Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Report on Vampires ❯ The Next Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yugi sighed and shifted his weight so he was on his side. He mumbled a few words in his sleep and roughly turned again.

Yami woke up when he felt the movements in his lap. He lifted his head and smiled at the sight. It was the first time he had ever woken up with another being and it felt very nice.

After staring for a few minutes, Yami's eyes trailed over to the VCR, which blinked 7:25. 'Maybe I should make some breakfast. It could even show Yugi that I really care for him.' he thought. Carefully, he stood up without waking the teen who only sighed and cuddled with the cape to keep warm. Again, he mumbled a few words that Yami couldn't quite hear.

"I wonder what's he dreaming about," the vampire whispered to himself. With that in mind he silently walked to where he thought the kitchen was.


"Yaaami!" Yugi cried as ran with tears in his eyes into the other's arms.

"Yugi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" The confused vampire asked as Yugi only held on tighter for comfort.

"I-I don't want you to leave me! I-I…" he choked as he tried holding back his tears.

"Yugi it's all right." He rubbed Yugi's head and back to calm him down. "Now what is it you're trying to say?"

Yugi sniffed and tried to talk, but the words weren't coming out. "I-I-I…" He took a deep a breath. "I love you, Yami!" He cried and buried his face into the vamp's shoulder. "I just don't want to be a-alone anymore…I-I need you…"

Yami continued to rub the distressed teen. "Yugi…" He whispered lustfully into his ear. "I love you too."

Yugi pulled back and looked at Yami with an astonished look. "Y-you do?"

"Yes…" The vampire cupped Yugi's moist cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. Then the same hand slid under the human's chin, making Yugi look at vampire straight in the eye. Leaning in Yami whispered, "With all of my heart." and firmly kissed Yugi on the lips.

The teen closed his eyes, as the kiss became intense. Yami sucked on the soft lips and trailed his tongue down Yugi's neck. The teen moaned in pleasure and didn't notice the vampire's intentions. Yami's fangs were growing and touching the bare skin.

"Yami!" Yugi gasped as he was bitten into his neck.


Yugi sat up and looked around the living as sweat dripped from his forehead. He placed a hand over his beating heart. It was a dream Yugi took a deep breath to calm himself down. When he did, he noticed a small sensation in his groin. Aw... geeze, I can't believe I kissed Yami in my dream. That's so… embarrassing. His hand felt the cape lying in his lap. Yami's cape? What's it doing here with me? He thought back to last night. I must have slept with Yami last night! He blushed.


Yami stirred the yellow and white mush in the pad. "Good morning, Yugi. Hope you're in the mood for eggs." He happily greeted as the teen slowly stepped into the kitchen.

"You're making breakfast?" he asked as Yami continued to stir. This was...unexpected.

"Sure. A vampire's gotta eat too."

"Oh, I didn't know that. I thought you could only…" he trailed off.

"Drink blood?" Yugi nodded. "Yes, I suppose that is true, but it still doesn't mean I can't eat." He placed the spoon on the counter and turned around. "It'll take a few minutes before it's ready."

Yugi nodded again. The dream was still vaguely lingering in his mind. "Umm… I'm going to take shower. I can feel the drool marks on my face." He laughed nervously and left for the bathroom.

"Okay…" Yami answered. A shower? Mmm a Yugi without any clothesA bit of drool came out. Arg, Yami! he slapped himself. Control yourself! Last thing Yugi needs is an aroused vampire. He sighed and went back to his cooking.


"Mmm, those eggs look good. Way better than my grandpa's." Yugi complimented as he sat down at the dining table. Yami turned around and saw that Yugi changed into a different set of clothes with a loose, white shirt and jeans.

"Why thank you. I don't know about your grandpa, but I'm sure my eggs taste as good as anybody's." He smiled and set both of their plates on the table.

Yugi looked at his plate and picked up a fork. The utensil neared the yellow substance, but it was pulled away. He needed something first. "I'm just going to get some ketchup," he said, standing out of his chair.

"Ketchup?" The vampire questioned. Yugi came back from the fridge with a red bottle.

"Yeah. Ya' know the stuff that's made from tomatoes. I like with my eggs." He tried squeezing the bottle, but nothing came out. "What the-" Yugi tried again.

"Here let me get that for you, aibou," Yami reached across the table.

"No, no! It's all right. I almost got it…" Yugi growled as he gave it one last squeeze…

The red goo splattered all over his shirt.

"Yugi are you alright?" Yami looked at the surprised look on Yugi's face. Only for some reason his eyes were glued to the red marks. It seem familiar to him somehow… something like… blood.

Yugi didn't notice the strange look in his company's eyes. He was concentrating on the mess that was on him. "Yeah… I'm okay. Only I have to go change my clothes AGAIN." He sighed and glanced up. "Yami?"

Thoughts of last night's events were flashing through the vampire's mind. How he saw Yugi's blood. How he smelled Yugi's blood. How he tasted Yugi's blood. The vampire licked his lips remembering the sweet taste of human blood, his first and only taste of human blood.

"Yami?" Yugi waved his hand in front of his face.

The vampire snapped out of it. "Huh, wha?"

"I'm just going to change my clothes, okay?" Yami nodded as Yugi started to leave. "Oh and Yami? Do you mind if we start the interview when I get back? I want to do it now while I feel like it. I have a tendency to put things off to the last minute, ya ' know?" He smiled sheepishly as Yami nodded again. "Great. I'll be right back." And with that Yugi ran up to his room.

The vampire sighed. The interview was going to be next. 'Great. I just don't like talking about myself,' he thought and finally took a bite of his eggs. 'Mmm good, but it needs blo… er, I mean ketchup."


Yugi rummaged through his closet and finally found a pair of black jeans and a matching shirt. "I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that and in front of a vampire too! Probably thinks I'm a dork now." He said as he changed. He then went over to his desk and pulled out a notepad and a pen. A random thought about the incident came to his mind. "He called me aibou when he was trying to help me … But what's that suppose to mean?"


Aibou means partner in Japanese. (It just sounds better.)