Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Tenshi ❯ Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Akai:Konnichiwa minna-san! ^-^ im sooooo happy i got my 1st review!!!!

Kuroi: big deal!

Akai: *thwacks Kuroi* shush! well i got the 1st review so ill update ^-^ i should be doing homework buuuuut abad homework grad doesnt matter!

Kuroi: >< baka hikari your not gunna e able to go to the fair this year!

Akai: wrong yami. Reportcards go out 2 days after the fair so im safe ^-^ lalalalalala

Kuroi: ahhh screw it!

~*Review responce*~

Cazzy123: hehehehehehe im obsessed with Ryou too ^-^ thats who im going to be for Halloween
silver hair and all XD
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This chappy is Dedicated to: Cazzy123 and my friends Courtney A.K.A Corky and Jenny A.K.A Dwenny
who have Read this story ^-^
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My Tenshi

Chapter 1: Friends
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*~Yugi's Pov~*

I walk to my school alone again, for I have no friends. All any one ever did was call me a freak,
tease me about my height, hit me , or just plainly make my life a living hell.
I go to school at Reiko Elementry School, where im in the 4th grade (a.n mi fic i say he is in elementry school!)
As I walk along the typicaly busy streets of down town Domino city, now they are empty, empty like the void in
my heart that i long to fill with new emotions for the only emotions i show are saddness and grief.
I lost my parents in a freak accident, and every one on both sides of my family blamed me accept for one person,
my grandfather. A kind hearted man who supports me, loves me, and belives in me.
ah. the door to Mrs.Sprite's class room i look inside and only the teacher is there, wait there are two boys there too.
I walk in side and the teacher greets me. "Good morning Yugi" "Morning" i replyed never much of a talker.

" Yugi these people are Ryou Ishtar and Malik Ishtar, I would like you to show them around school today."


I said walking to my desk and putting my stuff down. I see Malik and Ryou walk twards me.

"Good morning" i speek in a low tone.

"Ryou isnt much of a talker, bad past. Same with me."

"Well it seems we all 3 have something in common"

"Well well well if it isnt Yugi!''

I froze. Kamaine, the school pain in the ass A.K.A the bully

"what do you want?'' i said in a cold tone,well for me you wouldnt call it cold because its how i typicaly talk.

"to play with my favorite punching bag!''


Malik and Ryou werent looking to thilled as well.

"awwwwwww is wittle Yugi and his friends afraid????"

"shut up Kamaine"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" his voice grew louder

''I SAID SHUT YOUR FRICKIN TRAP!" (a.n sorry ^-^ family comp)

I was scared of my self. I actualy stood up for my self.

"whatever mouto ill see you later" he said as he walked off

"wow! I would never do that!'' Ryou said

"I never thought i would be able to stand up to him, hes been bugging me for 3 years ever since i came here." I said

"Hey Yugi? where do you live?" Malik asked

" Kame Game Shop."

"Cool! can we come with you after school to your house? Im sure Ishisu (sp?) wont mind" (heheheheh i made Ryou and Malik brothers)

"ok ill see you then." I replyed as they walked to there desks

Yep. This was the begining of a beautiful friendship.
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Akai: well heres my update ^-^

Kuroi: yup I was thinking much worse from the day at school you had.

Akai: well thats why that person is in my gym class!!!

Kuroi: oh well, oh yea! Akai doesnt own Yu-Gi-Oh

Akai: thanks yami!

Kuroi & Akai: R&R
