Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only... ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warning*: Kinda gory.


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Tea nervoulsy pick up a arrow. "Is...is this what war feels like?" She gulped.

"Pisssttt!! Tea! Mai!" A male voice whispered. Mai and Tea looked ahead of themselves, two male warroirs who was lined up infront of them was calling out to both the girls.

"R-Ryou?! Duke?! W-what are you doing here?!" Tea questioned her voice filled with so much confusion and curiousity.

It was about 5 years ago since Tea had seen Ryou and Duke. One day they both seemed to have disappeared and could not be found, rumor says that they both were taken into the Pharaoh's palace for a crime they did. Tea's village had come down to the conculsion that they were killed or are used a servents, but now...here they are...alive.

Tea felt her heart jump into her throat. She just wanted to jump into her long lost friends arms and cry. But then the white barrier that was casted had fallen, and demons began to advance!

Rei's voice filled the air. "All warriors prepare for battle! Archers fire on my commande!!"

Tea snapped back to reality and set her arrow into her bow and rised it into the air like the rest of the wemon, and pulled the string back. And waited for her que.

Rei then began to chant some kind of spell and white energy began to form around her.

"Source of all souls which dwells in the eternal and infinite, Everlasting flame of blue, Let the power hidden deep within my soul be called forth from the infinite! RA TILT!"

The raven haired sorceress brought her hands forward and shot a large white-blue beam from her hands. The beam flew forward and hit the demons that lay straight ahead, a blinding light was caused once the beam collided with the demons. Once the light vanished more then half of the demons army was killed in the explosion, but...it left behind the stronger demons that was able to survive the attack. But they were weaker, giving the mere humans a chance for victory.

"FIRE!!" Rei commanded and all the wemon gave a battle cry and lauched their arrows. The sky was raining with arrows...

The demon gave a shreak of pain as the arrows penitrated their skin and dug deep into their flesh. Rei commanded for another attack and the wemon all shot another wave of arrows, giving great damage or maybe killing some other demons.

Tea smiled. "We're...we're winning!"

But what happened next caused everyone more problems. Amy came running and reported to Rei her news. "We're being attacked from behind! I'll send the Novic warriors and proceed with Attack Patteren Alpha"

Rei nodded. "Take care of things back there...Zesta warroirs advance!! And proceed with Attack Patteren Delta!!--" Once Rei finshed her orders a red beam had been shot through her right side, making her collospe, her red crimon blood flowed freely over the dirt ground.

The warriors proceed with thier attack orders and ran forward, their swords high into the air.

Tea and Mai ran quickly over to Rei's side. "Rei?! REI?! Open your eyes!! Please!" Tea begged.

Mai got an arrow ready and fired at a rather small demon with small wings, who approched. Soon after Ryou and Duke came to their side. "We'll help too..." Duke stated.

Rei opened her raspberry eyes. "..."

"Are you ok?!" Tea asked, fear that someone might die right in front of her eyes.

"B...behind you...!" She said weakly.

Tea whirled around and saw a large demon with wings and very large demon claws approuch her. It's blood thursty eyes stared down at her, it's large fangs ready for kill...

The demon brought it's large claws down, but only to miss Tea. Tea pulled out another arrow and ran up it's arm, bringing her closer to it's face. She brought the arrow down upon it's left eye, receiving a bloody roar, Tea pulled the arrow back in the bow and shot it directly into it's skull.

"Nice job Tea!" Ryou cheered after he slayed a demon with many arrows in it's body.

Rei slowy go to her feet, forcing a smile on her lips.

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"Ha!!" Amy cried and cropped another demon into two. "That's 15 demons down in a row...new record baby!"

"Ahh!!" A voice screamed.

The red headed priestess ran to the voice and sliced the demon that about to devour a women. "16." She counted. She looked at the girl she just saved. "Kisara? Serenity? I thought you evacuated already!" She said calmly.

Serenity got to her feet and helped Kisara up. "We kinda...acciendently got into battle..." Serentiy said.

"And we we're with Marik too... but we kinda lost him in battle..." Kisara added in.

By the time Serenity and Kisara finished what they had said, Amy had already killed 3 more demons. "That's 19 for the count...well, since your here I can use your help..."

"But how can we help?" The both asked.

"Hm? Don't asked such stupid questions, use your Ka..." She simply said.

"Our what?" They asked again.

"Your...argh! Umm...Ahh!!! HOLY COW SETO IS IN DANGER!! WE GOTTA SAVE HIM!!" Amy lied, but knew how much they both loved the high preist.

"Seto!!" They cried.

"Hehee...now for the good part..." Amy waved her hands around, making an illusion for Kisara and Serenity.

They saw...Seto on the ground with much rubble on top of him, his body very bloody and many demons surrounded him.

"H-help...K..Kisara..Ser..enity..." The illusional voice of Seto said. His blood covered hand reached out to them, but a demon came and sank it's teeth into his flesh, making scream him in pain and lifted from the ground and began to get attacked by the other demons. The illusion Amy created...was getting really outta hand.

"Heh heh..this oughta work...nice work Amy!" Amy giggled out of evilness.

Tears began to fill the two innocent girls eyes. "N-NOOO!! SETO!!!"

"Aww crap...I made them cry..."

A white light flashed and both Kisara and Serenity's eyes glowed. Next thing you know...Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the Red-Eyes Black Dragon flew above the three girls.

"You think I went alittle overboard?...Oh well...at least they unleashed the beasts within them..." Amy thought.

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"Mai!! Look out!!" Tea screamed and watched as Mai was attacked from behind by a demon, she went flying into both Duke and Ryou who caught her.

The demon turned to Tea and ran at full speed, before it could strike her Rei dug her sword into it's stomach, her tiny figure which stood between Tea and the demon. The demon gagged and blood began to spill from it's mouth and onto Rei. The raven haired sorceress twisted the sword deep within the demon, making some of it's organs to now spill from it's body.

Tea covered her mouth, feeling she's going to her sick. She turned her head to the side and saw some of the warriors being ripped apart by other demons, she looked away but to only see another demon feeding.

"So...much death..." Tea shook.

Some more demons landed around Tea and her friends.

"Shit...we're outnumbered..at this rate we'll get killed..." Rei thought. "Dakrness beyond...twilight..." She began to chant.

"Stop it..." Tea whispered.

Rei stopped her chanting, not because of Tea but of the energy she was feeling. "This power..."

"Stop...." Tea wrapped her arms around her body, huging herself.

"Run Tea!! Or you'll get killed!!" Duke yelled as demon began to advance on all five of them.

Tea fell to her knees and began to whimper. "Stop all this pointless fight...all this death..." Tea threw her head back and screamed. "STOP IT!!!!!!!"

And all went white...

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<< Character Profile >>

Name: Seto Kaiba

Height: 7'2"

Weight: 160 lbs.

Blood Type: A

BirthPlace: Japan

Birthday: December 23rd

Eye Color: Blue

Hobbies: Runnig his company, being an ass to people.

Favorite Thing: His little brother. Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Dislikes: Joey, Yugi/Yami/Atem, Tristan, Tea, Mai, Marik/Malik, Bakura/Ryou, Duke, Pegasus, Varon, Amelda, Raheal, Isis, and Oden (Hot Pot thingy)

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Please R&R! Tell me what ya think. And sorry it took so long to update.