Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain is Your Pleasure ❯ Chapter 2 - A New Arrival ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[KO:  Hiya, time for chapter 2!  I normally don’t like to update without at least 5 reviews, but it’s looking pretty bleak, so I’ll update early!  But first, review responses!



< h1>Chapter 2 - A New Arrival            & nbsp;      “Yugi, get the mail, onegai*!”         &nbs p;       “Okay,” he chirped, running outside.  He glanced down, and his eyes nearly doubled in size.  “Ojīchan*, there’s a girl unconscious on the sidewalk!” he yelled.            & nbsp;    “Nani*?!” two voices cried in shock.            &n bsp;    “Jou, help me carry her in!”           &nbs p;     “Sure,” he replied, dashing out.  “Oi*, Yugi, she looks kinda like you,” he remarked, picking her up under the arms.            &nb sp;    “I hadn’t really noticed, but, come to think of it, she does, kind of,” Yugi responded, lifting her feet.  “Besides, I was a little more preoccupied with the pool of blood she was in.”            &nb sp;      Terri’s POV             ;       The first thing I was aware of was a splitting headache.  The second thing was a voice yelling, “Ojīchan!  She’s waking up!”           &nbs p;     Well, if I wasn’t awake then, I am now, I thought, rubbing my head and sitting up.  It was then that I realized the bandages on my head.  “Wh-where am I?”             ;     “Oh, good, you’re awake,” the same voice said, quieter this time.            &nb sp;    “Well, no offense, but that doesn’t really answer my question:  where on Earth am I?”             ;     “Oh, gomen*,” he said with a laugh, stepping into my line of vision.  The boy had, without a doubt, the strangest hair I had ever seen, black with red tips and blond bangs, spiking out in different directions, accented by wide violet eyes.  “You’re in Ojīchan’s game shop.  Are you all right?  We found you unconscious on the sidewalk in a pool of blood.”           & nbsp;     “I’m fine, but my head’s killing me.  Last thing I remember, I was walking down the road with my bag when--oi, where’s my bag?!” I asked, almost more surprised by having spoken Japanese than I was by the fact that my bag was missing.  “Yah!  I’m speaking Japanese!”          &nbs p;      “Hai*….” he trailed off.  “What’s wrong with that?”           &n bsp;     “‘What’s wrong with that?!’  What do you mean, ‘what’s wrong?!’  I’m an American teenager with no knowledge of Japan or its culture, and now I’m speaking perfect Japanese, that’s what’s wrong!  And let’s not even go into how I got here!  Oh, man, this is makin’ my head hurt even worse than before!”                  “Calm down, you’re gonna give yourself a heart attack,” another boy said as he walked in.  I noticed that he was more conventional-looking than the first; he had blond hair and brown eyes.            &nb sp;    “Gomen--er, sorry, I just panicked,” I said, regaining my composure.  “Who are you guys anyway?”                  “My name’s Yugi Mutou, and this is--”           &nb sp;     “--Jonouchi Katsuya at your service,” he cut in, taking my hand in his own.  “And you are?”           &nb sp;     “Happily single and planning on staying that way, but my name is Terri Allen.”           & nbsp;     “Are you sure you’re not from around here?” Jonouchi asked.  “You really do look a lot like Yug.”           &nb sp;     “Kiku*--listen--argh, I give up!  Anyway, last time I checked, I was a gray-eyed brunette,” I replied with a grin.            &nb sp;    “Well, it must’ve been a long time since you last checked,” Jonouchi returned while Yugi looked on, an amused expression on his face.            &nb sp;    “What’re you talking about?  C-can I use your bathroom for a minute?” I asked, feeling the color drain from my face.            &nb sp;    “Hai, sure,” Yugi said.  “Go upstairs, and it’ll be the first door on your right.”           & nbsp;     “D-d-dōmo*,” I stammered, fumbling up the stairs.                    Normal POV             ;       “IS THIS SOMEONE’S IDEA OF A JOKE?!” Yugi and Jou heard.  They ran upstairs to find Terri shrunk back against the far wall, staring in shock at her own reflection.           &nb sp;     “Are you all right, Terri?” Yugi asked.            &n bsp;    “Physically, hai.  Mentally, I’m not sure.  This is all a real shock, first I get sucked between dimensions, then I find out my entire appearance has been changed!  By the way, where’s my duffel bag, the one with my clothes and cards in it?”           &nbs p;     “’Cards?’  You play Duel Monsters?  Oh, and your bag’s downstairs by the door.”           &n bsp;     “Dōmo; I’ll just change out of these bloody clothes, get my deck, and we can have a duel.”           &n bsp;     “All right, sounds interesting; I’ll go grab your bag,” Yugi replied with a grin, running back downstairs.           &nb sp;     “So, what brings ya here to Domino?” Jou asked.            &n bsp;    “I don’t know what brings me here, but I could tell you why I left.  I’m actually running away.”           &n bsp;     “Why would you wanna run away from home?!” he asked, shocked.                  “Because it was no home,” she spat as Yugi returned with her duffel bag.  (A/N:  Man, can you imagine how fit these people must be with all this running up and down stairs?)  “It was more like a prison.”                  “How so?” Yugi asked, startling her.            &nbs p;    “Oh, I didn’t know you’d gotten back so soon.  Um, my story’s too long and too depressing, and it’ll have to wait if we’re gonna duel today.  If I tell you beforehand, I’ll get too depressed to duel, and I don’t want that happen, since I want to see firsthand how good you are.”           &nb sp;     “Okay, meet us downstairs; we’ll be waiting behind the shop.  I notice that we tend to get an audience when we duel out front,” he said with a laugh as he and Joey went downstairs.  (A/N:  Again….)                  “I’ll just take a minute!” she called after them.  She quickly changed clothes and ran downstairs, trying to ignore the limp slowing her down.  “Mr. Mutou!  Where’s the back door?  Yugi said he’d be waiting behind the shop to duel me!” she called.            & nbsp;    “This way,” he responded, leading her out the back.  “You’re dueling Yugi, *?  This should be interesting.”          & nbsp;      “’Interesting?’” she repeated.  “Pretty good, is he?”           &nbs p;     “That’s putting it mildly.  He was able to beat the creator, who also happened to be a mind reader.”                  “Wow!  Beat a mind reader?  This will be interesting!” she said, wetting her lips in anticipation.           [A/N:  THE CHALLENGE has been issued.  Who will win? Terri:  Did you have to put “the challenge” in all caps? KO:  ^_^  Hai, it adds dramatic effect.  Why just say, “The challenge has been issued,” when I can say, “THE CHALLENGE has been issued?” Terri:  -_-‘  Anyway, review, onegai!   Preview and Summary of Chapter 3 - The Duel:  Pt. 1:   Terri:  Next time on My Pain is Your Pleasure, the duel between Yugi and me gets underway!  Hai, I know it says “Pt. 1,” and that’s ‘cause it’s gonna be divided into 3 parts.  What I’d like to know is who this other Yugi is and why he’s so cocky about his dueling skills. KO:  I told you last time, he’s the King of-- Terri:  *covers KO’s mouth*  SPOILER!  DOESN’T COUNT!! KO (muffled):  Okay, okay, jeez. Terri:  Anyway, I seem to have Yugi, or at least this other one, on the ropes, until he pulls a--if I may say so--bitchin’ move to keep me at bay, but that won’t stop me!  However, I don’t have the card needed to counter, so now what?
KO:  What happens when two duelists, neither of which ever lose, face off?  Review and I’ll put up the next chapter so you can find out!   Preview of Chapter 3:           &nb sp;       “Not to brag, but I should warn you ahead of time:  I never lose.”          & nbsp;      Yugi didn’t respond, but transformed with a flash from his Millennium Puzzle.  “Neither do I,” Yami replied with a smirk.           & nbsp;     “Well, then, this should be very interesting,” she answered, returning his smirk with one of her own.  “Ready?”          ;        “DUEL!” they both shouted.                    She looks familiar when she duels, Yami mused.           & nbsp;     How so? Yugi asked.           & nbsp;     I’m not sure, but I feel as though I know her from somewhere….        & nbsp;        Old friend, maybe?          ;        Perhaps.        &nbs p;          Well, you’ve gotta admit, she’s a good duelist, Yugi pointed out.           &nb sp;     She is, but I wish I could remember her style, Yami replied, frustrated.            &nb sp;        SPECIAL TREAT!  READER QUIZ TIME What do you think will be the outcome of the duel?  I’ve already decided, but I want to see how many can get it right.             & nbsp;     A:  Yami wins            &nbs p;    B:  Terri wins            &nbs p;    C:  Draw            &nbs p;    D:  Called off due to trouble                    Please enclose your votes in a review!  ^_^  *hint, hint*    Translations from Japanese:   Onegai - Please (when making a request) Ojīchan - Grandpa (I think we knew that, but just to be on the safe side….) Nani - What (above comment) Oi - Hey Gomen - Sorry Hai - Yes, yeah, etc. (In this case, the latter) Kiku - Listen (already translated in the story, but once again, just to be safe….) Dōmo - Thanks Nē - (used for emphasis, in this case, “So, you’re dueling Yugi, nē?” = “So, you’re dueling Yugi, huh?”)   Ja ne!]