Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ I'm Home ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—I know, I know. I missed my update. I apologize, but not completely. This past week, I've been busy with requesting my college transcripts to be sent to another college. Hopefully, come this Fall, I'll be enrolled at a new and better school. But mostly, I just forgot about the update.
—This ought to be good. Yugi returns to Cairo and I'm sure the Pharaoh is overjoyed. But we are so not done yet! Yugi still has to find his true feelings, declare his undying love for Atemu, have hot, kinky sex with Atemu, get separated from Atemu and all sorts of delicious stuff when they're all reincarnated.
—Don't get all hyper. The hot, kinky sex doesn't happen in this Chapter…or the next chapter.
Chapter 10 - I'm Home
Yugi stopped to give his mount a rest and some water from the Nile. They traveled all night and most of the day. Yugi could just barely see Cairo on the horizon. It was going to take longer to get back, but he didn't mind much. Yugi needed to be alone to clear his head. He had to think about what he would do for the rest of his life.
It wasn't bad living as the Pharaoh's slave boy. He'd had good food, soft cushions and a steady friendship. He touched the medallion inside his shirt. It was the one with the huge, red dragon on it. Yugi wasn't sure what or who the dragon was, but it must've been some kind of protector. His dagger was in a sheath that Otogi had given him. Yugi couldn't wait to show it to Atemu.
By sunset, Yugi had found three men wandering the desert. They were gulping down huge swallows from the Nile as though they'd been traveling for miles without water. Yugi halted his horse and called out, “Excuse me! Are you men in need of some help?”
The men looked up and Yugi's blood ran cold and his face color drained. It was the slave masters! The ones who destroyed his village and murdered his friends and family!
One of them recognized him. He was the one who'd killed Jounouchi. “Hey, that's the slave we sold to that high-and-mighty priest.”
Another squinted hard. “Yeah. That's him! Hey, Nkuku! What's you doin' out here?! Running away?”
Yugi frowned. He dismounted. “You men killed my family! If the Pharaoh won't punish you, then I will!”
Jounouchi's murderer gestured to his comrades. “I can take this whelp. Someone's got to teach him a lesson once and for all.”
Yugi sheathed his dagger and the murderer laughed. “Where'd you get that dagger? You steal it?”
Yugi didn't answer. He lunged at the murderer like a wild animal, but the man was bigger and managed to dodge. He swung his fist directly into Yugi's gut. Yugi fell over coughing and sputtering.
The men laughed. “He's tough all right!” they mocked.
“Even his worthless mother put up a better struggle than this.” the murderer kicked Yugi in the ribs. Yugi grabbed hold of his foot and didn't let go.
Yugi's eyes blazed with anger. “Nobody talks about my mother that way!” He rammed his dagger into the man's calf. The murderer screamed in agony and shook Yugi from his bloody leg.
Yugi was on his feet now, dagger ready and stained with blood. The murderer's comrades and came at him both at once. Yugi dodged one, but the other slit his side with a knife of his own. Yugi stumbled back in time to catch the second man's fist in his jaw.
Again Yugi fell, bleeding and bruised. His mount reared and whinnied in fear, but didn't run. The murderer limped over to the horse and grabbed the reins to keep him steady.
“Kill the little bastard and let's take his horse and supplies.” The murderer commanded.
“Aye.” said the man with the knife. He picked up Yugi and knocked the dagger from the boy's hand. Yugi started thrashing and brought his foot up hard and fast between the man's legs. He fell over, screaming and crying like a little girl.
Yugi grabbed his dagger and slammed it into the man's stomach. He lay there twitching for a moment, and then died in a gurgling heap. The other man reached over his dead comrade's knife and slashed Yugi's arm. Yugi managed to make a decent cut in that man's chest.
The man roared in anger and beat Yugi to the ground once more. He grabbed the arm that held the dagger and twisted `til he heard a sharp snap. Yugi screamed when he felt his bones break. The man laughed in triumph, but it was short lived. The boy switched hands and stabbed the man twice with his unbroken arm.
The murderer saw his comrades lying dead in the sand. His wounded leg was throbbing in pain and vultures were starting to circle them. The murderer mounted the horse and tried to ride away, but the horses bucked him off.
Yugi hurried to catch him. “You're not going anywhere! I'm going to get revenge for Jounouchi!” But the murderer grabbed his hand before the dagger could strike. He broke Yugi's wrist. The boy growled in pain and the murderer hit him over the head with his fist.
Barely conscious, Yugi lay sprawled in the sand with a broken arm, a broken wrist, and a bleeding slash across his stomach. The murderer took a handful of sand and poured it delicately into Yugi's open wound. Yugi cried and screamed with pain and agony. The murderer only laughed punched Yugi's stomach. More blood gushed out and stained Yugi's clothing.
“You can't do anything to me, boy! You're just a little cock who's trying to fly with the big roosters. Nice try, Nkuku.” The murderer said and grinned wickedly.
Gods…please, help me, Yugi pleaded in his head. All I want is to return to my king. Suddenly, his medallion began to glow and the murderer screamed and choked with death. Yugi opened his eyes a little and the feeling returned to his wrist and arm. Just before he blacked out again, he saw a giant red dragon with two mouths and glowing, yellow eyes looking down at him and growling softly.
A name came to Yugi's mind, though he wasn't sure how.
