Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ The Gods' Test of Love ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

There's this big conspiracy going on. I think some higher-up is making so I'm always late with my updates. The night of January 3, I get on my computer, browse the web for YGO episodes to watch online (woo, Veoh.com), check my bookmarked webcomics and my IE browser goes ka-bleh with a damned virus! Basically, my Internet Explorer is shot to hell, none of my desktop icons will work, my pop-up blocker is ruined, my firewall died, and my laptop starts up extremely slow…blah, blah, blah. Anyway, thank God for Spyware Doctor. Virus is finally dead and I've been laptop hunting. So that's why this update's late.
—Okay, so aside from the universe conspiring against my updates, there's been speculation about Bakura. “Bakura is a god?” has been the big question. Well, sort of. He's an embodiment/pawn of a god. But all shall be revealed in this chapter and the final test of Yugi and Atemu's love will begin.
Chapter 27 - the Gods' Test of Love
“This is bad.” said Pharaoh. “Yugi is dying and we must stop it somehow.”
He floated in a void next to the slave boy, Yuugi. They both had their backs turned to each other. Because of their true selves, Yami Kotara and Yugi Mutou, the two couldn't look at each other, much less touch one another. They were the former embodiments of their future selves, similar to consciences, but created by the Egyptian god, Osiris the lord of the Underworld.
“I cannot speak to him anymore.” said the slave. “His mind has completely shut me out and Master Osiris wants us to return from whence we came. Apparently Horus has decided that the two must face their challenge head on or the test will be nullified.”
“Nullified?” Atemu was shocked. “What is Lord Horus planning?”
The slave shook his head slowly. “I wish I knew. Perhaps he wants to give them one more chance to prove themselves.”
“Is this test really just about Yami and Yugi? About us?”
“Maybe. Or maybe there's something bigger at sake here, my pharaoh. Something that the gods have planned all along since they were together in the past. Why else would they let Slipher be controlled by an ordinary slave? Isn't this a strange sort of love?”
“What? Two young men in love with each other?”
The slave laughed. “No. How strange is it that someone with everything can never have someone with nothing?”
“Yes.” said the pharaoh. “I have everything, yet I want the person who has nothing. Does the person with everything truly deserve everything? I think I understand now. Oh my slave boy…my love. I want everything. And that's exactly what you are. My everything.”
“My pharaoh…we'll be together again. I hope we will.”
Bakura gave a quiet yelp as Yugi snuck up behind him in the adult section. He slipped his hand into his boyfriend's pants and fondled what lay beneath the white-haired boy's boxers. They were silk boxers today. Bakura gave a little moan, being slightly glad they didn't have customers today. Yugi continued to fondle his boyfriend's member, unzipping his pants with his free hand. Bakura tried to make him stop, but Yugi pressed him into the shelf and ground his hips into Bakura's bottom.
“Oh…Yugi, please…faster…”
Yugi sped up his grinding, feeling his own member hardening against Bakura's soft butt. He slipped Bakura's hardened penis form his pants and stroked it faster. Bakura clutched the shelf in front of him and moaned in time with the grinds. This mortal really knew how to please a man. He was going to cum and Yugi turned him around to kiss him passionately and rub their crotches together.
Pulling away, Bakura gestured down and whispered, “I'd rather you kiss me down right instead.” Yugi seemed happy to comply and knelt down to lick Bakura's head gently and pump his member. Bakura moaned and stroked Yugi's spiky hair as the boy deep throated him and sucked hard. Bakura gasped and thrust his hips in time with Yugi's sucking. While he was pleasuring his boyfriend, Yugi played with his own member, unzipping his own pants and fondling his newly formed erection. Somehow his mind drifted and he imagined that it was Yami who was getting this pleasure.
Bakura finally released his seed into Yugi's mouth and Yugi swallowed it greedily. He was almost at his own climax and Bakura fell to his butt once he had recovered his energy and helped Yugi to release as well. Yugi fell on top of his boyfriend, panting. The floor and the area around Yugi's crotch were covered in semen, but the boy seemed happy.
“Tell me…” Bakura said after they started cleaning themselves up. “What was that for?”
Yugi looked at him and smiled a little. “Do I need a reason to pleasure my boyfriend?”
“Not really. I just thought I'd ask.” Bakura replied and went to go get a mop to clean up the semen on the floor. Yugi followed and it wasn't until an hour later that Bakura got back with the mop.
Yugi manned the check-out counter of the rental store. He had nearly forgotten about his sickness this past week. It had been one delicious night of sex and love with Bakura after another. He felt like a horndog, but somehow it felt good. At least he'd die knowing his sex life was unforgettable.
But his happiness was short-lived when he saw who came into the rental store. It had begun to rain and Yami was dressed in a long, black trench coat and carrying a dark red umbrella. He looked downright sexy in his tight, dark blue shirt and brown pants that formed his legs and private region nicely.
