Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Tainted Reflection ❯ My Tainted Reflection ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh and I doubt I own the title, but I do own the poem like story.

A/n: This is kinda like an opposite fic to "My Innocent Hikari" except that it's not connected, nor does it have to be the same person.

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My tainted reflection,

My hateful yami,

My blemished half,

I hate you, my devil.


The coppery taste,

The overconfident smirk,

The cold merciless eyes,

Such horror it holds.


Such evil displayed.

How I wish you were gone,

To be free, to be happy, to be myself,

Once more.


It is nothing more than false hope,

For you will never vanish,

It's hardly easy to cope,

The only way is if you were banished.


Within this realm,

Upon this world,

You now reside,

Where I should occupy.


I scream in pain,

From your sadistic pleasures,

As the blade slices through,

Licking off the crimson liquid in such measures,

Is a joy reserved only for you.


I close my eyes,

Wishing I weren't so foolish,

For you'd never be here,

If I had not held such rage.


But I now know,

That I have no choice.

For I am forever imprisoned,

As your playtoy.


Nothing more,

Than a tainted reflection,

For I've become just like you,

A tainted, tarnished spirit.


In the shadows,

I will stay,

For there is no light,

I am only your prey.


Only your host,

Your vessel, your puppet, your slave,

And nothing else. . .

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Note to Reviewers of Mokuba's Slumber Party:

Those of you who read "Mokuba's Slumber Party," I'm sorry for not updating it for 3 wks, but I have finals this wk. Just 5 more days, and I'll have my summer break, where hopefully I'll get to update more.

Authoress Notes: So what do you think? Did you enjoy it? Can you guess who that was? Reviews please.

By the way, I posted the bonus last ch. to "Ryou's Journal" if you haven't read it yet, but read the warnings on that first. The rating is only based on that last ch. the rest of the story is PG-13.

Don't forget to voice your opinions and review or constructive criticism. See ya. ^-^