Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Only Wish ❯ My Only Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't the song "My Only Wish" by Britney Spears. Yes, I hate her too, but I like the lyrics and it goes good with my story.

Y-n-Y: I decided to do a quick Christmas fic. I'm Jewish, but, hey, it's the holiday season right? Anyways. It's another YY/Y and I hope you guys like it!

Yuugi: ::poke poke:: hey! you forgot to mention you don't own us.

Y-n-Y: Yeah, yeah, I don't own you, okay?

All That's Missing Is The Bow

My Only Wish

Chapter 1

**Last night I took a walk in the snow

**Couples holding hands, places to go

Yuugi, bundled in his coat walked alone in the snow. /It will be a lonely Christmas for me again./ He eyed a couple walking hand in hand on the other side of the street. Jealousy flooded his senses. /It's not fair. They have each other. I bet that they're going home to sleep by the fire./ He jammed his hands in his pockets.

**Seems like everyone but me is in love

**Santa can you hear me

The small boy thought of his friends. /Heh, I bet Bakura is driving Ryou nuts. Bakura doesn't have one holiday bone in his body./ He imagined Ryou decorating their tree while Bakura would be trying to light it on fire. He smiled bitterly. /Jounouchi and Seto probably arguing about who gets to put the star on the tree. Malik and Marik are trying to figure out how to booby-trap my and Ryou's presents so they can take ourSennen Items when we die./

He looked at the sky. /Everyone but me has someone they can be with, someone to love./ It's not like he didn't have someone to love, but he couldn't tell him. /Santa can you hear me?/

**I signed my letter that's sealed with a kiss

**I sent it off, and just said this

Yuugi made his way home. //Aibou? Is that you?// Yami was in the kitchen and so Yuugi decided to avoid the spirit./Yes. I'm going upstairs./ He closed their mental link. Yuugi felt the surprise Yami had when he did that. He got out a piece of paper and pencil. Then proceeded to do something he hadn't done since he was a small child.

He wrote a letter to Santa.

**I know exactly what I want this year

**Santa can you hear me

Dear Santa,

I know what I want for Christmas. I want the love of Yami. I know it's wrong to force someone to love, but even if I learn his love for me is in a brotherly like fashion I will be content. Or at the very least, I wish for the courage to tell him how I feel. I love him so much that it hurts just to think about it. Please, Santa, hear my wish.

**I want my baby, baby

**I want someone to love me

**And someone to hold

**Maybe, maybe (maybe, maybe)

**He'll be on my own and a big red bow

I just want someone to love me. To hold me and I him. I want to hold Yami.I want him to be mine. Having his love would be like having the whole world in s box with a big red bow.

**Santa can you hear me?

**I have been so good this year

**And all I want is one thing

**Tell me my true love is here

I have never asked for much. I have always been good and I've respected my elders. All I want is this one thing. I want Yami.

**He's all I want, just for me

**Underneath my Christmas tree

**I'll be waiting here

**Santa that's my only wish this year

That's all. Him waiting for me Christmas morning, under the tree. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here waiting for my wish to come true. Please, Santa, I love him.

**Christmas Eve, I just can't sleep

**Would I be wrong, for taking a peek?

Christmas Eve. Yuugi looked at his clock. It's 11pm and hehaven't heard anything yet. /I wonder if I should go downstairs and see. Or would that be wrong?/

**'Cause I heard that you're comin' to town

**Santa can you hear me

He had often wondered how Santa could travel everywhere in one night. /You must hear me./

**I really hope that you're on your way

**With something special for me in your sleigh

Yuugi used to think that Domino was so small that Santa would pass them. /But you can't this year. Your sleigh holds my heart. My love is on the line./

**Oh please make my wish come true

**Santa can you hear me

He put the pen down and looked through his window at the stars. /I just want my one wish to come true./

**I want my baby, baby

**I want someone to love me

**And someone to hold

**Maybe, maybe (maybe, maybe)

**We'll be all alone under the mistletoe

Yamiimagined Christmas morning with Yuugi. Telling each other how they love the other. Holding tightly together, afraid to let go. Yuugiwould point out the mistletoe and by tradition, Yami would beforced to kiss his aibou.//I wish.//

**Santa can you hear me?

**I have been so good this year

**And all I want is one thing

**Tell me my true love is here

He had learned of this holiday from Yuugi and found very much to his liking. Yuugi had explained it as a time of love and happiness. But Yami had noticed a spark of sadness in his aibou's face.

Yami decided it was time. The only gift he wanted was the courage to tell Yuugi. And if by some miracle, thathe would love Yami, too.

**He's all I want, just for me

**Underneath my Christmas tree

**I'll be waiting here

**Santa that's my only wish this year

He sat near the Christmas tree and waited for Yuugi to return downstairs.

Yami paced back and forth. The minutes ticked by, so he decided not to waste time and write a letter to Yuugi. //How do I start it?//

**I hope my letter reaches you in time

**Bring me a love, I can call all mine

**'Cause I have been so good this year

**Can't be alone, under the mistletoe

**He's all I want and a big red bow

To Yuugi,

I don't know how to quite say what I want to you, but I'll try and I hope you'll be able to forgive me if I've offended you.

I guess the simplest way to say it is: I love you. It's been so long since I've been able to tell someone that. I've be alone for a long time. I don't want to be alone anymore.

You've told me that Christmas is a time of love and happiness. Nothing would make me more happier than loving you and you loving me.

Love Forever,


Another vision crossed Yami's mind. Yuugi sat next to him wearing a big red bow on his head. Yami laughed at the though and folded his letter, determined to give it to his aibou.

**Santa can you hear me?

**I have been so good this year

**And all I want is one thing

**Tell me my true love is here

AN: Good? Bad? Don't worry this is just the first chapter! This will only be a two-parter, so you can guess what's gonna happen next. Please review ^___^