He looked at Yugi and they locked gazes for a few minutes before Yami wandered into the New Releases section. Yugi watched him and, though he knew it was hopeless, he couldn't but imagine what role Yami would have played in the closet. Would he have been the one pinned against the wall, panting like a dog for a cock in his ass? No way. He was too domineering for that. Mostly he would always be the one on top.
Bakura came out of the storeroom carrying a box of DVDs. “Hello Kotara-san.”
“Hello.” Yami said.
Bakura went into the children's section to start shelving DVDs and Blu-Ray discs. Yami grabbed a DVD and walked up to the register. He took out his video rental card as Yugi rang him up. The shorter one was shocked when Yami actually spoke to him. “Hello Yugi.”
Yugi felt a deep pain in his chest. He hadn't heard Yami speak in a very, very long time. Somehow, it gave him a chill and it hurt him. He dropped the rental card and stood very still. His face felt cold and pearls of sweat began to dot his forehead. Yami noticed and asked, “Yugi, are you feeling okay?”
Finally, Yugi glared daggers at Yami and screamed, “DO I LOOK OKAY?! I'M FUCKING DYING!” He suddenly pitched forward, catching himself on the register and began to cough. He spit blood on the counter and Yami finally noticed how serious Yugi's condition was. He whipped out his cell phone to dial 911, but a pale hand grabbed the phone from him.
“Bakura? We have to get Yugi to a hospital, quickly!”
“And suddenly, the pharaoh cares.” Bakura said.
Bakura started to glow a strange yellow light. “All the players have arrived. Now it is time for the final stage to be set.”
The room brightened and vanished in a flash.
“Wake up.”
Yugi's eyes opened slowly and he saw a golden falcon hovering over him. He sat up slowly, feeling like half his strength had been taken away from him. He was no longer in the rental store, but somewhere else entirely. He was standing in a desert floating in some sort of abyss of darkness. But it wasn't total darkness, because he could see everything clearly. There was no sky, no clouds, no trees or rocks. Just sand and dirt below his feet and endless darkness above his head. The only living thing with Yugi was the golden falcon.
“Who are you?” Yugi asked. “What have you done with Bakura and Yami?”
“I have done nothing with them. Yami is waiting for you on the other side of the desert.” The falcon said gesturing behind Yugi. Yugi turned and saw that the desert stretched towards a flat surface made of rock and onward to a narrow bridge made of rock on the horizon.
“Why did you bring me here?” Yugi demanded.
“This is the end of your test. All you must do to live is cross that bridge.” the falcon told Yugi.
“Test? You mean, all that stuff about me and the pharaoh and dying on Yami's birthday. It'll all go away if I cross that bridge?”
“Why are the Egyptian gods doing this to me?! I want to know now!” Yugi shouted. He stumbled a little. Shouting took more effort than he though it would.
“I suppose I should tell you.”
Meanwhile, Yami was waking up far away from Yugi. He was laying in a wasteland of rocky hills and ruins of stone buildings. Several yards ahead was a narrow bridge made of rock and above him, the sky was nothing but a dark abyss. Standing in front of Yami was Bakura, but he was dressed differently. He wore a white, sleeveless shirt and matching shenti with a golden sash around his waist and golden sandals on his feet. Flowing from his shoulders was a long golden cape and on his head was a sun disk crown.
“Bakura?” Yami stood carefully, not taking his eyes off the white-haired boy. He slowly looked at his surrounding and realized they were alone. “Where's Yugi?”
“Yugi is waiting for you on the other side of that bridge.” Bakura answered calmly, pointing behind them.
“What have you done, Bakura? Who are you really?” Yami demanded.
Bakura sighed. “I don't really have time to explain, but I may as well. I am Harmakhet. But you would know me as the Sphinx, the keeper of secret wisdom. I am also a variant of Horus, lord of the sky. I took on this form to be a pawn in this test of yours.”
Yami suddenly lunged at him and grabbed Bakura by his neck and held on tightly. Not tight enough for Bakura to loose his breath though. “If you are responsible for killing Yugi, then I swear I will make you pay dearly.” His voice echoed his anger and dripped with a very dangerous tone, however, Bakura did not seem frightened.
“If I were you, mortal, I would release my neck.” Bakura said, his voice sounded more distant and seemed to resonate with powers beyond Yami's grasp.
Yami frowned hard and released Bakura's neck. He stepped back and said, “You are despicable.”
“Me?” Bakura seemed slightly surprised. “If I'm not mistaken, you were the one who played with the emotions and heart of a young boy. When we both know how you really feel about him.”
Yami took a swing at Bakura, but his fist went right through Bakura's face. He took a step back in stunned silence. Bakura was solid a moment ago. What was he really? The Sphinx? Some supernatural creature?! “I want to know what's going on. Why did you bring me here? Why are you torturing us like this? If you truly love Yugi, then you shouldn't let him suffer.”
