Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Not on the couch! ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Just so Ya'll know it's nothing anyone said or did. I mainly wrote this because I wanted to see if I could write Malik, Marik and Joey. Truth be told other than that part I don't like the story, I don't even know why I bothered to write it. But for Kitsune Hashiba Here's ur make up lemon, please do enjoy.


It had been some time since Kaiba had apologized for being an ass. He took Duke and Joey out to fancy dinners at expensive restaurants. He bought Joey all sorts of things (much to the blonds chagrin.), anything and everything the blond could want, from clothes to games, to food to knick knacks and new cards. It was his even if he didn't ask for it, which more often than naught was the case.

Joey didn't know what to do now that Kaiba was lavishing him with gifts and attention. Every day it was another gift or more. Roses at times were delivered in the middle of class to him and Duke both. When they got home there were gifts on the couch, in a neatly stacked pile. Kaiba even offered (Though Kaiba made it sound like a threat or a command at the time.) to buy Joey a car, so he wouldn't be walking everywhere (as it was Joey liked walking and he didn't think he would like driving a two tone weapon around in midday traffic!). Finally unable to take it any more, he and Duke sat down to talk. Duke, who had become slightly (Ok Extremely) jealous of the attention Joey was receiving, the two of them made a plan. It wasn't a bad plan mind you, unless you were a certain blue-eyed CEO named Seto Kaiba.

Kaiba came home late with two roses and his briefcase in hand. He had gotten both his lovers a rose that day, even sent them large bouquets earlier that day in class. It was spur of the moment, Joey had been sitting with the gang and when Kaiba mentioned he had to leave for the office and the Blond pouted and Kaiba almost broke. So once at the office he had roses sent immediately. He sighed as he put his briefcase down and kicked off his shoes, then stood on the toes of his socks and stepped out of them. Then walking into the living room with his hands behind his back he caught sight of his two lovely lovers watching Jerry Springer. They were eating caramel popcorn while laughing at the antics on the show and the comments by the host. Seto just stood there watching them for a moment, thinking about all the good things before he spoke. "Hello my Loves."

"Kaiba!" Joey squealed and practically pounced his lover who almost went back with him on top. Instead Seto wrapped his arms about Joey and leaned forward to regain his balance before they could go to the floor. Not that either of them would have minded much. The blond of course had a big grin on his face and was raining kisses all over the brunet's face. "I missed you today!"

"I missed you too." He returned with sincerity as he kissed the blond on the cheek chastely. Joey refrained from rolling his eyes as he slid down the brunet suggestively, which Kaiba held back a moan too. Instead the brunet held out one of the roses to Joey, whose breath caught in his throat at the sight of it. It wasn't just any rose, it was a sculpted crystal rose that was gilded in gold. The petals were red with flecks of gold about the edges, giving one the impression it was carved from rubies, as the crystal stem was the faintest tinge of green and the carved thorns were flecked with gold. "And you too.

"This one's yours love." Seto said as he sauntered over to Duke and handed him a matching crystal rose. The raven-haired youth took his from Seto's fingers reverently as he gazed at the brunet with adoration. Seto leaned forward, intent of giving Duke a chaste kiss aswell, but the dice master was having none of that. Instead he turned his face so he could capture the shocked brunet's lips in a demanding kiss that soon turned into one hell of a tongue twisting tango for dominance. That was until a certain blond made the most pathetic whimpering.

"I want some. . ." Joey really did want some of that. He couldn't help himself, not that he wanted to, watching them go at it like that was just to arousing for his deprived libido. Duke and Seto had their hands tangled in the others hair, panting for breath that had been underprivileged and looking at the blond with eyes that were darkened with lust. Hunter green and stormy blue, Joey knew this would be a pleasing situation.

"Well then get your ass over here." Duke said as he ran his hands over Kaiba's shoulders and down his arms to caress his chest. Joey approached them, stopping long enough to put his flower on the table with Duke's so they wouldn't get broken. Duke smiled and winked at Joey it was time for some fun.

Joey sat down in Kaiba's lap, basically shocking the brunet with his forwardness he hadn't shown in a while. It had been weeks since the three of them had been together, and Joey had to admit he missed them both dearly in that fashion, but even his own nervousness wasn't going to stop him from continuing on. He could feel Kaiba's need poking him in his posterior, and couldn't really blame the CEO for that. That kiss had turned him on too and he hadn't even been on the receiving end of it. Joey slid his hands along Kaiba's torso, slipping his hands under the heavy trench coat and sliding it off.

Seto moaned at the contact that was so enjoyable, it had been so long and he missed the blonds' touch. He ran his hands along Joey's own lithe frame, along his sides and down to his hips to stroke his thighs. Joey still wasn't eating as he normally did, but he was eating and slowly putting some amount of weight back on. But his puppy was beautiful nonetheless, he thought idly as his hands made a path up to the blond's chest too touch him through the light T-shirt he wore. Joey gasped as Seto rubbed his pictorials. Seto was eager to have his blond again, but he was still concerned he might hurt the blond, but he could maintain some amount of control. Note the keyword some! "Is my little puppy certain he wants to start this. I mean the consequences could be. . . sever."

