Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Wings ❯ My Wings ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Wings
By: Oreana Minamino
Description: I did an image for my friend one night when she broke down into depression saying how her wings were clipped no thanks to those around her with the exception of her baby brother whom she loves to death and a few good online friends. After I completed the image and tried to clock out for bed, a few rhyming words started to plague my mind late at night so I grabbed a piece of paper and pencil and started writing them down. All and all, this is Bakura talking to her since she loves that character with Malik. So, enjoy.
I see you there upon the floor
In a pool of your own blood
It saddens me to see you there
From all the things he's done
Those pure and beautiful wings of white
They once could touch the sky
But thanks to all the things he did
They will never reach so high
So here is what I am willing to do
Since you know I truly care for you
My wings are not as pure as yours
They are dark as dark can be
Things were rough
But I've been tough
I'll let you lean on me
These dark and evil wings, can protect you from all harm
Just sleep my dear
No need to fear
Relax and don't be alarmed
You say you cannot fly away
And maybe, for now, that's true
But you can use my wings for now
And I'll fly away with you
Away from all the hurt and pain
I will help you deep into the night
No longer will you hurt, my love
Now use your wings to take first flight