“I am not truly capable of love.” Bakura told him. “I fancy Yugi very much and I want to give you, and you alone, one last chance to save his life. I'd hate to drag a kind soul like Yugi's to the Underworld because of your stupidity.”
“My stupidity? Just because I don't believe in this reincarnation shit?! How very like you religious zealots…believe what I say or you'll suffer the consequences.”
Bakura laughed. “It's not that you don't believe in this `shit,' but you refuse to believe it. You, Yami, are quite stubborn.”
“What the fuck is your point?”
“This is not how we had pictured you acting, but I suppose there are things even the gods cannot control. You see, for centuries the gods have debated about everything and nothing. We have wanted to know the answer to the questions: can everything truly have everything? Can something of value gain something of no worth? Is it possible for the two to be together for eternity?”
“I'm not a philosopher. How should I know?”
“No, I wouldn't expect you to know.” Bakura said blankly. He paused, knowing that his familiar was telling Yugi the same story. “Thousands of years ago, in ancient Egypt, there was a pharaoh who had everything. He had been chosen by the gods to wield the three Egyptian god monsters and he was chosen to lead his people through a period of peace and prosperity. He was a pawn of great value and importance.
“Go on.” Yami said.
“One day, he met and fell in love with his own slave boy. A young man named Yuugi. This was not expected by the gods and they watched as this love blossomed between the pawn of value and this new pawn of no worth. They realized that this was the perfect opportunity to find out if everything and nothing could exist together. The other thing they didn't realize was Yuugi was taken from the pharaoh and killed. Somehow the slave boy managed to call forth an Egyptian God Monster called Slipher to reunite him with his regal lover.”
“I thought you said only this pharaoh could call on these God Monsters.”
“He could. That was what puzzled the gods. Slipher and his brother God Monsters were servants of the Egyptian gods and the only mortal they had given permission to command these beasts was King Atemu. That is what made the gods finally decide that the test would begin. As the pharaoh and his slave boy lay dying, the gods stepped in and saved their souls. Their souls were reincarnated as Yami Kotara—that's you—and Yugi Mutou.”
“I'm still with you. Keep going.”
Bakura cleared his throat. “We made sure to recreate everything and nothing. The pharaoh would have popularity, lots of feminine attention, a budding career as a star athlete and well, you get the idea. The slave boy was reborn as a young man from a lower section of the city with a small group of friends, no part in the high school setting expect as a space-filler and not much popularity. You see now? You are the pawn of everything and Yugi is the pawn of nothing.”
“All right. So you're forcing the two of us together to prove the gods right, huh?”
“You have misunderstood the situation. We aren't forcing any sort of emotion on you or Yugi. We simply reincarnated your souls and watched fate take its course. You and Yugi were destined to meet again. Deny it all you want, but I know you feel that I am right. You know I speak the truth, but you do not want to admit it. The only thing I don't understand is why.”
Yami frowned hard at him. “I am not gay.”
“Oh yes. That sentiment.” Bakura threw up his hands in irritation and let them fall to his sides. “I can't say I'm annoyed by that. Because it's obvious, isn't it? Yugi's future is no longer in the hands of the gods. It all falls on you now. Cross the bridge to meet him if you truly don't want Yugi to die.”
Yami said nothing.
“Do you want Yugi to die?”
“No, of course not.”
“Then save him. I will not return you home until the test is over. This is your last chance to save Yugi's life and admit your ancient past.”
Yami walked passed Bakura. He stopped at the start of the bridge. “Bakura…I mean, Harmakhet, why did you get involved in this test? Why did you start dating Yugi?”
“I was the catalyst. I was put there to help you realize your feelings and make you see the truth. When Yugi focused his energy and attention on someone else, did you not feel jealous and follow him around to see if he really loved someone other than you? Did you not want Yugi to go back to loving you?”
“I just—.” Yami stopped when he saw that Harmakhet had disappeared. He was alone with only the bridge looming ahead.
On the other side, Yugi staggered towards the bridge. After learning the truth about his ancient past and what the gods wanted to find out, he was a little pissed off. He and Yami were just pawns in this stupid test. And Bakura…he didn't really love Yugi. He wasn't even human! Thinking about that made Yugi want to puke, but he had nothing to throw up.
He knew only one thing. He had to find Yami and confront him. And fall in love with him all over again.
—Well, there ya have it. The reason why the gods are doing this is revealed. We know who and what Bakura really is and now the test is starting. This fanfic will be drawing to a close in the next two chapters. Woo!
—So…since there's a conspiracy against me led by technology and dumbass virus creators, I'm not giving a definite deadline for the next update. Why? Because every time I do, the universe creates a problem for me that doesn't resolve itself until AFTER my deadline has passed. So, maybe if I don't give a definite due date, then I can get this stuff uploaded faster.
—In the meanwhile, I've also got lots of schoolwork to deal with on the side. Next update is gonna be…next couple of months (hopefully). Cross your fingers and plead with the universe to stop screwing with me. Lol.