Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Secrets... ❯ Reyna Busted and Meeting Friends again ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Terra: This is where Sachiko finishes off Sachiko...
~~Continue Sachiko's POV~~
I was so mad at her, my yami want to kick her butt also but I pushed her out of the way and I'll handle Reyna. I jumped at her and lift her up again and threw her to the locker. I charged at her, she was still moving then I felt an energy growing in her, I found out, she's also...like me....
Reyna stood up and blew me with a fire bolt and it hit me to the wall to the outside. Reyna is fire demon!
/Don't say it!/
I got on and then Reyna was charging to me with flare speed, she's been trained well but I'm better. I jumped out of the way and she couldn't stop the flare speed so she hit to the tree.
Some students were laughing but then I sense something else. There am not only me a demon, someone else is still demons.
//Let me take over!//
/If you want to.../
Terra took over me while I got inside to the pendant underneath my chest.
~Terra's POV~
That girl Reyna doesn't have a yami, no wonder she looks so shock that my faced changed. “Who are you?! You're not Sachiko” Reyna shouted but I smirk with a very devilish smirk in my face. I was chuckling uncontrollably.
Instead, she charges into me. Pathetic demon, I am much powerful than she is. I then move out of the way and kicked her stomach then she flew back to the tree. I laugh evilly but then I hear sirens.
“Damn it, cops...” I muttered as a cop was behind me holding a pathetic gun. “Hold it right there!” the cop shouted at me I turn and smirk evilly. He was shuddering but kept the gun.
“Imbecile human, I can't get killed by a gun, it's just too pathetic of those kinds...if you know what's best for you do not underestimate me” I said as I turn to face Reyna who got hand cups on her wrists.
“I guessed she's too weak” I said then 5 policemen circling around me. “Surrender, yourself” they said as I made a quick get away. “You'll never catch me!” I shouted at them and made some smoke screen they were blinded.
I called out the shadow realm to take me there and I went while the pathetic humans are out there still in the smokescreen and didn't know that I was in the Shadow Realm.
~Everyone's POV~~~
After all the smoke screen was gone, Terra disappeared. Seto was speechless of what happen even everyone but then the Principal snap then all up. “Alright, everyone come down, it's over!”
“No it isn't” said a boy with a tri colored hair, Yugi. “She will be back but I don't think that she would hurt us” said Yugi. “And what ya think of that?” the Principal asked. “Because we're her friends she wouldn't hurt us” Yugi replied as Tea, Joey, and Tristan agrees.
“And I sure don't think that she might go after Kaiba since she got crush of him, heck, maybe Kaiba also had a crush of her because that's only the reason why he let her sit-” Joey got cut off because Kaiba threw a tray at the mutt's back head then Seto left.
Sachiko: BREAK! Not the end but break....we're just gonna talk, so...
Terra: Got nothing
Seto: nothing
Subaki: Truth or dare!
Sachiko/Seto/Terra: O.O
YGO: *nods faster*
Subaki: Alright, I'll go, Terra, truth or dare?
Terra: Dare me! I ain't afraid of anything!
Subaki: Ok, I dare to kiss the guy that you really want to kiss
Terra: *growing blushes*
Subaki: Well?
Terra: *sighed* *goes up to Subaki and kissed her*
Some people: *Laughing really hard*
Others: *amazed*
Terra: It's time to continue....
Subaki: *blushing while in a stunned mode*
Sachiko: O.O umm, truth or dare will continue later, right now, it's My Secrets
At nighttime, there were lots and lots of reporters outside trying to interview Seto Kaiba of making friends with Sachiko, the witch or demon of what the reporters said. Luckily, Kaiba's agents kept out all the reporters while Kaiba does his company but Mokuba pestered him of what happen on school and why is it that his brother got involved of the incident that happened at school.
For a minute, at High Super Jail (Note to self: Where'd I get “High super Jail”?) Reyna was getting interviewed by the cops but Reyna just bark them off. She got pissed so she then used her other powers but can't she's lock up.
But Sachiko was in her apartment till then cops barged in. they hold up guns but then Sachiko got away faster than anyone neither her species. She had nowhere else to go except her dimensional home but she can't, she wouldn't, she doesn't want to face her abusive parents.
She doesn't want to get carved by hot knives in her whole body; her left shoulder has been carved so she doesn't want to go anymore. She doesn't want to; she cried of nothing else to go except for Terra, her yami, didn't say anything, knowing that Sachiko doesn't to be bothered.
/What am I going to do? / Sachiko thought but her yami did hear it but never made a peep, then someone called her name. “Sachiko?!” someone shouted behind her, she looked back and saw her long lost friends.
“Yuna, Tala, Zeneca...I thought all of you are back at your homes and bequeath me on planet earth's dimensional 12” Sachiko said shockingly as her friends just smiled.
~Sachiko's friends~
Looks: Long white hair with yellow streaks, blue eyes, long blue skirt, and white shirt
Powers: Water powers
Looks: Blue short hair, light brown eyes, yellow shorts, yellow jacket, and white shirt.
Powers: Sun powers
Looks: Green long hair, red eyes, black leather pants, red dress code shirt, and black long jacket.
Powers: Shadow or Dark Powers
Sachiko: Oh! And I want to add myself, I forgot about it!
Looks: Pony tail red hair, green eyes, still wearing school uniforms
Powers: Half light powers and half shadow or dark powers
“What? You got to be kidding me, you see before we enter you were gone so we decided to stay, we were finding you but can't since we can't find you” said Zeneca. “So we decided to have some gangsters to help us all out to find you but still we didn't, it was hard for us to find you” Tala continued.
“When we continued to grown we used our talents of singing, raping, and dancing to make a bar so then you might enter and we can have you here with us again!” said Yuna as Sachiko was surprise of what they did so hard to find her.
“And we provided lots of money to find you still it was hard to find you and I can't believe that we were just walking and talking and encountered you, this is really astoundingly unacceptable shocking features” said Zeneca.
Yuna, Tala and Sachiko were surprisingly shocked of Zeneca's last words even Terra; she can't even learn those words and say it to people. “You're too obsessive of new words, Zeneca” said Yuna with a sarcastic tone. “Well what kind of new words have you learn? Huh, Mrs. Shrewd?” Zeneca talked back.
Yuna was just steaming up but Sachiko broke them off to stop. Yuna and Zeneca forgot that Sachiko was there. Tala laughed heavily so as Terra in Sachiko's mind, Sachiko just giggled.
Sachiko guessed that she and her friends have a lot to talk about...
Sachiko: YES! Another completed chapter, please authors, if you read this, please review....I'm so sad.... ;~;
Sachiko: BEHAVE! Please, review and tell me what you think....
Tala: Is there anything that happen next chapter? Please review!