"You have no idea." Was Joey's only response as he leaned forward and caught the brunet's lips so he couldn't talk anymore. Seto of course dominated the kiss, which Joey let him anyways because he had missed it so much. Seto wrapped an arm about his waist and his other hand in golden locks so Joey couldn't pull away. Not that Joey would have, as he had been waiting some time for this, and was enjoying himself as much as the brunet who moaned loudly.

Kaiba was moaning not only due to Joey, but to Duke who wasn't about to be left out of the fun and attacking his neck. The raven-haired beauty tangled one hand in Seto's hair and the other in Joey's to lock fingers with the brunet. Duke smirked to himself as Seto broke off his kiss with the blond to throw his head back with a moan while grating his hips into Joey's bottom. Joey deciding he wanted more Kaiba opted for attacking the brunets neck too, latching onto a rather sensitive spot and being meticulous about it. Of course that added to drive Kaiba almost doubly insane.

"You two. . . are. . Un. . no fair. . . oh. . ." He gasped out, taking longer than it should have, but for his current situation it was a miracle he got it out at all. Their hands traveled to places on his body that he almost forgot what it felt like to be touched like. Keeping one hand tangled in Joey's hair, he tangled his other hand in Duke's raven hair just enjoying the attention. "Unfair odds here." He tried again as Joey slowly grinded himself into Seto's hardness and giggled, Duke just chuckled. He knew they were enjoying tormenting him. And somewhere in their administrations to him they managed to unbutton everything that could be unbuttoned. He knew this because they both started a path down his chest at the same time.

The duo took their time, eliciting positive sounds from the brunet who was currently puddy in the hands, or mouths as the actual case was, but that was besides the point. The brunet made a noise between a gasp and yelp that turned into moan as they assaulted his upper body's more sensitive areas. Then Seto moaned out an `Oh God' as Joey released him from his pants, just before the Duo of Delight made their way to the real prize.

Joey licked up one side of Kaiba's length while Duke sucked a path down it on the other side. And for some reason Kaiba approved of this even as he whimpered. In fact, Seto was so approving of what was happening he would have been singing hymns of praise for their glorious mouths. That and he was so close to the edge it wouldn't take much more to send him over the edge with those talented tongues caressing either side of his man hood, then the top and bottom of it. And at some point in time he had stopped pulling at their hair to pull his own in frustration as they held him down from thrusting his hips. Then one of them (he was vaguely aware it was Joey.) went down on him and he cried out loudly as he came. That was the little he needed to go over the edge as he released barely a few seconds after being enveloped in the hot, wondrous, wet cavern known as Joey's mouth. Kaiba sat there panting for air, then moaned some as he watched his lovers exchange a kiss with his essence and then go about cleaning him up with their tongues. Which elicited a few more approving moans from him.

"Wasn't that fun Seto?" Joey asked with as he hugged his CEO lover with a grin.

"I bet you missed this haven't you?" Duke asked as he cuddle up next to Kaiba with a devious little smirk fit only for a wild animal.

"You really have no idea. . ." Kaiba panted out as he sat there limp and trying to regain himself a bit. Damn that was good.

"Now I think I will have a bit of fun, How about you?" Duke looked to the fair-haired one who nodded and grin. The two met in the middle, before and over Seto's prone form. The two battled it out in a duel of tongues as their hands explored and revealed skin that lay hidden beneath their clothing. Clothing that was soon strewn everywhere but in their way. As for Kaiba, well he was currently caught in the cross fire and watching the two with a sexy sated look as he got aroused all over again.

"Oh, someone's up for some more fun." A naked Joey proclaimed a bit too giddily to a just as naked Duke, referring to Kaiba.

"Cane you blame me?" Kaiba retorted in a breathy voice. "Seeing two hot, sexy, Naked men making out is a very arousing thing. "Then he added with a trademark grin coupled with heavy lids partially covering his midnight blue eyes. "Especially when both said sexy, hot, naked men are your boyfriends already."

"Listen to him." Duke marveled at Kaiba then asked with a sly grin. "Have you been watching hot and sexy men getting it on?"

"Not as often as I like." Kaiba responded with a smirk of his own, then motioned with a wave of his hand at them. "Please continue, don't let me stop you."

"Not that you could." Joey chuckled as he tackled Duke to the floor, not that the onyx haired other minded as they went down in a tangle of limbs and exposed flesh. Kaiba leaned forward, then winced and paused long enough to kick his pants off (so the zipper couldn't be cruel), he continued his voyeurism.

Joey was on top of Duke, using his mouth to explore a body he had memorized (If Duke's voice was any indication of that.), while his hand (as the other was holding him up so he could go exploring!) handled much harder things. Duke gasped at every little caress from the blond's lips, and moaned when touched just right, which was constantly. Then he looked at Kaiba and cracked up.

"What?" The Brunet growled out with a scowl and his self in hand. "A guy can't enjoy watching his lovers have a little fun?" Now even Joey was cracking up at the half naked CEO. Seto rolled his eyes and gave orders. "Un Hunh, Both of you hush up and continue."

