Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Tumble in the Chambers ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Wouldn't you know my schedule would start to clear when finals start approaching? Oi! Eh, well…it's April 21 and that means an update. So is this working out for you readers? An update every Friday? Because, if it's not, just let me know in your review and I'll try to change it.
Chapter 6 - Tumble in the Chambers
Yugi sat on the floor, looking up at Shimon as he finished his story. They were both quiet for what seemed like a very long time. Footsteps passed the room at least twice, but that was the only sounds that could be heard.
“Wh-what happened to Malik after that?”
“He and his mother live and work in a different of the palace. Tale, as you know, is the teacher for all the dancers. Malik cleans the dancers' wing. Tale knew the Pharaoh hardly ever came into the dancers' wing, because of all the young girls who would throw themselves at him.”
“I didn't see Malik when I went to the dancers' wing.”
Shimon nodded, half expecting such a response. “Malik keeps out of sight. I often catch a glimpse of him running errands into the market, but that's all. He's almost like a spirit nowadays.”
“What should I do, sir?” Yugi asked, breathless.
“If you feel that you are in danger, young man, then, for Ra's sake, tell me. Don't think you can hide it.”
Yugi nodded. “Well, so far nothing has happened. The Pharaoh hasn't made any sort of move on me. Although, now that I've said that, he probably will…”
Shimon shrugged. “I do not know, dear boy. Run along now.”
Yugi stood, bowed, and left the room with much on his mind.
Atemu ate his evening meal in his chambers with Yugi sitting on his cushions. The Pharaoh watched Yugi throughout most of the meal. The young slave boy seemed distracted and disturbed. His bodily features were tense and unnerved.
Yugi jumped a little when he heard his name. “Ph-pharaoh?”
“What is the matter? Did something happen?”
“No sir.” Yugi said, looking down at his half-eaten food.
Atemu took a goblet of wine and took a sip. “Tell me. What is it?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, stop asking!” Yugi growled.
“Tomorrow evening is my party with the ambassador. I'm going to have you measured for some nice clothes. I hope they like you.”
“They? I thought there was only one ambassador?”
Atemu nodded. “There is, but he's bringing his daughter along. I was wondering if you'd keep her entertained for me.”
Yugi stared at him. Entertain? Was he going to be whored out or some such vulgarity? “What did you have in mind?”
“I sense you are angry with me. I want to know what I've done wrong.” Atemu frowned a little.
“I'm not going to have sex with anybody for anyone's amusement!”
“Who said anything about sex? And don't yell at me like that.”
“And I won't be like Malik either! I'll resist anything and everything about you!”
Atemu nearly dropped his wine goblet. His eyes widened and his blood ran cold. “Wh-where did you hear about that?”
“I hear things.” Yugi said, partly lying. He had the feeling that Shimon would get in trouble if the Pharaoh knew that the priest had told about the previous slave boy.
“Really?” Atemu asked. He put down the goblet and reached under his bed. He pulled out a box half the length of Yugi's arm.
Yugi watched curiously as the Pharaoh slid the box over to him. “Keep anything and everything that's inside. What you do with those items is your business, not mine.”
“Th-thank…you?” Yugi said. He didn't know what else to say and opened the box. His jaw dropped. Inside the box was a dagger, or perhaps a small sword. It had a long blade with a short hilt. The blade itself was as thick as Yugi's little finger. It looked quite powerful. The other treasure in the box was a sparkling amulet. Decorated on the medallion was a huge red dragon with two mouths and a long, curling body.
“I can't use this.” Yugi said.
“Just remember your father. You said you've seen him use a sword. A dagger is no different.” Atemu replied, leaving his plate and goblet out for a servant to retrieve them.
Yugi clutched the dagger and the amulet to his chest. “Thank you…really…”
Atemu slipped into bed and whispered, “You're welcome, Nkuku.” He was surprised out of his wit when Yugi tackled him and pressed the dagger's hilt on his chin.
“It's Yugi, stupid.”
Atemu laughed. “You're threatening me with the wrong end, you know.”
Yugi turned the dagger over, but Atemu grabbed his wrist and pulled the dagger free. “Ha. I have it now.”
Yugi frowned. Then he laughed too. “Okay. I need practice. Give it here.”
Atemu sat up. Yugi was in his bed! He could take him and love him all night long. Yugi would reject him. He would no doubt go to Shimon and the old priest would send Yugi away forever. After what happened with Malik, Atemu had sworn to never let his sexual desires get the better of him.
Now here was a young man who stirred his passion and claimed his heart without even trying or meaning to. For once in his life, Atemu had someone that he never wanted to loose; someone he wanted to court and someday bond together with.
“I won't ever loose you.” Atemu whispered, giving Yugi back his dagger.
“Eh? What?”
Atemu shook his head. “Never mind. Get some sleep, Yugi.”
Something was wrong. Yugi opened his eyes and relaxed a little. Atemu was up walking around. He probably couldn't sleep. Yugi lifted his head and rubbed a bit of the sleep from his eyes. “Pharaoh, what's wrong?” The figure stopped near the slightly opened curtain leading onto the balcony.
Yugi froze. It wasn't Atemu! It was an intruder. “Pharaoh!” Yugi screamed. The figured rushed at Yugi and threw something—a blanket or sack perhaps—over his head. The figure tried to drag Yugi away, but the intruder fell and Yugi heard the grunts and angry growls of Atemu. There was no light in the room at all, so none of them could tell who was who.
