Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ School Clinic ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

New chapter, yay! Now this is the last chapter before I head off for Thanksgiving Break. I'm not updating during my break, obviously. Gotta chow down on stuffing and pumpkin pie and my grandmom's tasty dumplings. Yummy yum! After my break, I'll have a little bit of downtime then come the first week of December is finals.
—So the last week of November and the first week of December, no update at all. Studying, y'know. Heh. But never fear! Because after finals not only will I give you another Chapter, but I'll also give another drawing I've done.
Chapter 17 - School Clinic
The clinic was a small section of the school itself. Teal green wall tiles to match the ugly shade of cyan floor. Supposedly there was enough money in the school budget to extend the clinic, but such funds were never used. There was already enough room for two cots, the nurse's desk, a couple small tables, and a small bookcase for medical books. It wasn't the best place in the whole school, but it served its purpose.
Yugi was still out like a light when Yami and Tea brought him to the clinic. One bed was occupied by the sleeping injured student that had been previously brought by Coach Morty. Lucky for Yugi, the soccer ball didn't break his nose; however, it did smack him in the eye. The eye was swollen and blackening, so the nurse put an ice pack on it.
“I'm going to get something for the supply closet. I'll be right back.” the nurse said to Yami and Tea.
“Okay. Thank you, nurse.” Tea replied. The nurse nodded and left.
“I should stay and wait until he wakes up. To apologize, y'know.” Yami said.
Tea blushed slightly remembering that Yami was still there. “Y-Yeah.”
“What's your name?”
“Uh, Tea. T-Tea Gardener.”
Yami smiled. “You're a friend of Yugi's?”
“Yeah. We've been friends since grade school. He's like my little brother. I've always wanted to protect and comfort him. Like sister.”
Yami chuckled and sat down on a nearby stool. “Sounds like you like him as something more.”
Tea frowned a little. “That's not funny and not true.”
“Heh, I'm sorry.” They sat in silence for a while until Yami asked, “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No. I've never dated.”
“Really? A pretty girl like you doesn't catch a playful eye now and then.” Yami laughed.
Tea blushed again. “N-No, not really.”
“Can I have your number? Maybe I'll call sometime.” Yami flashed a flirting smirk.
Tea's eye went wide and her cheeks hot. Oh my God, she thought. Is Yami-kun asking me out! She nodded slowly and found some paper and a pen on the nurse's desk. She wrote her number on the paper and held it out for Yami.
“Thanks.” Yami took it. “We should grab a soda after school.”
“Uh, s-sure. I know this great ice cream parlor that serves fabulous milkshakes.” She paused and then added, “Oh but I'll bet the soccer team captain's probably watching his weight.”
Yami laughed. “Why, am I fat?”
Tea suddenly covered her mouth and then shook her head. “No, no! That's…that's not what I meant! That came out all wrong!”
Yami laughed again. “I like you.” A moan came from the clinic bed. Yugi propped himself up on his elbow and placed one hand over his ice pack.
Tea hurried back to the side of his bed. “Yugi! Are you okay?”
“Yeah. My head feels like it was sat on by a sumo wrestler.”
“Yugi.” Yugi's heart skipped a beat when he heard Yami's voice. He looked up and saw Yami Kotara standing at the foot of the bed and oh he was so gorgeous without his shirt! “I wanted to apologize. I was the one who kicked the ball and…it veered off course. I honestly wasn't aiming for you.”
Yugi averted his gaze. “It's okay. Really.”
“Will you be all right?”
“Good.” Yami slipped the paper with Tea's phone number in his gym shorts pocket and said, “Tea, I leave him in your capable hands. I'll see you after school.”
Yugi looked at Tea as Yami left. She waved to the soccer team captain and looked at Yugi, “What?”
“You're dating him now?”
“Uh, well,” Tea's face turned pink, “I wouldn't go that far yet. I just gave him my number and promised to take him to Icy Lou's after school.”
“Are you mad?”
“No.” Yugi replied. “If that's what makes you happy, Tea, then it's fine with me.”
Tea smiled. “I knew I had a chance with him and not those squealing fangirl morons.”
Yugi chuckled lightly. I thought I had one too, he thought.
They were playing checkers in the back of Yugi's mind. Yugi was red and the other was black. It was a close game.
“I don't know what to do.”
“About?” Yugi's opponent looked exactly like him, but with tanned skin and wearing clothing from ancient Egypt.
“Why would the gods do this?”
“Separate us from our Pharaoh, you mean? Who knows.”
Yugi sighed and his opponent said, “King me.”
“Dammit. The hell with this…”
Egyptian Yuugi laughed. Then he became serious. “Maybe we have to convince Atemu to come back to us.”
“Thank you, Sherlock. I already knew that.”
“Mock me all you want. I'm just a piece of you.”
Yugi leaned back in his chair. “Tea gave him her number. It's obvious he's going to go out with her.”
“Maybe it won't work out between them.”
“I don't know. The way Tea went about it, I think Yami—I mean, Atemu—really likes her.”
“Hmmm.” Egyptian Yugi folded his arms across his chest. He then smiled and stood up. “Don't worry. If we can convince Joey that his hamster joined the Marines as their mascot, then we can convince the Pharaoh to come back to us.” He kissed Yugi on the forehead and vanished into thin air.
“Just trust me, Yugi.”
“How could you?!” shouted the short, redhead with tears in her wide, green eyes.
“Don't make a scene, Lynn.” Yami said. “You knew this was coming. I'm sorry. I think you should find someone else.”
The redhead clung to Yami's black vest. “But I can't live without you. You're my everything!”
“Don't be so dramatic. I said I was sorry. A pretty girl like you will find someone else.”
The redhead tore away from him and grabbed a sharp rock from the ground. “If you leave me, I'll cut myself every night until you come back.”
Yami stared at her for a while and then lunged at her and took the rock. When she struggled to get it back, he slapped her across the face. “Stop it, Lynn! It's not you who doesn't deserve me; it's me that doesn't deserve you!” He forced her to look at him. “Don't wallow in your sadness. Your heart will guide you to that special someone. But that someone just isn't me. I'm sorry.”
He took the rock with him, leaving the redhead where she could, still crying.
Later at his house, Yami began preparing for bed. I can't seem to stay in a relationship for very long, he thought. It's as though…something deep inside me is telling me that it's all wrong. Yami sighed and went to brush his teeth. Then he stripped down to his boxers covered in soccer ball icons. I just wish I could understand why I'm always so restless when it comes to relationships. Honestly, I hate breaking so many hearts.
That night, Yami felt himself being transported to another time and another place. He was in the sands of Egypt and he saw himself with a great tan. He was dressed like an Egyptian pharaoh and was calling to someone. A figure ran to him and he hugged the figure tightly. Yami stepped closer to inspect who it was.
“Yugi?” Yami sat up in sweating shock. He looked around and realized he was still in his room. “Oh, just a dream. But why was that Yugi? I'm not gay!” All that nonsense he fed me today about ancient Egypt must be getting to me, he thought. “It's ridiculous!” Yami tried to go back to sleep. “I'm no pharaoh and he's not my lover. It's complete baloney.”
Ah yes. Yami has been given a small glimpse of his past life. Like Kaiba in the Yuugiou series, he thinks it's a bunch of gobbledygook. Oh and that part where Yugi and Yuugi were playing checkers. The “Egyptian Yuugi” was more like a solid form of Yugi's conscience…or at least that's what he's supposed to portray. (Just in case you were wondering). ;-)
—Chapter 18 will make its appearance December 14 (because my finals will be long over with by then). Sorry you have to wait so long, but it's necessary. Gotta pass these blasted finals.