"Oh!" Duke squealed as Joey raised an eyebrow at the demanding CEO. "So commanding and dominate." Duke went on as he sat up and crawled to kneel between Seto's legs. He attempted to not start laughing at his own words as he ran his hands along Kaiba's thighs. "And so very strong and manly. . ."

Joey really tried his hardest to not just bust out laughing, but he did chuckle a little at Duke's antic and Kaiba's expression. Seto's eyes went wide as Duke positioned himself to start licking the hardness in Kaiba's limp hand. Joey waited till Kaiba's lust filled eyes slid shut with a moan before crawling up next to the CEO whom was oblivious to all but Duke's mouth. With a mouth full Duke winked at Joey, who was grinning like a mad man.

Duke pulled away from Seto, which caused him to whimper, that turned into a yelp of surprise as Joey tackled him face first into the couch. Duke laughed as a disgruntled Kaiba muttered obscenities into the cushions as Joey laid on top of him. The blond leaned forward to lick at the base of Kaiba's neck and whisper in the CEO's ear as he pulled the dress shirt away. "I know someone who's about to be very happy.

Duke was grinning and giggling at them as he grabbed a bottle from under the couch. "Oh, yes, very happy."

"You two are cruel." Kaiba whined, which was very unheard of for the CEO, as Joey kneaded the flesh of his shoulders with oil slicked hands. "But, oh, so good." Kaiba moaned out as Joey got rid of knots, one could have sworn were rigid bone, from his neck and shoulders. During this time Duke wasn't idle by any means as he started on the brunets feet and was working his way up Kaiba's legs while Joey's own hands came down Kaiba's back and the two meet in the middle with devious grins.

The Devious, but sexy, Duo nonchalantly massaged Kaiba's ass. Kaiba was so lethargic he was limp and hard all at once. So he never protested as one of them sat on his back, which was Duke. No his protesting started when the blond slipped a finger into him. Duke patted the brunet's locks with a smirk. "Just relax, you'll like it."

Joey worked his finger in and out of Kaiba who at first was hissing at the blond who added a second finger to the first. He stretched the tight ring of flesh as he worked in his agonizing slow rhythm. He was informed though when he found that spot he was looking for, for Kaiba cried out fairly loudly. Duke decided he was no longer needed at that point and got off the poor defenseless CEO and repositioned himself at the end of the couch. Where Kaiba's head had been until he pushed himself up enough to thrust back on Joey's fingers.

Kaiba was oblivious to all save those fingers massaging him from the inside in such orgasmic manners. And when Joey withdrew those heavenly digits he whimpered at the loss, breathing heavily. Till his breath hitched in his throat when those fingers were being replaced by larger things. Duke pulled Kaiba into a kiss, murmuring sweetness to him as Joey pushed into the brunet.

Joey had to pause once he was completely seated in the Seto, and it was taking all his self control to not just start pounding the other boy into the couch with wild abandon. His patience paid off as Seto squirmed up against him silently commanding him to move. Which he did of course, pulling out till only the head of his arousal was left within, then slamming himself into the hot tightness of Kaiba. He created a steady rhythm intent on drawing this out as long as he could.

Duke broke the kiss when Joey was inside the brunet, raining kisses on Kaiba's face. Seto's breath was coming in pants as he whimpered and moaned when the blond started moving. Duke sat back up leaning against the arm rest, and Kaiba must have took the unspoken hint as he swallowed Duke's solid flesh in his mouth. Duke moaned as Kaiba's tongue worked around his length and the suction was incredible. Couple that with Kaiba vocally, or as vocally as he could get with his mouth full, endorsing Joey to continue, Duke was lamenting his needs in a pleased voiced as he soon had to hold himself back from release.

Kaiba being pounded into from both ends was just finding all of this very pleasing. Though he probably wouldn't admit it later just be ornery. Shocks of pleasure ran through him every time Joey slammed into him causing him to voice his opinion though it was muffled by the delicious length in his mouth. The taste of Duke's precum was like sweet ambrosia in his mouth in his euphoric state. So he would wait till he was sore to complain, which wouldn't be till long after now.

Joey was watching the show through heavy lids and had to admit it was fun to watch. He picked up his speed feeling his release creeping close and reached around to pump Seto's length as in time with his thrusts as he could. Too soon though Seto tense up crying out as he spilt his seed over the furniture and Joey's hand while his muscles clamped down on the blond causing him to cry out and spill his seed within the brunets depths.

Duke who had been enjoying the intricate patterns Seto's tongue was tracing over his sensitive flesh, both felt and heard the brunet's release, followed by their blond lover, which in turn caused him to go over the edge as he cried out. Vibrating suction is a good thing. Seto collapsed face first into Duke's lap with Joey on top of him nuzzling him from behind happily. The three of them sated and dog-tired, they unintentionally fell asleep (so when the night shift entered the house they walked right back out upon seeing this sight) in a pile there with the T.V. still running in the background.