It was all happening so fast. All three were in a tangle of blankets, cushions, arms and legs. Yugi's head was still covered and he struggled to remove it. Oh if he could get to his dagger! He heard a gasp of pain and Atemu shout for the guards. Yugi screamed again and kicked at whoever was on top of him.
Atemu cried out in pain and Yugi felt somebody press something in his hand. It took him only a moment to realize it was the dagger. He grasped the hilt as someone heaved him up and tried to lead him across the room. Yugi held the knife tight and slammed it into the only patch of skin that wasn't his own.
A cry of pain and warm liquid flowed onto Yugi's hands. Blood! Real blood! He was pushed to the ground and the dagger went clang on the floor. The now wounded attacker escaped!
Yugi removed the sack from his head and looked around, dazed and confused. He was close to the balcony. The attacker must've been trying to kidnap him. But why? A groan from nearby alerted him. He grabbed his dagger and saw Atemu on the floor.
Hurrying to the Pharaoh's side, Yugi asked, “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Whoever it was, they were trying to take you away. So I attacked them to protect you.”
“P-Protect me? Why?”
“Because…I was worried what that man would do to you. I wanted to protect you.”
In that moment, Atemu reminded Yugi of Jounouchi and how the blond had died protecting his smaller friend. Yugi felt tears in his eyes as he dropped his dagger and hugged Atemu. The Pharaoh was so surprised; he didn't know how to react at first. But, gently, he returned the hug.
When the guards finally came, Atemu explained what had happened and ordered that the palace grounds be searched. Whoever the intruder was, he couldn't have gotten far. He was wounded and vulnerable. After the guards saluted and left, Yugi helped Atemu back to bed.
“Pharaoh, are you injured?”
“Not completely. He only bruised me. His hits were like a woman's. Just like yours.”
Yugi frowned. “Shut up!” But they both laughed it off.
Atemu lay down. “At least we're both all right.”
“Pharaoh, why do you consider me a friend? I'm just a slave, you know.”
“Not the way I see it. I know it was Shimon who told you about Malik. I can barely sleep at night knowing what I did. That was a year ago and a lot can change within a year's time.”
“You've changed? For better or worse?”
“For the better, I hope. But I haven't really answered your question, have I?” Atemu chuckled slightly. “Yugi, my point is that you stayed with me even after knowing the horrible truth. What your reasons were for staying, I can only imagine it's for the pay, food and clothes.”
“It's…more than that. Remember that night when we talked about our fathers. Pharaoh, I…really felt as though an understanding passed between us. We were on the same level that night. And look, it's the same thing tonight. If we could be like this, then…I'd gladly stay…forever.”
Atemu smiled and ruffled Yugi's spiky hair. “It's settled then. Now go off to bed with you.”
“Good night, Atemu.” Yugi said, quietly.
“Good night, Yugi.”
“You're going to what?!” Yugi exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at Anzu. It was the morning that the ambassador was supposed to arrive and everyone was getting any last minute preparations ready. Atemu was dressed in his best outfit with all his jewelry and the Millennium Puzzle, polished to a sparkly brilliance.
Yugi was dressed in a loose, dark colored, cotton tunic with a golden sash for the belt and dark brown sandals embroidered with gold and blue threads and turquoise beads. His shenti was also dark colored and reached down to Yugi's calves. In front of Yugi's shenti was a triangular piece of cloth made from linen. It was dyed light blue, which became a favorite color of Yugi's. Around his neck was displayed the amulet with the red dragon on it. He now looked more like a person of noble birth than a simple slave boy.
Anzu blushed furiously. She was clad in the typical dancer's uniform. A revealing top of light read with a flowing skirt showing off her long legs and dark slippers. “Well, it's not certain yet, but I think I will.”
Yugi didn't quite understand. She was in love so fast? Or did she even love this man she was getting married to. “So…you love him?”
Anzu shrugged. “You could say that.” She smiled. “I've never met any man like him. He's so skittish and timid, but he's so compassionate and kind. We fell in love since the first day I came here.”
“And when will you be married?”
“Soon. I can't really say for sure yet, but we both agreed to marriage. But don't worry. I'll still be staying here in the palace.”
“So he works here too. Can I meet him?”
Anzu looked worried and upset then. “No, not right now. He's in pain.”
“Really? I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong with him?”
Anzu frowned hard. “Some bastard attacked and nearly killed him last night. I don't understand why either!”
“That's strange. The same thing happened to me last night too.”
Anzu gasped and clutched his shoulders. “Yugi, oh no! Are you okay? Are you hurt?!”
“Calm down, Anzu! I'm fine. The Pharaoh protected me.”
Anzu hugged him. “Thank the gods.” She released him quickly. “I hope you'll be at my wedding, Yugi.”
“Of course. I'll even give you away.” Yugi said, smiling.
Anzu laughed. “Thank you.” Tale called out Anzu's name. “We have to rehearse one last time before the ambassador gets here. I'll talk to you tonight sometime, Yugi!”
“Wait Anzu!” Yugi said as she turned to go. “At least, tell me the name of this man you're going to marry.”
“Oh, he's Tale's son. His name is Malik.”
—No Anzu/Malik stuff either, I promise. Lots more conflicts to come! Yugi and Atemu's friendship is about to hit a huge rock. You'll see in the next chapter.
—Chapter 7 coming up on April 28! See ya!