Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Secrets... ❯ Dream and an Annoying Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Thank you, for all reviewers or reviewer to let me continue! Anyways, here is the story!
Seto toss and turn in his bed, he was sweating and panting...
“Where am I?” Seto asked himself as he saw a little girl with red hair and green eyes was staring at a little boy who looks like himself.
Then he saw the boy and the girl hugging but then the girl just ran off and Seto's formal self followed.
“What is going on?” Seto asked himself again as he followed the boy. He saw the boy stop and he noticed that the girl was gone too...
“I guess will meet again....some day...” replied the little Seto boy as he left in the shadows.
“I remembered this memory before...somehow, but I can't remember the girl's name...”
//Sachiko.../ a voice was echoing in his mind
/Who? / Seto asks his mind.
//Sachiko...Sachiko...Sachiko...Sachiko....she save you and your brother....and you save her....her name is Sachiko.....Sachiko Lafayette....//
/Sachiko? /
//Sachiko...Sachiko Lafayette//
Then there was a whole opening below Seto's. “What the?!” shouted Seto as he screams when he fell down and down and down the hole...
~~End Dream~~
Seto woke up and covered his mouth to stop the scream, he look at his clock it was just 3:00 AM. /Another dream/ Kaiba thought. It was the same dream for 6 days and now it's his seventh time to have that dream over and over again.
/What did that dream meant? / Seto thought and the voice from his dream came and answered. //That dream meant love, Kaiba// said the voice. /Impossible, I don't believe in loving someone/ replied Kaiba in his mind.
//Yes you do Kaiba...you just act mean because nobody loves you anymore but Sachiko does...//
“GRRR! WHO IS SACHIKO?!” shouted Seto as he threw the pillow at his mirror and it broke.
//OOH! Seven years of bad luck....//
/And I don't believe in luck either.../
2 maids came in running also Mokuba. “Seto, what happen?” ask Mokuba as Kaiba just shook his head. “Nothing, I'm just over work in my mind to memorize the stuff I'm going to do today...”
“So that's why you have to break the mirror with your pillow or is that just an accident of throwing it?” ask Mokuba again. “An accident” replied Seto as the 2 maids cleans up the mess of the mirror.
“No, don't, you both will clean it up later, right now it's too early to wake up and start cleaning, go back to bed” Seto ordered the maids as the maids nodded and left. “Well, night, bro” Mokuba said as he left and close the door.
“Night, Mokie...” said Seto after Mokuba left. Seto went back to bed and tried to concentrate for tomorrow. “Damn it...I need to go to sleep....find your happy place, Kaiba, find your happy place....”
//you don't got no happy place, your happy place is Sachiko//
/Shut up.../
//Make me, I'm gonna be with you until you accept your faith and I might be free!//
/Wait, why the hell am I talking to yourself, Kaiba? /
//you're not, you're talking to me....//
/Who the hell are you?/
//Subaki...if you accept love to Sachiko then I'm out of your body and leave you alone!//
//I said accept Sachiko's love!//
/I meant how? And where? And When?/
//By saying I love you, at sunset taking her hands in marriage, and I don't know...Depends if you're good at girls....//
/Why should I?/
//Because its love Seto...You have felt it before with Sachiko as Sachiko felt it as well...and this is a good drama and even-//
/*fake snoring*/
/...............she's gone....phew....time for bed/
//Ok, Ok, sheesh, you should have ask politely...*leaves*//
/*sighed relief*finally.../
//^^ Good night!//
Author: It's a never ending night! Oh, and thank you Sakota for reviewing! You know, I wish all the authors should have read this because I'm presenting them to my fanfic, if that's ok for them, anyways, here's Sakota!
Biography: Just love anime! Love cute anime boys with the hole mister felless thing going on. I love anime!!!!!!
Fan fiction: none...
Fan art: none...
Author: That's all the info I got, Sakota! Thank you, Sakota, and please all of you authors review, please? Oh, by the way, my names Sachiko....