Atemu felt the God Monsters presence. His personal favorite, Slipher, had been summoned. But by whom? No one, but the Pharaoh could summon a God Monster. Atemu felt drawn to walk into the courtyard. Something…or someone was telling him to go into the courtyard.
The Pharaoh was the only one there. He walked around for what seemed like hours and stopped short. A figure was limping towards him with a bloodied shirt and bruises all over his face.
“Yugi…” Atemu hurried to catch the slave boy before he collapsed. He hugged Yugi gently against his body. “Yugi…you came back to me.”
“I'm tired…and thirsty. Where am I?”
In the courtyard.” Atemu picked him up and carried the young slave back to his chambers. On the way, he ordered a servant to bring bandages, food and water for Yugi. The servant didn't question the king and hurried off.
Once inside his chambers, Atemu laid Yugi on his bed. Yugi's shirt was torn and a healing scar on his stomach was newly opened and bleeding freely. Atemu touched it gently, but he was seething with anger. “Who did this to you?”
“The slave master who took me from my home.” Yugi said quietly. He stopped when a knock came to the door and the servant entered with the food, water and bandages. Atemu took them from her and made her leave immediately. She bowed and left without a word.
“Go on, Yugi. Tell me everything.” Atemu said.
Yugi told him of deciding to come back to Cairo, of seeing his former slave masters, or the fight and lastly of Slipher's presence.
Why Slipher? Why, thought Atemu, would you protect Yugi so willingly? Was this for my sake or something more? The Pharaoh bandaged Yugi's stomach and said, “Slipher would not have let that man live. I'm sure his corpse is being eaten by vultures as we speak.”
“Good. It's what they all deserved.” Yugi said as Atemu tipped the goblet of water towards Yugi's lips. Yugi drank a little, but not much despite how thirsty and dry his mouth was.
“Here.” Atemu said, biting into some fruit. “It's safe to eat.”
Yugi turned his head away from the food. “I can't…I…don't think I could handle it.”
Atemu took another bite and chewed it, then bent over and pressed his mouth against Yugi's. Yugi was shocked, but too weak to struggle. He felt the Pharaoh pushing the chewed fruit into his mouth. It was far easier for him to swallow.
Atemu continued this procedure, loving every time his tongue “accidentally” caressed Yugi's mouth. He fought every demanding desire to love the boy's entire body. If he took it slow now, perhaps he'd be rewarded in the days to come. The king would wait for that day with great anticipation.
When most of the fruit was gone, Yugi couldn't eat anymore. He could barely keep his eyes open. “Pharaoh…I finally got revenge for my friends and family. I'm so glad.”
“If you are happy, then so am I, Yugi.” Atemu said, brushing Yugi's bangs from his half-closed eyes. “I have to tell you something. If this makes you uncomfortable, then I understand. But please listen all the same.”
Yugi nodded slowly, not looking at him.
“Yugi, I value your presence more than anything in this world. If need be, I will sacrifice my life and my soul just to make you smile. I worship every move you make, every glance you give me. Your voice is like music to my ears. I could watch you all day and night and never get tired. Yugi, I love you with all my heart, soul and being. You are equal to the gods in my eyes.”
Such beautiful praise! Yugi felt tears in his eyes from hearing it. The Pharaoh wasn't Malik's worst nightmare anymore. He was better. He was a dream come true. Maybe Yugi could learn to like men. Maybe…
He fell asleep in his king's arms that night.
The next day was better. Yugi could eat solid foods, but he was still too weak to walk around. Atemu visited him in between meetings and royal business.
“How are you feeling?” Atemu asked when he entered the room. Yugi had just wandered in from being out on the balcony.
“I just needed some air.” Yugi said, limping back to the Pharaoh's bed. “I think I'm better though.”
“Good. Now stay in bed. If you need anything, summon a servant. I don't want you collapsing from exhaustion.”
“Yes, your Majesty.” Yugi sneered playfully. “Maybe you restrict my meals too while you're at it.”
Atemu folded his arms across his chest in a pouting fashion as Yugi sat on the bed. “I believe you're becoming a little snippy in your ill health.”
“Oh Ra, I am not ill. I'm just tired and in a bad mood.”
“Well, I figured that!” Atemu said and then attacked Yugi with tickling fingers. The slave boy rolled over and laughed until he cried.
“Now my silly servant, I have to get back to my duties. Behave yourself while I'm gone.”
“Ha!” Yugi puffed, still lying on the bed, looking up at the Pharaoh. “I might.”
“You will.” Atemu whispered, running a hand over the boy's spiky hair. “I'll return later on so that we can dine together when the sun sets.”
Yugi nodded and the Pharaoh left, feeling satisfied. He had never felt so happy and so complete. Having Yugi around was doing wonders for his attitude and his spirits. His court apparently noticed, because they too seemed happier. When their king was in high spirits, so were they.
Meanwhile, Yugi lay on the Pharaoh, content that nothing in the world could or would make him happier than he was now. Living here with the Pharaoh, as his obedient servant and friend, was where he belonged. He truly was home.
—Not as long as the last chapter. Nothing much happened anyways. I guess I'm just filling space. Some are getting antsy for Atemu and Yugi to hook up. Well calm down and enjoy the ride. Yugi's beginning to understand his feelings, but he hasn't fully gripped them yet. Go ahead and thwack him over the head to bring `im to his senses…if you want. xD
—Next update: June 9 - I swear it'll be on time!