young boys and teens. This would include series like: Dragonball Z, Bleach, One Piece, Slam Dunk, Prince of Tennis, and of course: Yu-Gi-Oh.